genearmstrong11-blog ¡ 11 years
Effective Tips for Buying Energy-Efficient Appliances
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  Appliances - we just can’t survive without them! They make life more convenient and comfortable in many ways than anyone could ever imagine. However, they can potentially take up a huge percentage of your energy bill if you don’t keep things in check.  
There are some basic principles you should keep in mind if you want to get the best products for your home. Besides, choosing the right appliances can help you reduce energy consumption and thus, helping you save some money along the way.
Read on as I try to give a few insights about buying two of the most common appliances for your household – the refrigerator and the dishwasher.
You should seriously consider replacing your refrigerator if you happen to own an older model. These days, most of the newer products are notably more energy-efficient when compared with their older counterparts. This means simply purchasing a new one makes it possible for you to decrease your expected energy expenses.    
Digging deeper on the subject matter, it is also important to get the right size depending on your unique demands. You have to consider your lifestyle as well as the number of family members living in the home. If you love stocking up on meats, vegetables, and canned beverages, then you may need a large space. What you get really depends on your needs. Just make sure that you buy one that passes the standards set by Energy Star.   
What’s a kitchen without a dishwasher? Dirty plates can be annoying to wash manually and so this appliance can make your life easier. Fortunately, the latest models are more quite because of better insulation. Also, they consume lesser amount of energy and water during usage. This automatically means that you should go for the newer releases even if they are a little more expensive. Besides, you’ll be able to save more money in the long run since they are more energy-efficient.   
You actually have two choices when buying a dishwasher namely the built-in washers and the portable ones. As the name implies, the former can be installed in your kitchen according to your specifications. The latter, on the other hand, can be placed anywhere depending on your preference.
The more expensive models boast touchpad controls while the cheaper versions will give you a dial along with some push buttons.
Additional Energy-Saving Ideas
When it comes to refrigerators, BPA.gov reminds users to “maintain the right temperature.” Also, make it a habit to avoid opening the refrigerator too frequently. As for the dishwasher, go for full loads when using it to wash unclean dishes.  
You may also view this link for other ways to save on your energy expenses.
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genearmstrong11-blog ¡ 11 years
Going Green at Home to Save You Some Green
Improving energy efficiency in your home is one of the easiest ways to go green and you'll also be able to save some green in the process.
In those awful winter and summer months, you usually raise either your heater or your air conditioning, but during the process, something else is raised – your electricity bill. In such cases, you only want one thing, and that is to cut your energy bill by any amount. There are hundreds of way to do that, but you would want to focus on the methods that will save you energy the most. A home makeover would be an excellent idea, but if it's not an option for you at the moment, there are other energy-saving methods you can try that do not involve knocking down walls.
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Call in a Professional
Many homeowners believe they have rising energy bills because their homes are not energy-efficient enough, but the problem is they don't know what to do with the problem. If you are facing a similar problem, your best move would be to call in a professional energy auditor. There are probably home inspection services in your area that can provide you with a professional who can inspect your home and show you how you can use less and get more. The good news is it's really easy and there are a number of small investments you can make to get you big savings.
Insulate Your Water Heater
One of the easiest ways you can reduce energy consumption at home is through proper insulation of your water heater. If you wrap the water heater and the pipes with an insulating blanket, it will take less time and less energy for it to heat the water in your home. Drop the temperature inside your home twenty degrees and you will be able to save 6 to 10 percent on water heating cost.
Seal Every Gap
One of the biggest culprits of energy inefficiency in your home is cold air that's sneaking in through small gaps and openings in your windows and doors. During winter season, heat can easily escape through these gaps and get replaced by cold air. Fortunately, you can easily fix this problem by using weather stripping tapes. Caulking is also an excellent way to seal those gaps and keep the cold air out.
Do the Switch
Sometimes, even after you've tried every energy saving method available, your energy bill still won't budge. In this case, the problem probably lies in your energy supplier and you may have no choice but to switch to a cheaper company. This shouldn't be a problem if you're residing in Australia where more than a dozen energy company are ready to offer their services to you. There's AGL, Horizon, Integral, and Alinta as some of the leading names you can trust. If you want to learn more about AGL Victoria and other similar companies, just log on to www.switchwise.com.au.
Applying these methods won't make you rich, but it sure can help you free up your finances in the long run. For more green tips to save you some green, you might want to check these additional resources:
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genearmstrong11-blog ¡ 11 years
Carbon Tax Defined
With the government’s efforts to reduce the effects of climate change, it has become necessary to make sure that the pricing of carbon is done right. Politicians and leaders refer to it as carbon tax. For those who want to know more about what is carbon tax, this is the article to read.
With this policy, polluters are asked to pay for every ton of carbon they emit. The initial plan requires such offenders to pay at least $23 but many experts point out that the amount will steadily increase until 2015. When the year finally arrives, the idea is to shake things up and change into a trading scheme that will allow the market to dictate the rates. All of these are done in an effort to save the environment and reduce the risks of climate change.  
As of the moment, it is said that individuals who purchase products that depend on carbon materials or products that go through the manufacturing process are not paying any percentage for the nature damage.
Of course, environmental groups and organizations are making appeals, especially regarding the fact that iron ores are frequently being used by some of the biggest polluters. By charging appropriate carbon taxes, it is hoped that carbon pollution will be significantly lowered with this policy in place. Although this will directly mean that the prices of products that rely on carbon pollution will go higher, this is a necessary step to ensure that carbon footprint will be minimized.             
Besides, sanders.senate.gov has pointed out that the extreme weather we often experience across the world is a direct effect of greenhouse gas pollution. Nature-related disasters will continue to occur more frequently unless precautionary measures are taken.   
In the United States, the Climate Protection Act and the Sustainable Energy Act has been passed by legislators as their way of showing support to the initiative. It is anticipated that the bill will reduce about 20 percent of carbon dioxide emissions by 2025.    
Interested individuals can browse the web for further information. For example, you can check out relevant websites such as Switchwise for more on what is carbon tax. In no time, you will be enlightened and be well-informed about what it is and why it is important for our times.
One can only hope that these bills are implemented well for us to see positive changes as we all join hands in trying to combat global warming and other serious environmental challenges.
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genearmstrong11-blog ¡ 11 years
Relevant Information about the Australian Gas Light
The Australian Gas Light (AGL) is definitely one of the largest renewable energy companies in the country. More than that, the company also holds the title of being the biggest private owner, operator, and developer of renewable generation assets.
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AGL is a firm that works to push the creation of sustainable energy not only for investors but also for customers and the community at large. Currently, AGL works to develop renewable sources such as bagasse, biomass, geothermal, landfill gas, solar, and others. Other than that, the company also has investments in wind and hydro plus they also operate retail, merchant energy and upstream gas. This is very important considering that Australia is a country that heavily depends on coal just to generate electricity – a fact that has been pointed out by journals.ohiolink.edu.  
The company was first established in Sydney, Australia way back 1837. AGL provided gas during Sydney’s very first street lamp public lighting. It also earned the distinction of being the second firm to make it to the Australian Stock Exchange list.   
One great thing about AGL is that they are highly aware about their duties not only towards their shareholders and clients but also to the environment. Whether you are a business or residential customer, AGL promises that you can expect the best bang for your bucks because of the quality service they provide. On the other hand, AGL makes it a point to balance their tasks of providing energy with their duty of preserving nature. They have environmental policies in place and their commitment is to be consistent with these rules all the time. For instance, the AGL Green Choice is implemented to ensure that any potential damage to the environment is decreased. Environmental advocates and organizations have repeatedly praised the company for these efforts.   
As if that isn’t enough, AGL also has several programs that aim to help homeless people improve their lives. The “Energy for Life” investment initiative is divided into four strands namely “Warmth in Winter” (which provides funds for almost 300 emergency accommodation establishments), “Energy Matters” (which aims to reduce climate change effects), “Volunteering” strand (which gives workers paid days off so they can spend time doing charity works), and the “Employee Giving” program which promotes the concept of donating a small percentage of their salary to worthy charities and causes.
Currently, reports are indicating that AGL is serving more than three million customers, both residential and commercial. Simply said, this is a company that has nowhere to go but up.    
For additional details, you can find out about AGL by visiting reputable online resources.
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genearmstrong11-blog ¡ 12 years
Bringing Renewable Energy Home
Different types of renewable energy. Photo credit: Wikipedia)
More and more people are starting to realize the significance of renewable energy and are now finding ways to bring it to their homes. If you are wondering how you can take advantage of renewable energy in your home, you need to understand that you can do it either directly or indirectly.
Invest in Renewable Energy Generating Equipment
Perhaps the most direct way of using renewable energy at home is by installing equipment that generate renewable energy such as wind turbines and solar panels. You can easily find such equipment in the market today, and while some of these products can be a little bit expensive, they can actually save you more money in the long run. A solar water heater is one of the most ideal equipment you can invest in. With this equipment, you can eliminate the need for using gas and electricity for heating water in your home.
Build an Energy-Efficient Home
Designing your home to be energy-efficient is another excellent way to save energy at home. When you’re remodeling your home, you can improve its efficiency by paying attention to how you can get the most of the sun. Proper sizing and positioning of the windows alone, for instance, can create a significant impact on how your house would be heated during the winter. Design your home in such a way that you can keep the sunlight out during the summer season, and let it in during winter.
Choose Green Energy Providers
Going green at home does not necessarily mean installing solar panels or buying eco-friendly products all the time. One way you can take advantage of renewable energy indirectly is by choosing an energy provider that generates power through renewable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric. If you reside in an area like Australia where you can have several options on energy suppliers, consider switching to a provider that’s committed to renewable energy. One such provider is Origin NSW, one of the leading energy suppliers in Australia. Serving 1.8 million customers in Australia alone, Origin is also one of the leading providers of environmentally-friendly energy in the country.
Renewable gas and electricity is the future of energy, and it will only be a matter of time until each home all over the globe has learned how to take advantage of it and use it in their day-to-day activities. For more renewable energy tips and tips on how to go green, check out ENERGY.GOV.
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genearmstrong11-blog ¡ 12 years
NSW’s Energy Saving Scheme: How Can People Benefit
Save the Earth through the NSW Energy Saving Scheme (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
People in Australia are struggling to cope with the carbon tax, which is a tax imposed on businesses that emit a lot of carbon due to their critical operations. The ongoing efforts of the government to reduce Australia’s environmental impact don’t stop from carbon tax and the development of sustainable energy sources. The NSW government aims to lend a helping hand to businesses and households in managing carbon tax through its Energy Saving Scheme. How Does It Work The Energy Saving Scheme aims to create financial incentives to businesses that are involved in energy-efficient methods. Businesses can apply for Accredited Certificate Providers. They can determine what energy-saving activities they can implement like installing and improving their energy consumption, replacing equipment to energy-efficient ones, or helping others (businesses and households) obtain energy-saving equipment. Any implemented activity can create energy savings certificates which are equivalent to one ton of CO2 emissions. These certificates are sold by Accredited Certificate Providers to Liable Entities that are mandatory participants to the scheme. These Liable Entities can be energy companies and retailers that need to reach their annual energy-savings target set by the NSW government. The Benefits from this Scheme Aside from the financial incentives, Accredited Service Providers can lower their energy consumption and costs because of more energy-efficient methods that they will implement for their own business. You can lower your electricity costs and get additional revenue in the process. Choosing energy-efficient equipment can also improve return on investment. For households, on the other hand, they can also improve their energy consumption and lower their electricity bills, too without sacrificing their needs. With this scheme, more and more households get access to energy-saving activities and equipment, thus benefiting the rest of the community as well. Manufacturers of energy-efficient equipment become more profitable in this case. Promoting the use of energy-saving equipment without the added cost on advertising and marketing is already a huge advantage. The focus on developing more energy-efficient equipment increases, which can possibly lead to better equipment and more sustainable ones. Liable Entities, in this case, find more available certificates to purchase which would help them reach annual targets easily. Whether household, business, energy supplier, or retailer, there’s a way to benefit in the process and build a more energy-efficient and environment-friendly NSW. To know more about this Energy Savings Scheme, visit http://www.ess.nsw.gov.au. You can also check NSW energy suppliers for better offers and more opportunities to lower down your electricity bill and achieve a more energy-efficient household or business.
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genearmstrong11-blog ¡ 12 years
Saving Money and Energy through the Right Lighting Choices
Ever since Thomas Edison invented the incandescent light bulb some 130 years ago, people have been used to lighting up dark spaces inside their homes with the flick of a switch. And believe it or not, many people still use that same old light bulb that Edison invented, not knowing that there are now a lot of light bulb options in the market.
The difference with the light bulbs sold in most stores nowadays is that they can provide you with the same amount of light your old incandescent bulb can give while saving you more energy and money. An energy saving incandescent bulb, for instance, looks exactly the same as a conventional incandescent and can even produce the same kind of light. However, this type of incandescent uses about 25 percent less electricity.
Another modern innovation used to light up residential and commercial buildings are the LED bulbs. LED stands for “Light Emitting Diode” and is a semiconductor light source. According to most experts, LED lighting is the future of lighting and will probably take over the market in the next ten years. Unlike incandescent bulbs, LED bulbs can help you save up to 75 percent on energy. What makes LED a winner, however, is its unbelievable life expectancy. And you may believe it or not, but a single LED bulb can last more than 20 years when used on average. And yes, they may be a lot more expensive, with 1 bulb costing around $30, but they can actually help you save more money in the long run than other types of lighting.
You have probably seen the CFL or Compact Fluorescent Light bulb as well. Just like LEDs, CFLs also use 75 percent less electricity and can last ten times longer than old, traditional bulbs. Unlike LEDs, however, CFLs are less expensive, with a single bulb costing around $3-$4. For this reason, you will see most homes today using this type of lighting.
Whether you are going for an energy saving incandescent bulb, an LED bulb, or a CFL bulb, it’s ideal that you pick a brand with the Energy Star label on it. Aside from the fact that Energy Star bulbs use 75% less energy, they also last up to 25 times longer than old, incandescent bulbs.
Use only the most energy-efficient light bulbs you can find in the market today and you will see your electric bill go down and your savings go up.
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genearmstrong11-blog ¡ 12 years
What You Need to Know About Energy Australia Gas Plans for Homes
photo credit: Vermin Inc via photopin cc
Since October 2012, the Energy Australia brand has since become part of TRUenergy's assets. The company also acquired the following from the NSW government: the Delta Western GenTrader bundle for the Mount Piper that generates on average 1400 MW and the Wallerawang coal-fired power stations that produce 1000 MW, plus three power station development sites. These additions to TRUenergy, now known as Energy Australia, make it one of the country's largest providers of gas, electricity and solar power. As of now, the Energy Australia gas plans they're offering are looking attractive for residential and small business use. Gas plans from Energy Australia cater to three regions: NSW, Victoria, and South Australia. Consisting of the Flexi Saver plan and the Everyday Saver plan, these gas plans have been configured specially for the residents of these regions. These plans offer different payment options and also green energy options. When residents change addresses, the plans move with them. Plus, individuals with accounts from other providers can check out Energy Australia gas in this site and switch plans easily. For the Everyday Saver plan, residents enjoy a three-year advantage of connecting to Energy Australia's pipelines with a 3% guaranteed discount for residents in Victoria and NSW. In South Australia, the guaranteed discount is at four percent. Another three-percent discount is given to residents who pay their dues on time. In case Victoria residents decide to end their plans within the first year, they only pay $22, which is the same rate for the second and third years. On one hand, residents of NSW and SA who quit during the first year must pay $90. This is reduced to $70 and $50 for the second and third years, respectively. In comparison, the Flexi Saver gas plan doesn't have a guaranteed discount for residents although it also offers a 3% discount for people who pay their bills on time. However, this plan doesn't have exit fees, too, so you can quit anytime and change providers without paying anything. Of course, you can move to another city in your State and carry your gas plan with you. There are no differences in billing for residents in NSW, Victoria and South Australia with the same offers of green energy use and different payment options. However, the plan is only good for a one-year connection that's renewable for the following year. Many homes in Australia now use natural gas and Energy Australia also supplies this as an alternative to liquid petroleum gas (LPG). Originally, it's colorless and odorless, but an odorant is added by the company before distributing natural gas to homes for better detection of gas leaks. Like other fuels, natural gas is used for cooking, heating systems, and heating up water. Composed of methane and ethane, natural gas is also volatile and must be handled with care despite the fact that it's lighter than air and tends to dissipate soon after it's exposed. Energy Australia gas experts strongly recommend that homeowners follow safety precautions when using natural gas.
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genearmstrong11-blog ¡ 12 years
What’s so Smart about Smart Meters
In most parts of the world, the support for the use of green energy has become a way of life, rather than a trend. With all the problems we are experiencing with the environment and the inadvertent damage that we suffer from due to the copious amounts of carbon dioxide emissions, it was time to find ways and means to sustain the environment and the air we breathe lest we all find ourselves without a planet to inhabit.
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As part of a major upgrade to the electricity infrastructure, electricity smart meters were introduced and are required to be installed in most households where it is applicable by the end of 2013. Smart meters are believed to present more benefits than the standard meters we are currently used to. For one, they are two-way, digital communication systems that record electricity usage every 30 minutes and send this data to electrical suppliers remotely, real time. It eliminates the need to guesstimate your bills and having someone read your meters manually, meaning your bills will be more accurate and you only pay for electricity that you’ve actually used. Learn and understand about how the smart meter works, read up on more about electricity smart meter on energy sites like Switchwise.com.au.
The other benefits that a smart meter bring include customers being able to check through an in-house display connected to their meters or web portal their actual usage complete with accurate detail and information about it. This information is useful because customers will be able to identify ways and means to cut on their electricity bills, such as being able to pinpoint the peak and off-peak hours of usage, the appliances that can cause their usage to go up, etc. This will also help them compare pricing with competing providers to make sure they are getting the best deals. You can log on to www.switchwise.com.au and read more on how smart meters can benefit your household.
What concerns people about getting a smart meter is the cost that it entails to install it. In Australia for example, the Australian Energy Regulator has estimated that $20-$60 may be added per year to a typical household’s electricity bill. These charges are usually included in your bill as part of the quarterly supply or service charges. With installation being mandatory, many people feel that these charges are being imposed on them rather than giving them a choice in the matter, something that makes installing smart meters seem like a bad idea and something people would rather not do. This additional charge for installing an electricity smart meter, however, can be reduced over time and will be unnoticeable especially if consumers proactively take measures to lower their consumption. It does tell you after all if you are using up too much electricity at a time so really, it is up to you how it can work to your advantage.
Another concern people have about smart meters are its safety. All electrical suppliers’ installation and safety procedures are required to be assessed and approved by the state safety regulator so you can be assured that your smart meters meet the required safety standards. For one, all smart meters are required to be tested before installation and must follow approved safety protocols to avoid potential risks from faulty switchboards and wiring that can be potentially undetected.
This concern for safety even extends to hiring personnel and manpower that have at least a Certificate III level qualification as a line worker, meter technician or electrician. Qualified meter installers are required by law to have undergone a course and practical assessment in accordance with the Certificate III Electricity Supply Industry Distribution (Power Line) Metering Installations Unit (or an equivalent course). They are also required to verify to the customer that the meter is safe before switching the power back to the customer during installation.
With so many precautions in place to address the safety and health concerns consumers have about smart meters, there is practically no excuse to hesitate about having one installed in your household. Click this to know more about smart meters if you still have doubts about their benefits. Knowledge is power after all.
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genearmstrong11-blog ¡ 12 years
The Power Of Change - Saving The Environment And Your Pocket
The 21st Century has seen both the innovative and practical approach of Australians in helping improve their carbon emissions. Since years past, there have been numerous 'green' efforts to lessen the impact of carbon gas and other pollutants to the environment. Australia's government together with the Clean Energy Council and large energy companies such as Integral Energy, TruEnergy, AGL, and many others have initiated the effort to raise awareness among its citizens. You can check here to know more about Integral Energy and other electricity companies in your region. Due to environmental and economic reasons, households and businesses are doing their share of advocating and participating in the hopes of reducing their own carbon emissions. One such method is by changing their power suppliers by utilizing independent energy comparison providers. The need to switch to cleaner electricity is just one way of saving on energy bills since providers offer various payment options. Consumers can research and explore the available plans and services from different suppliers, enabling them to easily choose their preferred energy supplier and plan based on their specific needs and budget. The availability of a single energy supplier offering various services such as gas and electricity also benefit consumers by providing them with easier and more efficient billing system. Energy comparison sites also offer gas and electricity packages that consumers can enjoy at affordable rates. They also help consumers in making a sound decision when it comes to signing up for the services of a particular energy supplier that matches their needs.
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The need to improve Australia's environment and to develop more sustainable energy resources and options for the people are the nation's driving force in the 'green' advocacy. It is also a known fact that Australia is a leading exporter of coal for decades and the industry's harmful carbon gas emissions have been rising since. The government's effort to reduce these harmful gasses is a continuous one and the support of the people and energy companies surely makes a huge difference. Large energy companies like Integral Energy are working towards the goal of reducing harmful gas emissions from the environment by providing consumers with plans and options available and more economical to them. You can visit this website to know more about Integral Energy Australia. Australians are leading the way towards greener and cleaner power sources with the help of the government and energy companies. Millions have changed their mind and switched to government-accredited energy plans, thanks to continuous awareness and positive outlooks from all sectors and the public. To know more information about Integral Energy and other companies and to see their service options, it is best to visit this website.
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genearmstrong11-blog ¡ 12 years
Acquiring Cheap Electricity to Cut Down Household Expenses
The effects of the economic crisis that happened a few years ago can still be felt by many nations around the world until now. These effects come in the form of increase in the price of food, water, and even electricity. Because of this, anyone who wants to continue living the kind of lifestyle they want to enjoy should address this issue with utter care. Today, if there is one way thing any household owner can do to save money is by cutting down their energy consumption.
One way this can be done is by determining which high energy consuming electronic devices and accessories in your home can be replaced by ones that don’t consume a lot of energy. You may not realize it, but most old models of appliances such as televisions and computers eat up a lot of electricity. Thanks to the advancement in our technology, you can now replace your old electronic stuff with new ones, particularly those that are designed for energy efficiency.
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Another way you can cut down on energy consumption at home is by investing in green gadgets. There’s the Standby Buster that allows you to switch off electrical appliances left on standby, the water tank jacket that lets you cut the amount of electricity needed to heat your water at home, and the BioBulb that uses 75% less energy to operate. Such gadgets may have a high initial cost, but they can definitely help you save tons of money on energy bill in the long run.
If you’ve done everything you could – invest in energy-saving appliances and green gadgets – and yet to no avail, then the problem is not on how you consume energy at home, but probably with your energy supplier. Believe it or not, just knowing the right energy supplier to partner with can cut down your annual expenses on electricity bill to a very significant amount. If you’re residing in Australia, among the top energy companies you can consider include Switchwise AGL Power, Ergon, Alinta, and Integral.
While there are many energy companies that promise to provide quality service, not all can actually help you lower your expenses. For this reason, it would be wise to do some background research on each of the companies you consider before selecting one. And as much as possible, you would want to choose an energy company that can provide you with green energy. AGL, for instance, can be an excellent choice because they have a strong commitment to renewable energy and generate their own green electricity through either wind of hydro electric sources. You can learn more about AGL Victoria at http://www.switchwise.com.au.
For additional information on green electricity and on how you can save on energy at home you can visit visit http://www.capetown.gov.za/en/electricity/GreenElectricity/Pages/Howtopurchasegreenelectricitycertificates.aspx and http://www.worldwatch.org/system/files/Electricity.pdf.
Summary: The price increase on electricity is just one of the results of economic crisis the entire world has faced a few years ago. It’s a good thing there are practical things you can do as a household owner to cut down on energy consumption in your own home and save money and help the environment at the same time.
Read more about choosing a greener energy home energy source - http://genearmstrong.blogspot.com/2012/10/how-to-switch-over-to-greener-lifestyle.html - in my other blog.
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genearmstrong11-blog ¡ 12 years
Types of Green Energy Power Plants
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Climate change is no longer just a theory, but a reality. Check out Origin NSW for more information on this. Every day we are moving toward a world that is affected by our own activities. It is a problem that everyone should be informed about so actions can be taken toward solutions to it. While it is critical to stop some harmful activities, there is still the need to keep the wheel spinning so to speak. We can’t just stop everything we are doing. Food, shelter and other goods need to be manufactured and transported. Powering our cities is one thing we cannot do without.
Hydropower is still the biggest and cleanest resource of energy. The simple physics of flowing water powers at least 10% of different nations energy needs. It does not produce any waste materials nor does it cause serious risks to develop. The most common drawback with its use is the time and cost to create a dam. Moreover, while there are no waste products created, the surrounding environment, including animals and humans, can be affected by the dam. Nevertheless, despite these kinds of things, the risks are less than the advantages it produces.
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal vents are rare but very capable sources of energy. These vents of steam can be harnessed with a turbine to produce about 2800 megawatts of energy each year. The water can also be used for heating buildings and homes. Like hydropower plants, they pose minimal environmental risks.
Solar Power
The sun is the most abundant source of renewable energy.  Electric energy can be produced with just a few hundred photovoltaic cells. This source of energy is free, safe, and clean. Unfortunately, the costs to produce, maintain and operate these kinds of power plants outweigh their advantages. But, with new advancements in the technology, it is one source of power that is leading in the race for clean energy. Read more about Origin solar power through switchwise.com.au.
Read more about this topic through http://energy.gov/science-innovation/energy-sources/renewable-energy/solar. If you want to find out more about Origin Australia, visit this link.
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genearmstrong11-blog ¡ 12 years
Prepare Your Home for Natural Disasters
No one can be truly prepared for a natural disaster. Losing electricity queensland will not get you into as much problems as a forest fire or flooding. Nevertheless, the extent that you prepare will determine how much you and your home will be affected.
 Here are some rips that can help you and your household:
  Make a plan
It is very important that you are prepared for any disaster. But, you need to make sure that it fits your surroundings. Make sure that you research what kinds of natural calamities your area is prone to. Otherwise, just like building a boat in the desert, you might just be wasting resources in preparation for things that do not natural calamities in the area.
The best place to look for these kinds of things would be through a local government site. More often than not, their emergency resources are tailor-fit for your town. (Check out the Queensland Emergency Guide Here)
Once the plan is set, you need to make sure that it is rehearsed at least twice a year. Reading about a plan is very different from doing. People can read a guide, but may not know what to do with it when the time comes. If you want the plan to be effective, you must make certain that you drill it. Apart from Fire drills, it can be good to also rehearse of robberies, electricity qld problems, and the like.
Gather Resources
Water, food, batteries and first aid kits are essentials in any emergency situation. It is crucial that you stock up on them before disaster even hits. Do not wait to go panic buying like the rest of the population. Make sure that you have stocks of food and water that are non-perishable or have long shelf-lives. Before a calamity that is forecasted hits, make sure that you gas up your car. This way you will have vehicle available for evacuation. It can also be prudent to invest money in a gas-powered generator.
Always remember that being prepared takes more than just a plan, it requires action. Check out http://www.switchwise.com.au for tips on electricity management and to compare electricity qld.
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genearmstrong11-blog ¡ 12 years
How to Do Energy Switching Easily and Safely
So you've decided you want to switch energy suppliers and decide to save on your utility bills – good for you. But going online and scouring the different energy comparison sites has left feeling a little more light-headed and still undecided as to who to go for. With so many choices available at your fingertips, trying to choose the best one is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
Energy comparison at best can be daunting, mainly because people are a bit hesitant about change. They fear that a change can interrupt the services or that they may fall victim to companies who are out to scam unsuspecting consumers. Combined with misleading information that some of these comparison sites put out, it is no wonder the thought of energy switching puts off many people.
The truth is, switching suppliers won't take more than 15 minutes of your time and once you've provided the new supplier your contact details and chosen a new plan that suits you, your new supplier will be the one to contact your old provider from there. You will then receive notification of the change and the switchover date within four to six weeks from sign up. Ideally, a 28-day notice should be given to your old provider when you decide to switch.
While switching is usually free, you need to take note of the exit fees your old provider may charge, unless you've signed up for a deal that doesn't include that. Note that if your old plan does have exit fees, you may have to pay a higher price when you switch. On this light, you should also check for any hidden charges or fees as there are some suppliers who add a daily standing charge to their bills and some don't.
When you switch power suppliers and the switchover has taken place, you will get a final bill from your old provider, which you should check against the meter reading taken on the day of the switchover to make sure everything is in order and that you haven't been overcharged. From this point onward, you should start receiving bills from your new provider and you should still continue to check the meter readings just to be sure you are being charged for the right meter. Transitions like these can be tricky and can have chances for wrong information to be put in place so you need to be very organized and check everything to avoid future trouble.
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genearmstrong11-blog ¡ 12 years
Eco-Friendly Living through Green Energy Options
Competition in the energy industry in Australia has always been tough. Apart from striving to provide quality and reliable services to the community, electricity suppliers like Energy Australia are now gearing towards the use of renewable sources of energy. Of course, these companies also struggle to provide more cost-effective and better-quality energy solutions to their subscribers. While there are electricity price hikes in the country every now and then, the wide array of energy suppliers in Australia provides consumers more flexibility in terms of being able to choose cost-effective energy plans. You can click here to know about several energy suppliers known to operate and provide reliable electricity services to different parts of Australia.
Your particular choice on energy supplier can significantly affect your monthly electricity bill and consumption. Granted, it is always up to you how to use your energy supply. However, many energy suppliers in the country today now offer green energy options that are environment-friendly and economical at the same time. Energy Australia, for one, has several energy plans offered to residential and commercial establishment owners. Their PureEnergy options, for instance, offer subscribers the opportunity to match their energy plan with energy that utilizes renewable and alternative sources. These products are accredited by GreenPower, so you are sure that they are reliable and of high quality. You can check this site for Energy Australia and know more about the benefits you can get and specific options you can take advantage of.
Electricity is an everyday necessity for most people. However, energy generation and consumption also pose several risks to the environment. The process involves carbon and greenhouse gas emissions that greatly contribute to the worsening effects brought about by global warming. It’s a relief that we can always take advantage of safer and more environment-friendly sources of energy. Besides being expensive, fossil fuels used in energy generation are also slowly depleting, so it’s really a good thing that several energy suppliers these days are now taking advantage of readily available and renewable sources. Apart from providing us the opportunity to help save the environment, using green energy options is also a great way to manage our energy consumption wisely, not to mention be more effective in controlling our electricity bill.
Apart from taking advantage of environment-friendly electricity plans, it would also be wise to get started on changing your energy consumption habits. You can check out here to know several energy efficiency tips offered by Energy Australia. You can get info on how to make the most of using your home appliances without having to worry about high electricity bills by the end of the month. You can also search for several home and office equipment and accessories you can invest in to help you better manage your energy usage at home or in your work area. Remember that a simple good deed can go a long way if we all strive to offer our little contributions to start an eco-friendly way of living.
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