genevulva · 2 years
watching an increasing number of teen girls become vegetarians/vegans while living at the school i work at, i’ve become concerned about how the vegetarian/vegan activism seems specifically designed to target women. it is firstly a rhetoric of guilt, and women are socialized our whole lives to feel guilt and to take on burdens, to bear responsibility and become martyrs for others. vegan/vegetarian activism plays right into this: women are perfectly primed to feel guilt about consuming animals, and to feel like they are properly prostrating themselves by resisting meat
secondly, that women are socialized to view eating as an indulgence and their bodies as something that must be denied, made smaller, minimized. disordered eating is so common in women as to be almost universal, and girls who already try to go as long as possible without eating, to eat as little as possible when they do, are going to be especially susceptible to the vegan/vegetarian rhetoric that says eating meat is an indulgence, that eating meat is selfish and not something the body really needs–exactly what women already think about food–that it isn’t something they really need, that their body wants these things and if they are strong, they will deny it.
the school does not have good vegetarian options (and of course, precious few things for vegans) and they still choose to become vegetarian/vegan in the middle of term, knowing this. they choose because they already wish to eat less, they say it’s about “getting healthy” or because “the food’s so bad anyway’s so what difference does it make.” they choose because it feels good to be validated in what you’ve always suspected–that your body doesn’t deserve to feel full, that you’d be happier if you had more willpower, that your body is wrong and if only you could finally make this change, you’d be worthy.
these girls’ health is at stake. i see lots of radfem proselytizing about veganism/vegetarianism, and very little discourse about how veganism can harm girls’ health, exactly during a time in life when their body needs adequate nutrition the most. yes, yes, you’ll say veganism can be healthy if you do it properly. but the majority of people don’t have the time/money/resources to do it properly. these girls eating nothing but white rice for dinner are not doing it properly. but the vegan activist still congratulates them on their moral superiority, and says well, at least no animals had to die. 
women are more important than animals. women’s health is more important than animals. how many teen girls using veganism as an excuse to punish their bodies does it take before we’re allowed to admit that. 
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genevulva · 2 years
“Wah! The jd trial was supposed to prove that men can be victims at the hands of women but now all these abusive men are coming out and suing their victims for some reason!” Not to be a cunt but the reason all these abusers are lawyering up is specifically because depp is an abuser and not a victim. They saw on live television that no matter how much evidence this woman had that she had been abused, a court still ruled that she was wrong for talking about it and decided she has to pay over seven times their divorce settlement. They saw a man just like them publicly humiliate his victim and get away with it. THATS why they’re filing lawsuits and that’s exactly what we said would happen.
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genevulva · 3 years
TERFs don’t want to save trans men and AFAB nonbinarys who don’t look like GNC women.
The want to detransition us, force us to accept our “role” as women, make us proud of the parts of ourselves that often make us the most uncomfortable in our own skin. 
If the trans person in question is white, they want to use our wombs to produce more white babies. Because don’t forget, you can never part the racist from the sexist. 
And if someone’s too far gone, if they’re too loud and brash and wield their words like a baseball bat. If they can’t be silenced, then they want to kill us. Demean us, dehumanize us, use us as a warning to younger, closeted trans people. 
Look at them. Look at what testosterone has done to their bodies, the personalities, their souls. You don’t want to be like that, do you?
TERFs say the want to save us. They don’t.
They want to kill us.
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genevulva · 3 years
drunk history but it's drunk feminism and instead of comedians I interview my mutuals on their radical feminist ideology while they're absolutely pissed
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genevulva · 3 years
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Pink Prison, a comic I did for my color theory class this semester! we had to pick a color, research it, and do a piece related to it somehow. i chose pink :)
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genevulva · 3 years
I strongly urge all of you to listen to the entire LGB Alliance conference. Even if you're totally removed from UK politics like I am, make your way through it. And especially watch it if you're an LGB person in the US, Canada, or Australia. LGB people in the UK are looking over at us thinking "why are they so behind? Why don't they speak up?"
It's long, but you can watch it in segments. Watch it whether or not you support the LGB Alliance. Watch gay people host panels and speak openly about protecting gay rights. If you're worried it's heavy or depressing to watch, it's not. It's very uplifting. It's not tumblr essays and arguments over tiny minutiae. It's gay humans speaking, defining where we are, how we got here, and where we're going next.
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genevulva · 3 years
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no bc this is such a good way of putting it
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genevulva · 3 years
“Easily could’ve resulted in a fetal death” even after all that, they’re still only concerned about the fetus
Hey, you remember that women who was repeatedly raped while in a coma and it only came to light because a nurse who was changing her diaper noticed she was giving birth?  Yeah, several court cases are being settled so facts are being released that show that the case is so much worse than you thought.
One, there was more than one rapist.  Police investigations revealed several suspects and during interrogation of the main rapist, Nathan Sutherland, revealed that he was confident that DNA would show he was not the father, as he was not the only rapist and he believed that he had not personally fathered the child.
Two, the doctor in charge of the comatose woman had not examined her in over three years when she gave birth.  When it was noted in her charts that she was gaining weight, her genitals were swollen, and there was a hard mass in the abdomen, she was placed on a diet and the calories she was given were reduced.  Her calories were reduced, while she was pregnant.
Three, doctors who examined her after she gave birth are not even sure this is the first time she has been pregnant.  “The examination found lacerations that were old and already healed that were not caused as a result of this delivery,“ the court document says.  This women, who was 29 when she gave birth in 2018, was two years old when she went into a coma.
Four, the woman’s mother had previously filed paperwork requesting that her daughter only be cared for by female employees. The state and the facility agreed to honor the mother’s wishes, but did not follow through.  The mother requested this because in 2002, she was told that her daughter had been raped.  In 2002, her daughter was 13 years old!   Police investigating the matter said there was insufficient evidence to warrant a criminal complaint against employees.
Five, she is able to feel pain and she went through the entire birth without care or pain reduction of any kind.  The nurse who reported the birth noted that she had suspected something was wrong because the victim “was moaning.”   One doctor at the hospital, Dr. Marchand, was quoted as saying  “[She] could have been in active labor for hours or even days. This easily could have resulted in a fetal death.”
So remember ladies, rape culture is real and it permeates every moment of our lives.
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genevulva · 3 years
Is it just me or does it seem like the racism problem on radblr is getting worse?
Racism is a disservice to women. If you prioritize white women over woc then your feminism is worthless.
If you specifically target moc as "thugs" or inherently worse than white men then you need to unpack your racist biases, especially when you start excusing police brutality against Black men.
Misogyny is an ALL men problem. Not a moc issue. ALL men. Stop signaling out poc
Moc are still oppressed on the axis of race. Don't forget that misogyny is not the only form of oppression we need to be fighting against
Ending white supremacy is part of the fight for women's liberation.
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genevulva · 3 years
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genevulva · 3 years
the drawback to criticizing bdsm publically will always be the fetishists who barf up stories of their disgusting sex lives at you and expect you to say “oh yes ur right actually my bad that’s totally normal”
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genevulva · 3 years
I'm new to the rad fem community, what racist white rad fems are you talking about? 👀
Although I do have a list of racist radfem blogs I wasn’t sure if I should post urls or not so I quickly made a list of things to look out for in the white radfem community here.
I welcome anyone to add anything to the list Ive left out and if it looks a little weird, keep in mind I posted this on mobile 😌
1. Ignores and/or mistrusts WOC •centers their feminism around white women(prioritizes them) •puts animals before WOC and POC in general •only follows/reblogs other white women •uses WOC for their own gain
2. Accuses POC for being racist against white people(reverse racism, just doesn’t outright call it that) •claims WOC are racist against white women •claims WOC don’t care about white women for making posts about specific WOC issues •claims WOC exude more misogyny than white women against white women •derails a post about WOC to say,“all women not just WOC”
3. Defends cultural appropriation/ doesn’t see the harm/ just doesn’t care
4. Against intersectional feminism •claims intersectional feminism hasn’t helped WOC •claims intersectional feminism is only about males •claims it should be abolished
5. Claiming anything said in a different language is misogynist without google translating what was said first •(reminds of white people who don’t allow poc to speak any language besides English in their restaurants/ place of business.)
6. Uses the term “racefem”
7. Reblogs from obviously blatant racist, neo nazis, white nationalists without criticism •unsourced info •racist undertones go unquestioned •chooses to let the op slide for their support of white supremacy for whatever reason8. Claims men of color are more violent/sexist/misogynist than white men •claims MOC are the majority of rapists •claims MOC only or mainly rape/abuse white women •says things like,“we don’t talk about Muslims or MOC in general because we don’t want to be accused of racism”.
9. Posts or reblogs something low key racist or is accused of racism then all of a sudden starts reblogging “Black Lives Matter” type of posts or anything POC related to cover up the previous racism
10. Stays quiet when a mutual or other white woman is being blatantly racist and uses the,“it’s not my place to speak about race” excuse •doesn’t think women should be held accountable for their blatant racist posts •doesn’t think white women can be/are as racist as their male counterparts
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genevulva · 3 years
it’s fascinating how people who identify as queer have largely been the ones to destroy any reclamatory power it might have had
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genevulva · 3 years
i know the term transmisogyny is stupid but if it were to be used for anything it would’ve been better used in reference to trans men. transmisogyny is a term to describe the intersection of transphobia and misogyny and, quite frankly, trans men will always experience aspects of misogyny that trans women will never face.
trans women only face misogyny if they pass, and even then it’s misdirected. this isn’t to say they aren’t oppressed, they obviously face transphobia/gncphobia for being gnc males but the misogyny they face is conditional and misdirected.
no matter how many years a trans man is into his transition he is still susceptible to misogyny. his transition status will never change this.
using the term transmisogyny wrt trans women is inaccurate.
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genevulva · 3 years
Call to Action against Huffington Post’s new “Queer Voices” page
UPDATE: I had to remove all the links on this post as it won’t get listed in the search results otherwise
So HuffPo nixed their “Gay Voices” page in January and replaced it with a seemingly much more inclusive “Queer Voices” page. Unfortunately, the Executive Editor Noah Michelson decided that he wanted to abuse his position for his own disgusting ends. 
On March 21st he posts an article in the Queer Voices page as such
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Of course, the idea that diaper fetishists are queer didn’t exactly go over well with LGBTQ people, who tweeted their anger at the official twitter, @huffpostqueer. Michelson, seemingly in complete control of the Queer Voices social media pages, began offering increasingly absurd justifications for his actions as well as retweeting from his personal account repeatedly.
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Of course, not content with merely redefining Queer as anything “non-normative” when it comes to sex and sexuality, Michelson also saw it fit to post an old article from Jillian Keenan.
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This article is of course hugely homophobic, redefining the experience of homosexuality as being purely an act of sex (while also throwing in some classic lesbophobia). Being gay or bisexual being something that is carried with you outside the bedroom everywhere you go doesn’t seem to register with Keenan or Michelson, as well as seemingly implying that LGB asexual people, or any LGB person who still has their virginity, cannot be LGB because they do not engage in sexual acts.
Of course, people had more issues with this line of reasoning than just the abysmal broadening of “Queer” to include any cishet individual who doesn’t do it in the missionary position. The language used reminded many of the attempts by NAMBLA and other pedophile groups to have pedophilia considered an acceptable sexual orientation.
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They may try to backpedal on that issue, but it is unquestionable that Michelson’s actions pave the way for hopeful child rapists to “fight for their rights” under the Queer label.
A clarification was posted last night that contradicted itself hard by essentially stating “kinksters aren’t necessarily queer, but kinksters are queer”
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Shining beacons of logic, surely.
Now to what you can do to put a stop to this garbage
There’s no point tweeting to @huffpostqueer because Michelson holds all the keys to the kingdom. He’s decided this is how it is going to be and our protesting isn’t going to disuade him. Instead, consider tweeting to these accounts and consider using the hashtag #KinkIsNotQueer
@ariannahuff - This is HuffPo’s Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Also consider emailing these emails with “Queer Voices” somewhere in the subject line, asking fetish material to be moved and Michelson removed from his position.
[email protected] - Editor-in-Chief’s active email
Hopefully, with enough people bothering HuffPo’s leading executives, we can get Michelson off 
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genevulva · 3 years
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BTW, if you haven’t already, read this book. It’s all about the “mannosphere” (incels, pickup artists, MGTOW, etc.). The audiobook narration is also good if you prefer audiobooks.
Book description:
Imagine a world in which a vast network of incels and other misogynists are able to operate, virtually undetected. These extremists commit deliberate terrorist acts against women. Vulnerable teenage boys are groomed and radicalised.
You don't have to imagine that world. You already live in it. Perhaps you didn’t know, because we don’t like to talk about it. But it’s time we start.
In this urgent and groundbreaking book, Laura Bates, bestselling author and founder of The Everyday Sexism Project, goes undercover to expose vast misogynist networks and communities. It’s a deep dive into the worldwide extremism nobody talks about.
Interviews with former members of these groups and the people fighting against them gives unique insights on how this movement operates. Ideas are spread from the darkest corners of the internet – via trolls, media and celebrities – to schools, workplaces and the corridors of power, becoming a part of our collective consciousness.
Uncensored, and sometimes both shocking and terrifying – this is the uncomfortable truth about the world we live in. And what we must do to change it.
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genevulva · 3 years
you literally can just be bisexual it’s okay great in fact
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