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Weight loss surgeries are emerging as an inevitable treatment to combat obesity. It’s a wise suggestion to be aware of the possible bariatric surgery side effects. Check the below listed some common bariatric surgery side effects.
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Gastric bypass and GI surgery are among the surgical weight loss solutions used in India. They are performed in two ways one is laparoscopically & other through Single Incision (SILS). Digestive health institute is best center of weight loss surgery in Mumbai.
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Combat the risk of cancer through bariatric surgery
The popular phrase ‘too much or too little of anything is bad’ holds true even for the fats in our body. While having lesser fats can lead to severe deficiencies, extra fat can lead to the production of certain hormones that have a detrimental effect on the way our cells function. This further increases the risk of several diseases, one of them being cancer. As per the National Cancer Institute in the United States, about 72,000 women and 28,000 men were diagnosed with cancer in 2012, as a result of obesity.
Obesity is a severe health condition that needs to be tackled wisely, in order to avoid extreme repercussions. Obese individuals find it very difficult to lose weight. They have to consider significant lifestyle changes, in the form of regular exercises and following a healthy diet to produce lasting results. For obese individuals who have exhausted all other methods of weight management, bariatric surgery is the only alternative left to help them combat the risk of cancer and other such life-threatening diseases. Researchers have found that conducting bariatric surgery reduces the risk of any type of cancer by 33% and even more if the specific cancer is associated with obesity. This means that if you undergo weight loss surgery, it will reduce the likelihood of undergoing oncology surgery in the future due to cancer.
Let’s understand how obesity leads to cancer.
Our body fats have two important functions; firstly, to store energy and secondly, to spread information from one part of the body to another. These messages have a major impact on the growth of the cells, the chemical reactions that take place within the cells, and the reproductive cycle of the body. Which is why if there are excess fats in the body, it can disrupt the functioning of the cells and increase the risk of chemical imbalances, leading to several diseases, including cancer. Below are some factors that may trigger the onset of cancer. Read on to know how bariatric surgery comes to your rescue in each situation:
·         Growth hormones: Increased body fats canraise the level of insulin and other growth hormones, whichcauses the cells to divide and function inefficiently. This drastic change in the functioning of the cells may lead to cancer. Weight loss surgery helps reduce the level of insulin in the body, helping you stay away from the risk of pancreatic cancer.
·         Sex hormones: Estrogen is a sex hormone made by cell fats. In most women, post menopause,an increase in the fat cells can lead to increased cell division in the womb and the breasts. This further leads to the risk of cell faults, and eventually cancer. Conducting bariatric surgery reduces the level of estrogen in the body, thereby reducing the chances of developing breast cancer or endometrial cancer.
·         Inflammation: If the number of fat cells in the body increases, specialized immune cells travel to the area containing dead/ dying fat cells, in an attempt to remove them. This process leads to the release of a type of chemical called cytokines that leads to inflammation.And increased inflammation makes way for the growth and spread of tumors.
As you can see, the repercussions of extreme obesity can indeed prove to be fatal. Which is why one should consider undergoing bariatric surgery to curb the risk of developing any kind of cancer. The best part is if you wish to proceed with weight loss surgery Mumbai has several bariatric surgeons who use thesingle-incision laparoscopic surgery technique, which is a comparatively safer and quicker option for surgical weight loss and it also demands a lesser recovery time.
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Digestive health institute offers all types of  laporoscopy surgeries and as well as carry abdominal operations within short period of span
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Obesity has been cited as a risk factor for many non- communicable diseases. Bariatric Surgery in Mumbai ,the best health clinics specializing in weight loss surgeries for patients with obesity problems
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Bariatric surgery is the collective term for types of weight-loss surgery which lower death rates for patients with severe obesity, especially when coupled with healthy eating and lifestyle changes after surgery.
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The growing demand for laparoscopy in surgical management
Technological advancements in medical science have unveiled new opportunities for doctors and other healthcare personnel to better diagnose and treat their patients. Medical technology plays a crucial role in healthcare as it helps improve and save millions of lives across the globe. As a result, patients spend less time in their recovery phase and more time enjoying a healthy life. One such phenomenal medical invention is a minimally-invasive surgery known as the laparoscopic surgery.
What is a laparoscopic surgery?
Although the development of laparoscopy was initiated several years ago, it has only recently created a revolution in surgical management and has been accepted as a standard surgical procedure worldwide. This modern surgical technique is performed by making small incisions in the body, mainly in the abdomen, as opposed to an open procedure.  
The most important element in laparoscopic surgery is the use of an advanced instrument called laparoscope – a long, thin fiber optic cable that allows the surgeon to view the affected area through a high-resolution camera at the front. The surgeon can examine the patient by snaking the cable from a relatively distant yet easily accessible location.
The purpose of developing a minimally-invasive surgical procedure is to lessen the pain, lessen the scarring and aid in a shorter recovery span for the patient. However, in an attempt to reinforce this ideology, single incision laparoscopic surgery was developed. As opposed to the traditional four to five small incisions, the new laparoscopic technique uses a single small incision at the entry point and all the surgical instruments are passed through this point. Therefore, it is regarded as a non-invasive surgical procedure and its application has grown rapidly over the past couple of years.
The role of laparoscopic procedures for treating cancer patients has expanded to include several stages such as diagnosing, staging, treating, monitoring, and palliating. Laparoscopy has significantly transformed the method of conducting a traditional oncology surgery. A laparoscopic guided biopsy helps in confirming malignancy without causing much discomfort to the patient. This was otherwise possible only through an open surgery. This surgical procedure also provides a means for biopsy in some of the rarest cases which were earlier not feasible.
Laparoscopy surgeries are predominantly dependent on technology. With the growing technological advancements, we now have high-definition monitors, advanced camera systems, high-end tissue sealing devices, staplers, etc. that are crucial for laparoscopic use. There are also opportunities for surgeons to train themselves, specifically in laparoscopic oncology surgery, which will help them conduct surgical procedures with more precision. Therefore, it’s needless to state that laparoscopic surgeries are definitely a boon to all patients.
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Oncology Surgery in Mumbai - Digestive Health Institute is one of the top health institutes offering all types of oncology surgeries for cancer treatments
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Obesity has been cited as a risk factor for many non- communicable diseases. Bariatric Surgery in Mumbai ,the best health clinics specializing in weight loss surgeries for patients with obesity problems. "
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Bariatric surgery is the collective term for types of weight-loss surgery which lower death rates for patients with severe obesity, especially when coupled with healthy eating and lifestyle changes after surgery.
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