getbacktowriting · 4 months
nothing could have prepared me for not being goth after transition. How do guys even *be* goth. Like, in a casual way, without liberty hawks and platform boots. Is it just not as cool on guys? Do I really have to cultivate an entirely new style???? FYCK,
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
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Today, we get to reblog this
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
i think "it takes a village" shouldn't be just "to raise a child". we should understand it takes a village to do literally everything we do. all day every day. without our communities we would not have drinking water or electricity or clean streets or food or shelter or anything. we cannot do any thing alone. we just can't. and with that comes the fact that you are not alone. you already have a community, seek to be an active part of it, you will feel better. reach out and thank them, they're happy to have you too. i promise. it takes a village to live.
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
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i think sollux is more of a midwest emo type of guy
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
DAVE: since no one seems to be happy with lgbt mogai or any other acronym or umbrella term, i came up with a new one that i think is gonna cover all our bases:
DAVE: mpreg = marginalized people of romantic, erotic and gender
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
i think heterosexuality does have sexual revolutionary potential to the same extent that homosexuality does. its just that patriarchal society restricts m/f relationships so much that we don't recognize their true potential. like at its best, you are connecting with someone of a different gender- even your "opposite"- and through that connection you end up seeing yourself in them. im not even talking about "getting in touch with your feminine/masculine side" shit im talking about loving/lusting someone so much that you feel they are a part of you, and through that you demystify the other gender and feel profoundly tied to the issues they face. the patriarchy restrains straightness by forcing people in love/lust to always keep a wall between them, to insist on the idea that men and women speak a different language, to still see even the person they love/desire as an Other. a new, freer vision of straightness is one that inevitably fosters genderfuckery and inter-gender solidarity. heterosexual love and lust, freed from its restraints, has the power to shake up the basic patriarchal ideas of how men and women are supposed to relate to each other as "opposites." and this is why bi+ and transhet people are send by God to heal society thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
Python installed successfully 🐍😎
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
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This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years. 
If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life. 
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
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this is the kinda stuff you guys want right
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
idk chat i just dont see how hard it is to admit that trans women, trans men, and non binary people all face their own forms of specific oppression and also transphobia as a whole. why do we act like we can only believe in one or the other
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
i fucking hated your shoelaces this entire time
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
omfg i forgot that i never showed tumblr my greatest achievement. my pride and joy, my pi-ass de résistance
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
DONE being a person. time for Dog *turns into this and never comes back*
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getbacktowriting · 4 months
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