gemmaxharris · 5 years
“Uh... what’s wrong?”
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
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“I promise to wake you in a couple of hours.” 
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“Ugh, if only... I’ve still got work to do.”
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
“What a freaking long day... I could probably fall asleep right here.”
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
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She felt herself slowly calming down. “That sounds nice,” she said looking at the blonde as the panic was slowly leaving her eyes. It was little nice moments like this that reminded her it wasn’t all A and the Dollhouse out there. That people lived good lives even if she didn’t think she’d be one of them. “Is your sister here in Barberton?” she asked her
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Gemma shook her head. “No, she’s.. in London with my dad.” She said, thinking that she missed them both. “I used to live there with them, I’m staying in my mum’s house right now.”
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
Chloe was up in her head. Not really paying attention to much about her. Of course she still got those stares which honestly she hated and it made her want to scream. But the moment that she seen Gemma, all of her thoughts were gone. She felt horrible for what she had done that day to the blonde. And there was a big part of her that wanted to tell her it was her. Or maybe even make it up to her somehow. But it was hard especially when she looked like Annie. Noticing Gemma stand up quickly and drop her bag, that was when the brunette moved over and started helping her pick everything up. “Are you okay?” She questioned lightly.
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Gemma was frustrated by her lack of self control because this was annoying and she’d drawn attention to herself, something she didn’t always do the best with these days. “Um... yeah.” She said, looking up at the other girl. Even after all these years it was odd seeing Chloe’s face around. “I’m fine, just... one of those days. Thanks.”
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
Megan had been working a lot more, and helping her father out the best that she could. She had a bad feeling that he wasn’t going to last and she hated that. The thought of losing him was almost crippling because he was all she had. Getting caught up in her own thoughts, she wasn’t even paying attention when she rounded the corner. Shaking her head a little bit, when she noticed it was Gemma. She gave her a small smile. “It’s okay. I honestly wasn’t paying attention either.” She was glad that it was the blonde and not some random stranger that she almost ran into.
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Gemma offered her a smile, knowing she should have been paying more attention but at least she hadn’t shoved her on the ground or anything stupid. “Are you alright?” She wondered after a short beat. She kind of looked worried or something.
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
She’d just come from visiting Nicole at the book store and got done on the phone with her dad. He was calling a lot lately but she knew he was worried and... Gemma was just glad that things had gotten this good with her father. She didn’t know what she’d do without him now and she was a long way from that girl who used to tell everyone he was dead. The girl who sometimes used to wish it. She pushed all that away as she walked round the corner and almost smacked right into Megan, jumping back as she got a bit of a fright. “Oh, wow! Sorry! I wasn’t even paying attention.” At least it wasn’t just some random stranger.
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
Gemma couldn’t stop thinking about her mother. How could she? Her dad kept calling her, putting Ivy on the phone, asking her to come ‘home’... but this was her home too, always would be, and she had to find out what happened to her mother. Where did she go? Is she still alive? All things she had to consider and it was pretty terrifying honestly. She sat in the middle of town on a bench, just getting some air because the house was claustrophobic. This town brought all sorts of shit back up to the surface that Gemma hated. Like Chloe Pierce, who walked into her field of vision and caused her thoughts to immediately flash to Annie. God. Sometimes she still felt sixteen. Gemma stood quickly, too quickly, and knocked her bag to the floor, the contents tipping all over the ground in her haste to get away. “Great..” Just bloody typical.
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
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“Just…Stay.” She said. She wasn’t much better but enough to know this was a panic attack. She’d gotten through them before. A lot when she couldn’t let anyone know she was having them. “Just talk to me. Tell me anything.” She said. She hadn’t meant to scare the girl or anyone. She was still spooked about the new A but panicking wouldn’t help anyone.
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“Okay..” Gemma wasn’t the type to just run off when someone was having an issue anyway. If it was an actual panic attack, she knew what they were like, though it had been many years now thank goodness. “Um... my little sister started horse riding lessons today.” She knew it wasn’t anything much but it was the first thing that popped into her head. “My dad said she loved it so...” She blinked, watching the girl worriedly.
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
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“No,” she said trying to calm her breathing. She did know how to get through this but she couldn’t do it at the moment as she breathed harder. “No phones please,” she said. She knew it might be paranoid but perhaps if phones weren’t around she wouldn’t have to worry. She could only hope so. “I’m fine. I’m so fine,” she said though it was clear she wasn’t as she had her head between her legs basically trying to pull herself out
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She definitely didn’t look alright to Gemma but she didn’t say as much because it was obvious. She was a bit confused about the no phones comment but she also didn’t remark. Maybe she just really didn’t want anyone to see her like this - Gemma got that. “Do you need anything? I... don’t really know what to do.”
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
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“Yes, dad... I promise.” Gemma shook her head, giving a fond roll of her eyes as she ended the phone call with her father. It was funny how far they’d come and how things had changed. She put her phone away and looked up as she continued on her way back to the house. That’s when she noticed the girl on the ground, frowning as she picked up her pace and hurried over. “Hey...” She crouched in front of her and realised she was hyperventilating. Was she having a panic attack? Shit... Gemma didn’t know what to do and started to freak out a bit herself. “Um.. okay, I... breathe, okay?” Wasn’t that what you had to do? “Just breathe... in... and out... yeah? Is there anyone I can call?”
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Ingrid was rushing through the streets. She needed to get home. She needed to find Jackson or her sister. She didn’t trust her phone right now. She didn’t know this new A outside of texts but she was already scared. She couldn’t imagine her sister being taken and Jackson couldn’t again. She gasped as she tripped over a crack in the sidewalk and went flying to the ground her knee skinned and bloody as well as her hands she pulled her legs to her chest unable to stand up and just hyperventilating as she just gave in to her panic attack
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
As luck would have it, Eilidh had managed to secure a free afternoon. Things were incredibly slow at work, so much to the point that everyone else had long departed from the office. She was hardly the type to sit idly by, especially not when the weather was so beautiful outside. As she was admiring the view of the sunny afternoon sky, her thoughts were abruptly stopped as someone crashed right onto the pavement in front of her. After exclaiming out as a result of her initial shock, she was equally quick to extend a hand towards the girl as she helped her gather her scattered belongings. “Here, let me help you! Are you alright? Is anything hurt?”
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Gemma sat herself back up, feeling completely embarrassed and probably turned bright red due to the fact. God, this was so awful and it felt like everyone was looking. Glancing up at the blonde who came over, Gemma forced up a little smile, nodding. “Um.... I... thanks.” She was mostly just so embarrassed. “I’m fine, just... ugh.” She forced out a little laugh, trying to brush it off. “Just gonna have a bruise, I think..”
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
“Okay..” he said with a nod. He was really good in making them leave. She looked at her for a moment. “Gemma, wait.” Just for a second. “Maybe we can get lunch and catch up sometime.” He offered but he didn’t even know what that meant himself.
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She tucked her book away into her bag and turned but then he told her to wait and she turned back to look at him, confused. Did she forget something? “Oh.” It surprised her. “Uh, yeah. Sure. Maybe.”
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
“You sound like Nicole.” Gemma chuckled, looking over at Kayla as she overheard her.
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“I swear, pretty soon I’m going to need another summer job just to make up for the money that I’m losing by buying so many books from my first summer job. And working at a bookstore seemed like such a good idea.” @secretsummerstarters
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
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“Just wondering if you’d seen Aunt Michelle today.”
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“I’m sorry what can I help you with?” // @secretsummerstarters
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gemmaxharris · 5 years
Aaron simply nodded. He wasn’t sure if she really thought it was cool that he was there but he just nodded anyway. “Sometimes you’re not allowed to have a choice.” Aaron simply shrugged.
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“Right.” Gemma wasn’t sure what that meant but she supposed she understood it a little. “Anyway, uh.” She moved to stand up, closing the book. “I should probably get going, I’ve got... a lot to do.” She swung her bag onto her shoulder. “I’ll see you ‘round or something.”
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