generalmacek · 7 months
The Slaughter: A Tekken Short story inspired by Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
WARNING! Gore and violent themes present!
A dark, eerie atmosphere hung around the battleship belonging to the Yggdrasil Rebellion. Taken down by the Tekken Naval and Air Forces and slowly sinking into the Pacific, the evacuation was well underway as a transport with a heavy escort began to approach the ship.
Onboard, the heads of the Rebellion and their soldiers tried to get off with as much intel as possible, including the detailed plans of the Zaibatsu Space Station Yamamoto. Downloading all the data onto a special flash drive and taking it out of the damaged mainframe once it was done, a group of Rebel soldiers were making their way to the escape route that was in form of the Rebel Army airborne headquarters, holding its ramp open at the part of the ship that wasn't sunk down yet. But as they were reaching the last corridor, the door before them suddenly shut down, closing them off from the rest of their comrades. Lars Alexandersson, Lee Chaolan and Alisa Bosconovich were organizing the evacuation when they saw that. But they had no idea what was about to occur except for the small glass window in the door.
As the soldiers inside desperately tried to open the shut down door with no avail as if an invisible force was holding them shut, they suddenly heard a strange, metal-cutting noise and after that, a sharp distinctive clicking was approaching them. Realizing they are cut off from their comrades in arms, the soldiers in the corridor took their positions, taking cover and aiming their weapons at the end of the hallway which was laid in complete, utter darkness. The sharp clicks were closing in with higher volume, the floor resonating with each click, and then... it stopped for a moment, before a feminine, coldly-laid voice let out a sigh and spoke in a mannered, yet silently menacing tone.
"You've got a date with death."
And as Lars made his way to see what was going on through the small window, the feminine figure revealed herself as Nina Williams, clad in a black leather bodysuit and wielding two weapons - a modified handgun and a laser katana which upon activation spread such a glow from its light blue laser blade it illuminated the end of the corridor Nina was standing at. Her firm, strong figure stood there as she eyed the soldiers standing against her. They were shook in fear and panic, as they did not expect her to come after them. But after one of them yelled 'OPEN FIRE!', their panic switched to terror as all men in the room pulled the trigger on their weapons, releasing a deadly volley of bullets towards the blonde. 
But the blonde only moved forward, swinging her katana in blocking strikes and it seemed as if she was blocking the volleys of bullets with relative ease, with those who made it past her laser katana simply missed her. The panic in the soldiers was settling in, they kept firing... until they ran out of ammunition and they had to reload. 
Lars was a witness to it all as Nina, using the opportunity to her advantage, twirled on the tip of her heel and aimed two shots from her handgun upon the nearest soldiers that wanted to get her. The first one got a bullet tearing through his head, leaving him dead on the spot while the second one, nearly finishing his reload, felt as Nina's bullet torn through his neck and throat, making him choke on his blood and fall down, sliding onto the wall and dying in sharp, stinging and suffocating pain.
The other soldiers were ready to fire again, but they were a witness to as one of the frontal soldiers, who saw the blonde kill his two friends, charged and wanted to end this with one close shot into her face. But his anger and eagerness was his doom as Nina aimed a reversed butterfly kick to launch him in the air and as he collided with the ceiling, the blonde simply kept him pinned with her boot until she aimed a precise, cutting swing with her laser weapon through man's chest... and his comrades were seeing as the soldier fell onto the ground upon Nina letting her leg settle down back on the floor, cut in half with his blood, guts and intestines coming out slowly.
As the two soldiers tried prying the door open with Lars trying everything in his power to help them from his side, the slaughter continued. As the soldiers began opening fire again and witnessed as Nina expertly blocked and dodged their volley, she moved in to the next soldiers that were close to her. In a moment of panic, they stood up in hopes of getting a better shot at Nina or just to not die cowering for mercy. The first one on her side got a clean downward cleave through his body, striking him down with a painful scream the soldier released. The other one, who appeared to stand behind the blonde, aimed his gun to blast her in the head, but she was faster, dodging the bullet and taking a swift clean swing at the Rebel soldier, taking his head off with one strike. 
As the headless soldier fell on the ground, the other two aimed their submachine guns at the blonde, but they were short on time to pull the trigger, as she swiftly disarmed them with a swift slashing kick, and when they tried to take her on in hand-to-hand combat, the last thing they felt was as the laser blade Nina swung with against them cut through their throats and leaving them bleeding out, falling onto the ground as they were slowly choking on their own blood, with Nina walking past them like an angel of death.
Lars was nearly done prying the door open as Lee and Alisa went in to help him, but it was nearly too late as the rest of the soldiers closed off in the corridor faced off by the killer blonde. As the first one was trying to open the door, the last two of his comrades went to engage Nina. One tried to shoot her with his Desert Eagle Commando pistol, but he got shot in the head, his visor broken as the bullet tore through his eye and exited on the other side of his head, with the man being thrown against the wall and sunk against it on the floor. The other one, picking up his knife to face off the angel of death in close quarters combat, got pinned to the wall as Nina lashed off her leg in a swift roundhouse kick in his head, with another turn she landed her heel and boot onto his throat. Not feeling any mercy for anyone, she cruelly snapped the soldier's neck with a swift move of her foot and let the man sink onto the floor.
But suddenly, as if the force holding the door eased off and Lars managed to pry the door just slightly enough for the last soldier to slide in the data flash drive.
"Take it! Take it-"
But as Lars took the flash drive, Lee pulled him back as suddenly, a blue laser blade came through both the last soldier in the corridor and the door. And just as the trio - Lars, Lee and Alisa - saw the last man sink onto the floor while the blade cut him in half, the door opened, revealing the blonde femme fatale in her black leather bodysuit in full. But rather than fighting her though Lars believed they could take her, he listened to Lee and Alisa and ordered a full-on retreat, with him and his friends running towards the parked aircraft.
Nina went on with her slaughter, cutting through the Rebel soldiers like a hot knife through butter, slashing through them with her laser katana or blasting them with her handgun. Walking to the deck where the Rebel Army aircraft was starting to take off, she saw Lars and his allies, as well as some contestants from the King of Iron Fist tournament, board the plane while the Rebel soldiers provided covering fire to slow her down. The blonde femme fatale saw them as a distraction, an unfortunate slow down... and proceeded to engage them, blocking their shots while slashing, kicking and striking them down in her deadly elegance. She cut through the three with the laser blade, shooting down the other two until the last group that stood between her and the plane, aimed their assault rifles and handguns at her. She stood there, waiting for them to open fire... and as they pulled the trigger and released the volley of bullets coming for her, she began blocking the bullets with her laser blade, expertly blocking every shot taken at her and even managing to deflect some of the bullets back upon the soldiers, with one of them ending having his shot deflected back and pierced right through his heart. As they had to reload, they went to engage the blonde in close quarters combat, but they were greeted with bullets, fired through their heads and putting them down on the spot. Nina would fire a shot at the last one, but she ran out of ammo. Cursing below her own breath, she charged against the Rebel soldier. As he went for a sliding sweep kick, she vaulted above him, taking him by surprise and as he stood up, he suddenly felt a hot blade coming through his stomach... as Nina pierced her katana through him and to his own horror, moved the blade upwards to slice him in half, with his halved carcass falling down onto the deck.
Lars and Lee stood at the plane platform as the aircraft of the Rebel Army was taking off already. It was too late for Nina to board it, so she quickly loaded her handgun with a special magazine full of special bullets and aimed to shoot not at one of the leaders of the Rebellion, but onto the plane's surface, seemingly trying to look like she wanted to kill them. But in reality, she fired a homing tracker at the surface of the aircraft, and as they got away, the Tekken Force moved in to secure what was left of the battleship while Nina took out a small tracker from her belt, and a small smirk happened to appear on her brightly red lips.
"Fly, little birds. We shall meet soon enough."
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generalmacek · 7 months
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Why am I getting slight Death By Degrees finale vibes from this? I mean, it could be interesting to see Nina and Reina battling it out over the leadership of Mishima Zaibatsu like this. Don't you agre?
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generalmacek · 8 months
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Tekken: The Expendables.
Just a little project I got an idea for today. Nina and Reina were the first to join the ranks of Iron Fist Expendables Unit, who's going to follow?
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generalmacek · 8 months
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Nina in her 'alternate' dress outfit I recolored into black. Somehow, I enjoy seeing Nina in black more than in purple.
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generalmacek · 8 months
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Me and Tekken 8 in a nutshell.
All in good will, of course. I think Tekken 8 knocked it off the part on every level. I just admit I have problems with moving on from characters that are interesting to my eye. And I finally wanted to use this scene from the Sopranos for meme purposes. So I hope we can all share a good laugh and have fun.
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generalmacek · 8 months
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Since Nina and Reina might nd up working together, I made some... fits for them to match up to each other. I hope I won't end up in a shadow realm for this.
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generalmacek · 8 months
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If Reina ever decided to ditch her street looks for more... spyesque ones.
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generalmacek · 8 months
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Nina's Purple Stylish Outfit.
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generalmacek · 8 months
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If Reina decided to go for the biker look.
If you had any outfit suggestions I could make for either Nina, Reina or anyone else, feel free to send them to me. I am always up to make some fitting looks for characters in Tekken 8.
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generalmacek · 8 months
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Meet Reina Mishima, the new CEO of Mishima Zaibatsu.
I got an inspiration to make this in Tekken 8 Character Customization... and well, it ended up way better than I imagined it.
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generalmacek · 8 months
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Nina Williams's 'Business CEO' Outfit.
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generalmacek · 8 months
Tekken 8 from Nina's perspective, Chapter Five - A Fate Decided by Fists
Outskirts of Nagoya, Former Misihma Zaibatsu territory, Japan
The flight between Tokyo and Nagoya took Nina a few hours, with pain streaking through her body like a hedgehog. The fight with Master Raven, albeit a victorious one, left her in a state worse than she previously anticipated. But she held on, as she intended to keep herself going until she reached the supposed battlefront between Mishima Zaibatsu and G-Corporation. Supposedly, because according to her reports, there is no military presence in what was left of the city of Nagoya. Only stragglers and occasional scavengers. Nothing really too pleasing to Nina's mind, right now.
Holding onto the piloting handle of the helicopter, Nina took the vehicle and flew in between several ruined skyscrapers, seeing the damage caused by the constant war and attrition. Nagoya was one of the cities turned into a constant battlefield between the two corporations and their armed forces, which turned the city into a haunting ruin with no life in it, at all. Nina looked over just to check there were no anti-air emplacements or men with rocket launchers ready to shoot her down when she decided to land the helicopter in a secluded place behind the former headquarters of G-Corporation. The helicopter's blades slowly shut down and stopped rotating, the vehicle slowly set down upon the cracked concrete. Nina got lucky as the buildings around her improvised landing zone were far enough to grant the helicopter just enough space to land safely, less space and it would turn into a disaster.
Once the vehicle was set down, Nina opened the side door and hopped down from it and held her own side. She felt one of her ribs was cracked, not broken. As she flinched her fingers across the rib, she felt nothing was broken, yet. So she was somewhat relieved. After getting her things out of the helicopter along with a specialized assault rifle, she headed out into the streets... but knowing the scavengers and local survivors, she suggested that the high ground would be more preferable and headed for the nearby fire escape ladder and climbed it upwards, getting onto the roof of a nearby business store... and she immediately managed to slide herself behind one of the concrete chimneys in time, as a group of scavengers with tattered Tekken Force armor were on the neighboring rooftop, looking down on the street while looking through the loot they got. 
"You've got to be joking." Nina said to herself as she carefully moved her head slightly over the corner so that she could see the scavenger group with her eyes. Luckily for her, they weren't looking in her direction, so she could see the group without being spotted though there were many rooftop appliances and things that were partially blocking her sight. 
Five men, all wearing Tekken Force armor with various parts missing. Armed with old-generation rifles and pistols. She thought this could be easy to take them out, but she knew that where there was one group, others wouldn't be lingering behind too far. So she took a risk and picked up a Tekken Force comlink she had hidden in her pocket and put it on, trying to contact anyone on the frequency. 
"Hakha? Radec? This is Williams. I am in Nagoya, I need an immediate retrieval, over." She said quietly into the comlink, no response. But no sign of the signal being disrupted, either. She thought the line was dead due to Kazuya's destruction of the world satellite system, but she persisted in trying again.
"This is Williams to any loyalist forces of Mishima Zaibatsu. I need to be retrieved from Nagoya ASAP, over!" She said into the small machine again, but with a little louder tone as she was starting to feel a bit irritated... and caught an attention of one of the scavengers as he seemed to look over onto the rooftop where Nina was located, picked up his rifle and walked up to the edge, jumping over and landing on the other roof. 
Once his iron boots dumbed against the floor of the rooftop, Nina went silent. She knew that this meant trouble and by listening to the footsteps, she could tell the scavenger was closing onto her position. But perhaps this could be used to her advantage. As the scavenger in a medium plate armor began to scour through the chimneys and air conditioner units, Nina was sneaking behind them, seemingly going to meet the man head on... only to turn around to go onto man's right as he went to the left, stepping around the concrete block Nina was hiding behind in the first place, checking the place with his rifle up front...
"Huh?" The man wondered before life flickered in front of his eyes as Nina vaulted to wrap her arms around his neck, pulling the scavenger down onto the floor and hiding behind one of the AC units. As the man's comrades began to wonder where their friend went, Nina went to snap his neck to shut him up and be done with this. Though the neckbone crack was loud and it alerted the others of her presence.
They began to assume basic defensive positions - two with rifles stood behind on the higher grounds onto the other rooftop while the other two, armed with handguns and knives, followed their fallen comrade and hopped onto the rooftop Nina was at. She cursed in a mutter below her breath, as she did not want this to be that way, but now that her hand was forced... she went to work.
Leaving her cover with deadly velocity supporting her legs, Nina ran towards the first scavenger, sliding below his fist that he tried to connect with her face and sticking one of her knives into his knee, she quickly stood up and sidestepped around the hurt scavenger. Using the opportunity to her advantage as his ally refused to shoot, not intending to risk hurting him, the blonde used the scavenger she was standing behind as cover and took out her own handgun. Sticking the gun from below the man's arm while locking him in a chokehold, Nina aimed several shots at the other man. Shots were piercing through man's torso in an upward direction, from his stomach to this shoulder until the final bullet pierced through scavenger's neck and the force behind the firepower of Nina's weapon forced the pierced man to slide down with his back against the wall, bleeding out to his death as he couldn't stop the bleeding in time. Her shots went through internal organs and it was late to stop the internal and external bleeding. 
With the second scavenger down, Nina went to finish the first one. Taking the knife out of man's knee, she did not relent and after kicking him in the other knee from behind to bring him down, only to slit his throat without a bat of an eye and then let the man go off the chokehold... only to push him off the roof and see him fall down onto the pavement.
Three down, two to go. Now, Nina quickly turned around to see the other two aiming their rifles onto her. Without any cover at hand, one of the scavengers took the shot at her... and nearly missed as the blonde vaulted forward into a roll and taking out the assault rifle she recovered from the helicopter, she quickly aimed the sights upon one of the scavengers taking cover behind the higher brick columns. While the other one took cover immediately, the fourth scavenger, seemingly thinking she can take her out, aimed to take a shot and came out of his cover, just enough to show off his head... and that was enough for the killer blonde, as she aimed her assault rifle at man's forehead and with his head in her sights, she pulled the trigger before the man could... and the bullet came right through it, tearing through skin, muscle and brain and leaving a wide hole in scavenger's forehead, with the shot's velocity arching the man away, making him step down from the platform he was standing on and fall down to his death.
"NO!" The last scavenger yelled out. Seeing all his friends taken down by Nina made him feel a mixture of panic and anger. He threw down his rifle and vaulted over between the rooftops, he charged like a raging bull against the blonde. Using basic box moves and wrestling grapples, he intended to make Nina pay for the carnage. Though she easily read his moveset and used his own strength against him. She let the assault rifle go on the floor and ducking behind a high left hook, she aimed a double palm strike, first one below his ribs and the second one aimed for the solar plexus. The man stepped back as he felt air pushed out of his lungs, but tried to strike back as soon as he regained his footing, but he was met with Nina's superior speed and reflexes as he was greeted with a staggering hand strike right into his face that sent him stagger back against the edge of the rooftop. He attempted, out of rage, to kick Nina into her leg, but she expertly dodged the kick and after striking his throat with a fingertip strike, she lashed out her leg in a fast roundhouse kick that connected with scavenger's upper body that made him roll over the edge, holding onto the rooftop with just the tips of his fingers. 
Nina then stepped up onto the edge and looked down into the man's eyes. He could see there was little to no remorse left in hers, though he still tried to resist... trying to push himself up, only to be met with Nina placing her heeled shoe onto his fingers, slowly crushing them one by one...
"Please, no, spare my life-" The man pleaded for mercy, trying to save his life, but he was met with nothing but utter, cold silence as she was finished crushing his fingertips... and saw how Nina aimed a stomping kick right into his head, pushing the scavenger from the ledge and making him fall down into the alleyway... crashing into the pavement. He was not moving several seconds afterwards. 
After this little skirmish, Nina stepped down and leaned onto the edge. Though the adrenaline was still going strong in her body, it wasn't enough to help her recover. She was feeling her strength waning away, and though she was determined to keep going, she knew that what Master Raven started by putting Nina to the stretch of her skills and expertise, this mistake with the scavengers could have finished if she wasn't successful. She let out a sigh... before hearing a chopper approaching. Raising her eyes, she saw a Tekken Force armored chopper coming in through the air. A wave of relief washed over her features, but that quickly changed when her eyes moved down, seeing two G-Corporation soldiers with anti-air rocket launchers set to shoot it down. 
Nina did not relent. Yes, a risk came into her mind that she could have been seen and exposed, but at the same time, she cannot let anyone from G-Corporation know about her plans. Even though taking down G-Corporation soldiers might be a direct warning to Kazuya about her true allegiance, she knew that her plans must be kept a secret despite knowing all the risks connected to what she was about to do.
She quickly snatched the assault rifle from the floor and aimed its sights upon the two troopers on the lower rooftop below. The helicopter was approaching and though its armor could take a few rockets, its rotor and motor blades couldn't. She aimed the sights on the first soldiers, pulled the trigger and ended his life. As the first one fell dead onto the floor, the second one turned around and noticed Nina standing  on the higher ground... and then turned around, aiming to run towards the radio settled next to the door leading into the building below. But before he could even reach it, Nina aimed the sights upon him and ended his life in a snap of a second. 
The helicopter soon came descending towards the rooftop Nina was located at. Once it was close enough, its side door panel opened, revealing a Maori-looking soldier in Tekken Force armor smiling along with two Tekken Force soldiers, one at his each side. 
"Well well, thought we would leave you hanging?" The soldiers without a helmet spoke in an amused manner, immediately lowering down to reach out towards Nina with his armored hand. The blonde smirked back and took it. 
"Hakha! What took you so long?" Nina asked with cynical amusement dripping off her lips, sitting into one of the helicopter seats and eyed captain Hakha right in the eye. Hakha, one of the veteran soldiers of the Tekken Force, chuckled softly as he motioned the pilot to leave.
"Complications." He said back plainly. The vehicle soon ascended in the air, leaving the ruined city of Nagoya behind...
Tekken Force Front Command Post, Near Lake Biwa, Japan
The helicopter soon landed at the Tekken Force frontal command post near lake Biwa. Nina and Hakha came out of the vehicle, heading right for the command tent. During the flight, Hakha informed Nina of the situation on the front, that the Yggdrasil Rebellion spy planes were spotted in the vicinity which caused concerns to arise within the mind of general Granger, the commander of the southern front. Nina was glad to be among her own once again as she felt a certain relief to see her troops and allies again. 
Once they were in a tent, Nina could see general Arnold Granger behind a command panel, having holographic images of Nagoya, northern mountain passes and outskirts of Osaka at his disposal. A Tekken Force doctor began to take care of blonde's wounds as Hakha coughed up to gain general's attention, who seemed to be distracted by the reports. As Nina was sitting down and pulling down her jacket for the doctor to check up on her bruises and wounds, Granger raised his eyes up on Hakha.
"Sorry to disturb you, sir, but look who I found in the bombed-out ruins of Nagoya." Hakha said, pointing his thumb finger towards his commander-in-chief. Granger, who couldn't believe his own eyes at first, raised his eyebrows and let a smile come upon his weary lips slowly.
"Lady Williams?! It is so good to see you again, ma'am. I was starting to worry you might have defected to Kazuya Mishima for good." Granger added with a coldly amused tone. In return, Nina let out a slight cynical chuckle while the doctor started to take out special first aid sprays with carbon in them, spraying Nina's bruises and wounded spots.
"I am not that easy to kill, gentlemen. What's the situation?" She asked, looking over to Hakha and Granger, curious to know what was going on. It wasn't that long before she made Kazuya declare this part of Japan as 'lost to anarchy', thus allowing her lieutenants to prepare the Tekken Force in utmost secrecy. However, the look in the eyes of her allies seemed to bring concern into her features. "What? Did something happen while I was gone?"
"We lost contact with the Iron Fist and general Lente. Alongside most of our Pacific holdings." Hakha reported after a moment of utter silence. "The last transmission stated he was headed with the fleet towards Pearl Harbor. I hope nothing happened to him."
Granger nodded his head with a sigh before adding his piece of information. "And we have been keeping an eye upon Europe once the tournament has been announced. The UN seemed to have speeded up their operations and began enclosing upon Italy. With the finals of the tournament coming up soon, we suggest the UN forces might attempt to take down Kazuya Mishima."
"And behead G-Corporation in one swift stroke, just as they tried it in Tokyo... Damn it." Nina held her side as the first aid spray from the doctor began to take effect on her. She felt her muscles stopping to stir with pain and her bones, though it will take time to heal them, weren't feeling that much in pain anymore.
Both Granger and Hakha nodded their heads. Nina stood up as she felt up to it and stepped to the command desk, moving the holo-images to show the image of Rome to her friends, along with the Colosseum built in for the tournament finals. She began to zoom in on the structure, with various streets and alleyways around it.
"What's the state of the Italian front?" Nina asked, with Granger stepping around the table, shaking his head.
"Not good. The UN and G-Corporation have been leading an intelligence war over the Peninsula, as you surely know. After the action that caused several people to flee Venice towards Rome, everything went quiet... until now."
As Hakha made it to Nina's side carefully, the aged general began pointing on the sea approach towards Rome with the UN battlecruiser slowly sailing towards the port, as well as multiple armored cars spreading around the city. "I suggest the UN is already preparing something big. And we cannot be sure what it is."
Nina frowned in agreement, though her mind was racing with thoughts. If this is all part of Kazuya's plan, why would he let the UN come marching at his very doorstep? "Then we better prepare. Whatever Kazuya's and the UN's plans are, we cannot sit idly and wait for death." 
Suddenly, Nina heard her phone ringing and buzzing. She pardon herself and took the jacket off the chair, picking up the phone and placing it to her ear. She placed a finger on her lips while facing everyone in the room, urging them to silence.
"Williams." She said into the phone.
"Miss Williams, this is Shimada of the King of Iron Fist tournament committee. Kazuya Mishima has requested your presence at the tournament finals in Rome!" The man said with clear panic and fear in his tone. 
Nina sighed. She did not know that, as Kazuya never asked her to be present there. Nor that he ever wanted her to be around. Why now?
"Did he say why?" She asked coldly.
The blonde asked the man, though Shimada seemed to be losing his nerves out of fear. "No, he hasn't. But if I may be so bold... I wouldn't make him wait."
"Understood. I'll head for Italy immediately." She said back to Shimada and put the phone away, ending the call. She then turned back to Hakha and Granger as the doctor bowed down and made his leave from the tent.
"What was it?" Hakha asked, being met with a cold stern glare from his superior. 
"Kazuya wants me in Rome to observe the tournament finals. For what reason, I do not know."
Granger furrowed his brows, rubbing the forehead with his fingers. "That we cannot risk. With the UN encircling the whole city and you being right at his side, whatever he has planned-"
"I will be alright, general." Nina intended to calm Granger down. "Our utmost priority should be to prepare for the final push in secret. Granger, you will be in charge of our Japanese operations while I am away. Hakha will be at your disposal with the 101st. If the worst is about to be unleashed in Rome... I want the Black Guard to be there in case I need a quick way out."
Both men nodded her head. "Understood." Hakha said in a firm tone.
"As you wish, madame." Granger said back, though it was clear he thought this was already a bad idea. 
"Alright." Nina said back with measure in her tone. "I am going to head towards the airport in Kyoto to get me the fastest route to Rome. Can you let Kyoto know I am on my way there?"
"They will know, madame. I shall accompany you to the airport." Hakha said back, escoring Nina out of the tent towards the helipad. Granger then said back into his seat, sighing. He wished he could get in contact with his friend, James Solomon, who was in charge of space station Yamamoto. Ever since they lost contact with it, he started to feel lost...
Once Williams and Hakha got into the helicopter that was meant to get them to Kyoto, Nina's mind focused in silence upon the newly-gained information. Why would Kazuya want her in Rome, and why didn't he tell her about it in advance? Was it a part of his plan, or wasn't he trusting her enough for that? She only wondered why Kazuya invited her to Rome like that. She put on her jacket back and reaffirmed it as the helicopter took off towards the unofficial capital of Mishima Zaibatsu…
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generalmacek · 8 months
Tekken 8 from Nina's perspective, Chapter Four - Unrelenting Ambition
Millennium Tower, Tokyo, Japan
Nina's departure from Venice was as fast as her arrival. She had to report to Kazuya back in Tokyo as soon as possible. The flight from Italy to Japan took several hours and it allowed Nina to watch the progress of the tournament while making sure all details and behind-the-curtain matters are dealt with. She was satisfied that everything was going according to plan, though there was a thought that was drawing onto her mind - why would the Sirius Marksmen give up their lives for a trio of fugitives? It would soon turn into a quartet as a large panda bear was seen accompanying the fugitives on their way from G-Corporation towards where the finals of King of Iron Fist tournament 8 were meant to be held, and that was in Rome. Nina could just call in the Tekken Force to secure the city, but that is a huge security risk she cannot undergo right now. Rome was a huge city and alerting Kazuya that the Mishima Zaibatsu is still at large along with the Tekken Force would put a halt to Nina's own plans. That has to wait, though it was a tempting thought.
As her jet soon enough landed in Tokyo, Nina's next stop was Millennium Tower. She took the escort APC that was awaiting her at the airport and went for the Tower. She intended to report to Kazuya as soon as possible, though there was this unrelenting feeling that someone was watching her all the way from the airport...
Once Nina got into Kazuya's office after being called in, she eased off her walk. She did not have to let Kazuya know she's afraid. Her heels were clicking upon the floor in sharp tones as the blonde heard what Kazuya was watching to - it seemed like Jin Kazama made it to the finals, despite all doubts and expectations. Nina did not have time to watch his match with Hwoarang in full, but she did see the snippets - seems like his Devil self was slowly waking up from slumber it was thrown into after Jin's crushing defeat by the hands of his father.
As soon as Nina stepped close to his desk, Kazuya raised his eyes from the screen, his hues befalling upon the blonde. "Nina." He said in a near tired tone. Though it was not easy to tell if he was displeased or just tired. The Devil Gene seemed to have been erasing all traces of his once-known humanity.
The blonde took glasses off her eyes and nodded her head, looking onto the tablet she held in her hand as she read the report from Venice. She was going to spare him the details about the bloody break-in into the Cathedral, she was sure Kazuya read about that already. She then skipped to the part about Zafina. "The woman you were looking for was with the Sirius Marksmen."
Kazuya nodded his head lightly, his eyes affirmed to stare upon Nina. "Keep an eye on them. Make sure they don't leave Italy." He said in a stoic and stern Japanese tone. He seemed to be displeased with the result, but it did the work as intended - Zafina and her entourage were on the run, at least that was what Nina intended to do.
Nodding her head to her 'boss' with a neutral expression in her features, Nina then turned around on the tip of her heel and left his office in a slow walk, her thoughts slowly creeping up on her mind again. But she kept on moving, intending to get out so that she wouldn't show weakness to Kazuya for, as Nina thought, would have catastrophic consequences for her and her whole ordeal.
Once the door had closed and Nina was out of Kazuya's sight, she let out a slight sigh escape in between her lips. She seemed to be getting the hang of this, but there was still a lot of work to do - she has to check up with her own forces in the south, and not to mention she has to make sure that her cover in G-Corporation isn't blown. So she went for the elevator and headed for the rooftop. Before walking into the machinery, she got one of the G-Corporation officers on her comlink. "Williams here. Get me a chopper, I need to make an inspection of our southern frontline."
"Understood." The officer said back in a firm tone. The preparations for her leave were going well and as Nina finally called in the elevator, the feeling of being watched came up to creep upon her again. But she was sure Kazuya wasn't watching her, at least not in the way she thought about it. But who would be watching her?
Those thoughts did not leave her as she walked into the elevator and pressed the button to take her to the rooftops. She turned around to see the city of Tokyo in her sight, seeing how the side where Mishima Tower used to stand was completely ravaged by war, while the side which Kazuya ruled was filled with prosperity and lavishness. She let out another sigh, having arms crossed onto her chest. It was like the vision of how Kazuya envisioned the whole world - those loyal and serving him will live in prosperity, while others will suffer. A haunting thought, more than the creeping thought about being constantly watched.
She dropped those thoughts down as the elevator stopped at its destination and opened the metal door. Nina walked out and began approaching the armored helicopter with G-Corporation insignia painted on its side, where several G-Corporation soldiers were preparing it for take-off and began to check it for flight.
"Miss Williams!" One of the soldiers noticed the blonde approaching and he went upfront to meet her, hand on his forehead in a salute. "The helicopter is almost ready, we just need to complete a pre-flight check."
"Very good..." Nina said with a coldly pleased tone, eyeing the soldier with a careful glance shining in her eyes.
"Wait a minute-" Suddenly, the creeping thought of being watched came onto her mind again when her senses went up... and saw how the soldiers at the upper helipad got slaughtered by an invisible force, an invisible sword was cutting through the soldiers like a knife through butter. Blood and guts were spilled all over and once Nina got the idea that this was the thing that was watching her all the time since the airport, she wrapped her hands around the soldier's shoulders. Too late, as the blade went through his back in a wide slash, leaving his spine exposed and blood flowing out of his armor.
Nina's instincts served her well, as she moved her arms upwards into an X block, just a second before an arm would clash with her forearms, a reminiscence of a blade being too close to her cheek. Seconds later, as the rain began to befall upon the rooftop, the figure began to reveal to the Silent Assassin, revealing a woman with ebony skin, clad in a futuristic-like armor and wielding a sword. Nina did not have time to question the woman, but the other one seemed to be rather talkative now that it was just Nina and her.
"Nina Williams. First Mishima Zaibatsu, now G-Corporation... your loyalty is truly set for the highest bidder." The woman in armor said, aiming to break the arm clinch both women had between them, but Nina was faster.
"Shut up." She said, aiming to slide away one of her arms and use it to aim a direct uppercut against the woman's chin to launch her in the air and 'shut her up'. The strike seemed to have worked as intended and once the stealth woman was in the air, Nina aimed a high Harpoon Kick right into her chest to send her flying away against the metal staircase. The kick connected and sent the mysterious woman flying towards the stairs, though before she fell on the floor, she used the force she was sent with and turned the fall into a twirl, landing onto the rooftop floor with a slide. Though she held her chest for a moment, signifying Nina's kick left a mark on her.
The woman was no other than Master Raven, the commander of the division that Raven was part of in the past. Though Nina never met her in person, the legacy and rumors about the woman reached her ears. Though she intended not to let that distract her as she intended not to be slowed down.
"Nina Williams." Master Raven gritted through teeth as she stood up, standing in her fighting stance already. She had work to do as well. "By the order of the UN and Victor Chevalier, you are under arrest. Come quietly, or I will be forced to take you in by force."
Nina let out a cynically amused chuckle while she eyed the ebony-skinned woman, moving her gloved hand past her own throat to make her distinct taunt and get into her fighting stance. "Amusing. Come on, then. You've got a date with death."
Once their words have been said, Nina and Master Raven ran against each other at deadly speed, exchanging strikes and kicks with lethal precision and crushing velocity. It seemed at first that both women were balancing each other out - Master Raven's knowledge of Ninjutsu and acrobatics seemed to be on par with Nina's knowledge of Assassination Arts and Aikido, as well as with her speed - but as the fight progressed and their time was running out, Nina began to figure out Master Raven's approach to this. She was holding back, intending to bring Nina to UN headquarters alive. That could be the mistake the blonde would exploit. But it was far from over, as both the blonde and the ebony lady were far from being finished. Some of their blows were blocked, some connected... but with the adrenaline flowing in their bodies, it seemed like hits were doing nothing to either Nina or Master Raven.
After another exchange of blows and kicks, Nina let one of Master Raven's hand palm strikes reach her face... only to side step at the very last second and as the ninja lady extended her arm long enough, Nina struck. Swiftly raising her arm upwards with her hand palm stretched and her other hand clenched into a fist, she aimed a double strike at Raven's exposed elbow - first a hand palm strike to prepare the limb for the crushing strike that came in with a fist. Blonde's strike was brutal, breaking the ninja's arm at its weakest point with a loud bone cracking sound.
"ARGH!" Master Raven yelled in a painful cry, stepping back a little bit while holding her hurt arm. This was the opportunity Nina could capitalize on and finish off the ninja, but also she could make the mistake and give Raven an opportunity to repay the favor. Anyway, Raven was now several feet away from her, preparing to counterattack... or preparing for Nina's attack so she can turn the tide to her side.
Nina, starting to feel adrenaline slowly flowing away from her bloodstream and pain stinging across the body parts where Master Raven's hits connected and landed, went for a slide to put Raven off her balance, yet when the ninja lady stepped back to not let Nina's kick connect and intended to jump for a swift aerial kick, that was when the blonde stroke and raising up from the crouch, she aimed a Butterfly Uppercut strike right into other's chest, sending her flying away as it connected. But instead of using her both arms for a double Butterfly strike, Nina took out her handguns to finish the job.
"Go away!" She said in a sharp tone and opened fire. Three bullets went through Master Raven's chest, sending her plunging into the metallic floor below. Blood was coming out of the wounds, with the ninja lady trying to stand up but it was near impossible due to the pain. The fight was over.
Nina quickly approached the ninja lady before she could properly retaliate. She aimed a crushing heel stomp into one of Raven's knees to further immobilize her before stepping around her and locking the ninja in a tight chokehold, blonde's arms tightly wrapped around her neck. It was at this time Nina had noticed a drone flying over the rooftops, with a camera aimed right at them. She let a small smirk lace onto her lips, her eyes shifting between the camera from which she was sure that 'Victor Chevalier' and Raven were watching their close ally, looking back onto Master Raven and moving one of her gloved hands upon her chin.
"Look up, dear. Seems like your friends are watching..." Nina whispered in a coldly evil tone into Master Raven's ear. She felt how pain was rising up to sting across her whole body from other's strikes, but she intended to hold it back. She moved her hand from the lady's chin and pushed her head to make Master Raven look into the camera drone was slowly closing up to them.
"I... I am sorry, sir..." The ninja lady muttered in between her bleeding lips, before her life began to flicker right before her eyes as Nina began crushing the neckbone with her arm, twisting it with a cruel move of her hand on the back of Master Raven's head. In a few following moments, life left her body completely as she sunk onto the floor like a ragged doll. The blonde seemed to be pleased with the result and put the body onto the floor carefully before standing up, feeling her legs betraying her, but she held on... and took out one of her handguns, aiming its point at the camera drone.
"This is a message to 'Victor Chevalier' and Raven. Do not dare to send your lackeys after me. If you want me, come for me yourselves."
And with that being said, Nina fired out a bullet that tore through the drone and turned it into a scrap. The blonde then held her side, feeling how Master Raven's strikes were starting to cause problems and pain. She took out her phone and called in the G-Corporation garrison to clean up the mess, while she went to climb the stairs towards the helipad and despite the pain striking her from chest to her feet, she got onto the helicopter, slid into the pilot's seat and after checking up if the machine is up for flight, she took on the pilot headphones and started up the vehicle. As she saw G-Corporation troopers sweeping onto the rooftop to clean it up, Nina lifted off with the helicopter and left Tokyo through the air. She was headed to the southern frontline, the supposed battlefield between G-Corporation and non-existent Mishima Zaibatsu...
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generalmacek · 8 months
Tekken 8 from Nina's perspective, Chapter Three - A Ghost From the Past
The Sirius Cathedral, Venice, Italy
The trip from Tokyo to Venice took some time, in which Nina was observing the tournament going on. She was making herself a bit comfortable, seeing all familiar faces winning in their respective world blocks - Emilie de Rochefort, Asuka Kazama, Hwoarang and even Jin Kazama. That brought up a little smirk on her lips. She kind of expected Jin to be either held back or not allowed to participate due to his Devil Gene, but she was surprised Kazuya allowed that. Though to be frank, Nina did manage to force the organizers to let him in just to mix up with the cards in everyone's deck. 
Her jet was slowly landing upon the Venice airport and as she came out, she was greeted with a G-Corporation captain who was responsible for reporting about the Sirius Marksmen hiding Zafina alongside Claudio Serafino. He saluted her as she got off the jet stairs and began walking with her towards the main hall, hands joined behind his heavily-armored chest.
"Lady Williams, we have been tracking the fugitive Sirius Marksmen as you ordered." He began his report as Nina was nodding her head, taking the tablet from him. "They have been lately organizing in the old Sirius Cathedral in the city center. For what reason, we haven't found out."
"That detail is not important, captain. We need to flush them out, and keep them alive." Nina said back as they made it past the door into the main airport hall, her heels sharply clicking upon the hall floor that reigned some level of fear into other civilians around them. Some made it out of their way, some others just tried not to mind it.
As Nina and the G-Corporation captain made it out, the blonde noticed an armored APC parked at the front with G-Corporation mercenaries around it. As soon as they spotted her, they began saluting her. Some just to keep themselves on Nina's good list, some to keep the military level high and others just out of customs in the army. She nodded to them and then looked at the captain before walking towards the armored vehicle and walked into it, looking into the tablet while sitting in a padded seat, crossing legs over each other once all the troopers were in. 
Once the APC began driving off into the streets of Venice, Nina began making sure all unit commanders in the city were at her behest through a voice call. "This is Williams to all units in Venice. Converge upon the Sirius Cathedral, be quick!"
"Understood!" "As you wish!" "Underway!" These were the usual military responses from other commanders. Nina wanted to make sure that while she had to flush out the Sirius Marksmen and the fugitives, she also wanted to let them escape, so that they could get to the arena where the finals of King of Iron Fist tournament were meant to take place. She intended to complete Kazuya's objectives with perfection, with her own touch to it.
The streets were busy and it seemed like something was intentionally slowing them down. Like the Marksmen knew what was going to happen and tried to buy as much time as possible for Claudio and Zafina to escape, at least that was Nina's suggestion. She was going through some reports of G-Corporation troopers in the city, as well as having drone camera footage and photos of Claudio and Zafina meeting in the side streets, away from all attention and close to the sewer entrances. Alongside a Chinese girl riding a Panda bear coming towards the Cathedral. But while the images of the Stargazer and the Italian Exorcist were days old, the recordings of the Chinese girl were fresh. Nina immediately went into alert.
"Her?!" She said to herself, as this might have complicated things. Having Ling Xiaoyu not attending the tournament was a problem Nina had to solve later. Right now, she checked up on the driver to see that the streets were finally freed up and the APC had a clear road towards the cathedral.
The whole journey from the airport to the Cathedral took around half an hour, but finally they reached its ancient steps, with Nina and the captain with his men leaving the APC to secure the main entrance.
"Other units, report." Nina went for her comlink and got in contact with other captains and lieutenants.
"Back entrance is secure. We had to take positions on the rooftops, but we have it secured." One of the officers reported loud and clear.
The other one, with his mask slightly damaged, reported as well with a firm but somewhat holding back tone. "We secured the western flank. Streets are hard to check up on due to its narrow alleyways."
The last one reported back with a somewhat joyful tone. "Eastern flank of the cathedral secured. We parked APCs and an IFV on the roads and in the streets. If we get the fugitives on the run, I guarantee you they won't escape us."
"Thank you, gentlemen. Keep a sharp eye on your flanks and corners. We do not want any surprises, especially from the back. Am I clear?"
"Yes, ma'am!" The officers reported in unison before they went off to make sure their units were coordinated according to her orders. Nina and the captain then went to check up on the main door - a massive wooden door with metal bearings - and find out how to get in. Obviously and as Nina expected, the doors were locked. But after a moment of careful hearing and closing her eyes, the blonde heard several gun clicks and revolver magazine rolls behind them. The Sirius Marksmen were in, and they were getting ready. 
"The Last Stand." Nina whispered to herself, before turning back to the captain and nodding her head to him and walking away from the door. "I need C4s on these doors. Place them in the middle of the door, as well on the hinges and the lock." 
She oversaw how the military engineers from G-Corporation were planting the explosive devices on the ancient reinforced door while the captain and his men were arming and loading their assault rifles, being ready for action in a matter of seconds. 
Nina did not care why Ling Xiaoyu and Zafina found cover and shelter within the Sirius Marksmen, at least not that much. Her objective was clear and she intended to complete it. Though her curiosity was striking in her mind on why they would do that. Were they there because of Jin or because of something else? Nina remembered that one of Zafina's hands was gloved for some unknown reason, albeit hiding it from sight on the photos and recordings. At the time, Nina did not want to know as there would be plenty of time for questions and answers later, but still she wondered what happened between Jin, the Stargazer and Azazel all that time ago...
"All set!" One of the engineers reported that the C4s and the door laser were set on the door. Nina nodded her head to everyone and took out her handguns, taking position next to the door alongside the G-Corporation captain and his men. Several seconds later, the laser began cutting the shape of the door to open them and once that was done, the C4s were detonated, sending the door flying right into the building. With the smoke setting in, Nina and the G-Corporation troopers went in all guns blazing.
The cathedral hasn't changed since the last time Nina was in here. However, the resistance was much more stiff and numerous as the Sirius Marksmen took positions on every high ground possible, along with a large number of them at the lower courtyard and some of the officers, alongside Zafina, Claudio and Ling Xiaoyu at the upper courtyard, covered by heavily-armed Marksmen so they could escape. The heavy fire skirmish ensued from both sides, with Nina cutting and shooting through the Marksmen like a hot knife through butter, applying both her knowledge of the Asassination Arts, Koppujutsu and Aikido to take down the close-ranged fighters while using her handguns expertly to shoot down the ranged ones. She swung upon the defenders like an angel of death, expertly avoiding their fire using cover and agile dodges while the G-Corporation troopers began swarming in behind her, offering fire support. At the time Nina was cutting through the Sirius Marksmen, the windows on both sides of the high grounds in the cathedrals were blown up and additional G-Corporation commandos began swinging in onto the high grounds, either kicking the Marksmen down onto the ground, shooting them point-blank in their helmets or bashed them away with the gunstock of their assault rifles. Soon enough, Nina and her men had the advantage and the tide of the battle went to their side slowly. The blonde went to run towards the stairs to climb them up swiftly, aiming to take care of the officers and Marksmen with rifles before they could do anymore damage. Her assault was swift, no one was saved from her wrath. She took them down with a combination of handgun fire and martial arts, soon enough clearing out the upper courtyard. With the last officer down but not killed, the G-Corporation gained control over the cathedral soon enough as some Marksmen emerged from the sewers to engage the other units, as well yet they were swiftly gunned down.
With the battle over and the fugitives on the run as it was planned, Nina went to interrogate the surviving Sirius Marksman officer by planting her heel into his throat, slightly pressing it upon the man to push air out of his lungs. The captain went in with a salute and reported.
"The fugitives have escaped through the alleyways, but the Sirius Marksmen were eliminated. We did fail to recover the escapees, however."
Nina groaned under her breath, her eyes turning from the captain towards the officer under her heel. "Where are the fugitives headed, sir? What are they planning to do?!" 
The officer tried to mutter something, but the heel on his throat was preventing him from talking straight. "We- we do not know... our leader kept that... a secret even among us... we were meant to slow you down..."
The blonde sighed and eyed the man before pressing her heel even further, not intending to keep him alive anymore. "If you were meant to slow us down, why sacrifice yourself in such numbers?"
She asked the man, before she could hear his neck bone cracking under the pressure. She killed the Marksman officer with a quick snapping move with her stiletto heel and pushed his corpse away, turning to face the captain and other officers around her. "Captain, make sure the city is monitored 24/7. I want to know everything, even if someone sneezes. I want them to be found and watched. I want everyone to be on their guard in case they show up, is that clear?"
"Ma'am, yes ma'am!" The officers responded in a clear unison, saluting as they went away to give out orders to their men in their respective city districts. Nina was thinking for a moment, her eyes setting upon the carnage they brought in. So many of Sirius Marksmen laid dead either by guns, martial arts or simply being crushed by the massive door they blew in. And for what? Kazuya's run for power? Another senseless victims of this war? She questioned this so much at the moment, but she was woken up from doubts with her phone ringing. She took it. "Williams."
"Nina. What is the situation in Italy?" It was Kazuya. He seemed he could read her mind even being so far away.
"Sirius Marksmen are eliminated. I will report to you immediately, as I need to make sure the tournament goes smoothly." Nina said back, with Kazuya only humming in cold agreement.
"Good. I shall be waiting." He ended the call afterwards. With her job done and all intel secured as she hoped due to G-Corporation troopers going through computers and files hidden beneath the cathedral as one of the lower-ranking officers reported to her, she headed out of the wrecked building and headed for the APC that drove her here, ordering the driver to take her back to the airport as she needed to get back to Tokyo... she'll rest in the jet, she thought. She cannot let herself slow down by resting in a hotel. She had a job to do, after all.
Once she was back in the jet, she took out her tablet and checked up on the tournament, finding out that the unknown girl Reina was defeated by Jin Kazama and now, he has to face off with Hwoarang in a heated-up match. Other finalists were shown. Steve Fox made it through Europe A block, Paul Phoenix emerged victorious in North America B block, Leroy Smith won the North America A block and the unknown coffee queen Azucena from Peru dominated the South America block. The tournament was interesting, indeed and she got in contact with the organizers through a voice call. She still regretted that she couldn't compete herself, but she was alright with it. She always had a job to do so she cannot think of inconsequential things like this...
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generalmacek · 8 months
Tekken 8 from Nina's perspective, Chapter Two - Wayward Power
Rebuilt Millennium Tower, Tokyo, Japan
Nina's trip to Tokyo was brief, as the jet she took was quite fast and shortened her nerves a lot. She never got a call from Kazuya like that during all the time she was working with him since she got hired by G-Corporation after her sister Anna retired under mysterious circumstances. She worked hard on keeping all the stuff she did to rebuild Mishima Zaibatsu a secret, that meant declaring Zaibatsu territories 'lost forever' and withdrew all G-Corporation forces to face the Yggdrasil Rebellion in the north. Thoughts about what Kazuya wanted raced through her head all the way from the Tokyo airport to Millennium Tower which seemed to be rebuilt quite quickly, as she measured it with her eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses and holding one of its legs with her hand. 
"The damage does not seem to be noticeable at all." She said to herself as she walked inside the Tower. Normally, G-Corporation troopers would open fire as soon as she'd start climbing the stairs but she got used to greetings and salutes, as she had to report to Kazuya annually. She nodded her head to every soldier she met and went towards the elevator, waiting for the machine to open and walked in, pressing the button for Kazuya's office on top and leaned against the plated wall, sighing. She couldn't stop thinking about what she saw aboard the Iron Fist, Kazuya mopping the floor with Jin like that... she was impressed, but at the same time terrified. If Kazuya can beat his son just like that, what chance does she have?
The elevator rang its bell as it stopped on the floor leading to Kazuya's office. As the door opened, she walked out of the machine in a confident step, her stiletto heels clicking upon the marble floor and upon reaching the tall metal door, she knocked on the door.
"Come in." Kazuya said in Japanese as he called her in. Nina took the door handle and opened the door, walking into his office slowly and confidently. She watched the most powerful man on Earth with her eyes hidden behind glasses, her thoughts slowly betraying her. One mistake, one slight misstep, and all her plans would go erupt. It was worsening with each step she made and when she was close enough to Kazuya as she was allowed, those thoughts went completely silent as her cold demeanor took over. Her breath stabilized into a calm manner, her eyes affirmed without a hint of panic as she took away her glasses and put a hand on her hip while standing in front of Kazuya Mishima.
"You called, Mishima?" Nina asked in a coldly calm tone. The man behind the desk in a crimson vest and tie nodded his head that was supported by his clenched fist.
"We have an ample opportunity, Williams." Kazuya started to speak with illustrious Japanese as his eyes watched the blonde carefully. "I want you to organize the new King of Iron Fist tournament. You will not be able to participate, however."
That brought up a dagger into Nina's heart a little bit, though she remained silent about it. "I understand. What would you like me to do? Just organize the whole thing?" 
Her question was answered with a firm tone from Kazuya. "I want you to make sure everything goes smoothly till the final round. Observe the fighters, mark their strengths and weaknesses. I want to know everything about those who make it to the finals."
Nina nodded her head, though the thought of not participating in the tournament left a bitter taste in her mouth. Though she threw it away, not intending to be distracted. "Understood. Anything else?"
Kazuya then leaned out from his seat and pulled some folders from the desk drawer, putting them on the desk and opened them, revealing photos of two individuals Nina knew only briefly, but she had a good memory on faces. 
"Claudio Serafino and Zafina. I want you to find them and make sure they make it to the final rounds, as well. They might not be participating in the tournament, knowing the risks of their discovery, so I want you to flush them out, wherever they are." Kazuya spoke in a calm, yet firm manner as he seemed adamant on having them there. "They are the key to my plan and I want them there. Do you understand, Williams?"
Nina nodded her head to Kazuya. "Loudly and clearly, Kazuya Mishima. I will go to help with the tournament organization and find those two. If that is all, I shall get to work immediately."
"Dismissed." Kazuya waved his hand at Nina to dismiss her, eyeing her carefully as Nina turned on the tip of her heel and began walking away, leaving the office soon after. Kazuya then went deep into his thoughts, refining his plan ever further.
As she left Kazuya's office, Nina let out a sigh. Not being able to participate in a tournament she was part of since the beginning had its sour taste, but Nina understood what she had to do right now. She took out her phone and called the tournament committee, telling them that she is effectively taking over all their responsibilities for the King of Iron Fist tournament 8 while making sure they send her all the intel and information to her to process it and send it then to Kazuya. After that was off the list and the responsibility was transferred to her, Nina then went to the G-Corporation headquarters to send out spies and drones across Italy to find Claudio and Zafina. Knowing Claudio, though briefly, they might be hiding in one of Sirius Marksmen's hideouts across Northern Italy.
It took hours and days since Kazuya gave her clear orders to oversee the tournament proceeding without any bumps and problems while finding the two fugitives. Nina got a report that Jin entered the tournament for Asia Block A, alongside the unknown girl Reina and the Korean Taekwondo martial artist, Hwoarang. She was her hands full in making sure the tournament was going on without trouble when one of the G-Corporation lieutenants came into her office to report they may have found where the fugitives were hiding - the Sirius Cathedral in Venice. Nina could not believe her own ears as it would be the very last place anyone would expect Claudio and Zafina to hide. Though Kazuya gave her little information why he wanted them at the tournament finals, Nina did not intend to defy him.
"Call in the Italian forces. Be quick." She said to the lieutenant while being on the move as well. Next stop, Venice.
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generalmacek · 8 months
Tekken 8 from Nina's perspective - Chapter One: Evil Stars Collide
Aboard the Zaibatsu Aircraft Carrier Iron Fist.
Nina walked up to the command deck of the Iron Fist in a rush. She was called in by lieutenant-general Joseph Lente of the Tekken Air Force as Kazuya Mishima was sighted in New York. Six months passed since Heihachi Mishima was killed by Kazuya (she figured that out, since she knows how these family feuds often end) and with no sign of front improvement, the best thing Nina could do was to organize military maneuvers... only to be disrupted by Lente and his lieutenants. 
"What's the situation?" Nina asked as soon as she got to the command console, her eyes set upon the holographic image of New York City, with a bike swiftly approaching Kazuya's location. And Nina immediately knew who was riding that bike.
"Jin?!" A shock came up into her tone. She seemed to be surprised by this event, though she quickly shook it off. She watched as Jin single-handedly shot down Kazuya's helicopter with his bike in a near-impossible stunt, following up with their confrontation. 
"Energy spikes are going through the roof!" One of the radar officers reported. Lente and Nina knew that this was one of the causes of Earth's instability lately - conflict only brings out the worst out of people and this might lead to only more death and destruction. 
Williams and Lente focused on the display of New York. They were watching Jin and Kazuya beating each other, first in their human forms... then slowly turning into their Devil Gene-infused forms. First Jin, turning into a winged demon with horns, and then Kazuya, a purple-skinned demon with incredible strength and power. They were fighting each other like hellish demons, taking long skyscrapers and buildings with them. Nina couldn't believe the magnitude of the conflict before her eyes. She tried her best to have Jin avoid this as she knew fighting between him and Kazuya would only cause more destruction. That had to stop, but now, with Jin being aligned with the Yggdrasil Rebellion, that had to wait.
The magnitude meter went through the roof in a near literal sense when Kazuya released a deadly wave of Devil Gene energy, twice. First against the civilians trying to save their lives from the demon, and then to push Devil Jin away from him... successfully throwing him into the Hudson River and nearly drowning him. 
Then, the real chaos began as Kazuya released a deadly Devil Gene laser from his third eye upon Earth's satellite uplink. Most of the satellites of all factions were destroyed and brought down upon Earth in a fiery storm, with space station Yamamoto suffering heavy damage alongside the Ion Cannon. The station was left severely damaged, but it was still in one piece by some unexplained miracle. Though without satellites to lead them, any future war campaign would be impossible. Lente sighed. 
"So this was his plan all along." He cursed in between his teeth before Kazuya announced the opening of a new King of Iron Fist tournament for the world's best fighters and fight for the fate of Earth. Those who succeed would be able to dictate terms on the planet which Kazuya would rule, and those who would fail would perish along with their home country.
Nina, who was still processing what was all going on, seemed to be numb for a moment, as she tried to understand what just happened. She never was this stammered before, nor confused. Was she... at her limit?
"Williams? Williams!" Lente stepped in, his iron boot clapping against the metallic floor and shook with Nina's shoulder to wake her up from her transe. It worked, as the blonde managed to get out from her trance and shook her head.
"Thank you. I was just..." She muttered below a heavy sigh, resting her hands and arms upon the console. Right now, she needed to organize her thoughts and get her mind set right. And for that, she needed to compete in the tournament if she wanted to get on the bottom of this and actually stop the catastrophe from happening.
But then, her phone began to ring and she had to take it. She went outside to the landing deck...
"Williams." She answered the phone, not sure who it was. But the voice behind the call sent shivers down her spine.
"Williams. I have a proposition for you. Join me in Tokyo for some special celebration..." Kazuya Mishima. He had the guts to call her, even though she was set against G-Corporation for months. Why, though? That had to be answered, too.
Soon enough, the Iron Fist headed for its base at the shipyard on Wake Island from where Nina took a private jet and headed to Tokyo. Only God knows what's ahead of her on this perilous journey.
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