genevicves · 5 years
As soon as Aria had touched the woman, she jumped — which made Aria flinch (she was jumpy, no doubt about that), but fortunately, the other didn’t seem to be too upset at the interruption. She smiled hesitantly, and shook her head. “It’s not a first draft; the exact opposite, actually. I’ve spent so long reading it that the words are starting to look foreign to me.” Chuckling lightly, she took a sip of her coffee to soothe the anxious rumble in her stomach. “It’s about society pressuring women to get married and start a family by their thirties. I’m arguing against that sentiment.” 
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Genevieve quickly sized up the other woman. Within a couple seconds, she decided the other was not a threat and was seeking the opinion of someone reputable. She smiled at the girl’s answer. “In that case, wonderful. I suppose I have some time on my hands.” Perhaps it was the way she grew up and the fact she now disregarded whatever her parents had to say, but she didn’t quite have an opinion on the topic. She did, however, find some enjoyment in poking holes in someone’s argument. “So are you saying they should wait until their forties to start a family? That sounds awfully late to me. Ooh, or is it that we shouldn’t have kids at all and watch as the human population diminishes?”
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genevicves · 5 years
She had been told that it was good for her to get out. In serious danger of over-working and becoming a statistic. Or something similar. So she was doing what she had been told and going out for the night, allowing herself at least an hour without checking her phone. It was unusual for her to think like that - attached to the device as she was, while she tried to keep in touch with those who worked at the firm. Texting one of the people that she knew would encourage her night out, she made her way into the meeting spot, immediately seeking out the familiar dark head of hair. Dropping onto the bar stool, she hung her bag on the stool, looking over at Genevieve. “So. What kind of trouble should I expect tonight?”
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A part of Genevieve almost admired the way Hadley could lose herself in her work, but the bigger part took it upon herself to get the other woman to let loose every once in a while. Of course, Gen’s standards for what that looked like for Hadley were lower than what she expected for most people. She’d even consider Hadley sending a call to voicemail as a victory. When she finally arrived, Genevieve turned to face her and smiled. “We got a couple options. We can relive those college nights of blacking out, make sure you get laid, or the classic drunkenly dancing on tables and serenading some lucky bastard. Thoughts or do you need to drink first?”
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genevicves · 5 years
How the fuck had he wound up here? He was going to have to trade his friends in for others, just to be friends with people who didn’t wind up inviting him to stupid benefits he felt like he couldn’t say no to, with too many forks and stupid small talk about summering in the Hamptons that he couldn’t relate to. He couldn’t even afford a normal fucking apartment. He didn’t belong here. Rolling his eyes as the man two seats away from him started yet another story about his penthouse apartment, he glanced to the person to his side. “I don’t know which fork I’m supposed to kill myself with and if this guy tells one more story, I’m going to need to figure it out.”
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If it were up to her, Genevieve would have stopped attending benefits regularly. Realistically, though, she couldn’t do that without marring her rather pristine reputation. Now she was a face people knew and would surely be curious about if she didn’t show up. Just to make it through the night, she tried to focus on the only positive she could think of - the food. It had to be at least kind of good, right? Her attention immediately shifted when she heard a more pleasant voice speak. Gen turned to face the man as she tried to conceal a small smile. At least she wasn’t the only miserable one that night. “So you could always work your way in, but that little one packs more of a punch than you’d think,” she played along. “It would certainly be the single interesting thing that happened tonight. This event could certainly use something to spice it up, don’t you think?”
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genevicves · 5 years
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Genevieve Despereaux Moodboard 001
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genevicves · 5 years
for → @newamericanastarters​ location: a coffee shop time: wednesday, 9AM
Aria was stuck. The one good thing about being freelance was that she didn’t have as many deadlines to meet, but the worst was that writer’s block hit much more often than she wanted it to. Lips in a tight line, she hastily turned around to the person sitting a table over and tapped them on the shoulder. “Excuse me,” she said timidly. “Do you mind reading over my op-ed? I’m not sure if it makes any sense, and I want another eye to look it over.”
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All Genevieve wanted was a frappuccino, but it seemed like so did everyone else. She took a seat at an open table as she waited for her order. To pass the time she scrolled through her instagram feed until someone tapped her and made her jump. “First, I have this no touching policy so there will be no more of that,” she began as she turned to the person. “Second, that’s going to depend entirely on whether or not it’s worth reading a first draft. What’s it about?”
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genevicves · 5 years
🚨 = Has your muse ever been in trouble with the police? What crime did they commit? Did they have to stay in jail?
Due to keeping up her image, Gen has avoided doing anything even remotely criminal. Though, if she would, she’d only do it if she already had a plan in motion to pin it on someone else
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genevicves · 5 years
The lock slid into place with a satisfying click, the garbage bag filled with pastries that wouldn’t make it through the night crinkling at her feet. She gave the front door to Sweetie Pies one last parting glance before shifting her gaze back to the city. Three years and the scene could still take her breath away. It was a far cry from wheat and corn fields and the medley of colors streaking across a country sky, but it was no less beautiful. 
Smoothing down the skirt of her dress, the brisk coldness of the night licking at her bare legs, Casey bent to throw the bag of goods over her shoulder. The sidewalk was still bustling with life– the city that never sleeps aptly named– and she carefully weaved through the bodies. She could feel some curious glances at her back, but for the most part, a girl with a garbage bag full of pastries was tame in comparison to some of the things one could spot on any given day. 
This path was one she’d walked so many times it was simply muscle memory: a single left turn just ahead, another few blocks from there, and her destination would be on the right. It wasn’t until right before that first turn that she could have sworn she heard someone call her name. Swiveling her entire body around to look, she felt the sudden and unmistakable thud of a bag of pastries making impact with something. No, someone. Horrified, she swung back around, hot embarrassment flushing her face as she dropped the bag, her eyes wide as she reached out helplessly in an effort to do something. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry! Are you all right?” She tried to laugh, an uncomfortable sound, as she offered unhelpfully, “Well, you’ve probably never been assaulted by a bag of pastries before, though, right? It’s an experience.”
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Genevieve never used the word “desperate” to describe herself, but this time she was close. Having been cooped up all weekend with a cold, she needed to do something. At the very least she needed to go outside and remember what sunlight felt like.   
Without a set destination, Gen wandered around the city aimlessly. Normally she wasn’t even out at this time. She’d be on set or in a meeting The break in her routine just felt off.
Or... maybe it was a premonition that something bad was about to happen. Of course, with her luck, it was in deed the latter. Gen screamed as she immediately tried to wipe off the residue. “What the hell?! Do you think this is funny?” Her eyes narrowed. “This ‘experience’ was unnecessary and didn’t need to happen. In fact, it wouldn’t have happened if someone taught you to watch where you’re going. Do you think you own the streets?”
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genevicves · 5 years
Question about the muse—send a symbol!
🍕 = What is your muse’s usual pizza order? Do they order any drinks, sides, or desserts to go with it? 🍾  = What is the last thing your muse celebrated? How long was the celebration? 🎉  = When is your muse’s birthday? Is there a special meaning behind the date for you (the mun)? 📚 = What is your muse’s favorite genre of books? What are some of their favorite authors and/or books? 💌  = How does your muse choose to confess to the person they’re interested in? Do they usually get rejected or accepted? 🍵  = Does your muse prefer coffee, tea, or cocoa? Do they add any sweeteners? Iced or hot? 💙  = Who does your muse have a deep and loyal love for? 💸  = Has your muse written their will yet? If yes, what have they decided to give to people? If no, why not? 🔮  = Is your muse superstitious? What superstitions do they have? Where did they pick them up from? 🔒  = What is a secret that your muse will take to the grave? Why have they decided not to tell anyone? 🍭  = Does your muse have a sweet-tooth? What’s their favorite candy? 🍦  = What is your muse’s favorite ice cream flavor? Do they prefer eating it in a cone, cup/bowl, or straight from the carton? Do they use any toppings? 💚  = Who or what makes your muse feel envious? Why do they feel that way? Do they act out or keep their envy hidden? 📘  = Describe an AU verse/story that you have written out for your muse that you’d love to roleplay. Why did you choose to make them that way? 📕  = Describe a crossover verse/story that you have written out for your muse that you’d love to roleplay. Why did you choose to make them that way? 🍔  = What is your muse’s usual burger made of? You can pick any bread, meat (or non-meat), cheese, condiments, and toppings. What side and drink do they prefer with it? 🖍️  = What was your muse’s favorite childhood toy? Do they still have it? What special memories are attached to the toy? 🎵 = What is your muse’s favorite genre of music? What are some of their favorite artists? How important is music to them? 🌶️  = Can your muse handle spicy food? What is the spiciest food that they can handle? 🍰  = Does your muse prefer cake or cupcakes? What’s their favorite cake flavor and icing/frosting flavor? 🍼  = Does your muse have children or do they ever want to have children? Do they think they will/would be a good parent? ☠️  = How would your muse prefer to die? What do they want done with their body after they die? 👻  = Does your muse believe in ghosts? What is your muse’s scariest experience with spirits/the unknown? 🛀  = Does your muse prefer baths or showers? What’s their favorite body wash scent? What kind of shampoo/conditioner do they use? 📱 = What type of cell phone does your muse have? What apps do they frequently use? Who do they text or call most often? ⛎  = What is your muse’s zodiac sign? Does it fit their personality? 🔋  = Who or what drains your muse the most? Who or what helps to revitalize that energy? 💊  = Does your muse have any physical or mental disabilities/illnesses? Do they take medication for it? 🗳️  = Is your muse liberal, conservative, or somewhere in-between? What political party do they align themselves with most? 📺  = What TV shows does your muse like to watch the most? Do they prefer watching them as they air on network or do they stream them later? 🎞️  = What is your muse’s favorite movie genre? What are their top five favorite movies? Do they prefer watching movies at home or in the theater? 🐾  = What is your muse’s favorite animal? Do they have or do they want any pets? 🌈  = Is your muse LGBT+? What do they identify themselves as? ⛈️  = What type of weather is your muse’s favorite? What do they usually like to do when they have a day off when it’s their favorite weather? 💐  = How would your muse respond to receiving a bouquet from an admirer? What kind of flowers would they prefer in the bouquet? 💔  = When is a time your muse was heart-broken? Was it someone else’s fault or your muse’s? What did they do to get over it? 💤  = What position does your muse sleep in? What side of the bed do they prefer? How many blankets and pillows do they usually use? Do they snore or sleep with stuffed animals? 🛑  = What is one of your muse’s pet-peeves?  ▶️  = Make a playlist of five songs that your muse would enjoy. 🔆  = Out of your muse’s group of friends, who do they find the most attractive? Would they ever ask them out? 🏖️  = What would your muse be doing on a day out to the beach? Are they the type to get in the water or just sit on the shore? 🏥  = Has your muse ever been to the hospital for an injury or illness? How long did they have to stay? 🎠  = What is your muse’s favorite carnival ride, game, and food? What do they like to do first when they go to a carnival? 🚨 = Has your muse ever been in trouble with the police? What crime did they commit? Did they have to stay in jail? 🥇 = Has your muse ever won a contest or competition? What was the contest/competition? What did they receive as a prize, if anything? 🎸 = Can your muse play an instrument? If yes, which one(s)? If no, do they want to learn how to play? Can they write lyrics or sing? 🎮  = What is your muse’s favorite genre of video games? What system do they prefer? What are some of their favorite games? Do they like to play online with other people? 🍳 = Does your muse know how to cook? What dish of theirs is the most popular among their friends/family? What would they consider their specialty? 👽 = Does your muse believe in aliens? Have they ever seen a UFO? Do they believe they’ve been abducted before, or do they know anyone who claims to have been abducted?
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genevicves · 5 years
“I’m sorry.” Veronica smiled, licking sugar from her lips, “That was the last one.” Gesturing behind her, Veronica scanned the buffet for a waiter in vain hope that there were more pastries in the back. “I could ask if they have more in the back- honestly, they’re heaven.” Veronica chewed her bottom lip as she loaded fresh fruit onto the plate.“ everyone should be able to have a taste of one- I had like twelve.” Veronica wrinkled her nose, a look of false guilt, washing her features. “A bit of a sweet tooth, my entire life, it’s been one of my more troublesome traits.”
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Gen’s nose couldn’t help but crinkle at the sight. Personally she was never particularly fond of sweets, but she was slightly impressed by how quickly the brunette seemed to go through pastries. Perhaps Genevieve had underestimated her. “No thank you,” she replied with a bit of a forced smile. “Truthfully, I’m not a huge fan of sweets.” For whatever reason that sentence alone caused most people to feel concerned as if sweets were the main indicator of someone’s soul. “How much trouble could that sweet tooth really get you into? Have you robbed the local bakeries?”
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genevicves · 5 years
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Information regarding Miss Despereaux can be found below
name: genevieve danielle despereaux meaning of name:  genevieve - french for “woman of the race” danielle - french female variant Daniel, meaning "God is my judge" in Hebrew  despereaux - English origin and means "sorrow in french" or according to other sources, means “desperate” aliases: florence arseneau  place of birth: new york city, new york species: human race: french nationality: american gender: female sexuality: bisexual profession: actress/socialite eye color: brown hair style/color: naturally straight black hair usually worn down height: 5′4 clothing style: modern chic best physical feature: eyes, or in her words “everything” appearance: always looks put together weight: weight complexion: fair build: slim voice: usually powerful otherwise “velvety”
fears: none guilty pleasure: shopping biggest pet peeve: chewing with mouth open  ambition for the future: fame one bad habit: reckless shopping one good habit: stress cleaning one habit they can’t break: drinking one they’ve broken: biting nails what they’re afraid of: nothing
first thoughts waking up: “why is my phone already going off?!” what they think about the most: what to do next what they think about before bed: the next audition or lines she needs to memorize what they think their best quality is: personality what they think would completely break them: wasting her life what they think was the best thing in their life: her dog, buttercup what they think was the worst thing in their life: old friends what seemingly insignificant memories stuck with them: her parents using her for monetary gain
single or group dates: single to be loved or respected: respected beauty or brains: brains dogs or cats: dogs coffee or tea: coffee showering in the day or night: day taking baths or taking showers: baths tv or movies: movies writing or reading: writing platonic or romantic love: romantic iced tea or lemonade: lemonade ice cream or smoothies: smoothies cupcakes or cake: cake beach or mountains: beach
lie: yes, often believe in yourself: always believe in love: not really want someone: depends what for work so that you can support your hobbies or use your hobbies as a way of filling up the time you aren’t working: yes have something you’re reluctant to tell people: most personal details have an opinion about sex: yes. simple. be smart about it have many friends: yes have as many friends as you want:  yes have something to make a scene in public about: honestly, could be anything have something to give your life for: fame have major flaws: of course not have something you pretend or try to care about: who doesn’t? have an image you project: everyone does. have something you’re afraid of: i fear nothing think you’re polite or rude: polite
favorite color: emerald green favorite animal: dogs favorite movie: white chicks favorite game: she enjoys playing with people and the chase sound: rainfall song: nothing ever changes - sody band: florence and the machine outfit: featured above place: florence, italy memory: the feeling of being on stage her first dance recital person: herself show: schitt’s creek
age: 27  date of birth. october 29 day your next birthday will be: thursday zodiac sign: scorpio age you lost your virginity: 16 does age matter: consent does
moral alignment: chaotic evil enneagram: type 8 four temperaments: choleric tropes: saboteur, hedonist archetypes: detached manipulator, princess tarot cards: the devil compassion: seldom empathy: seldom (usually only towards the select few she genuinely cares about) creativity: she’d consider herself pretty creative mental flexibility: high passion: high stamina: high physical strength: moderate battle skill: manipulation agility: moderately high strategy: high teamwork: moderately low  strength: moderately high intelligence: moderately high wisdom: moderate dexterity: high constitution: moderate charisma: moderately high
i love: myself i feel: insatiable   i hide: my feelings i miss: security i wish: for success i hate: unnecessary drama
relationships: distant to all parents: angelica westcott (mother), jaques despereaux siblings: a twin brother (potentially a wc) who she hasn’t seen since they were 10 children: none.  favorite childhood memory: performing  favorite childhood toy: a tiara / princess gown embarrassing story: once her costume ripped while she was performing favorite family member: father a story about that family member: “I began learning French and Spanish when I was seven. When my mother was away, he’d take her place teaching us. Except he wasn’t focused on teaching his kids manners. No, no. He wanted us to know all the insults so we could recognize them later if such insults came back up from someone delusional.”
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genevicves · 5 years
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As much as he knew that there was money to be made inside, it didn’t change the way that his body was all but screaming for a release from the endless sea of faces, and open wallets. That explained why he’d snuck out to the car, certain that it had been the perfect getaway - a french exit, if he really wanted to take it that far. 
For now though, he sat outside, half in, half out of the drivers side door, allowing the night air the chance to slap him in the face. Head leaned dramatically against the window frame, moving only barely as he thought he’d heard someone approaching.
“If you’re looking for someone to act out your escort fantasies, keep walking. I’m not that kind of party anymore.”  There was a slight ease to the sarcastic sting in his tone, but usually that did nothing to deter those that were genuinely interested in seeking him out - or stumbling upon him, for that matter. 
Lately Evie found herself more restless than usual. Instead of spending another sleepless night couped up in her apartment, she decided to spend it outside. Surely she’d find something that would spark her interest.
After two rather disappointing bars, she was about to call it a night when she saw him. It may have been the five shots she took before she left, but she could’ve sworn she saw promise of an interesting night ahead of her. 
“Well that’s a greeting if I’ve ever heard one.” She laughed. “You’d be so lucky if that’s what I came here for.” Evie walked up to the driver’s side door and met his eyes. “If that’s not the kind of party you’re into, what are you into?”
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genevicves · 5 years
Diverse symbol meme — Send the following symbol for;
(  if applicable, add + ⇆  for reverse ! )
♚ ; your muse forcing mine to assemble furniture for them ! ⋑ ; our muses searching for a place to eat together ! ⋱ ; your muse using mine as a muse for a painting / sculpture !  ≷ ; our muses doing a livestream together ! ✔ ; your muse helping mine to fight off bandits ! ❤ ; your muse taking care of a physical injury on my muse !  €  ; your muse trying to sell something to mine ! ✈ ; our muses in an airplane / space flight together ! ♢ ; our muses on a movie date ( romantic / platonic ) together ! ♠ ; your muse forcing a date on mine ! ❄ ; our muses on a fake date ! ☠ ; our muses pranking someone ! ღ ; your muse choosing mine as an accomplice for art theft ! ❒ ; our muses invading a warehouse together ! ≏ ; your muse helping mine with studies ! ♫ ; your muse singing to mine ! ⊹ ; our muses playing a competitive arcade game together / against each other ! † ; your muse dragging mine to church ! ⍢ ; our muses reading NSFW fanfictions together ! 〆 ; our muses watching anime together !  ⌨ ; your muse hacking into an account / site by muses’ request ! ❧ ; your muse being highly jealous of mine ! ∛ ; your muse interviewing mine ! ☷ ; your muse showing mine memes ! ↻ ; our muses talking about the universe and life ! ➟ ; your muse helping mine with an extremely difficult relationship problem ! ▩ ; your muse cleaning up after mine ! ◈ ; our muses becoming friends ! ⊡ ; our muses making art together ! ⫸ ; your muse reading a book to mine ! ◉ ; our muses ghost - hunting at a graveyard during midnight ! ♯ ; our muses going to a concert together ! ♞ ; our muses to explore an abandoned mall together ! ≩ ; your muse training mine ! ⊱ ; your muse reading poetry to mine ! ⋈ ; our muses being stuck in a haunted house together !
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