geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
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SHE SHOULDN’T BE THERE this wasn’t her coven (she doesn’t have a coven) but she manages to slip in without being seen or maybe no one really cared given that there wasn’t much of a coven left to begin with, these twins were the last real strand of it. Alaric standing there looking so pained and heartbroken and she found a place next to her. Please, please let her live. It wasn’t that she wanted Lizzie to die so much as she wanted Josie to LIVE. The twins holding hand and hand, saying there last goodbyes to each other before the ritual starts and Hope feels the shift in the air, 
As much as she wanted to tear her eyes from the sight, she couldn’t seem to pull her eyes away even as she sees the light slowly going out of her girlfriend’s eyes. Alaric’s hand reaches out to hers and she takes it, interlaced fingers and slowed down time until both twins fell to the ground and Hope wonders if something went wrong UNTIL the blonde head is the one moving, sitting up and her pain is written in her face with tears running down her own face at the fact that she was the one the survive. 
Three people are the ones that let out broken sobs, Hope falling to her knees in a blink of an eye screaming out the name of her soulmate, Lights blow out one by one and there is a fire that starts around the tribrid and no one can stop it, no one really CARES about the destruction that she can leave in her wake because all that matters is Josie is dead and Hope wishes that they could have taken her instead. Fingers gripping her arms as bruises form. The tears die down at some point leaving an exhausted tribrid behind. The body of her love being cried over by her twin and all she can do is stand on shaking legs and go over, touch Lizzie’s back and kneel down beside Josie’s body and the twin that is hurting, agony it was. Goodbye, my love.
She’d spent every year, every day, every single minute leading up to her twenty-second birthday squeezing every last drop out of life. Because Josie wanted to live, she wanted to live so badly, but no matter how much she could want that, the brunette wanted her twin to live more. She wanted to know that Lizzie would grow up and grow into herself, that she’d be happy. That she’d find someone to love everything about her. Because in an odd twist of fate Josie had found that. Even if it’d been a long and harrowing road that included setting fire to things maybe one too many times. On the worse days she reflected on that first moment when she’d built up her courage to face the fact that she’d fallen for then Hope Marshall. The small letter she’d written that had been essentially embarrassing word vomit letting her know all the ways she thought she was amazing. Those darker days made her wonder if Hope had known then, if she hadn’t destroyed the note, if maybe they would have gotten together sooner. Maybe they could have had even more time together. But that didn’t matter now. It couldn’t. Because Josie had had her time to be selfish, and now it was time for her to let go of it, to push it down. It felt impossible.
As the ritual began the brunette knew her girlfriend was near, she could feel it in her bones. The same way she could feel Lizzie. It only made sense, no matter how much she’d begged her not to come, not to put herself through watching this. Because Josie would have ignored herself too. She’d fight against anything to have that one final look, but her eyes remained trained on her twin, trying to get her final look, her final moments being close to her other half. She knew that if her gaze strayed, for even one moment, that everything she’d built herself up for would be at risk. So as the chanting began Josie let Hope have that final look for the both of them. She let Lizzie in, let herself be consumed as her body suddenly felt like a rag doll the invisible thread keeping her standing snipped above her. Josie’s body hit the floor and all she saw was white.
“I have something for you.” Josie told Hope hesitantly as she sat on their bed in the early morning light, her rather large box in hand. It was hard to track down exactly when Hope’s place had become their place, when she’d stopped sleeping in a bed beside her twin. Sure the pair were still almost always together, brought along by the call of them gemini and their simple adoration for each other. But these quiet moments now were just for her and Hope. “It’s---- I started making them after I told you.” She explained handing over the box, the box filled with journals and scrapbooks filled with pictures, dated with little descriptions of the things they had been doing. Bundles of letters labeled with ‘Open when you’re _____’. “I guess it was really presumptuous of me but----” She hesitated again twisting her fingers. “---I wanted you to have something for when I’m not here.” For when this day ended and Hope had to go back to a half empty bed.
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If Josie dies mini series
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
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HOPE GETS IT, SHE TRULY DOES being so willing to give your life up for someone else. She was willing to bind herself for her mother, die for her father to live and her family to be together again and if someone had asked her to LIVE and fight, she wouldn’t have because FAMILY IS POWER and they are the only ones that will stand up for you when the world is crumbling down on you. ❝I love you,❞ she whispers wiping her eyes again. ❝And I love Lizzie because you love her.❞ Lizzie will give me the closeness of you when you are gone. Hear her breathing and think of how once upon a time they shared a womb.  ❝And if you don’t want to fight and win….I respect that,❞ she understood it and there is no way to rig it for Josie to win even if she wants to spend forever with her.
❝And I will love you until the day you die,❞ Hope promises, ❝We have just a little while together but I intend to make the best of it.❞ Take you to Greece with Lizzie and make as many memories, take as many pictures and tell Lizzie’s children all about their Aunt Josie and how amazingly beautiful she was. ❝Make a bucket list of things you want to do and we will do as many of them as we can.❞ God, this wasn’t fair. All the death that she has dealt with in her life and now she was going to lose her soulmate, her love, her breath of fresh air. 
“I love you Hope Mikaelson.” Josie told her softly her heart swelling at the words, she still remembered the first time they were exchanged the burst of joy she felt. Now they were said softly and with sorrow. Reaching forwards Josie tried to help wipe Hope’s tears away kissing her when she replied with support to her wishes. Another thing that she loved about her, something that drew them together, the love of family and the understanding of sacrifice that comes with it. “If it was anything else--- anyone else---” She began moving instead to intertwine their fingers. “I would fight tooth and nail to be with you. I never thought that I’d get to have something like this.” Maybe it was the payment for getting to have found someone you loved so much, one horrible permanent thing for one wonderful thing that so many never found.
“I’ll love you until I die too, and even a little after that.” Josie promised in return squeezing tightly. “Actually a lot after that. I’ll find peace, and I’ll wait--- even if it’s a million billion years.” Because Hope was worth that to her, she could have a full life on the other side, they both could have full lives. Her only fear being that Hope would not only find love again, but arrive on the other side one day hand in hand with someone else. But she cared for her so much that she knew that even then she’d step aside, for exactly why she was telling Hope the truth now. She could be selfish enough to ask her to love her but she could also be selfless enough to know when to let go for the good of the other. Even if it meant a broken heart. But then another part of her, a strong part believed that no matter what they were meant to be. Two people who existed based off of loopholes, through mixed up magic. “Then we can have as much time as we want. I promise.” She’d film as many things for her as she could, start keeping a diary and write down all the times she thought of her, make those ‘if you’re feeling like this’ letters even if there would never be enough to cover an eternity. Josie would leave this world making sure that Hope knew that she felt honoured to get to have been in love like this. “I can’t even think about things I’d want to do.” Maybe because there was too many, too many things racing around her mind of what she could be missing out on. The High School experience she was fine on, having a first love, finding her last love, all were checked off, she’d traveled through Europe for brief periods of time with her twin and her Mom. “Where do you start with that?”
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
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HOPE SITS UP THEN SEEING AS whatever conversation they were going to have seemed serious enough for her girlfriend to not look at her face. the glossed over details of the coven dying was something that she knew, she also knew those siphon witches were rare and came from one coven and that was the Gemini Coven. Josie starts talking and with each word her spark, her hope is BURNING out like a CANDLE being put out. She understood what was being dead, could pick up the words. Josie is going to DIE and Lizzie was going to LIVE but if it is a battle of wills or whatever, couldn’t Josie win? Was it selfish of Hope to pray that Josie ends up on top? Yes, it was selfish of her to want to see Lizzie DEAD just so that her girlfriend could LIVE. Hope’s breathing goes in short breaths, anxiety rising in her body. ❝I…we are just going to….❞ 
Her hand reaches out to stay steady on the bed, she feels like she might just pass out then and there, her head is heavy but not nearly as heavy as her heartfelt. Her girlfriend wasn’t going to make it to see TWENTY THREE years of age. This is a conversation that Hope never wanted to have even though her immortal status made it something that they needed to talk about. ❝Just going to have to make the best of the time we have together.❞ Tears threating to fall, every time she blinks the urge to let those tears free becomes harder and harder to resist until she is crying, constantly wiping away tears from her cheeks. ❝There is nothing we can do? For you to win? for this not to happen?❞ Hope always thought that she would turn Josie into a vampire or have that conversation about doing it but now it seems useless. 
It was only then when Hope spoke that she looked her, it feeling as if her heart was being squeezed so tightly in may burst. But for once not in the good way, this time in a way that only radiated pain. A breathless laugh escaped Josie, a one void of emotion so amused yet so endeared as she somehow lived up to her own name. That Hope was carrying on the hope for them. As if they lived in some fairytale where they’d get a happily ever after. The soft epilogue that they deserved after everything they’d been through. The one that Hope deserved. One she’d have to find someday in someone else as much as the thought burned the siphoner to think of.
At the mention of her winning Josie felt her own eyes start to tear up, because she didn’t want to die. She wanted to live, so badly, she wanted 80 more birthdays, a thousand more from every fantasy of their relationship maybe lasting that long. The ones she’d had before she’d overheard the truth. “I think I could win.” Josie told her honestly because for all the ways that Lizzie was more dominant, more explosive in her power. Josie was quiet but well educated, she dabbled in all the darker sides without breathing a word of it. Deep down somewhere she thought that maybe, just maybe she was really the stronger one even for all that she shied away. “But I can’t live in a world where I’ve killed Lizzie, Hope.” She told her a sense of conviction in her voice as the tears started streaming down her cheeks. “I can’t---- I just---- I don’t know how to be without her.” Maybe she could tell her that her Mom was still more frantically than ever trying to dig up ways to save her. But in doing so she’d likely be giving her false hope, for a mythical cure that they’d likely never find in another hundred years. “I love her---- I’d choose her over me every time. I have to, she’s my twin.” As she looked at her now Josie felt like there was no way she could ever stop, stop looking at the person who was likely the very best thing in her life. The person who made her feel like everything, who gave her a slip second of pause. A pause however that she could never truly take.
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
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LIPS MAKING CONTACT WITH the only one in this world that has ever bothered to see her for something other than some magical creature that should have never been put on this planet. She wishes that they could stay in this bed, holding each other close forever but at was impossible. laying on her side, her hands touching any part of her that she could reach when suddenly the soft lips that felt like heaven weren’t there anymore. A whimper at the loss of contact. 
We need to talk. That doesn’t sound good, oh god is she breaking up with me? Panic sets in and she is swallowing hard trying to calm the sudden twist in her stomach that came with her girlfriend saying words that in movies were never good, the ones that meant that your relationship has run its course. ❝O-okay.❞ She stutters out, the confident tribrid not feeling so confident anymore. 
Blue eyes searching Josie’s darker ones searching for the answer to her question of if this is gone. If they were done for but she doesn’t see what she is looking for. ❝What do we need to talk about?❞ Just rip the band-aid off quickly. She doesn’t sit up, instead just rolls so that she is flat on her back.
"Um... well...” Josie trailed off her eyes remaining stubbornly away from her girlfriend’s face. This is why she never should have started dating her in the first place, because this conversation was always going to end up happening. It was selfish and for the first time in her life she wanted to be so, so selfish. Hope made her selfish wanting someone to love her back. But Hope had lost so many people in her life and way too early on. She could be selfish by wanting to be with Hope but she couldn’t let it overwhelm wanting what was best for her. Josie a literal ticking time bomb, wasn’t best for her. Biting her lip again Josie dragged in a deep breath deciding that it was now or never. It had to be or she’d never get the words out until it was too late.
“The Gemini coven is special, everyone’s life is tied to the life of the leader of the coven. But everyone died while Lizzie and I were the in womb, and we survived and you know all of that stuff.” She glossed over, knowing long ago how she’d confided in her own guilt of surviving to Hope once before. “But Lizzie and I would be the heir even if the coven was alive, not just because we were the Leader’s family but because we’re twins.” Josie added softly stressing the last word. “The Gemini Twins, are the heir, one heir Hope. Not two.” Her voice became a bit more ragged as her chest grew tight and her eyes remained still away from Hope. “There’s a competition when we turn 22, it’s something that just happens, it’s unstoppable. Lizzie and I compete and our magic binds together, I’m half of a whole Hope. Literally.” This was it, the next thing she said was something she couldn’t take back. “One of us will consume the other’s magic to become whole. Then the other will lose theirs and... die. When I turn 22, Lizzie is going to consume my magic and I’m going to die.”
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
It was official, she was dying. She must be dying, it was the only real explanation for what she felt as Hope Mikaelson, of all people looked at her. Not in the bad way, the way that had people running from her as she stood alone or with her pack. But in the way where she over romanticised blue eyes as a gapping abyss looking to swallow her whole. Because she felt like when Hope Mikaelson looked at her, she was actually looking at her. Not as something to skate past as the meek Josie found new and inventive ways to fold in on herself, and not as a matching popular set of twins when she wasn’t alone. It felt like she did when she was dating Penelope before it all went wrong, yet at the same time like something completely new.
But Josie was mortal and Hope most definitely was not. Josie was likely going to die on her 22nd birthday, no she would die. Because any world where she won and Lizzie lost was hardly one worth living. There could be nothing worse than losing a twin. So how could she lie by omission to her, keep this fate tucked away? Hold her hand and soak in magic and love while knowing with each passing day it would get worse. They both knew that she was mortal but it was just something they didn’t think about or talk about yet, because as heavy and true and real this all felt that conversation was something for years later. Like maybe when she was 25 and wanted to keep looking young but old enough. Her Mom was proof of the perils of being eternally 17 to those around her. But those days weren’t actually far away. This time limit was there a sword tied with string secretly swaying over their heads.
So as she laid on her side fingers twisted up in her hair as she kissed her girlfriend drowning in her the brunette managed to pull her away, to untwine them as she pushed herself up to lean against her hands. “We um--- we need to talk.” Josie said softly feeling inside her the first snapping thread on that string. 
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
🐾 — “I-” The hybrid was petrified. Only after Josie had taken to defending her sister that Orion had any semblance of control over his panic. It still took him a little while longer to form the words though. “I know Lizzie can come off as a little conceited but I’ve never seen her as a mean girl,” he made sure to say first and foremost. “I just, she likes to be flashy – and really, it’s only prominent when you compare her to, well, you.” He frowned, but it was meant to be apologetic. “I promise I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s actually one her best attributes.”
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“Oh. Sorry.” Josie’s darkened features quickly melted away for something a bit more bashful. She was protective of her twin and had a habit of jumping on the defence as quickly as possible. Her eyes drifted down to the bracelet wrapped around her wrist that she’d given her. “Yeah, Lizzie is kind of like sunlight. She radiates and sometimes can be intense to look at but she’s also warm and bright.” She really was the best person that she knew, on par with her girlfriend of course. Hope was the best too, she was just lucky to have so many best people in her life. “She’s my best friend. I can’t really imagine how people go about without a twin. I mean--- no offence. Maybe not everyone wants one, there’s a lot of sharing involved.” But the sharing really wasn’t all too bad.
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
“Despite what is written about me, I’m not as scary as I once was.” Klaus spoke with a soft laugh, noticing her grip onto her pen for dear life. In fact, Klaus had been relatively quiet in the homicide department. When he wasn’t attempting to get a good nights rest and trying to be in Hope’s life as much as he can he was reaching out to his contacts in New Orleans trying to figure a way around the merge. “Defensive magic,” His eyes took to the book she was studying, “Do they actually teach that here?” He knew the wolves and vampires were learning some defensive techniques, but he didn’t know a whole lot about what the witches were learning. 
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“It’s all they teach.” Josie replied her nose wrinkling at the thought. “I’ve been trying for years to push for offensive classes as well.” The brunette explained flipping the book that she’d been hiding under the textbook open. One she’d borrowed from the restricted section. She felt comfortable telling him about this, considering who he was, plus most of the offensive spells she’d learned early on were from his daughter. “Every now and then these creatures will show up at school and attack and there’s only so many times my Dad’s crossbow will solve the issue.” She elaborated, flipping past the page she’d been reading to a new one. “I met my Uncle Kai and we had this conversation. He wants to get to know me better but I’m not an idiot so I laid down a few subtle darker vibes, partially helped by having Ho---” Josie stopped short of saying her name before looking up at the Hybrid again narrowing her eyes. The last time they’d spoken she’d been at the stage where she hid their friendship. Now that they were dating Josie had totally discarded the idea and fully embraced publicly dating her. But that didn’t mean her Dad knew yet and it didn’t mean she should be the one to tell him. Should she? “I um... know a lot of attack spells but I want to know more just in case. Lighting my ex on fire only ended up with her getting a haircut and I don’t think I want to blow up an actual person. So I mean... it is defence. Because sometimes the best defence is a great offence.” That almost sounded like Josie knew something about sports.
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
(¸.• ♛ → “But I wanted to.” She says with a small smile, if there is someone that truly knows her was Josie and that never was going to change, she was so close to her twin that honestly she just loves her way too much, she was the light on her dark days, even if that sounds a bit corny. “I’m glad you do and yeah I figured you would like it.” Besides, Lizzie wanted to give Josie something good, perfect for her and this was it. The girl grabbed the box that Josie gave to her. “You also didn’t have to give me anything but who I am to say no to a gift?” Now she said in a playful tone looking at her. “Sure” This time the blonde was placing the bracelet around her twin’s wrist. “It looks perfect.” And now it was her turn, she opened the box and saw what it was inside, just like the sun that was on her side of the bed. She looked at Josie. “I love it, help me to put it on? Thank you!”
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Josie grinned happily pulling the necklace out of the box and putting it around her sister’s neck. It was perfect. Before she could help herself Josie was hugging Lizzie again, reassuring herself that she was really there in front of her. “I missed you so, so much Lizzie.” Even for all of her volatile ways the brunette had felt incomplete without her there. If she was going to leave again for a trip Josie was definitely going to go with her. Except if she were to do so there was one complication. Someone that she’d been growing close too and had altered her days and made her feel less lonely over the gap. “I actually have some news for you. I didn’t think it was over the phone news, or that really you’d be upset if I told you over the phone. I’m... dating again and I’m really happy.” She could only hope that her twin wouldn’t jump to some conclusion that it was Penelope again, considering the two had a tendency to fall back together every time Josie was between relationships. But she needed to slightly gear herself up to say her name, because the relationship between her twin and Hope had always been sort of strained.
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
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What is the most beautiful thing she has seen? Hands down Josie but not just that, it wasn’t just looking at Josie that was beautiful. It was the times she would lay on her bed with Mr. Binx near her or when she would laugh and her eyes would sparkle, it was when Josie would talk about her sister or make Mr. Binx a party hat out of paper to try and cheer Hope up when she was so pained from her death that she doesn’t want to move. It was the times that Josie would try and make a joke and end up laughing at it herself. It was all the little things. She wants to tell her, It’s you that is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.  But she doesn’t want to go to hard too fast. ❝The moon on my first transition. I was dying and suddenly none of it mattered anymore,❞ Suddenly she didn’t hurt and the pain so deep inside of her wasn’t there anymore and she had known something was wrong because she should have died then. No one thought she would survive her first full moon and suddenly she did. ❝It was so bright and I was told to run to enjoy it.❞ She was told how proud her father was of her that night before she figured out that he was the one going to die for her. ❝Being who I was meant to be is was beautiful.❞ She finds the main road then and they are heading out of town then. ❝And  if you were a rabbit then you could spend time with Mr. Binx and show him the ropes, I think he needs some help in that department. He isn’t living his best bunny life.❞ A joke that she finds herself laughing at and it wasn’t that funny. ❝Alright, the next question would have to be….❞ She had to keep the questions not serious. ❝Who is your role model? Doesn’t have to be a parent.❞
Josie remembered that night, it was burned into her mind standing holding her sister’s hand as they chanted and helped a man die. The moon had been painfully big and bright. All she’d cared about beforehand was the dress code changing for feminism and possibly going to the Senior dance like Lizzie wanted. It hadn’t occurred to her how serious what she’d helped out with until Hope finally came back to school. Ever since the night had haunted her, but it was beautiful to Hope and knowing that it connected them a bit more made it maybe beautiful to her too. “I was always so worried you resented me for the ritual.” Josie mumbled to her quietly, it occurring to her now that if she’d been stubborn and refused in all likelihood she wouldn’t actually get to be on a date with Hope right now. “And I didn’t even like you back then.” Josie joked because now it felt like she liked Hope so much that she might drown in it. She couldn’t help but wonder if everyone tended to feel this way. “If I had to pick someone...” Her brows furrowed as she thought seriously on the matter, “Joan of Arc. Absolutely. She was 16 years old and led an army, people just believed in her. She was brave and stood up, even when they killed her. I think that’s amazing.” Josie was too meek to ever be like that, but it was still something she admired, the people who could act in that way. “What kind of art do you like the most?” She was genuinely curious knowing that the other girl was an artist, it might help her make plans for future dates, if she was lucky enough to get one.
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
The former witch had been looking at a handmade ornament, her mind wondering back decades to a time before her world became so incredibly screwed up. Before her family had been ripped apart, before she tried to put her life together, and before it was utterly destroyed I’m front of her all over again. Her eyes were a little wet, but she hardly noticed until a voice brought her back. She reached up, wiping at her eyes quickly as she turned to look at the girl. “Yeah, yeah, sorry.” she quickly replied, swallowing her feelings as she put on a weak smile for the brunette. “It’s just a hard time of year.”
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Josie instantly felt her heart pang for the woman before her. She knew despite how good her holidays were that they could be pretty tough for others. Usually because either didn’t have people to celebrate with or because they’d lost the ones they did have. “No don’t apologise.” She quickly said waving her hands out in front of her. “It’s okay to be sad if it’s tough right now.” Josie tried assuring her before twisting her hands together in front of herself. Something about her bugged her, not necessarily in a bad way. But like the smallest itch at the back of your mind. “Would... talking about it help?” They’d always been an open and honest communication no matter what family. Maybe it would transfer over to the woman better. 
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
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“Hey, Jojo. I was wondering when I’d run into you once I arrived back,” she spoke as she knocked on the girl’s door. Thankfully her twin wasn’t around and they could actually have a somewhat proper conversation. However, with what her friend had just told her the pair of them had a lot to talk about. “You look extra cute today too, by the way.”
“This is my room, that’s not running into me.” Josie told her, her features already setting into something a bit defensive. It was Penelope after all, she sort of needed to be on her toes. Even if most of the time the other girl left her feeling like she’d just lost somehow. “Thank you.” She added politely flushing as always under a compliment though her eyes remained hard. “What are you doing here?” 
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
Elijah had walked over to the girl, not wanting to alarm. He was about to introduce herself but he felt her perform an aneurism spell. He put his hand to his temple, growling at the pain. But she wasn’t that powerful so he was able to make her way to him. “Stop…” He said to her. He wouldn’t hurt her. She wasn’t real. “Please… stop,”
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Josie put her hand down keeping her stance firm as she watched the man. He looked vaguely familiar, as if she’d seen him in a picture somewhere before, except far more composed looking. “I’m sorry. It’s just--- you can’t drink blood from people here. Did you not get checked in or given the info packet yet?” Most people who’d heard of the school and the apartments were aware coming in what was to be expected. Obviously some probably didn’t but usually her parents got to them first. It was really bothering her that she couldn’t figure out where she knew this guy from.
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
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❝Natural for sure because while I love pink I wouldn’t want all of my hair pink,❞ She hardly is sure that she could pull off a head of a color but she knows she can pull off her natural color. She has to remember that Greece is her dream spot, little does she know that later in life might have to come sooner than she was planning in her mind. She thought she could do this in a six-year plan but six years won’t be enough. In the end, one of them will break this off. Hope doesn’t age anymore so dating Josie when she is in her 40s wouldn’t work out well for her but that is because she thinks that Josie has that kind of time. ❝Maybe for your birthday one year, you will get to go to Greece.❞ She is clearing her throat before she asks her question. ❝What animal would you want to be if you could be anything in the world?❞ Hope would still be a wolf and that might be the wolf inside of her talking but she can’t imagine being anything else.
“Well I think you could pull any colour off, do pull any colour off.” Josie quietly corrected herself her eyes falling to the now blue streaks that Hope sported. It was nice being able to let all of the absent thoughts that would flicker through her mind about the other girl free. Because she really was pretty, and sweet for all she seemed tough and so helpful. Josie didn’t apparently have to keep thinking about all those small moments between them as totally normal friend things that friends did. “Maybe I will.” The brunette grinned, although her next birthday would be nineteen. Nineteen was... pretty close, maybe she’d try to see about doing it this year or something. She’d never really thought of being able to go anywhere before, of the places she should try to visit before her 22nd. “Um... a pet rabbit? I’m not sure, I just want to be something fuzzy that would be kept warm and would be loved.” Josie replied with a shrug knowing her answer wasn’t a particularly good one. “What’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?”
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
♊ — “If you think I don’t regret having to bring my twin into it, then you haven’t been paying close enough attention.” What Josie said about being happy with the life she had didn’t sit right with him. It was almost as if he felt sorry, not for his niece, but for the way it had played out for his newly resurrected sister. His revenge against her had gone so well he almost felt like wincing at the sound of it. “Girlfriend?” he asked, sounding more than a little interested. Josie wouldn’t have dropped that kind of information if it hadn’t meant something deeper. Who admitted to having a soft spot, if the soft spot itself wasn’t a force to reckon with?  “I’d love to. If your idea of catharsis is watching the girl you like knock your uncle on his ass, I can get behind that.”
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“I don’t know you well enough to know what’s a lie or what isn’t. You’ll have to forgive me for not being really familiar with your side of my family.” She told him politely with a smile. Josie knew the dangers of telling someone bad about the person you were dating. Well she knew about it in theory, there wasn’t exactly a lot of times Josie was at war with someone. Possibly at war with. This enemy thing was a bit confusing. If it was Penelope or literally anyone else she probably would have kept it on the down low. But Hope was sort of a special case and it wasn’t like she wasn’t going to tell her all about this as soon as possible. “I never said what I was expecting for catharsis. I just thought you wanted to get to know me.” Josie knew how to be the peace keeper, the mollified party of a situation. Whatever subtle conversation they’d been having she was winning it. “Her name is Hope, she’s a witch too-- well, sort of.” She added with a slight shrug, because Hope was something special. Though it wasn’t her power and all the other bits mixed together that brought a wave of warmth to Josie’s heart when she thought of her. It was how strong she was on the inside, how brave and how she saw the darker parts of her and took them for what they were. 
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
                             POSIE RELATIONSHIP FACTS
Josie and Penelope dated for 2 years before Penelope broke up with her.
It’s been several years since then and Josie has dated a few people
The relationships usually only last maybe a month, two on one occasion
She’s been in love again about two more times
After every break up Josie has begun hooking up with Penelope again up until she begins dating someone again.
This is a cycle that’s been happening for a few years now.
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
(¸.• ♛ → A small scream escaped from her lips, a happy one of course. This time Lizzie even dropped her bags and rushed by her twin’s side to gave her a hug, she was so glad to see Josie after everything she just wanted to hug her and be there for her. “Josie!” Having Josie in her life again after being apart was just the happiest moment in her life, for sure. Yes, they called each other everyday but it wasn’t the same, they were twins, they share a connection so of course she was going to be so happy to see her. “I’m so happy to see you, I’ve missed you so much! Okay, okay, first things first” This time she pulled a bit from the hug and from her purse she took out a small box to give to her. “I bought a little something for you, I just thought you might like it.”
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“Lizzie.” Josie sighed a big grin still stretched across her face as her twin pulled out the box. “You didn’t have to get me anything.” She told her as she reached into her pocket to pull out a little wrapped present for her. “But I have your present too.” The brunette told her happily handing over the gift as she pulled the box apart gasping softly at what was inside. Carefully she plucked the bracelet out smiling at the silver sparkling moon and delicate star to the side of it. The entire thing was beautiful right down to the dual slick chain around it. “It’s like the moon on my side. I love it.” She said softly laying it against her wrist as she held it out to her twin. “Help me clasp it!” It was something she was probably never going to take off again like the necklace Hope had given her, it would forever be special. 
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geminijosie-blog1 · 6 years
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The holidays had been a point of contention for the former witch for most of her life. They only served to remind her of the family she’d lost, and now, now they served to remind her of the years she lost with the family she now had. It was another Christmas she missed with her daughters, and she hated it. Another day apart from the children she’d yet to meet, and it left a hole in her heart that no doctor could fix. So, while everyone else enjoyed their breaks with their friends and family, Jo Laughlin found herself looking at the decorations around the school that only seemed to mock her, wondering what she’d done to end up where she now was.
Josie had a great Christmas as per usual all though this year had been a bit unorthodox. Lizzie hadn’t been around and even though she could tell it made her Mom and Dad sad they still managed. A laptop was kept open pretty much all day with a constant skype stream going. Josie carrying it around more often than not and letting it get stolen away at times as they kept Lizzie in the festivities. Family Christmas meant Family Christmas no matter what. But all she cared about now was the fact that soon Lizzie would finally be home and she couldn’t wait. Walking down the hallway a song being hummed under her breath Josie noticed a woman standing still in the hallway. “Excuse me? Are you okay?” She asked stepping forwards to tap her arm. 
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