gensigh-blog · 11 years
Never Forget
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
I am rooted, But I flow
Virginia Woolf (via wasbella102)
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
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Geraldine Hoff Doyle, was a 17 years (in 1942) while she was working at the American Broach & Machine Co. when a photographer snapped a pic of her on the job.
That image used by J. Howard Miller for the “We Can Do It!” poster, released during World War II. 
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
I rarely ever go on here anymore but,
My heart is locked on you. 
Locked shut. 
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.
Albert Einstein (via mpolinar)
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
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Constantly amazed by you.
Night prayer tonight was extra special, indeed. Psalm 91.
We're independent and far away from each other, but getting physically, mentally, and spiritually stronger every single day with you.
With everything in store for us, just everything seems promising.
I just can't. Is this real life.
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
Here's a late night one
So pretty much the past couple days have been quite enjoyable, to say the least.
With school occupying a good 99.95% of my life, it's refreshing knowing that the remaining .05% can truly do wonders, with such amazing friends, family, love, support - and 100% tied all together with God. 
This week sure took a toll, where evidently, I did not sleep bc of school and everything else. But I mean, who gets sleep anyways right? Not quite important when life is just happening, left and right. I learned quite a lot and realized much more.
I was going to make a long post but let's just say through everything, I'm forever grateful for having such supportive parents, an amazing sister, loving esy family, great friends and the most genuine boyfriend. 
I cannot fathom how extremely blessed I am with the best. 
All the love, Thank you God Almighty. 
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
Love Is An Open Door Proposal
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
Do you want to build a snow man reprise. Lyrics by phananigans:
I have been wanting to cover this and now I finally did! I just loved his lyrics they were so touching and yeah, I hope I don’t dissapoint!My voice isn’t the best but.. I really do wish they would have put this in the movie! :(
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  Lyrics: “Yes I wanna build a snowman…
I’m sorry that it took so long…
I didn’t know I needed you…I really do…
and now you’re gone…
please…just ask me once more…
just one more time…
I promise I’ll open the door
…yes I wanna build a snowman…”
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
It DEFINITELY is one of those nights
Where I can feel your thoughts through the tenderness of your eyes. For you to stare at me in such awe, when I'm not even looking my best, leaves me absolutely... Wow, I'm blessed. Simp so hard, sue me. ❤️
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
Sometimes its just the little things in life that make you smile so much.
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
Have you ever felt a potential love for someone?
Like, you don’t actually love them and you know you don’t, but you know you could. You realise that you could easily fall in love with them. It’s almost like the bud of a flower, ready to blossom but it’s just not quite there yet. And you like them a lot, you really do. You think about them often, but you don’t love them. You could, though. You know you could.
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gensigh-blog · 11 years
Oh haiiiii, one more week, nbd
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