georgiatennant-hf · 9 hours
I don't even know if I would say that it is my favourite time of the year. I mean its not too hot (when we actually have hot weather in the UK) but then sometimes it too cold. I guess I like all the seasons for different reasons.
This time of year is favorite, the chilly weather, the sweaters, the creepy movies coming out in theaters, and of course my birthday in Nov. God just I love Fall happy first day of Fall y'all!! @hfrpstarters
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georgiatennant-hf · 9 hours
We do. Even when the weather isn't great, we always do things then. It just helps if the weather is dry. I can understand what you mean.
I get that. Been in the UK a few times whenever we've toured. I do like it there. You do what you can whenever the weather allows you. Of course. I feel it's the best part of the job besides getting to produce and make music. The fans have done a lot for us so I like giving back to them when we can.
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georgiatennant-hf · 9 hours
I am not that bad. Haha. Some people, like you as you say, can list off a whole lot, and some can't. I am glad that I am not the only one. Like I said, if I was at a party, there is always other things beside sandwiches so I usually go for something else.
Wow, I don't think I've ever met someone so paralyzed by indecision. I'm kidding, of course, there's never any pressure to answer – it's just that I can list off about a thousand types of sandwiches, even ones I don't like. But it's fair. You're not the first person I've spoken to who isn't a sandwich person. More for me.
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Private: I know what you mean. I am the same, even if I am not away from them for as long as you when I am away. I agree with that.
Private: Never gets easier, being away from them. I just wish I could carry them around in my pocket always.
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georgiatennant-hf · 5 days
Private: They will be excited to tell you all about them. Oh. They will be happy to hear you have missed them.
Private: I can't wait to hear all about their school adventures when I get home, I miss them like crazy.
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georgiatennant-hf · 5 days
I can't. You think I would be able to, even from just making them for my children, but I couldn't. I am thinking if I have been to any events where there has been a choice of foods. There have been sandwiches, like ham sandwiches or cheese and something. But the there is usually a choice of other things so I go for that instead.
You really can't pick one sandwich? What about two, or three, or four? Give me a short list or something. Maybe I'm planning an event and I need to know the most popular sandwiches amongst celebrity couples – you have to help me out here, Georgia.
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georgiatennant-hf · 6 days
Private: I am glad to hear that. The children are doing fine. Telling me what they are doing at school. Wondering where you are, even though I have told them you are away working.
Private: Yeah, figured I'd dragged this all out long enough. I'll be home by the weekend. How are the kids doing?
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georgiatennant-hf · 7 days
I can't say I have done many TV interviews that would have asked questions like that. Not like my husband. I can't say I think over my questions like that. As for the best sandwich. I don't know. It depends on what I feel like at the time. I don't think I could pick one.
Does anyone else lie awake thinking about answers they've given to questions on national television that just... didn't... go over right? Or is it just me in a permanent state of self-doubt? Case in point: Colbert's Questionert, three years ago, got asked what the best sandwich was. I said meatball sub. But the looks I got from Stephen himself and the crowd... I feel like it was an amateur answer, even if I mostly stand by it. I mean, I feel like a meatball sub is pretty universally hard to fuck up – no? But then Gosling goes on and says ice cream. Ice cream sandwich. That genius. I don't know who's writing for him, but I need them on my team. I guess this leads to two questions: 1) do you rethink your answers to the point of insanity like me? and 2) what is the best sandwich, and why? @hfrpstarters
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georgiatennant-hf · 7 days
I don't think I have heard any weird ones about me. I can't remember any if there was so they couldn't be that weird. Wow. Couldn't they have been more original than that. Haha. Do you think you could come up with one?
what's the weirdest rumor you've ever heard about yourself? asking because now that award season is back in session, it seems the ridiculous blind items have picked up. i'm totally guilty of reading them, it's like a trainwreck that i can't bring myself to look away from. had one go viral last year that claimed i was faking a pregnancy for attention because my boyfriend at the time had gotten someone else pregnant behind my back, which is just pretty yikes all around. that said -- spill, please and thank you! if you haven't had a rumor go viral about you then let me know and i'll make one up and have it in deuxmoi's inbox by midnight.
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georgiatennant-hf · 7 days
I know what you mean. They always are kept occupied. As for when they are at school, yes, it is nice to have some time to myself. Especially when my husband is off elsewhere.
It's always great that our fans make sure our albums get all the love possible. Makes me love doing this even more than I already do. It's fine if there isn't. I'm sure it was something to keep them occupied but I'm sure it's also nice to have time for yourself when they are at school.
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georgiatennant-hf · 8 days
Yeah. I am sure a lot of people do that. Like if I don't remember it, it never happened. Oh, I am glad that you went back there, even if it was after a week.
seems like a lot of people have pushed their embarrassing moments out of their mind, which i totally don't blame them for. oh, i totally did. took me a minute to recover and about a week to return to the store. no shame.
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georgiatennant-hf · 8 days
Private: I guess you never know. Oh...I mean, I know we need to. I just wasn't sure when that was going to happen.
Private: That's true, but then I was a strawberry blonde kid, so you never know. By the way, I wondered if we could have a chat soon about everything. In person.
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georgiatennant-hf · 12 days
Private: We don't. But I really would not be surprised if she follows you too. My hair, your height. Thats how it seems to go.
Private: We don't know about Birdie yet, she might have gotten your short genes.
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georgiatennant-hf · 14 days
GeorgiaTennant: Spending some time with dad while the kids are at school.
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georgiatennant-hf · 15 days
Private: Give it a few years and the children will be much taller than me. It really is. I have no idea but its going by way too fast.
Private: True, you are pretty small. They're growing so quickly, it's actually terrifying. I'd better watch myself. When did our babies get so big?
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georgiatennant-hf · 15 days
Thing is, the summer in the UK is...not always sunny. Haha. So we do what we can if the weather allows it. I am glad to hear that when it means you do what you like doing and see the fans too.
It's what you gotta do when warm weather is around. I did what I could when I wasn't touring and enjoyed whatever I got the chance to. Just gives you a little time to yourself I'm sure. Many wanna do it but not everyone wants to stay due to all it takes to debut. I'm glad I stuck around and didn't give up. I like that I get to perform and see fans whenever possible.
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georgiatennant-hf · 19 days
Private: Maybe. But I am not the tallest person so, not so rare in this family. I agree with thing about Wilfred, especially after the comment about their hair.
Private: True, it's rare that kids grow taller than their mums. I think if any of them give a run for me money, it'll be Wilfred. If they grow as quickly as their hair, we're in for a fun few years.
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