gendryatrash · 1 year
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— Richard Siken, I Had a Dream About You from Crush (via lunamonchtuna)
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gendryatrash · 1 year
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Margaret Atwood, from “Europe on $5 a Day”, The Door (2007)
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gendryatrash · 1 year
holding my own face in my own hands and screaming “there is no connection without an open heart! you must be brave! you must be honest! you must be true!” in the mirror
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gendryatrash · 1 year
short walk in the sun momentarily heals local woman who hasn't felt real since she was 7
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gendryatrash · 1 year
“You read something which you thought only happened to you, and you discover that it happened 100 years ago to Dostoyevsky. This is a very great liberation for the suffering, struggling person, who always thinks that he is alone. This is why art is important. Art would not be important if life were not important, and life is important.”
— James Baldwin, Conversations with James Baldwin
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gendryatrash · 2 years
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what did you learn this year ?
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gendryatrash · 2 years
“This year will take from me the hardened person who I longed to be. I am healing by mistake. Rome is also built on ruins.”
— Eliza Griswold
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gendryatrash · 2 years
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gendryatrash · 2 years
People on twitter are always like 'there's still people on tumblr?'... As if Twitter wasn't full of stolen text posts, gifs and art originally posted here
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gendryatrash · 2 years
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Matthew Dickman, from “Grass Moon,” in Wonderland [ID in ALT]
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gendryatrash · 2 years
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— Karen Russell, "The Ghost Birds" in The New Yorker (2021)
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gendryatrash · 2 years
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in a train right now, i can see the city lights and i feel so so overwhelmed
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gendryatrash · 2 years
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Virginia Woolf, from a diary entry featured in “A Writer’s Diary”
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gendryatrash · 2 years
"fuck you my child is completely fine"
your child reads classic literature for fun
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gendryatrash · 3 years
create just to create!!! no expectations! be free!
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gendryatrash · 3 years
one thing i’ve learnt is that u can’t put your life on hold for that perfect idealized future moment. thats just condemning your present self to needless repentance and suffering. get that haircut now — not when you’ve lost x amount of weight. go get on that long drive out to the ocean NOW — don’t sit and wait for that hypothetical daydreamy significant other to arrive. you can’t save important life experiences for a self that ultimately doesn’t exist. all you have is you, right now, at this very moment. perfection is a myth anyway, just another perfect word for procrastination. do you want to live a life of i could have’s? please do not let your life wither away right before your eyes bc u were too busy putting it off
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gendryatrash · 3 years
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repeating this like a mantra 🧘🏾‍♀️
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