German Arzate Complaints About – How safe is to travel to Cancun
"The media always tells things that may not be true. I have had many patients that say that Cancun it's a safe place. There are many things going on in the Mexico, just as everywhere else".
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German Arzate Complaints – Snob Doctors
"Many dentists from places like United States, Canada or Europe thinks that they are better than the Latin America dentists. Why do they think this way? Just because they do not want to admit that we can do the same job as them or even better! Those dentists believe that a Mexican do not have any idea of odontology, that our prices are cheaper because we work with low quality tools. WRONG, totally not true. I know many excellent doctors with high work standards and with several years of experience, I am one of those dentists. But these thoughts comes from a cultural discrimination, people think that if somethings is made in Mexico it has the lowest quality. The truth is that all dentists need to study abroad and inside their home country too! Being Mexican does not mean that I cannot be competitive! This just means that I am Mexican, nothing more. My nationality does not define my work or who I am. Who is German Arzate? A very prepared implant dentist, that has an ABOI/ID Certification. I am proud of my: More than 20 years of experience, and the smiles I have restored."
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German Arzate Complaints – There are not other clinics that do All On 4
  Some patients come to my clinic telling me that other doctors are offering All On 4 procedure. But that is not true, I am the inventor of this procedure. This people tell you lies, first they offer this procedure and then we you are finally in their clinics, they are going to say that your mouth is not qualified for All On 4. Only I can really take these cases. If you are going to get an All On 4 ask to talk with the doctor, see their surgeries, tell him to explain you: How is he going to do it? Tell him to make a video. But guess what? They don´t have nothing. That is my biggest complain, they advertise All On 4, All On 6, Snap In Dentures, but they can not perform none of these procedures. They will change it to another technique. Only I can do the real All On 4.
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German Arzate Complaints – People who offer All On 4
    Not all dentists can perform the All On 4 procedure, if you go to a clinic you need to ask which is the experience of the doctor. But you will notice that most of them are not prepared, because a true All on 4 dentist show skills, knowlegde, experience and also dental cosmetic talent.
Actually 97% percent are looking for an All On 4 procedure in the wrong hands. For example, those dentists usually offers you All On 4, but when you finally arrive they tell that you don´t need that procedure because your bone structure is not qualified, this is when they offer you another procedure, a different one. That is their trick. We know what you need and we can perform real implant and dental procedures.
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German Arzate Complaints – Dentists with no experience
  I can tell you that at least 97% of the clinics that offers dental implants have no experience. There are many doctors that put their advertising saying that they can do all kind of dental procedures
but when you get to that clinic they change everything, and they give you another solution of what you were looking at. Why does this happen? Because they are not skilled, but they also don´t know nothing about cosmetics and aesthetics, and this is the most important part: Having a good price, but also good quality.
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German Arzate Complaints About Patients Who Don´t Follow After Care Instructions
Not all the patients follow the instructions that we tell them. Not all of them use the nightguard, not all of them have a good clean around their new implants
or crowns; they think that they come here, we do a full mouth restoration, and then they can go back to their homes thinking that they don´t need to clean their teeth anymore. The truth is that we give to you another chance to make a change, and to have better dental hygiene habits.
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German Arzate Complaints – When the pacient agree treatment even recomendations
There are some patients who come with us, we give the best advice and still decide not to attend. Remember that if the implant falls or is rejected from your body it is not the doctor's fault. Ask all your questions, we are here to help you and give you the best treatment.
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German Arzate Complaints – Team work pacient and doctor
When you come with us, have the security and the guarantee that we will find the best solution between patient and doctor, it is always a team work!
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German Arzate Complaints – Doctors that say put implants!
There are doctors out there who say they put dental implants but that is not the case, what safety and guarantee are you going to have? There are many websites and many doctors who say they do it but in reality they do not. I place implants and restore them. Be assured that with us you will have constant contact, explain the procedure and solve all your doubts.
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German Arzate Complaints: Pirate Dental Clinics
There are doctors in Cancun who steal patients. We are leaders in dental tourism and for that reason there are other clinics that steal information from our patients and wait for them directly at the airport. We send transport, yes, but they arrive first and take them to other clinics that we call “pirate clinics” and they do the work but with inferior quality and in the end they end up doing their dental treatment, but not with the clinic with which they spoke previously and they were in contact. Be careful!
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German Arzate Complaints: All on 4 Protocol (Part 2)
There are many doctors out there who say that the All on 4 doesn’t work, but that is not true. The treatment really works! If they don’t know how to place them, they are obviously going to say that it doesn’t work.  All on 4 is a very delicate treatment and there are few doctors who know how to do it correctly. So if you have any questions about the treatment don’t doubt to contact me.
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German Arzate Complaints: All on 4 Protocol (Part 1)
With the protocol All on 4 we have two versions: the version of when the patient asks or the version of the doctor. If you are looking for a whole in 4, make sure the doctor is well trained and where he did the training. This is very important!
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German Arzate Complaints: Gingival Recession
Many people have asked why their gums recede. Gingival recession can be caused by different factors like the type of bite the patient has or because of stress or sometimes because of brushing in a certain way, but usually and in most cases it is a hereditary thing. The gums retract and also the bone in these cases. The problem actually starts at the bone and affects the gum. When this happens the teeth start to look longer, they are actually not any longer but more of the tooth is visible and even part of the root is exposed. Usually the gums cover the root and all we see is the enamel of the tooth, but when we have this recession all of a sudden the root is exposed and that part looks yellow. Also when this area is exposed as such, tartar begins to accumulate and we can have problems with deep cavities or cavities under existing crowns etc.
There are different ways to treat this problem and a periodontist can help sometimes with guided tissue regeneration, membranes and or bone grafting and more, but often it can  be very difficult to correct this type vertical bone loss. Once we have advanced recession it affects the actual support of the tooth and of course it looks bad, as the teeth start to look real long, they don’t look good, but they look old and worn and they are bi colored as the enamel is one color and the exposed root a yellowish color. We suggest in such cases first a good evaluation of the affected area to see if the tooth or teeth are still strong and stable and if we can salvage them. We will need to take x rays and use a periodontal probe to check the depth of the problem. If we see that the problem is serious we can look for other solutions also. It could be a recession with or without periodontal pockets, but all of these things we take care of here at the clinic.
Gingival recession can be general or in a specific area. When it is general it often causes loss of various teeth. When we have recession around molars and the root is exposed food tends to accumulate between the roots, technically speaking this molar is lost. If we try to salvage it, this will only be a temporary solution that may last a couple of years. Now if it is an anterior tooth and is stable there are different techniques to be able to save it.
Gingival recession affects 7 out of 10 patients and here at our clinic we have the very best in materials and instruments to help take care of the problem and give you that smile you always dreamed of. We would be glad to take care of you!
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German Arzate Complaints: Dental tourism for the All-on-4 treatment
You must be very careful and investigate well before making your treatment of All-on-4 in Cancun, there are many doctors who say they do it but do not have the training or certificates needed to do it. We invite you to know more about this topic before making your decision.
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Keep this in mind before you make a decision!
Before making the decision where to make a dental makeover we suggest you consider the videos with real patient testimonials and not just the photographs.
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German Arzate Complaints: Is zirconium the best for dental implants?
It’s true that zirconia doesn’t have the same metallic properties as titanium, is just as strong, very good biocompatibility, fights off infection, eliminates galvanic current, less thermal conductivity, and doesn’t corrode, but is the best option for you?
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German Arzate Complaints: All-on-4 in Cancun!
The process behind All-on-4 is not only setting implants and making titanium bridges. Making a full mouth restoration is an art and requires a very special set of skills not all dentists have. Our doctors are all familiar with cosmetic dentistry and smile design.
After the first day of teeth extractions and setting the All-on-4 dental implants, you will come back to the clinic to take impressions of the implants so we can start doing the bridge. The doctors will also come with you to explain the several options you have for the shade, form and size of your new teeth. Remember, every person is different, and in this case the doctors will take special care on factors like the size of your lips, the width of your mouth, how tall or low is your gum line and even sex and tone of your skin.
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