general-poedameron · 10 days
photo dump of glen powell 😻
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general-poedameron · 10 days
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general-poedameron · 24 days
the only thing more compelling than exes-to-lovers Hangster during the events of TGM for me is secret-husbands for years by then
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general-poedameron · 30 days
I need to be squished between Hangster
Same. I just know they both smell amazing and they’re so big and warm and…I think it’d heal me.
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general-poedameron · 1 month
my taste in men is tyler owens going full guard dog and standing on that porch like he owned it after his little sleepover
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general-poedameron · 1 month
sometimes what you need to get out of a deep depression is to start shipping a fictional couple that encourages you to read fanfiction until 3 am.
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general-poedameron · 1 month
Just wondering if you're still interested in RP at all? 🙂
Yes! I’m currently looking to do a Top Gun RP where I would write for Bradley Bradshaw/Rooster. I’m always open to any proposals or ideas though!
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general-poedameron · 2 months
everybody getting their jorts in a twist over the fact that there was no Twisters kiss but i didn’t hear that from all y’all two summers ago when Glen Powell didn’t get to kiss leading lady Miles Teller
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general-poedameron · 2 months
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og: @dillydallycorp
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general-poedameron · 2 months
So I saw this article saying that Top Gun 3 would have to have a story where Hangman doesn’t overshadow Rooster.
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“Top Gun 3 may need to balance the roles of Maverick, Rooster, and Hangman to continue the story effectively.”
May I present to you:
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3,613+ stories that would solve your problem.
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general-poedameron · 3 months
Top Gun 3, 8, 17
3. A character I want to carry around in a little jar and study like a bug
Hangman. I need to know how his personality developed.
8. The character with the greatest wasted/unexplored potential
Hmmm. I don’t have a strong opinion on this. Maybe more Halo to balance out all the testosterone? 😉
17. The line of dialogue I quote most often
I don’t really quote stuff because it’s not my first language so I don’t get to IRL, but there are some pretty fun lines in TGM. Mav’s “alright, I won’t tell you that” is pretty quotable and always cracks me up. 😆
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general-poedameron · 3 months
Ice was the one to teach Bradley to drive.
They found a quiet parking lot, and he slowly but clearly walked bradley through the functions. (he learnt in a manuel). Ice was a very calm teacher, he knew Bradley needed to be able to figure it out himself, so the older man just sat quietly, giving some guidance when he needed it.
Bradley managed to learn pretty fast because of this and within no time he was driving on the road confidently. Ice trusted bradley to keep them safe, and only really intervened when it was really necessary or Bradley asked for help.
But when Mav tried to drive with him, a few months into having his learners permit, it didn’t go so well. He had trouble letting go and seemed to feel the need to tell Bradley what to do every two seconds and it really irked the teen.
Bradley would be taking a turn, and Mav would point out every detail of what he needed to do, when to indicate, when to slow down (more often than not it was way before he even needed to think of hitting the breaks). There was a lot of grabbing the door, flinching, and mumbled prayers, and because of this Bradley would tend to get into a reckless headspace, and it would just spiral from there. He would get snarky and talk back whenever Maverick would tell him what to do, and both of them would end up in pretty pissy moods by the end of the drive.
After the first few times, Mav gave up driving with Bradley, and left that to Ice. It was decided that they had plenty of other hobbies to could bond over. It was only after Bradley had his p’s for a while that they started driving together again, and Mav still had to forcefully calm himself down.
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general-poedameron · 3 months
i still can’t believe they real life showed resident navy babygirl bradley bradshaw having a panic attack in the driver’s seat of a jet and then shaking it off and blindly dropping a perfect bullseye. who’s doing it like him
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general-poedameron · 3 months
when mav bought his hanger and P-51 him and bradley would drive out there every chance they got. The windows of mavs truck down, music playing at an “appropriate” volume until a song bradley loved started playing and he turned it all the way up, mav of course had to sing along. Bradleys bag of toys and comics in the back beside a box of new parts mav found.
bradley would play or read and sometimes help mav work on the plane, and by help i mean he’d sit on the wing or in the cockpit and pretend he was flying.
As he got older he wanted to learn more, he handed mav tools and asked more questions about how it all worked, he even started reading the manual.
but bradley never got to fly in the plane for real, mav never fixed it before their falling out. Until they reconnected. The first time mav invited bradley over it was to take him flying
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general-poedameron · 4 months
The most unforseen result of Top Gun Summer is that every time I hear lovesick country music I think about sadboy Hangman in the aftermath of the pre-TGM Hangster breakup
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general-poedameron · 4 months
personally I think they should play top gun in theaters near me because I asked nicely and it's me???
Let me have Val Kilmer on the big screen okay?? I don't ask for much but these are my demands and this is a threat
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general-poedameron · 4 months
*Rooster and Hangman shopping*
Rooster: Aw, the Hawaiian shirt with rainbow pineapples is so cute!
Hangman, deadpan: That’s really gay
Rooster: …
Rooster: Jake, we’ve been married for 3 years…
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