🎵I’ve Been Working on the Trans-Siberian Railroad🎵
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The Bucharest Times, April 16, 1919
Traitors are everywhere! The Czech Legion, while initially allying with the White Movement, have turned on their comrades and allied themselves with the Bolsheviks!
First, a new development. Poland, France, Estonia, White Ukraine, Japan, and Krasnov’s White Southern Russian forces have put their differences aside and banded together to form an anti-Bolshevik White Alliance! Kolchak, while not present for any official talks, has indicated that he will join the alliance and form a united front against the reds. Though Poland and Ukraine are now fighting together against the Bolsheviks (more on that later), it is unclear whether France has officially declared war on the Bolsheviks. 
The Czech Legion had also initially joined the White Alliance. However, the Czechs chose an inopportune time to turn on their allies. After receiving word of their defection, Kolchak’s army stopped the Czech Legion at a train station in the city of Omsk, a few hundred miles east of the Eastern Front. After Kolchak’s forces attempted to arrest Tomas Masaryk, fighting broke out in the station, and now the Czechs are engaged in a full-scale uprising behind White lines. Kolchak had been preparing for a summer offensive against the Bolsheviks, but he now has to divert troops from the Eastern front to put down the insurrection. The Czechs are currently fighting for their lives, as they are surrounded by White Forces to their East and West. Their only chance of escaping intact is to try and push eastwards until they can break through to Red lines east of the city of Yekaterinburg.
Things are not Fine in Finland. Mannerheim’s forces retook the city of Tampere from Red Finland, pushing the reds out of the city. Ali Aantonen’s forces were taken completely by surprise and have fallen back to a line outside of the city of Helsinki. It is unclear if they plan to counterattack, but Mannerheim’s blow has given the White Finns a decisive advantage in the Finnish Civil War.
War has finally reached Poland! 45,000 Soviet troops poured across the Soviet-Polish border, penetrating 30 miles towards the city of Pinsk. Though the Poles have begun mobilizing, only 30,000 troops were ready to meet them, and they fell back and formed a defensive front against the Red onslaught. 50,000 troops are currently being mobilized across the country, and the Pilsudski is doing everything he can to rush these unprepared troops to the front.
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The Bucharest Times, February 20, 1920
The War in the former Russian Empire Rages on! Though winter limited both sides’ capacity to conduct major offensives, there are a few actions of note.
The biggest news is that the Bolshevik offensive came to a close yesterday. In January, Bolshevik troops, with the surprising support of infamous anarchist Nestor Makhno, launched an offensive against the White Ukrainians. 10,000 troops crossed the Dnieper at Zaporizhzhia, catching the whites completely off guard. They pushed deep into White lines, and now the city of Kiev is under direct threat of falling to the Reds. If Kiev falls, the White Ukrainian cause is likely doomed. But will the Poles put aside their differences with Ukraine to stop their common enemy?
Speaking of Poland, Josef Pilsudski ordered a full mobilization of Polish troops. Given the already high tensions with the Bolsheviks, the situation is appearing to escalate. The Bolsheviks will likely interpret this as an act of war. What will their next move be?
Stalemate on the Eastern Front continues, and unless the Reds decide to sacrifice their position in one region (or win) to reinforce the East, it seems unlikely to change. Our correspondent in Tula reported seeing 20,000 Red troops being sent East. It is unclear if they are being sent directly to the front, but they may be reinforcing the lines as the Reds prepare for a Spring offensive.
Winter is not the only thing spreading on the Finnish front. Deceit, lies, and propaganda are spreading like wildfire throughout Helsinki and Viipuri, as the Finnish Red Guards attempt a smear campaign against the White Finns. Britain has also agreed to supply one million pounds of grain to White Finland to keep their armies well fed and supplies. How will the Bolsheviks interpret the British openly supporting one of their enemies?
The Bucharest Times is working to create a re-vamped version of our newspaper- we will soon include a map showing the Russian Civil War with updates each weekly edition. For now, let us all hope that the hell just across our borders doesn’t spread to us!
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Timed Crisis
God: February 1, 1868
Peace Treaty OR War Ravages Europe
The Austro-Prussian Brothers’ War happened in your timeline, delegates. However, it was nowhere near this scale. The conflict over German unification threatens to ravage the lands of Europe: World War I may start 45 years early. Delegates, it is up to you to stem the bloodletting and reach a peace deal before the realities of a modern war lead to unprecedented destruction that could leave every nation of Europe in shambles.
The German people want unification and a strong leader, not war. As such, God (myself) has called on the leaders of Europe to end the fighting. 
You must collectively pass a directive, with 2/3 majority, but there’s a catch- 3/5 Prussian delegates AND Franz Joseph must have their signatures on the treaty, or it will fail. The terms are completely up to you. Tsar Alexander II of Russia and the Hungarian Minister of Justice will be joining you for this timed crisis. If the directive fails, Europe will be engulfed in a war that will ravage the countryside, destroy economies, and weaken many of the warring states of Europe.
You have 30 minutes. Save Europe, and save yourselves.
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The Deutsche Review, January 3, 1868
Come out Ye Black and Tans
An Irish group calling themselves the Irish Revolutionary Soldiers (The IRS) have revolted against British rule in Ireland. They have taken over much of the countryside in Connaught and Leicester, and have formed a provisional government in Dublin. The British still control Northern Ireland, but IRS armies are marching north, meeting almost no British soldiers or resistance. Will Ireland finally break free of the British yoke, or can Queen Victoria subdue the unrest?
Bismarck Biyombo Balling Out
The Prussian government has announced two months ago that it will be appointing Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck to fill the now-vacant position of Chief of Staff of the Prussian Military. Through Bismarck’s stoic policies, the military has recovered and become extremely efficient- well-drilled and in high morale. However, this could potentially open up a rift or rivalry between Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm. 
As Bismarck controls the military and the Kaiser doesn’t, it is unclear where the loyalties of many troops lie- to their king or chancellor? This move also significantly decreased Kaiser Willhelm’s legitimacy: the Prussians are starting to see Bismarck as their leader, not their own Kaiser. How will the Kaiser respond?
Well, there is one thing the Kaiser responded to. Wilhelm claimed that, after extensive interrogation, Moltke’s assassin finally confessed. He alleged that the Austrians were the ones that pushed him to assassinate Moltke, despite his steadfast defense of the assassination being for the good of Prussia. It is not clear at this time who is telling the truth, or who was actually behind the assassination, but if the Kaiser is telling the truth, Austria would have had a tit-for -tat response to the Prussian poison attempts.
Bide- I mean the Catholics Sanction Russia
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In a shocking turn of events, France, Austria-Hungary, and Pope Pius IX have implemented sanctions on Russia, the Austro-Hungarian ally. Russia was already stabbed in the back during the Crimean War by Austria, and the Tsar gave a furious speech denouncing Franz Joseph. Russia has withdrawn all its troops from Austria-Hungary and positioned them on the Galician border with Austria-Hungary. The Tsar did not indicate whether or not he would be cancelling the alliance with Austria-Hungary, putting Austria in a difficult situation: should they cancel their sanctions on Russia and risk tensions with France and Pope Pius, or should they double down on their commitments with the Catholics?
Hannover Handing Over Mutual Defense Treaties
In a historically-true move, Britain and Hannover have announced a mutual defense treaty. If one country is invaded, the other will be called on to provide military and financial assistance, whereas troop counts cannot exceed 7,500. This agreement placates Britain as the senior partner and Hannover as its junior power, so any who attack Hannover would risk Britain getting involved.
The well-industrialized region of Czechia, Austria-Hungary, was the victim of sabotage last month. Several railroads were blown up, temporarily halting the economy and military capabilities of Austrian troops operating in the region. It is unclear who targeted the railroads, as it could have been a Czech independence movement or a foreign power, but Austrian military capabilities on the Prussian and Saxarian borders are temporarily crippled.
In light of increased tensions on the continent, the wealthy Catholic Church has graciously agreed to to protect and transport children in border regions (potential warzones) across Europe. Troops from Denmark, Spain, Italy, Hannover, and the Ottomans? will guard convoys of children being brought into churches which will act as safehouses if war breaks out. The children will be placed with host families in Spain, far from the frontlines of war.
Surprisingly, Ottoman Muslim teachers were hired to teach them in schools to promote unity and cultural exchange. Unfortunately the ugly realities of 1860′s Europe bared their heads. After allegedly preaching about the teachings of Islam to Catholic students didn’t go over so well with the soldiers sent to prevent them, and massive fights broke out between Catholic soldiers and Ottoman Muslim teachers. None were killed, but many teachers have quit out of protest and Catholic priests are taking over their jobs. 
It is unclear how the Ottoman government will react to their teachers quitting the so-called Kinder Program, but the protestant families of Hannover are enraged that Muslims and Catholics are in possession of their children, and demand that the Hanoverian government retrieve their children and send them back to Hannover.
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A Prussian Power-Struggle?
The Deutsche Review: September 17, 1867
Moltke is No More
On the night of September 16, a Prussian citizen assassinated the beloved Chief of Staff of the Prussian Army, Helmut von Moltke. It is believed that a citizen member of the liberal party, which currently has a majority in the Landtag, assassinated Moltke as he was walking home through Berlin. After being detained, the Prussian plead guilty and claimed that Moltke did not have the interests of the German people at heart.
This has crippled Prussia’s military, which is in the middle of a massive mobilization, leaving it leaderless, low on morale, and confused. A successor must be appointed (JPD) in his stead, though whichever delegate this is could have implications on the strength of Prussian control over the state.
Double Trouble
The Emperor of Austria, Franz Joseph, has announced the creation of a dual monarchy in the Austrian Empire. The country will be officially known as Austria-Hungary, or the Empire of Austria-Hungary. Franz Joseph will rule over the Kingdom of Austria and the Kingdom of Hungary as a single monarch, and the Hungarians have been granted more autonomy in exchange for more military support during a time of heightened tensions in Europe.
Armistice in America
On the symbolic day of July 4, 1867, the American Civil War drew to a close. Here are the borders.
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What Just Happened...
The Deutsche Review: June 10, 1866
One year ago, the German people appeared to be moving towards unification under Prussia. Today, the whole of Europe seems on the brink of war. 
Where do we even begin? I suppose we can try reporting on the smallest news to the biggest news. Here we go.
Trouble on the High Seas
It was not a good month for the British navy. While delivering supplies to Spain, a confederate transport convoy spotted British ships off the coast of Spain, destination unknown. There also appears no limits to backs being stabbed. While leaving a training exercise with the British, Austrian sailors noticed a squadron of British ships off the coast of Calais, training their guns on their brothers-in-arms. Alarmed, the Austrians ironically used their new training to quickly fire on the British ships, and to their surprise, the ironclads went up in huge balls of flames. Further investigation showed that they had been transporting undersea mines, and as they were positioned off the coast of France, one can only speculate what their intentions were.
The Sand is Speaking English: Conflict in Algeria
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Britain didn’t just break their alliance with Austria today, they also reportedly engaged French troops. The French launched an exploratory expedition in Algeria, but to their shock, they found British warships anchored off the coast of Oran City. In a confusing skirmish, several French and British soldiers were killed, as advanced French weaponry and British discipline led to an even amount of casualties. Has Britain turned on both of its allies? Who can be trusted?
Brother Wars Galore
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In light of recent events, the small, assorted German states have formed a mutual defense treaty- an attack on one is an attack on all. If a war between Prussia and Austria breaks out, they will likely unify with the victor.
A Prussian citizen was apprehended in the Ottoman Empire en-route to Persia. After being tortured, he revealed that he was sent to buy poisons to assassinate Austria’s top generals. This could technically constitute an act of war, but we shall be observing Austria’s response- will they escalate the incident?
Massive mobilizations appear to be sweeping Europe: could war be just over the horizon? The Swiss have reported massive troop movements all along their borders, north, south, and west, heading east towards Austrian Innsbruck. It is unclear at this time which countries are involved, but experts estimate that 160,000 - 184,000 troops are mobilizing around Austria. 
In huge news: the Tsardom of Russia signed a formal military alliance with Austria after Austrian troops crossed the border into Poland and put down the uprising. Unless a war occurs on Russian soil, it appears that the Polish cause for liberation may be dead once again. Though initially pledging 165,000 troops to the cause of Austrian defense, railroad slowdowns and logistical problems have led the Russians to announce a definite commitment of 115,000 troops. They are currently marching from three directions towards the Prussian and Ottoman borders, as well as into Austria from Galicia. The Russians have clarified that these troops are for “purely deterrence purposes” and will only respond if Austria or Russia are attacked.
Border Gore Galore
In a stunning move, the Kingdom of Saxony and Kingdom of Bavaria have announced that they will unify and rule the new Empire of Saxaria together. It is currently unclear what role each of the former independent kings will assume, and this has led to instability and rioting from Munich to Dresden. Only social reforms and a strong, authoritarian government can bring order to the new Empire, though this may weaken their military and potentially leave them vulnerable. Regardless, the Empire of Saxaria has already established itself as the third strongest German state, capable of contending with Austria and Prussia for unifying the German people. Will Austria and Prussia see this upstart empire as a rival? Could they team up to fight against a common enemy? Or can Saxaria enjoy the luxury of choosing sides in a potential war?
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American Civil War Update
After the successful Confederate defenses at Vicksburg, Chattanooga, and Cold Harbor, it appears that the American Civil War is drawing to a close. There has been lots of shady war profiteering across several nations in Europe, and this has led to the Confederates gaining enough momentum to hold out as the Union grows war weary. It seems that the two sides will sign an armistice, and they will most likely be looking for European allies to try and one-up each other.
The Union has ample industry, coal for industry, and a massive weapons surplus, while the Confederates, with European help, have returned to an agricultural powerhouse with small amounts of raw materials available for export. Both sides also have a state-of-the-art navy that they no longer need, but they will most likely demand hefty sums for any ships they decide to sell.
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Unity or New Borders on the Horizon?
The Deutsche Review: Jan. 30, 1866
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A great day for the German people! Mecklenburg has announced that it will join Schleswig-Holstein and unify with Prussia, and king Frederick William will be joining the court of King Wilhelm of Prussia as minister of finance. Prussia has significantly enlarged its territory and gained a stronger naval presence in the Baltic and a slightly stronger economy. Also, before Schleswig-Holstein unified with Germany, aid from Hannover, Italy, Austria, Denmark, the Ottomans, and France poured into the country and helped put a stop to the terrorist actions.
A stronger Prussia could upset the balance of power in Europe, and as Prussia and Austria grow stronger, it could be in many minor German states’ best interests to join either. Prussia’s newfound strength could also anger its neighbors and rivals, so we at the Review eagerly await to see how France and Austria will respond.
On the other hand, a revolt has started in Russian-occupied Poland. It is being called the “January Uprising” Rebels are beginning to organize after taking the cities of Warsaw and Lodz, forming a provisional government in Warsaw. Russian troops are spread thin throughout the empire, and it will likely take at least two years for the Russians to put the revolt down themselves. Could a new country emerge as one is removed?
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Alliances All Over: Britain, France, and Austria have announced a three-way alliance, and the British have agreed to train the naval forces of both France and Austria. Both nations will also trade manpower and weapons to each other, and Austrian “winter-soldiers” will begin elite training in the French Alpes. Also, Prussia and Saxony have announced an alliance, strengthening Prussia’s southern flank. 
The Prusso-Saxon alliance comes at an especially interesting time, as Prussia has accused Austria of orchestrating the Landtag bombings. Although independent sources have not been able to verify if Austria was really behind it, the Prussians claim that they found detailed plans of the Landtag in the desk of the Prussian foreign minister’s assistant, who is accused of being an Austrian sign. Austria is under serious pressure from its northern neighbors, but perhaps the alliance with France and Britain can prevent war from breaking out.
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S-H-I-T Show in Denmark!
The Deutsche Review: January 30, 1865
On New Year’s Day, Europe welcomed its newest nation, the Democracy of Schleswig-Holstein, to the continent! However, the new nation is already engulfed in conflict. Terrorists calling themselves the Schleswig-Holstein Integrated Tribunal have detonated bombs all over the country, claiming that the ethnic Germans within the nation deserve to be part of a greater German state.
Terrified, the government of S-H has reached out to Prussia, asking for unification with the state for its own security. This would give Prussia extensive naval power in the Baltic Sea, and they would also cut into Denmark’s monopoly on trade passing into and from the Baltic Sea. 
The Prussian Landtag was bombed in a terrorist attack, but it is unclear who or what group exactly is behind the attack. Prussia has decried this attack on its government, and has begun to mobilize its troops. Regardless, this could have huge implications for the future of Europe, as Prussia could retaliate against any potential attackers with its mobilized military.
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News from the Middle East: The sick man of Europe may be finally recovering. The Ottomans have implemented successful education reforms across the empire, attracting thousands to new schools. They have already attracted thousands across the empire to these new schools, creating a growing, well-educated middle class, and athletics schools have increased the popularity of sports.
In other news, as people all over the world celebrate New Years Day on 1865, America is still engulfed in Civil War. It appears that the Confederacy, emboldened by a victory at Gettysburg are holding their ground and wearing the Union down. Abraham Lincoln was reelected for a second term, but only just barely. It appears that the war-weary Union soldiers are gathering their strength before they attempt final pushes into the Confederate states. The Confederates are sitting on piles of cash, but are in desperate need of food and weapons. They have also broken through the Union blockade and are now able to establish trade relations with the world, looking for immediate new trade partners to keep their country in the fight.
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