georgesservices · 2 months
Georges Services In Home Appliance Repair
Yes, your dryer needs professional servicing when it breaks. Appliance repair professionals provide accurate diagnosis and repairs, upholding your dryer’s warranty and ensuring safety by preventing hazardous situations like lint buildup and overheating. DIY repairs could potentially void your warranty and overlook underlying issues, leading to recurring problems and safety hazards. Professional servicing not only saves you time, money, and frustration but also extends your dryer’s lifespan and keeps it working efficiently. Remember, choosing a reliable service is crucial to achieve these benefits. Stick around for more tips on how to select the best dryer repair service. Read our most recent blog post about if dryers need to be professionally serviced when they break. https://www.georgesservices.com/blog/do-dryers-need-to-be-professionally-serviced-when-they-break/
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georgesservices · 2 months
Georges Services In Home Appliance Repair
Deciding whether to repair or replace your washing machine depends on its age, problem type, repair costs, and new unit price. If it’s older or frequently breaks down, buying a more energy-efficient model tends to be worth it. However, for younger machines or minor issues, washing machine repair can be cost-effective and extend the machine’s lifespan. Read our most recent blog post about whether or not its worth it to repair your washing machine. https://www.georgesservices.com/blog/is-it-worth-repairing-your-washing-machine-when-it-breaks/
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georgesservices · 4 months
Georges Services In Home Appliance Repair
When your fridge stops working, first check its power supply. Verify that it’s plugged in and that your circuit breaker or fuse box is functioning correctly. Next, check the temperature settings, making sure your thermostat is correctly adjusted. Inspect door seals for any damage, ensuring a tight seal is present. Pay attention to your condenser coils, ensuring they’re clean to prevent overheating. Read our most recent blog post about the first things to check when your refrigerator stops working.
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