It honestly depends if you got your period or not tbh
Honestly depends on what's going on 🤷‍♂️😂
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Ok so what can you do when you are like, dying...on your period I mean, I cry and watch TV idk is there a thing that can actually y'know, help?
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Omg yesss
Please do this
Fuck pride haters
Petition to extend Pride month for the rest of forever
Reblog if you agree
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I'm scared that my sister will stop my brother from getting the support he needs.
Right, welcome to my first ever post.... My sister is one of those siblings that gets all the attention because she's younger. she will be starting year 7 when we return to school and I understand that it's very important but I feel that my younger brother who will be starting year 9 and has recently been extremely depressed after his boyfriend broke up with him through text and his best friend is in hospital after a car accident. My sister, on the other hand is getting love and attention non-stop. She did work hard on her SATs tests but that happened a while ago and she doesn't need any more special treatment. My brother is still even getting bullied because he's gay and I'm being bullied for being bi and our parents are telling us to tell a member of staff in our school, and, anybody who has ever seen somebody be bullied or has been bullied in school (other than primary but if your still in primary school your too young to be here) then you know that teachers don't give a fuck if somebody is being bullied unless it's themselves you may be lucky enough to have a teacher who cares but honestly, our schools teachers only come in to be paid sometimes they don't even teach at all like, bitch I didn't come here with a 5 ton backpack to be given detention, eat lunch, sit in a class doing nothing, deal with homophobic jackasses, get called a slut by some girl because my boyfriend is her crush, go home, eat my bodyweight in mac 'n cheese and watch my sleep paralysis demon have a rave in my bedroom only to wake up the next day and do it all again. My brother, sister and school are huge parts of my life, my bf is bigger ;) I might do a post about him soon but we'll done on reading my entire rant if you actually did...
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