geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
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The Behmor 1600 Plus Roaster. We're really digging this roaster and finding it totally Genius. It can roast up to a pound of beans and has multiple built in program settings with room to create your own programs. We've roasted a full pound of Nicaraguan Matagalpa (from the endless supply on hand) and the result was a very nice, very uniform, French Roast. There's alot to learn on this machine, but once we master the process, it will allow us to dial-in specific roasting profiles for each bean and we can then reproduce perfectly any desired roast. No more "eyeballing" it. Can't wait to experiment further. More later on this awesome acquisition.
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
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Really sold on the Chemex brewing system. The flavor of our recently roasted Nicaraguan and El Salvadoran bean has been excellent, with sour and bitter undertones completely removed from each cup!
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
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Roast and Brew Coffee Club Sunday. Genius!
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
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Signs that your coffee addiction may have reached point of needing intervention!
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
Need an excuse to drink yet another cup of coffee today?  A new study suggests that increasing coffee consumption may decrease the risk for type 2 diabetes. The apparent relationship between coffee and type 2 diabetes is not new.
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
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Mug coffee ground dregs art. Great cup of dark roast Nicaragua Matagalpan with a touch of creamer. Starbucks who?
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
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Cold-Brewing some coffee. Going with 1.89 grams medium ground Nicaraguan per ounce of water. Took out the plunger screen on the French press so I could have it capped and have the press all the way down to fit in the fridge! Should be ready to press and pour into another glass bottle for consumption by dinner tomorrow. Genius!
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
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Three pound BBQ Roast is starting NOW! We have alot of Nicaraguan Matagalpa to drink and distribute to friends. Question: should we pull each tray out with a few minutes difference between the three for a mixed roast or all at the same time for a more uniform roast?
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
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From today’s roast: Nicaraguan Matagalpa bean, Dubbed Señorita Catarina Dark Roast. Bad news: only 23 pounds left. Good news: 23 pounds left. Genius!
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
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Ever heard of reading tea leaves? Well, here we are reading coffee grounds at work. Residue in the form of Brain and spinal cord? Oh, yes...GENIUS!
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
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Merlitta drip filtered Nicaraguan brew 24 hours post roast. Not bad. We know we’re genius but we need to learn vocabulary to describe taste like “nutty”, “citrus notes”, “bright tones”, “earthy” and “hints of cotton candy”. All we know is that it’s super fresh, awesome and beats Starbucks.
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
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So, there are several cool experiments going on which are — genius. Firstly, we bought 25lbs of Nicaraguan Arabica on auction. The first blended roast of these beans from the pop roaster has come out with a chocolaty aroma and (even though you’re supposed to wait over 24 hrs before brewing) the flavor of a Turkish style brew was quite nice ground and brewed right off the roaster.
We also have started our first Coffee Plantation with three small Arabica plants which should make nice houseplants and yield some bean in 3-4 years. I know, delayed gratification -- but I think having the plants around is good for coffee karma.
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
Todd has to go to some of the most exotic, fascinating and dangerous places on earth to buy the best coffee beans directly from the farmers. See the adventure behind every cup of coffee.
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
The official website of La Colombe Torrefaction, a world-renowned coffee-roasting company. Find out about our seven coffee blends, our grinds, our cafes, and order our coffee securely on our site.
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
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The experiments with Turkish style coffee continue.
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
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Copper Ibrik brewed Tanzania Peaberry. This has to be one of the oldest methods of brewing coffee. The simplicity is what makes it Genius. Recipe: 2 teaspoons of the finest ground coffee bean (read-uberfine setting on Baratza burr grinder) per 2 oz of water. Start by adding water to the Ibrik. When bubbles start forming on the bottom of the vessel, add coffee and stir a bit. As the mix boils, it will bubble and rise up to the top. Quickly remove the Ibrik from the heat and let the coffee settle. Return to heat and repeat process 2 or 3 times. Let stand for 30 seconds or so for grounds to settle, then pour into your cup. Man up - drink it black. Add sugar if you must. Delicious!
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geniusjoecoffees · 10 years
Peaberry pop roast.
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