geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
Permanent Hiatus
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//Hey guys!!!
As you can tell from the title, I’m putting Kousei on a complete hiatus. 
If it hasn’t been obvious already, I’m extremely stressed and tired from my life irl plus other hobbies and as much as I hate it, RP-ing is quite low on my priorities.
I’ve tried to juggle everything, but I am slowly cutting things out so that I don’t have more melt downs then I already am.
Overall I’m dealing with a crazy workload during the school year, my own other studies that I need to be doing, and the other plethora of hobbies I have including: writing, crocheting, flute, origami, etc. As well I’ve been having some serious issues with my family life rn and I don’t think I able to handle all of this.
Now, I love chatting with all of you, and especially some of you all have become very close to me! If you’d like, you can follow me on my main blog!!
Thank you for being so supportive and kind to my lack of presence, and I hope that I can still be friends with you all!!! Kousei is still my son, and I adore him to bits but I don’t have time, nor the energy to rp as him anymore.
Unfortunately, that means any current threads I have on going will be dropped so my apologies to: @the--violinist, @yuurienchanted,  @pxwerinthemusic, @shuutakao, @yokiina, @katsupurity, @venatriixx, @twinkliings, @fukuroukashi, @sukishima, @itschrissenpai, and anyone else I may be forgetting (sorry about that) 
Ray Ray (your resident nerd and stress ball :D)
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
He flinched slightly when she poked him, but turned to face her questioningly. However when she asked her question, Kousei blinked before almost falling off the bench. "W-What?! I-I don't. Not at all." He tried to be convincing even if his face betrayed him.
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『 @geniuspianokid has requested a starter. 』
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█ ▌█ ▌{{ ❀ }};;
           ❝Hey Arima-kun~!❞ She grinned, leaning against the piano as she poked the pianist’s cheek with her index finger. ❝Is there someone you like?❞ With the way he played some pieces at times, she figured he wanted someone to see.
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
Friends or more? Sentence Starters
Kousei’s eyes had not meant to linger on her, but when Kaori had entered his house in her usual whirlwind fashion, he’d been momentarily blinded. Sometimes he forgot how beautiful his friend really was because so much of their connection was through music.
Blushing, Kousei shook his head before looking away, “I’m not looking at you....”
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
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♡*.¸¸.*☆* of save like or reblog ♡*.¸¸.*☆*
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
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Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso | Kaori’s Letter
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
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“I met the girl under full bloomed cherry blossoms and my fate had begun to change.”
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
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Artwork by ミカゲヒナタ *Permission to share this work was granted by the artist.
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
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[宮園かをり | ぽてきち]
❃ Permission was granted by the artist to upload their works. Please don’t remove the source.
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
Nagi's a little girl like 9 or 10 yet she can play so well haha
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"I mean I definitely agree she’s super talented, but a suggestion don’t point out how young she is to her face...” he shuddered at the memory, “yeah definitely don’t.”
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
Leaning against the bathroom sink Yuuri stares down at the vibrant white porcelain. He watches the water from the faucet run down the drain, tries to focus on it as he feels his heart thumping against his chest. The nausea is still there, stomach twisting and head spinning and if it weren’t for the time spent in the waiting room Yuuri really thinks he might have vomited. As it is his stomach is empty, feels hollow.
There’s a gentle knock on the bathroom door and it causes him to shut the water off. “Yuuri - whenever you’re ready we can leave.”
“I’ll be… I’ll be out in a second.” A wavering tone to his voice and Yuuri can feel the phone in his hand vibrating. He looks down to see Kousei’s calling him back, stares at the screen before declining the call. There’s a pain in his chest, a flicker of guilt and before Yuuri can let himself dwell on it he hobbles out of the bathroom.
His fathers standing near the bed, has a wheel chair ready and as much as it pains the teen, he’s glad to see it. “You ready? If you need to sit for a little bit…” Toshiya asks, genuine concern seeing how pale his son looks.
“I’m fine. I’ll be sitting either way.” Yuuri hobbles over to the wheelchair and sits down. He pushes the foot rest down and sets his cast on it, slouches in the seat. “I’d really like to just go home.”
“I know, I know, Your mother is super worried and anxious to see you.” Yuuri replies to his father with a soft hum as they leave the room. He holds his phone back up, presses against the power button and shuts it off. 
“...currently unavailable. Please try aga-”
After calling five times, Kousei had no choice but to give up trying to reach Yuuri. He was extremely worried about where his friend was, but knew that the best thing would be to focus on getting to the hospital. He figured that if something happened, Katsuki-san would always take his son to a hospital first and seeing as Kousei lived relatively close to the biggest one, that’s where he was headed to first. 
Just as he pedaled into the hospital parking lot, Kousei saw Yuuri exiting the building in a wheelchair while being pushed by his father. There was an exhausted look on his friend’s face that scared Kousei even more then the dead voice he’d heard over the phone. Dropping his bike, Kousei quickly ran up to the two men and frantically began speaking.
“Yuuri! You’re...what happened? Why did you cut the call off? Are you okay? Is he okay?” The last question he shot at Katsuki-san, but his eyes only flicked up to give a cursory nod towards Yuuri’s father. He didn’t want to overwhelm or hurt Yuuri, so Kousei took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself down.
Aside from Yuuri’s foot, everything seemed to be okay so he figured it wasn’t life threatening. But the more he looked at Yuuri, Kousei could see the defeated look in Yuuri’s eyes and the slump in his usually straight posture.
Deciding to go out on a limb, Kousei smiled awkwardly at Katsuki-san before glancing back at Yuuri as he spoke, “Katsuki-san, would it be alright if Yuuri and I grab some coffee? I’ll make sure he gets home in an hour or so?”
Something told Kousei that if he didn’t intervene then, Yuuri would be even sadder if he was stuck with his own thoughts for hours.
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
     Kaori had never seen something so sketchy in her life and it took but a few minutes to completely forget about it. She had thought that maybe she should’ve told the police but if she were to do that, they would automatically know who would’ve done it. She’d rather die by her illness than by the hands of some druggy. It wasn’t her life anyway nor her business. If they were to get caught then they only have theirselves to blame. That was the most she thought about before a cute stuffed giant bear had caught her attention, which there was no way she wasn’t not going to get it.
     Now some days passed and the whole drug incident was clear from her mind. She was still cautious and kept her guard up at all times. Even in her house. She would for about a week. If she didn’t see any sign of being watched or followed then all would be well, right? Even so, that didn’t stop her from going out places and playing her instruments whenever and wherever she can. She just so happened to be walking by a park with some kid picking on three others smaller ones. She quickly had put a stop to that. The smallest one had been crying and what better than to use her music to make this little boy smile? She of course made sure none of them were injured, they were all just a little shaken up. But in just a few notes they were all intrigued and smiling. She stopped for a mere second to get some little instruments out so they all could join her. They first started playing and marching along to each note then soon they were all on top of the dome in the park.
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     Then out of nowhere she felt uneasy. She wasn’t out of breath nor did she feel weak. It was a small sense of being watched. She didn’t stop playing but looked around to see if anyone was possibly hiding. They wouldn’t actually kill someone with three little kids around, especially in the open, would they? It’s been nearly a week. She hadn’t told anyone of her encounter. Perhaps someone else saw what she saw and they think it was her? She needed to get somewhere safe now but she couldn’t leave the children by themselves and she couldn’t go anywhere by herself or that would be the end of her. Maybe she was just on edge? It was still better safe than sorry. She thought about digging through her purse to call someone for help but she would probably be killed on the spot. She was completely stuck. Everything was a dead end. Was this really how her life was to end? Seeing something she shouldn’t have?
Crossing his arms, he watched, amused, as she began walking away from the park. It seemed that the musician was also quite aware of her surroundings and the situation she had allowed herself to be in. Perhaps he was being a bit cruel, staring at her only to not do anything was only increasing her anxiety. But Kousei wasn’t a nice person, nor did he desire to be. 
His mission in life was to erase those who besmirched the chance they were given. So anxious or not, he didn’t know enough about her to decide whether she should stay alive. 
Keeping to the rooftops, Kousei lightly jumped from one to the next as he followed her deeper into the darker areas of the city. Curious, he wondered where she was going, but realizing her moves were frantic and without thought, Kousei had to stifle a chuckle.
She honestly thought she could run from this, and her pathetic attempts to find her phone amused him even more. Still, he would be gracious, and allow her the moment to find her bearings. Stepping from the shadows of the roofs, he gracefully jumped down to stand behind her.
Being this close, Kousei could see the gentle curves of her body were hugged by the white dress she wore, yet instead of the ridiculous heels many women wore, her choice of shoes were simply flats. Hair was tightly bound in a pony tail, yet a few strands had come out in her hurry.
He waited patiently to see how she would react when she turned around. Whether he disposed of her or not, Kousei’s interest had been piqued, though he did not know why.
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Bowing at his waist, Kousei smirked before speaking as he straightened.
“Good evening, Miyazono Kaori.”
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
When he first learnt that she would be going under on the same day of his performance, Kousei had wanted to cry. In a way he had felt cheated that after all his practice she wouldn’t be able to hear it. But he knew it was for the best, and even though he was still quite angry she hadn’t told him the truth, Kousei knew he couldn’t be angry with her forever.
He had barely held his tears back when her goodbye had purely consisted of scolding him, and wishing him luck. She had not said anything else, unlike the wishes Watari and Tsubaki had received. But the blatant goodbyes and love they received paled in comparison to the promise her words gave him.
She would never leave him.
Walking onto stage after his breakdown had been harder then usual, but palpable support he felt from his competitors and friends kept him going. But something in him wanted Kaori’s support to be there for him. For her to yell at him, or to say confusing things to take him off guard, only for him to realize that she’d removed his worry.
As he began to play, Kousei felt the music filling his body, exploding out of every cell to fill him till he could no longer be anything but the music. And even then, the torrential pour didn't stop and simply continued to drown him in it's power. He let himself go, his fingers moving gently, caressing the keys. Yet they also pounded at the black and white of the piano with a hidden power.
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He couldn't hear the music, but when he felt his surroundings melt into the reflective blue of an ice sheet he tensed before letting his shoulders down. Closing his eyes Kousei went to keep playing, but out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the flicker of a lilac dress appear. Glancing he saw the familiar blonde head that had haunted him both in his sleep and waking hours.
His shell-shocked face only served to amuse her as she placed her violin gently under her chin and began playing alongside him. Without noticing, Kousei’s fingers had continued to move, continuing the performance as his eyes drank up the sight he’d only seen once before when he played with her. 
She was not leaving him. 
     Kaori had said her farewells to her parents, her friends, and Kousei before being put on another hospital bed and rolled to where her surgery was to take place. Everyone but her was nervous and scared. She could understand why but Kaori had already made peace with whatever was to happen with her. It wasn’t like she would be completely gone. She would definitely watch over her loved ones. Especially her Kousei. He needed her the most and that’s all she ever wanted to be. She would watch over him no matter where she ended up and once she was asleep she would be watching over him at his performance.
     The slight pinch of a needle in her arm began to make her feel numb and sleepy. Soon beeping of the monitor and the voices of doctors preparing themselves for the surgery were the last things she heard. Then the sound of a very familiar piano note rang in her ears. It was Kousei. It was definitely Kousei’s playing. Trying to follow every single note the way it was written. He was nervous and scared. She could feel and see it with the way he gently pressed his fingers onto the keys. If only she were physically there to strike that feeling out of him. There was no reason to be afraid. He already had this in the bag. By the end of the end, he will look back and question why he even felt such a way. Everything was going to be okay in the end. Kaori was sure of it. If there was anything she could do, it would be to make sure Kousei knew she was there right beside him.                She would place a hollow hand on his shoulder in hopes of trying to help him to calm down. Did her touch reach him? Does he know she wouldn’t miss his performance for the world? Not a second later did she hear the emotion of the melody had changed. It was more happy and determined. Was he playing that way so she would be able to hear him? What a dummy. He didn’t need to try so hard. To miss this big event would be unthinkable. To not perform with him at this big event would be unthinkable. If she were to die, she would die doing what she loved most with who she loved most.
     The scene had changed and she no longer felt as if her life was on the line and Kousei was no longer on a stage in front of a large audience. No small and silly building was their stage. The world was their stage and the world was their audience. And Kousei could finally see her. She smiled back at him and she could feel him pause for a slight second but he kept going once she turned her head, placing her chin on the chin rest of her instrument, and began playing along with his melody. Should she die, this was certainly their goodbye and the only way should would want to say goodbye to him.
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     I hope he doesn’t forget this. I hope he doesn’t forget me
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
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geniuspianokid-blog · 7 years
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君が教えてくれた || SHIHOU *Reprinted with permission from the artist.  Do not repost or delete source information.
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