geocoke · 1 day
Dysphoria is not an excuse for biologically male people to appropriate the cumulative trauma of several millennia of violent oppression experienced by the biologically female.
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geocoke · 4 days
it's so exhausting how it is impossible to argue in good faith with pro-porn/prostitution types because they will insist that any assertion you make is actually just an insincere cover for some deep-seated puritanical hatred and disgust they believe you have for the women exploited by these industries. even with multitudes of evidence to the contrary, even if you yourself have been in those industries, they cannot fathom anyone just having empathy and wanting better circumstances for these women.
what is that about?? some kind of projection? being willfully obtuse? i cannot understand it
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geocoke · 5 days
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geocoke · 5 days
trying to mold the definition of homosexuality to fit your political narrative using the "language is ever evolving!!" argument is so funny to me bc clearly you all haven't heard of homosexuality existing among other species that don't have any concept of language or politics. same sex attraction is a biological reality that will always exist even if there weren't words to describe it. and it can't become "outdated" or "narrow minded" bc it's not a trend that changes with the political climate so trying to redefine homosexuality according to What's Cool Today means that you don't actually believe it's a natural, innate sexual orientation. and?? that's homophobia luv. you're a homophobe. just own up to it like your conservative neighbour instead of trying to change what being gay means, bc at the end of the day, both of you think exclusive same sex attraction is morally wrong. both of you think it's a gross fetish. both of you think it can be altered. it's just that one of you is ῳơզųɛ
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geocoke · 6 days
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geocoke · 6 days
This deeply held belief that even nonbelievers deep down hold the same belief happens both with the trans community and christianity. The idea that "radfems hate me now because now I'm a man" only works if you believe so hard that you're a man to the point where to extend the belief to people who don't believe you can change sex. It's the same way christians, from my experience, believe that atheists do believe in god but are just angry at him or want to rebel against him. Both have such strong faith that they can't even fathom others not believing at least a little bit at their core.
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geocoke · 6 days
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geocoke · 6 days
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geocoke · 6 days
we are the daughters of parents who should not have had kids
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geocoke · 6 days
as a trans guy using queer dating apps, something I've noticed a lot is profiles saying "straight man seeking women or trans men" and "lesbian seeking women or trans men" like. by definition you are not attracted to men, so either you're not the sexuality you say you are, or you equate trans men to women. ough.
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geocoke · 7 days
“Be wary of any mentality that would make cattle or vessels of women, because that same mentality will make machines and tools of you.”
- Andrew Hozier-Byrne
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geocoke · 7 days
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heartbreaking lesbian poem found in womonspace 1983
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geocoke · 8 days
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Chrissie Hynde (The Pretenders), Pauline Black (Selecter), Debbie Harry (Blondie), Poly Styrene (X-Ray Spex), Viv Albertine (The Slits), and Siouxsie Sioux (Siouxsie & the Banshees), London, 1980
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geocoke · 8 days
Gen Z thinking they're so progressive while their gender politics is literally "whoever wears the dress and does the dishes is the woman/femme" kills me
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geocoke · 8 days
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geocoke · 9 days
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I’m gnashing my teeth like a child of Cain
If this is a prison I’m willing to bite my own chain
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geocoke · 12 days
I'd respect prison abolitionists a lot more if they weren't like "Asking the first question any sane person will ask about our ideology is ontologically evil and we shan't be responding to it."
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