getappreviews-blog · 6 years
Get Download & Ratings for iOS apps
Hello guys. Welcome once again and our team would like to thank each of you for reading our blogs. We have covering android apps for some time now and that’s why we thought to start with iOS apps now. The App Store as you know is a dynamic place. Every day new apps enter and many leave too, some due to competition and others due to long inactivity. It is tough to get your apps listed in the app store and honestly it is even tougher to keep on moving up the app chart. There are about 2 million apps in the iOS Store alone and it currently is the second largest app store; the largest app store with 3.5 million plus apps is the Google Play Store. This number is expected to double fold in the upcoming years at least by the end of 2020. This clearly signifies the untapped opportunities lying in app development and also the competition that is about to get even brutal. With every challenge, there lies an opportunity to prosper and we are going to help you identify the challenges and also overcome some of them. Let’s get started then.
The Challenges in the iOS App Store There are indeed many difficulties in app business and we are going to mention some of them to get you started. Here are some of the common issues that you will come across in the iOS Store. >  The first and foremost challenge that comes is in the very first step. Yes, the app development phase. The iOS App Store has guidelines that are a bit different from the Play Store and in a matter of fact, are a bit stricter too. While app development, following few guidelines can be difficult and you will find clashes with some of the points. > The next issue comes during app submission. The Apple store has a rigid testing methodology and there will be instances when your app will not be accepted and you will be needed to change few major things that can effect your app is a powerful way. Even after re-submissions there will be moments when your app won’t be accepted. >  Even after app submission and listing, there will be a disadvantage that is probably hard for you to overcome. And that is zero app visibility. No one knows your app when it is listed and therefore it is rather difficult to make people download your app installs. > The app presence of your app is relatively very low in the beginning and if not done anything about it, it will be extremely tough to make things right. As a result, the app searches won’t show your app in the search list and thus you will never be getting the user installs that you desired. > The growth of the app is directly related to app installs and ratings and without a presence, it is hard to get any of the both. This doesn’t end here. If no action is taken, your app will continue falling in the app chart and ultimately there will no scope of re-growing. > The last one that we think is the most serious is your app inactivity. Initial few months will be tough for a new app, unless it is by a big firm. And in most cases, it is seen that app developers give up on the app and just keep on waiting to get installs. Well, months of inactivity can be fatal for your app and it may even lead to removal of your app from the iOS Store. What can be done? The ultimate solution is to get app downloads and ratings. There are many app promotion techniques which can be followed. Next we will see how to face the above mentioned challenges and also how to get app downloads and ratings.
> The first phase that is the app development phase can turn out to be hectic. Our advice is to read the guidelines before starting the development stage. This will prevent unnecessary changes that you might have to make after your app is complete. So, it’s better to avoid those mistakes. Also, make sure you frequently test your app in the iOS Simulator to get a feel of the actual app in the iOS device. This can help you get rid of various issues. > The same applies for the app submission stage. Remove every bug that you can get hold of using the iOS Simulator and also make sure you get regular reviews from your team to make sure that everything is fine. In case your app is sent back after initial screening, make sure that you complete each and everything that has been mentioned in the recommendations. This will avoid further problems. > It is obvious that people won’t know about your app if this is the first time your firm is making an app. To help you with your app visibility in the public, it is wise only to start pre-marketing drive and make sure that you cover each and every medium you can get hold of or the ones that you can afford to. This will ensure that people will know your app during its release and because of this, you can have few downloads from the very first day itself. > Coming to app visibility in app searches, it is indeed a tough thing to overcome but this can be relaxed by using adequate techniques. You can make use of keywords and search engine optimization. Invest in writing a good content for your app page and make sure that the app page is visually appealing. This way you can make people come to your app page and ultimately install your app. > Your app growth is certainly one of the major things to look forward to and as mentioned it is a linked to your app installs and app ratings. Once your app has a good rating, it is relatively easy to get app installs and to improve your app rating, it is very important that you follow app promotion guidelines very carefully. > App inactivity is yet another serious issue. When the app stops getting installs, developers loose faith and give up. This is very harmful for your app. When you have already invested so much in your app, it is wise only to invest a bit more to make sure that every thing turns out to be fine. You need to just keep building and releasing updates. Keep improving the app page and continue with the app promotions. Doing just these will ensure that your app will not be removed out of the iOS Store.
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getappreviews-blog · 6 years
The Importance of User Experience for buying Mobile Apps ratings in 2018
Don’t trust everything you see online. This is one of the phrases which we come to see almost every single day. And, to some extent, this is the scenario today. The same concept goes for apps too. When we open Play Store or the iOS store, we come through a large number of apps. Each of these app have a rating and lots of user reviews. Normally while searching for an app, we look for the reviews and ratings before we install it. This is obvious too. We do not want to install an app which has a lot of flaws and which is not worth the money.
Importance of App Ratings
Android app ratings are a measure of the app’s quality. When people look for an app, they see the app rating and then read user reviews. App ratings also indicate the app’s position in the app chart. The apps occupying top place in the chart have good app ratings. This increases their visibility and hence the app downloads gets increased. In simple words, the better the app rating, the more visibility the app gets and therefore the more downloads the app can make. Reviews play yet another important role. Before using an app, people go through the user ratings. This can be seen as a trust making process. If the user ratings are good, people will definitely try your app and this can also lead to better app conversions.
The Hoax Developers realist the value app ratings. They know that these ratings can help them to improve their app’s performance and the business overall. This is the reason why they take up various methods to increase the app ratings. Here are some of the ways by which these app developers increase their app rating. 
Freelancers: By hiring freelancers, the app developers get the desired ratings as well as reviews for their app.
Firms: Many advertising firms propose plans to increase the app ratings for the developers by charging a nominal fee.
App Rating Websites: These web services have a large user base which rates the apps and thereby help to increase the rating of the client’s app. These are only some of the ways by which app developers increase their app ratings. The cause? The reason behind these wrong ratings can be easily understood. There are a large number of apps in the App Store. More apps means more competition and this is due to this much fierceness. App developers generally have to discover processes to move ahead in the competition. One of the most effective ways by which app developers persuade people to download their app is by providing forged user reviews and ratings. Developers know that people look for the app rating before they download any app and this is used for benefit. App developers pay freelancers or agencies to write good reviews and give good ratings for their apps. This leads to a better rating and also good reviews for the app.
How can this harm you? As stated, we generally look for the app rating before we download an app. This is pretty normal and most probably the only way of differentiating a good app from a basket of apps. Now, when the ratings are effected, we basically have no clue whether we are downloading a worthy app or if it is just an hoax. The situation gets worse for paid apps. Before paying for any service, we normally read the reviews by previous users and go through the ratings of the app. By going through the app rating, we come to know about the type of app that we are about to use. A good rating means that the app can be trusted and it delivers everything that has been promised. One look at the app rating and we know if it is okay to download the app or not. These things are very important to know before you spend your money on any service. It would be awful if you spent some 500 bucks for an app which does not have a good content and is unstable. This is where user ratings help right? But, unfortunately these ratings are now adulterated by developers. There is no way to differentiate between genuine and forged reviews and sometimes we end up downloading the wrong product or paying for the wrong service.
We now know about the adulteration going on in the App Store with the reviews and app ratings. Why do we need user experience for buying app ratings? User experience is a vital thing to be considered while taking into account the app ratings. There are various reasons for this. The most important one is the guidelines by Google. Google has a strict policy regarding the use of bots or using spam as a means to improve the app rating or review. If found, the app is liable to be removed out of the Play Store. If developers use ratings which are genuine and take into consideration the prior user experience, then there will be no issues involved. Giving genuine ratings has a very important significance. When the ratings display the actual user experience, it is good for both the company and the customers. With genuine ratings, customers can make a detailed and informed choice regarding their selection. And the company can derive insights from the app’s actual performance.
These insights can help the developers to work more smartly on their app. This way the app stays competitive and shows a high quality of product delivery. Apps have become a part of our lives now. More than that, they have become an essential part of the economy and like other economies, app business should be transparent too. The apps should have genuine ratings and reviews and even if there is an option of buying apps, it should be madevery clear that user experience on the app is a must have. After all, it is these ratings and feedbacks that decide the future of the app.
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