gentlyquietly · 24 days
me when i get asked why i suddenly dislike a character (i can’t tell them it’s because i read a fanfic where said character made y/n’s life miserable and now i have personal beef with them)
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gentlyquietly · 24 days
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gentlyquietly · 29 days
📷⚰ hypnoschach
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gentlyquietly · 6 months
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gentlyquietly · 6 months
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Dungeon Meshi Ending - 'Party!!' Drawings
[Part 1/2]
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gentlyquietly · 6 months
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hell yea man flip that mushroom !!!!!
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gentlyquietly · 6 months
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elf ears
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gentlyquietly · 6 months
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resurrection is sort of romantic, isnt it
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gentlyquietly · 6 months
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I'm rereading Dungeon Meshi and I love how this part goes from funny cute papa moment to tragic ptsd trauma response once you know Senshi's backstory
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gentlyquietly · 6 months
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gentlyquietly · 6 months
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marcille said i know my wife is just like her brother i don't have to like it
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gentlyquietly · 6 months
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dungeon meshi but they end up in the back rooms, a cursed idea that was eating away at my brain
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gentlyquietly · 2 years
Thank you for shopping with us, come again soon (NSFW)
Pairing: Joseph Desaulnier x Aesop Carl
This is literally my first smut(in english) ever, it’s going to be terrible. I’m sorry in advance.
NSFW, dubious consent, semi-public sex, masturbation, anal, teasing
Summary: Aesop hates shopping for clothes, since he can never find something that fits him exactly. Everything is either a bit too small, or a bit too large. Then again, there was also the fact that Aesop’s taste in clothing was...unique, from star printed blue pajamas and red striped socks to teal shirts with purple grandma print flowers, Aesop had it all. Sick of the torment Aesop brought to their eyes every time they went out, Naib and the others forced Aesop to shop for new clothes. That idea itself was fine, but they forgot one thing.
Aesop is terrible at finding the right place. 
“Rêves De Dentelle”
Aesop stared at the store in front of him, frowning slightly. He wasn’t sure if this was the store that Eli and the others were talking about, but then again it was the only store he found remotely similar to the one that they were talking about. 
“You’ll know it when you see it!” Naib had said, munching away on a bag of chips he stole from Norton while playing on his phone, “You can’t miss it.” He looked up from his screen, scrunching his eyes, “The name of the store, it like, starts with dream or something? I can’t remember.”
Eli nodded, “It looks fancy, but the pricing is very affordable. Oh. and the name is Day Dreams...” He paused momentarily, taking a small glimpse of what Aesop was wearing, before coughing and looking away. 
“And you can never go wrong with the styles they have.”
Well, this store was certainly hard to miss. The glass of the shop itself was slightly tinted black, making it harder to see what was actually inside. The only thing Aesop could even remotely make out was the blurry shape of mannequins modeling out some sort of clothing. The shop itself looked every high-end, with the name of the store written in a fancy font across the window panels and hanging at the top of the door. Even though the large glass door was closed, but the open sign hanging from the hook indicated that it was still open. Aesop doesn’t understand a lick of french, but he was pretty sure the name of the store was something something dream? So this had to be it, right?
Hesitating to open the door, Aesop adjusted his mask nervously. Did he really want to go in? Most of the shopping he did was online anyways...maybe they had an online shop? Absorbed in his own thoughts, Aesop didn’t notice the figure sneaking up behind him. 
“May I help you, sir?” A low and charismatic voice rang out from behind the gray-haired teen, startling him. Jolting and frantically turning around, Aesop came face to face with, no doubt, the prettiest male he’s ever seen in his 21 years of life.
Long silky white hair tied into a low ponytail with a golden bow and draped over his shoulder. Sapphire blue eyes, and a simple yet dashing smile on his perfect lips. He was wearing a fancy looking white button up and dark blue suit jacket with the first two buttons opened, revealing his collar bones and giving him a much more...seductive feel. Dark black trousers framed his long and slender legs, completing his outfit. He held a long caramel colored coat in his hands, staring at Aesop with a small smile. Aesop blinked, tilting his head a bit, for some reason, this man in front of him was somehow...very familiar...
“May I help you?” Joseph asked again, eyeing the young man. 
“I-I was, going in, um, the shop-” Aesop fumbled with his words, snapping out of his trance, his face was definitely bright red under his mask. “I just needed to shop for some clothes...” Standing in front of a clothing shop for clothes, as if that wasn’t the most obvious thing. Great. God kill him.
Joseph raised an eyebrow, staring at the bright red male in front of him. For some reason, he was sure he’s seen the gray-haired male somewhere...He didn’t seem like the type that shopped at his store, but then again, don’t judge a book by it’s cover, right? Looking Aesop up and down before giving a knowing smirk. “Ah, I see. In that case, I can help...but, I have to say...I am surprised someone like you would come to my store...”
Aesop blinked, not sure what he meant by that. His confusion must have not been showing through the mask, as the blond-haired man just smiled and opened the door, holding it open and waiting for Aesop to go in. Aesop quickly headed in, not wanting Joseph to be bothered any further. 
“Is there anything specific you are looking for?” Walking into the store, Aesop looked around, everything seemed pretty normal, though the clothing that the mannequins wore were a bit revealing. A lot of them seemed to be for women, mostly. The walls of the interior were a dark burgundy color, outlined with vintage golden patterns. The lights weren’t as bright as they would be in other stores, instead dim and giving the store as a whole a much more secretive vibe. There were two other customers, along with an associate that stood next to them, smiling professionally while recommending and explaining products to the young couple.
Aesop shook his head, looking down at his hands, “My friends recommended me this store...” He didn’t even know why they were so insistent on getting new clothes. What was so wrong with his own clothes? He thought they were fine. 
Joseph nodded his head in understanding, “I see. Do you prefer comfort, or mobility?” 
Comfort or mobility? Aesop thought about it, not really sure what he meant by mobility, was it really hard to move in some of these clothes? “...Comfort?” Maybe he meant like jeans, those were sometimes really restricting. He wasn’t a big fan.
Joseph nodded again, before putting his jacket down on the wine colored velvet sofa placed in the middle of the store, heading over to a rack of clothes by the wall. Picking through some of the items, Joseph grabbed a gray sweater, turning around and showing it to Aesop. 
“What about this one?” 
Aesop touched the material, it was nice and soft, definitely something he would like to wear. His gray eyes lit up, nodding.
“It’s soft. I like it.” 
Joseph observed the happy little expression Aesop was making, though a majority of it was hidden under his mask, Joseph could still tell that the man in front of him was good looking. He was squeezing the fabric in his hands much like a cat kneaded a blanket. Cute. Joseph thought. My type. 
He handed the sweater to Aesop, and motioned for him to follow him as he walked to another rack, pulling out clothes he thought would suit the gray-haired male. Joseph tried to grab for the ones where it didn’t show too much skin even though this was an adult shop, and most of the clothes he sold were lingerie, and ones that allowed...easy access to certain places. For some reason, Joseph had the feeling that if he did hand the young man revealing clothes, he would immediately bolt out the door. The thought made Joseph cough lightly to suppress his laugh. After handing Aesop the 3rd clothing item he thought would look good on him, Joseph had come to realize that the gray-haired male in front of him, might have literally thought this was a normal clothing shop. Thinking back to how he had said his friends recommended the shop to him, he might have mistaken his store for another shop. Joseph thought about stopping and telling him where he actually was, but then he saw the light pink that dusted his earlobes along with those large gray eyes that looked up at him all innocently. Joseph paused slightly, before his eyes narrowed and lips curled up into a small smirk.
He finally remembered where he had seen Aesop. The little cutie that got drunk with his friends and wouldn’t stop cuddling him in Joker’s bar...If he remembered correctly, the little cutie did say in the heat of the moment that he wanted to sleep with him, even going as far as trying to kiss him, only to be pulled off by his friends moments later. Such a shame. Though he wasn’t going to take advantage of a drunk man, the thought of taking the little gray mouse home was very temping, since he had looked just so appetizing. Looking at the gray haired male in front of him, memories of Aesop that night at the bar overlapped.
Oh, how he would love make him cry. Good thing he did have his own personalized break room in the shop. Hm...An idea popped into his head and Joseph smiled brightly. 
“This one?” A nod. Aesop stared at the clothes in his hands, then back up at Joseph. Joseph seemed to remember something, clapping his hands together, giving him a wide smile, “That’s right, you still have to try them on right? Here, I’ll lead you into our fitting room!” 
Something in the back of his mind told him this was a bad idea, but Aesop chose to ignore it. It was just trying on clothes, how bad can it be?
Aesop nodded lightly before following Joseph into the back of the store, not noticing how the room he was being lead into was a bit farther away from the front of the store, as well as the fact that they had already passed a door labeled ‘fitting rooms’.
Joseph suddenly stopped in front of the door, making Aesop bump into his back. 
“mph!” Aesop held his nose, the prickling pain forcing some tears into his eyes. Joseph immediately grabbed his waist and pulled him in, preventing him from falling down. 
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to stop so suddenly.” Joseph glanced down, worry in his eyes. “Are you okay?”
Aesop nodded, blinking away the moisture in his eyes, gray watery eyes looking up at the taller male. 
Joseph’s breathing hitched for a split second before letting go of Aesop’s waist, eyes darkening at the sight of tears in Aesop’s eyes. So...tempting. 
“I stopped because I wanted to tell you, some of the clothes you have on are a bit more harder to get on. You might want to have someone help you with it.”
Aesop hesitated, not really feeling comfortable with someone staring at him while he changed.
“If you don’t mind, I can help you with it?” Joseph asked lightly, gazing down at Aesop. “I can stand outside and only come in when you need me.”
“...okay.” If it was only with some of the clothes, then maybe it was okay? And...for some reason...if it was Joseph, then he didn’t really mind it.
Stepping into the very weird looking fitting room, it looked more like a bedroom than a fitting room, with a bed in the middle. Aesop wanted to ask about it, but maybe that would be rude? Eli did tell him that it was rude to point out obvious things and that sometimes it was hard for him to understand certain social things, maybe this was one of them. 
Unbuttoning his shirt, Aesop could feel Joseph’s gaze looking him up and down, surprisingly it didn’t make him uncomfortable, instead the places where his sight lingered seemed to burn. He held on tighter to the shirt, glancing at Joseph, “Joseph...can you look away...it’s...kind of embarrassing to change like this...”
Joseph smiled kindly, though his eyes were dark, “Of course, just let me know when you need help!”
“Thank you...” 
Now that Aesop was really taking a good look at the clothing, most of these seemed...weird? There was so much...strings and buttons and no matter how it was designed, you could still tell this was revealing clothing. The thought of putting it back and walking out of the store was so very tempting, but for some reason, Aesop wanted to try them on. He wanted to see Joseph’s reaction to it.
...Why did he want to see Joseph’s reaction to it? He shook his head, his ears bright red. 
Putting on the oversized sweater-like clothing, Aesop realized he couldn’t tie the strings on the back, after fidgeting with it for a second or so, he gathered up the courage to turn around and ask Joseph. 
“...Joseph? Can you help me with this...” His voice was small, and half of it was swallowed by the turtleneck that covered the bottom half of his face. 
“Of course, darling.” Joseph swiftly walked over and stood behind Aesop, his tall figure towering over Aesop. 
‘He’s tall...’ Aesop absentmindedly thought as Joseph fiddled with the strings, ‘probably a head or so taller than me...’
He watched as Joseph worked on the strings in the mirror., ‘his eyelashes are so long...’
Hands grazed past Aesop’s sensitive skin as Joseph innocently helped him tie the multiple strings that came with the clothing. Aesop flinched, the small yet pleasurable feeling zipping through him. 
“Is something wrong?” Joseph asked, he was so close to Aesop that Aesop could feel Joseph’s breath on his skin, sending shivers down his spine. 
Aesop shook his head quickly, clutching his hands tightly at his chest. He took in a shaky breath, “N-no, I’m fine...it’s just a bit...ticklish.” 
Joseph grinned, his little mouse was sensitive it seemed? “Well, the string seems to be a little stuck, so it may take a bit longer...” His fingers slipped down Aesop’s back, and Aesop couldn’t hold back the little moan that came out of his mouth. He clamped his mouth shut with both hands, not believing that noise just came out of his mouth. Praying to god that Joseph didn’t hear that. 
He did.
The low chuckles that erupted next to his ears were all that Aesop needed to confirm Joseph had heard his moan, in fact, if Aesop were to be honest it seemed the taller man was trying actively to get noises out of him. 
“Did that feel good, little mouse?” His hand slipped inside his shirt, the strings doing nothing to prevent the skin to skin contact, while his other hand slipped in front to unzip Aesop’s pants. Joseph’s knee slid in between Aesop’s, forcing his legs open. His ass was now pressed against up Joseph’s groin. His long nails grazed against Aesop’s nipple, the light pressure sending shocks throughout Aesop’s sensitive body. Aesop reached for Joseph’s hands instinctively, trying to stop him from toying with his body further more. 
“Aesop, dear, I have to admit, your reactions are cuter than I expected.” He kissed and sucked on Aesop’s earlobe, successfully seeing it turn into different shades of pink. “Do you still not remember me?”
Aesop could only whimper as Joseph grind against him, the thoughts in his head racing at a million miles per hour, but really all he could focus on was Joseph’s skin against his. Was this really happening? What does he mean remember him? Wait...
“..J-Joseph?” Joseph’s face and the way he hugged him seemed to overlap with someone in his memory. Aesop’s eyes widened, as he pieced two and two together, but soon his attention was ripped back as Joseph nipped his neck. 
“A-Ah~! not there...” Aesop held on Joseph’s sleeve as his hand slipped into Aesop’s underwear and started to lightly stroke his dick. He could feel Joseph’s erection press against his ass, the heat passing through the clothes. But the silver haired man was more focused on nipping and kissing his neck, the slight pain only adding more to the growing heat inside of him.
“I’m...hah...! Almost...I, please...! ” The pressure inside him was growing and growing, every muscle in his tensing up, waiting for the big release. Yet Joseph had other plans, purposely stopping when he knew Aesop was close. 
“Aesop, darling, you really are cute everywhere...” Feeling Aesop tremble underneath his touch, Joseph’s lust for him grew stronger than ever, easily flipping him around, Joseph came face to face with a bright red Aesop. “It’s not fair that you get all the fun now, hm?” He unzipped his pants and pulled out his already hard erection, guiding Aesop’s hands towards it.
“Wait for me.” It wasn’t a suggestion, it was a command. 
Aesop felt shivers down his spine, heat pooling in his stomach. 
“...s-so big...” He couldn’t help but mumble out, slowly pumping up and down on Joseph’s cock with a trembling hand. Joseph’s eyes narrowed, the innocent remark going straight to his ego and dick. Not saying anything else, he lifted Aesop’s face and kissed him, his tongue snaking into Aesop’s open mouth. Aesop was taken in surprise, and couldn’t do anything but hold onto Joseph’s shirt as he felt the oxygen slowly being taken away, Joseph finding places he didn’t even know would feel good. Even forgetting he was supposed to be giving Joseph a hand job. Joseph didn’t, taking Aesop’s hands in his own and pumping up and down till Aesop was seeing stars. 
His legs were starting to give out, and was only standing because of Joseph’s grip on his waist holding him up. “ah...! Mmph...! Joseph...!” 
It didn’t take long before Aesop came, his whole frame shaking as he came into Joseph’s hands. Clinging onto the taller man with all his power. 
Joseph absolutely loved the view, pulling away and drinking in Aesop’s dazed eyes and blushing face. 
“Oh, how I could just eat you up, Aesop...” He slowly poured some lube into his hand, fingers prodding at Aesop’s entrance. He enjoyed toying with Aesop, how his gaze followed his fingers despite being so shy...yet he was so eager.
The feeling was weird, having never done this before, Aesop could only hold on tightly to Joseph, whimpering. His ass wiggling from the sensation. 
“well, this is a form of eating too, is it not?” He chuckled at his own joke.
Joseph was patient, keeping Aesop wound up at the same time making sure he was properly preparing him. Exploring his hole as Aesop tried his best to contain those little gasps escaping his mouth, clasping his hands over to muffle the noise.
Joseph pulled Aesop’s hands off his mouth, leaning in and giving a light peck to Aesop’s palm, “I like your voice, let me hear you.”
Aesop couldn’t help but moan as Joseph pressed his finger against a certain spot, biting down on his lips. Joseph raised an eyebrow, his finger grazing against that spot once more, was it right there? To his delight, Aesop let out another small grunt, confused on why it felt so good but giving into the pleasure. He looked up at Joseph with tear filled eyes, as if asking him why he was feeling this way. 
Joseph chuckled, nipping away lightly on Aesop’s bare skin as he continued to finger him. “You’ve never done this before, have you cheri?” 
All Aesop could do was hug himself closer to Joseph as his legs shook, subconsciously grinding his hips towards Joseph, chasing after the pleasure. 
“No, I..! I can’t...!” Aesop’s hips buckled as he felt a flash of heat running through his body, everything going blank. “Mphm!!”
It was a sight to see. His clothes bunched up at the chest, showing just enough to imagine, but not enough to fully take in the view. His legs were shaking, milky white staining his tummy and slowly dripping down, leaving a messy trail. Dazed eyes and flushed skin.
Joseph couldn’t help himself. What man can? After seeing this sight, certainly not him.
Turning Aesop around so he faced the mirror, Joseph aligned himself properly, and pushed in. Aesop gasped, his body much too sensitive for the pleasure he was feeling, looking back at the man towering over him.
“!!...no...! not now, Joseph...I’m-” still sensitive--
His words were cut short as Joseph thrust towards that one spot in his prostate. Making Aesop see stars as he hugged Joseph tightly, he couldn’t help but start shaking his hips a bit, chasing after the third--was it the third? he’d already lost track of how many times he’d had came--orgasm that was coming fast and hard. Aesop mewled, clawing at the mirror and trying to steady himself. 
“Please,” Aesop gasped, “Joseph--! Ah!” whimpering, he wanted to pull away from all the sensations that shot through his body. Joseph narrowed his eyes, grabbing onto Aesop’s waist, thrusting deeper and harder into the warmth. Chasing after his own release.
“You’re doing...such a wonderful job, cheri.” Joseph rasped, his movements becoming more and more erratic as he came closer and closer to the tipping point. He turned Aesop over, throwing one of his legs over his shoulder as he thrust harder. 
There was a searing hot sensation that seemed to fill Aesop up, he clawed at Joseph’s back, tilting his head back as he came. 
Joseph reached for Aesop’s chin and leaned in for a kiss, his tongue chasing after Aesops as he licked and sucked, sending Aesop gasping for his breath.
“I think that these clothes fit you perfectly, dear.” Joseph’s eyes roamed over the mess he had created on Aesop, chuckling. He leaned in and whispered into Aesop’s ears, “Do you want them?”
In a daze, Aesop could only nod, earning a peck from Joseph.
“Wonderful. Thank you for shopping with us today...”
Joseph opened his mouth, and bit down on Aesop’s lip, delighted at the pained yet aroused expression on Aesop’s face.
“I do hope that you’ll come again soon.” 
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gentlyquietly · 3 years
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gentlyquietly · 3 years
𝑹𝑷 𝑴𝑬𝑴𝑬 :   the  path  from  emojis  to  starters.   SPOOKY  SEASON  EDITION.    [ MINE / YOURS ] depends on the receiver.  * change pronouns as needed.
👹   -  for [ YOUR / MY ] muse to run into [ MINE / YOURS ] at a costume party.
👻   -  for our muses to go ghost-hunting together.
💀   -  for [ YOUR / MY ] muse to visit [ MINE / YOURS ] as a ghost.
🩸   -  for [ YOUR / MY ] muse to run up to [ MINE / YOURS ] covered in blood.
🧟   -  for our muses to be trapped in a zombie apocalypse together.
🧛   -  for [ YOUR / MY ] muse to find out that [ MINE / YOURS ] is a vampire.
🧙   -  for [ YOUR / MY ] muse to place a spell on [ MINE / YOURS. ]
🦹   -  for [ YOUR / MY ] muse to show off their costume to [ MINE / YOURS. ]
🦸   -  for [ YOUR / MY ] muse to dress up as a [ HERO OF YOUR CHOICE ] with [ MINE / YOURS. ]
🕷   -  for [ YOUR / MY ] muse to scare [ MINE / YOURS ] with a spider.
🕸   -  for [  YOUR / MY ] muse to save [ MINE / YOURS ] from a giant spider’s web.
🌕   -  for our muses to sit beneath a full moon together.
🏠   -  for our muses to visit a haunted house together.
🎡   -  for our muses to visit a haunted carnival together.
🧪   -  for our muses to be trapped in an evil scientist’s liar together.
🪦   -  for our muses to visit a graveyard together at night.
⚰️   -  for [ YOUR / MY ] muse to watch [ MINE / YOURS ] rise from the dead.
🪓   -  for [ YOUR / MY ] muse to chase [ MINE / YOURS ] with an axe.
☎️   -  for [ YOUR / MY ] muse to anonymously called [ MINE / YOURS. ]
🎃   -  for our muses to carve pumpkins together.
🦇  -  for [ YOUR / MY ] muse to watch [ MINE / YOURS ] turn into a bat. 
🐺   -  for [ YOUR / MY ] muse to discover that [ MINE / YOURS ] is a werewolf.
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gentlyquietly · 3 years
pspspspsps Aliceeeeeeee 
[ Komo-chan pspspspsps ]
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gentlyquietly · 3 years
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writer culture be like
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