geminemesis · 1 year
Plutonian Relationships Master Post ~
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In order to get a really good understanding of Plutonian relationships, it’s best to examine the story of Persephone. In Greek mythology, Persephone was the innocent maiden stolen from her controlling and over-protective mother and taken into the underworld by Hades, the brother of Zeus. Long story short, Hades did not believe he was worthy of Persephone’s love as he feared she was too good for him, would realize her worth, and eventually abandon him. So in order to prevent his worst fear from becoming a reality, he decided that kidnapping Persephone would be his greatest bet. One day, while Persephone was out on her lonesome picking a narcissus flower, Hades (pluto)  came up from the underworld and kidnapped her before anyone could notice. 
The relationship between Hades and Persephone was intense, chaotic, and extreme. The legend states that Persephone was raped and coerced into violent sexual acts against her will while staying in the underworld. Luckily, Demeter (Persephone’s mother) fought viciously for the return of her daughter while Zeus (Jupiter) took a passive stance, not wanting to sour the connection between him and his brother. Thanks to Demeter’s hard work, Persephone was able to come back to earth with her mother, but only under the condition that she would spend half a year with Hades, every year. Thus, the Greek theory of Summer and Winter Solstice was born. Legend has it that the warm summer months are a result of Persephone being reunited with her mother, and thus, Demeter putting her regular care and consistency into harvesting and keeping the earth balanced. While the colder winter months are believed to be the period when Persephone was forced to stay with Hades in the underworld, resulting in Demeter neglecting her harvesting duties as she mourned for her daughter. 
In Plutonian relationships, we often find that one person ends up playing Persephone (typically the planet person) while the other ends up playing Hades (the pluto person). The pluto person feels an instant attraction to the planet person and must find a way to bond with them at all costs (it almost feels like their life depends on it). Based on the natal conditions of pluto in each of the natives charts, this connection can be magnetic or horrific. Those with a strong angular pluto (or a pluto that aspects many personal planets/ personal planets in the 8th house) will often welcome this kind of connection with little to no fear while those with a weaker pluto may be prone to attempting to avoid the connection at all costs. 
The early stages of the relationship are often intense. The first meeting can be strictly psychic. Eye contact between the lovers can feel so magnetic, the two may feel inclined to get physical within the first couple of unions. Those with  a strong saturn may play hard to get and may even have more discipline/endurance in terms of resisting the pluto person. This can make for an even more exiting bond as the pluto person will become obsessed with getting the saturn person to submit. The goal is to have sex with one another, as this is when the plutonian relationship really takes off as the energies finally merge.
Often times, after the first sexual encounter, the relationship shifts in a way that is felt by both parties. Subconscious fears and motives rise to the surface and suddenly become visible. The pluto person will often have the upper hand as they will have an easier time interpreting these rising energies. At the same time, the planet person is exposed to the pluto persons deepest fears: abandonment and betrayal. What pluto does not realize is that, if they use the information they acquire about their partner in attempt to control the relationship (think how Hades held Persephone hostage) they are only revealing their innermost fears and insecurities as a result. Eventually, the planet person grows to understand the fears of the pluto person and, at first, does their very best to be gentle and tender towards these vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, pluto’s insecurities often get the best of him/her and a battle between the two lovers often emerges. Persephone (the planet person) begins to realize that they are not psychologically safe with this person and must protect themselves (withdrawal often commences). Like a self-fulfilling prophecy, pluto realizes that the planet person is flaky and not to be trusted. 
In reality, these two want to be together very, VERY badly. But what they struggle to understand is that the relationship is pulling up subconscious baggage and asking each person to deal with it alongside one another. This is a very scary and vulnerable thing to ask of people. Imagine having to sit in a therapists office alongside a parent. The parent can hear your every thought, fear, and concern that perhaps you weren’t able to share with them so openly in the past. This is exactly what a plutonian relationship is doing in attempt to transform each native. The energy is playing therapist and the couple must work together to work through the baggage. However, there is a tendency to want to deal with demons in private, in secret, where it is safe. This is not because the two are looking to gain the upper hand psychologically (contrary to popular belief) but because each partner fears being abandoned by the other, and what quicker way to be abandoned than to reveal the uglier, unkempt parts of yourself to the one you cherish the most. Think of the last time you revealed something quite personal and heavy about yourself to someone you were interested in. The average person would run as fast as they could from such a display, while a plutonian relationship would thrive off of such an act of courage. 
In this relationship, both people are being asked to be brave enough to bare their souls. The key to healing lies in trusting one another, but innate insecurities lead to quite the opposite. The insecurities of the couple can often become so challenging that the relationship resorts to mind games, manipulation, and in worst case.. abuse. 
Let’s take a look at commont types of Plutonian Relationships and their effects on a couple. 
Pluto in Aspect to Partners Personal Planets-
Sun-Pluto: The Sun person is often strong, courageous, attractive, and powerful on their own. They attract Pluto with their radiant, jovial, and charismatic energy. When the Pluto person aspects the Sun person gently (sextilex/trines) the relationship is seen as a source of vitality. The sun person may feel unstoppable besides the pluto person and spend a vast amount of time uplifting the self esteem of the pluto person, who also feels strongest besides their sunshine. When the conjunction takes place, the two can become sources of energy for one another. The sun person may view pluto as a lucky charm while pluto may feel most powerful besides la sol. Consequently, when the two are apart, feelings of confusion and insecurity can take place.. causing on or both partners to fall into hermit mode until the other returns. With the harsher aspects (square and opposition) we can find an intense collision of egos. Perhaps the two feel like the connection is beneficial on a physical level. Sun and Pluto look very good together and garner the attention and respect they so desire. But behind the scenes, there can be a lot of disagreement, friction, and explosive arguments. With harsh aspects, each partner wants the other to submit. But because there is often tension or opposition, this will not come without a drastic cost.. and in worst cases, without losing the relationship for good. 
Moon-Pluto: The moon person is instantly attracted to the pluto person, though they understand early on what they are getting into. Moon see’s pluto as a protector and someone who can meet their deepest emotional desires. With the soft aspect, pluto willingly takes on this duty and puts great effort into bringing comfort and happiness to la lune. Pluto can easily handle the ever changing emotions of moons and even finds this sexy at times. The moon person welcomes pluto’s intensity with open arms and validation of all sorts. Things can grow a bit more intense with the conjunction. The moon realizes that pluto is looking for control and is somewhat willing to surrender as long as pluto can consistently meet moon’s emotional needs. This becomes a bit more challenging because it is not entirely possible to  consistently meet  the needs of another without neglecting oneself on some level. With the conjunction, pluto begins to realize the true power of the moon person and gains a lot of respect but a lot of mistrust towards the person. Covert attempts to get desires met can cause a lot of emotional unease between the two lovers. It is best to be frank about what you need from one another and be understanding if the other person is unable to meet your desires in the way you may be looking for. At the same time, extreme emotional growth can occur between these two parties once they learn to compromise, and an unbreakable bond emerges as a result. With the hard aspects (square/opposition) pluto realizes that they are in jeopardy of being abandoned by the moon if they cannot provide in the way that the moon expects. As a result, pluto becomes controlling, manipulative, and deceitful in attempt to psychologically tame the moon person. The moon person instantly senses pluto’s ulterior motives and puts up a shell to protect themselves from harm. Pluto person can grow frustrated from the emotional distance of moon and seek to dominate them with all their might. With the hard aspect, pluto is attempting to regain the power they lost through greed and abuse of power. The moon person can end up letting the pluto person in only to close off the minute they feel threatened. The pull and push of this connection could easily drive one or both parties to the point of insanity. 
Mercury-Pluto: Mercury is energetic, quick, and witty. Pluto is introspective, intelligent, and attentive. The psychological connection between these two can be profound. Pluto admires mercury’s lighthearted and youthful nature and can grow protective and very Jupiterian like. Pluto happily takes mercury under his/her wing and seeks to deepen their insight. With the soft aspect, mercury is very receptive and finds plutos insights to be fascinating and amusing. With the conjunction, the two can experience telepathy. They may find that they are able to read each others minds even when far away from each other. One person may think of the other only to receive a phone call moments later. The pluto person in particular is able to easily interpret the needs of the mercury person and can choose to meet them or exploit them depending on the maturity of the pluto person and the security of the connection. The mercury person is in jeopardy of being subtly influenced by the pluto person if they are not cautious. Pluto recognizes that mercury is flighty and does not have the best attention span. Mercury easily displays interests in other people, places, and things, and bores easily. Pluto cannot and will not stand for this as they must be the center of mercury’s focus. Pluto wants to be seen as superior to all of mercury’s others interests, and if mercury does not in fact view pluto in this light, pljuto will implant psychological seeds that will eventually tame the mind of mercury, as seen with the harsher aspects. Pluto can also see mercury as child like and take on a Saturnian role in this connection, parenting Mercury whether or not they need to be parented. 
Venus-Pluto: Venus is beautiful, creative, innocent, and charming. Pluto is sexy, alluring, mysterious, and tempting to Venus. This connection, more than any other contact, will reenact the story of Persephone and Hades. Venus is the lovely maiden who seeks to beautify all that she touches. Her heart is pure and she seeks harmony. Pluto is taken aback by Venus because she is quite the opposite of him. Pluto feels like he must merge with venus in order to experience her unconditional and effortless love. Venus recognizes pluto right away. She noticed how he was watching from the shadows and feels as if she knows just what needs to be done in order to heal Pluto’s lonesome heart (sextile/trine). But once pluto experiences her delicate touch, he becomes addicted and possessive. Pluto understands venus’ effects. He wee’s how others are smitten by her. How popular and loved she is. At the same time, Venus recognizes how hurt pluto is by the world. She recognizes his issues with trust. She see’s that he’s been disconnected from his inner child and passionately takes on the duty of reconnecting him (conjunction). These two exchange acts of love and healing, with pluto making venus feel incomparable and irreplaceable and venus making pluto feel desires, loved, and appreciated. Unfortunately, no amount of sheltering can prevent others from being drawn to venus. Pluto cannot handle venus’ admirers. He is sure that if he does not take action, he will lose her at the hands of another. Once pluto loses confidence in the connection, he does everything in his power to hold venus hostage as her love is only for him. Unfortunately, Venus rarely takes this well and begins resisting pluto’s control in attempt to return back to a life of ease, harmony, and beauty (square/oppsition).
Mars-Pluto: Mars and Pluto have an interesting relationship and may have the strongest connection of all. Mars understands pluto’s intensity and considers it to be noble and that of a warrior. Pluto respects mars’ tenacity and considers it to be a passion that cannot be matched by any other (harmonious aspects). These two often feel like two different sides of the same coin and are very interested in better understanding where differences lie. Eventually, Pluto begins to understand that mars is a no bullshit kind of energy. Pluto begins to realize that they cannot tame or control mars as easily as they may have tamed the others. Mars begins to realize that Pluto has an energy similar to its own and feels the need to defend their number 1 spot. For the first time, the two recognize a challenge in one another that they haven’t been able to find in other people (conjunction). They understand that they can completely be themselves with one another as nothing is off limits here. Unfortunately, Pluto is often more disciplined and has greater endurance than mars which can cause mars to feel insecure and inferior. As a result, mars begins to poke at pluto’s weaknesses in attempt to regain power and control and things can turn extremely aggressive between these two if pluto feels like mars is challenging them too often. Ego’s run high with the harsh aspects and both planets feel the need to prove their strength to the other, even at the cost of the stability and happiness of the relationship. Sex between these two is the best way to release the competitive energy. The sex can often be so magnetic that it can serve to patch up the many holes within the relationship, created by such massive egos. 
(Note, the more aspects a person’s pluto makes to the personal planets of another, the more intense the relationship will become. The Persephone effect mainly takes place when one person’s pluto fails to interact with the personal planets of their partner while the partner’s pluto effortlessly interacts with their personal planets. The Persephone person may struggle to find their power within the relationship. If both partners plutos aspect the personal planets of one another, the relationship can take on the role of Persephone’s transformation… when she accepted her duties as queen of the underworld and become a very powerful and respected ruler as well as a very loved and respected partner.) 
Personal Planets in Partners 8th House-
Sun in Partners 8th House: There is often confusion as to whether the planets person plays the role of Persephone as opposed to the house person. I’d like to look at it this way, picture the house as a cup and the planet as water. What does water fall into? The cup. Meaning the cup is receiving the water. Planets act as what while houses act as where. With the Sun falling in a partners 8th house, we find a person who feels the need to share their life with the 8th house person. The sun feels comfortable sharing stories both personal and private with the 8th house person because their is an innate feeling that the 8th house person welcomes and understands these things. The Sun person feels like they have won a lottery ticket as they have found a person who will provide them with undivided attention as well as the admiration they desire. The planet person can feel taken aback by the intensity at which the sun person approaches them. This connection can be as simple as the stranger who tells all their business to the person sharing the bench with them as they wait for the bus. 
Moon in Partners 8th House: The moon person, whether they are aware of it or not, finds the 8th house person to be therapeutic and can even resort to dumping on to the 8th person. Often times, the 8th house person is generous and does not mind. But it is not uncommon for the 8th house person to feel drained and seek time alone after intense emotions are shared with one another. The moon person helps the 8th house person to deal with traumatic and repressed emotions that may have been neglected and remain un-dealt with. This is a very powerful placement and there will be a strong psychic connection between these two. 
Mercury in Partners 8th House: These two can talk for hours without getting bored of one another. The Mercury person understands the subconscious mind of the 8th house person and creates a safe space for the 8th houser to open up and explore themselves a bit more comfortably. Meanwhile. Mercury also feels comfortable speaking openly and authentically with the 8th house person. Think of the stranger who gets drunk in a bar and ends up pouring their life story out to the person next to them. This is a Mercury-8th house connection. 
Venus in Partners 8th House: The Venus person feels sexy and desireable around the 8th house person and can easily become addicted to the validaton and attention. They also help the 8th house person to feel these things. Venus is very interested in merging with the 8th house person and may be interested in pursuing a relationship with them long before they let on. The 8th house person often appears mysterious to venus and venus is not quite sure if the 8th house is interested at first. These two express themselves quite differently but the attraction is often mutual. Venus can help the 8th house person to deal with fears if abandonment and betrayal in terms of love. Venus feels very connected to the vulnerabilities of the 8th house person and is determined to show them the meaning of true love. The 8th person can shy away as they tend to feel extremely exposed, vulnerable, and powerless besides venus. However, the connection is often so deep that no matter how far the two tread away from one another, they will almost always find their way back. 
Mars in Partners 8th House: The 8th house person is often uncomfortable with house sexy they find the mars person. The mars person recognizes the interest of the 8th house person and gains an immediate ego boost. However, the 8th house person is usually private and difficult to read, which pulls mars in and creates an attraction out of this world. The closer mars gets, the more they realize how truly enticing the 8th house person is. At first, mars may have solely been attracted to the attention and sexual admiration of the 8th house person. But if a connection is formed, the roles will often reverse as the mars person will be interested in conquering the 8th house person. 
(Note: The 8th house person is a more sublte manifestation of plutonian energy and will not be as proactive as pluto itself. Think of planets in the 8th house as an IV.. with the planet person being the IV and house person being the recipient. The 8th house person often takes on a more passive role than a pluto person, making them far more timid and far more cautious about expressing the plutonian energy. Most of the connection takes place energetically, when a persons planets fall into the 8th house of another.) 
But wait, what if both partners are plutonian natally but do not share many pluto/8th house contacts? This can be a fun relationship because whatever contacts are made between one another, there will be a plutonian twist! Think Gomez and Morticia Adams. The couple may very well have a lot of 7th house/venus-moon contacts in synastry and perhaps even composite (hence the harmony) but they both bring their own touch of pluto into the lives of one another. There may be even more room to help each other grow using the individual lessons each of you have acquired throughout your lifetimes. 
“You can’t lie to your soul”
                                                                     - Irvine Welsh 
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geminemesis · 4 years
lilith square moon? thank you so much for doing this 💓💓
☔ emotional tension and inner agitation without having a real motive to do so
☔ if there is something that displeases you, you will run obsessively towards something else - ex "my family does not accept me so I will have to make a lot of money and have a great career to prove that I can and i am worthy of theirs love" - this would happen on the axis of houses 4-10 (if lilith is in the 10h) for example; but even that is not enough to fill your gap from your heart
☔ you need to find an emotional balance cuz lilith push you to emotional exhastion with thoughts and facts that do not exist in real life
☔ you refuse your mother's love or anything related to your mom
☔ you want to be accepted and for that you think that you need to say nice things and compliment people
☔ in a men's chart can suggest misoginism
☔ you have hard time integrating and accepting your feminine side
☔ fear of women and what can they think and feel about you; having hard time trusting their intensions
☔ you feel the need to punish yourself emotionally believing that you don't deserve enough (ex: "chocolate! I want that but today i didn't do anything great, maybe i will eat it tomorrow") , but "tomorrow" obviously you will feel the same
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geminemesis · 5 years
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geminemesis · 6 years
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to the grocery store to make homemade ramen 🚲
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geminemesis · 6 years
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geminemesis · 6 years
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Balance ☯️ | juusohd
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geminemesis · 6 years
Eris the 10th Planet thru the Houses, Where in Life Do You Feel “Left Out”?
Discovered in 2005, from plates found in 2003, Eris is a Trans-Neptunian Object, which is an astronomical term meaning further out than Neptune. She was named a dwarf planet along with Pluto. She was Planet X, then nicknamed Xena, then officially named after the brother of Ares/Mars, the goddess of discord.
Eris entered Aries in 1923 and will not enter Taurus until 2048, so almost everyone alive right now has Eris in Aries, therefore making the house of Eris more personal to you. It takes 556 years for Eris to orbit the sun.
“Eris is one who struggles against injustice and oppression. She has her war-like and even bloodthirsty side, with the higher manifestation of defending the weak and standing up for oneself. Her placement and aspects to other planets correlate to the archetype of the underdog warrior, speaking truth to power, and with also a willingness to resort to violence if necessary. Many manifestations of this archetype exist in the present culture, and the discovery period is also coincident with the onset of the Iraq war. This archetype represents a dire motif of the struggle for survival that is inherent in the natural world, and in humankind also, and which represents once again, as with Pluto and Chiron, a darker side of our common humanity that must be acknowledged and faced in our time. Where she located in your chart, you have the capability to make a powerful and perhaps ruthless stand for yourself, and to battle against all odds.” –Time Passages Software
Eris in the 1st house: Your presence is so radical that you don’t fit in with most people. You boldly state your opinions and you might even get a thrill from causing trouble between people. You are a brave fighter full of strength. You thrive on conflict as it propels you to feel alive. You prefer revolution over tradition. You crave discord and excitement as opposed to trying to find peace in life. You feel doldrums when life is too calm, you always feel the need to take on challenges.
Eris in the 2nd house: You resist the current system of economy and want to rebel against being dependent on money, you’re the person who is cut out for growing their own food and/or living off the grid. You feel a drive in your soul to not be materially attached, even if you might have other factors in your chart that indicate a tendency to splurge on possessions. You value sticking up for the underdog, fighting injustice, and living passionately.
Eris in the 3rd house: The school system made you feel boxed in; your learning style might not grasp academic lessons, but is able to absorb information when you are allowed to learn on your own. You didn’t get all the attention from teachers that would have helped you excel in the classroom, so rather, you reject commands of busy work assignments and find brilliance by doing projects your own way. You may have been made to feel dumb because you could not meet standards that other students could, yet the chaos in your mind brings ideas together when you are given freedom to learn at your own pace.
Eris in the 4th house: Your family made you feel like the odd one out, they did not sympathize with you during hard times. You had to break away from traditions and find yourself. The universe gives you permission to shamelessly reject what your parents taught you, as they may not have had the most well rounded perspective when they raised you. They likely treated you with injustice and made you feel oppressed.
Eris in the 5th house: Your idea of fun is different than those around you, so it may have been difficult to find comradery (feeling of a connected community) until you found a group of people with a common interest. Your hobbies are seen as strange, compared to typical activities that most people enjoy. Your children may have a discordant temperament. Your romantic life is filled with chaos.
Eris in the 6th house: You don’t fit in at most workplaces, you resist being subordinate to a boss. You feel oppressed by the daily grind and wish to find a more exciting job. You’d do well in an action packed vocation that allows you to be a maverick. You feel like you weren’t given a fair shot in the workforce and may excel more if you become self-employed. Your health will decline when you act discordant.
Eris in the 7th house: Relationships always seem to end up in flames in your life, which includes business partnerships, lovers, close friends, etc. You wonder why can’t I just find that special someone and make it last? You attract discordant people. Perhaps you haven’t worked through all the chaos within you and so you project others as being difficult. If you make a point to cultivate inner peace while acknowledging your own inner wild self, you will draw in the right people who do not provoke you too much.
Eris in the 8th house: Deep in your soul lies discordance that you need to embrace and understand. You desire a crazy sex life to let out inhibitions your chaotic emotions that you don’t get to release in other areas in life.
Eris in the 9th house: You feel that religion has oppressed you, you do not resonate with the faith you were raised with and it is up to you to explore spirituality in many forms to find your own truths. Traveling alone would be very therapeutic to you. You love the idea of higher learning, but the structure of college doesn’t agree with you. You experience injustice in the college setting.
Eris in the 10th house: Your discordant nature makes it difficult to achieve your career goals. You’d excel in a career that involves helping others who have been left out, for example, special education, infertility, adoption agencies, counseling, addiction, women’s or men’s rights advocacy, etc. You are resistant to bosses that expect you to be subordinate, you have to fight to achieve the goals and jobs that suit you.
Eris in the 11th house: No matter how many friends you have, you still feel like they don’t include you in their lives as much as you’d like. You feel like a lone wolf, you don’t fully fit in with most groups. If you find friends who appreciate your uniqueness, you’ll feel fulfilled. Make it a point to seek non-judgmental, open, and understanding people, and you can allow yourself to grow close to people who matter. You can heal from any previous friends who betrayed you or any times you felt like you had no one to reach out to.
Eris in the 12th house: You subconsciously want to be alone in order to dig deep into your spiritual self. You have sabotaged relationships and opportunities because you hadn’t worked thru your inner baggage. Your soul has likely existed on other planets as you feel estranged from this world in general. You can journey through other dimensions because your chaotic spirit endlessly searches for more. You are fighting a battle in your psyche, as Eris triggered the Trojan war. Your chaotic nature has been suppressed, as you realize that too many people in this world cannot handle you.
If you would like me to look at your entire chart and how Eris makes aspects to your birth planets, I offer natal chart readings, among many other services that you can check out at AcaiPsycheLife.tumblr.com/readings
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geminemesis · 6 years
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♡ I’ll never tell you how I feel ♡
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“There is a season for wildness and a season for settledness, and this is neither. This season is about becoming.” – Shauna Niequist
Photos by Sara Greyfox 
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geminemesis · 6 years
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