getbugged · 11 years
Ohh, Bugsy would have made him regret saying that if he had. It was good that Falkner hadn't. Being treated like a child, even when at times he could act like nothing else, made Bugsy irritable and annoying. Falkner was the best at eliciting this reaction from the boy. He and his stupid motherly ways were so overbearing sometimes.
Falkner was dumb.
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Having his hand taken when he was finally put back on his own two feet only destroyed the boy's recovered sense of independence and pride. Bugsy squinted at Falkner's hand before up at his friend, resorting to pouting once again. He wouldn't pull away, however.
Falkner was dumb and weird and annoying, but at least he cared for Bugsy. The boy would give him some leeway.
"It wouldn't be happy and healthy if it kept it in its tank all the time. Bugs aren't supposed to be caged all the time. What if you weren't allowed to play with your bird and had to let them all go?" Bugsy had a point and he always did when this was the conversation topic. The pouting would always dissolve into mature seriousness when his bugs were involved.
"Are we going to the sanctuary today?"
Johto Bros. // Falkner + Bugsy
"Homework is no issue, it’s a deal." Hayato was always good with his studies as a child, so helping Bugsy wouldn’t be a problem. He silently continues on with his carrying of Bugsy. It was kinda cute to him, to be able to lift him up. Of course- not until Bugsy tended to yank at whatever he could pull. 
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Hayato put the boy down, sighing in defeat. He nodded, nevertheless, and continued towards the kitchen. In exchange he would take Bugsy’s hand rather than carry him.
"Yes, I have to place orders of feed for the birds at the sanctuary today. There is only one pet store that buys in bulk- so I’m sure that you would like to come, right? Then we have to go grocery shopping since our fridge seems to be a little more than empty." He was rambling, not that Bugsy seemed to care what they had in storage, so long as they had it.
"We can do that too. Please don’t let it loose anymore, keep it in it’s tank. Whitney would have a heart attack and try to squish it if you don’t."
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getbugged · 11 years
The loud cheering he heard only brighten the young male's mood further. Undoubtedly that was Whitney's cheery, booming voice! The girl could really shake a building with her shouts and cheers if she wanted to... Whitney didn't seem to have trouble putting the effort into doing such a thing, either.
Bugsy had jumped into the pink-haired girl's arms, laughing happily as he latched his arms around her neck. With a squeeze, Bugsy hugged his old friend and buried his face into her shoulder, grinning against her shirt. It'd been too long!
"Falkner's at work!" he chirped as he pulled away, still bright-faced. "And I've been good!! I'm so glad you're living here with me, Whitney, I'm sosososo happy!"
At the mention of the cookies, however, Bugsy took the older girl's hand and dragged her along to the kitchen.
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"It's been forever! I haven't seen you in forever-ever!" Matter of fact, when the boy had heard the news that he and Falkner's new roommate would be Whitney, the boy had started up hollering and partying around an irritated Falkner. The bluet hadn't liked the mess Bugsy had made.
Once at the kitchen counter, the boy opened the box of cookies and removed the tray from the plastic wrapping. Immediately, he took a cookie and shoved it into his mouth, smiling as he crunched away.
Tasukete... // Whitney & Bugsy
Whitney was in the midst of unpacking, putting away her clothes into the dresser in her new room. Poppy Apartment. Toshi City.
What a place to be. 
It was strange, getting off the bus in the quaint little town. This certainly wasn’t Goldenrod by any means. Things were … quieter. The air even felt cleaner—not that she would admit it; Goldenrod would always be #1 in her heart!
When she decided it was impossible to squeeze another t-shirt in her second drawer, Whitney slammed it shut and flopped unceremoniously onto her mattress, not yet fitted with new covers. Things were booooooring in here! Where was her welcome party, huh?!
Thankfully, it was that moment that she heard the front door click open. She sat up immediately, eyes widening in excitement. 
"BUGSY? FALKNER?!" she shouted, sprinting out of her room. Her feet almost tripped over themselves in her rush to the entryway, but years of sock-skating practice had her gracefully slide across the living room.
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The two ran straight to each other, and Whitney opened her arms wide to embrace him. 
"How’ve ya been?!" she shouted, looking him up and down. Had he grown since she last saw him? "Cookies! Ooooh, you’re the best, Bugsy! Let’s go go gooooo!"
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getbugged · 11 years
It took a moment for Bugsy to understand what Tetsu was getting at with that comment, but when he understood, he laughed cheerily. Nodding with energy, Bugsy chattered, "Yeah! That's really funny sometimes! How one person can look like another...when we're all supposed to be so unique that not even our fingerprints match! The world's weird!"
The same could go for the people within it. Bugsy had an unhealthy obsession with insects and, well, Tetsu...was hiding something.
Not that Bugsy would ever find out, probably.
Still, a twinge of guilt pricked at the purple-haired boy. Maybe the blond was just shy? But Bugsy, admittedly, was just a kid. Maybe he really had hit a nerve?
Bugsy was too perceptive for his own good.
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"Yeah," Bugsy said quickly, tugging his hair slightly before pointedly setting his fists on his hips. Puffing his chest out a little, the boy pouted slightly. "I don't get it, but something about me must be girly! I really, really don't get it, though. If you're used to it, then it happens a lot, huh?" He deflated a little, pursing his lips and frowning.
Looks Familiar... // Tetsu & Bugsy
"Ah… probably it’s like that mystery in world or something… Where one person looks like another…" Of course that is a lie. Not that he’ll tell him that anytime soon though. Tenma was like… a secret? That everyone knows but no one knows who ‘Tenma’ is. 
The boy seemed a bit dimmed or a bit disappointed that he wasn’t Tenma, but seemed to try to apologize to him about it.
"I do … huh." A pinch of negativity went to him for a bit. Yet he was kind of okay with it. Since this pretty much happened … all the time.
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"A g-girl?" To think of it the boy did look sort like a girl… but you could tell by his voice that he is a boy…? Or…. not? Tetsu was kind of getting confused a bit and nodded. "Yeah it does kind of get annoying yes…! But I don’t really mind it much…"
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getbugged · 11 years
"Help with chores? Fine, but only if you help me with my homework later." It had to be a deal. Bugsy was really looking forward to sleeping in after all, so he'd make Falkner pay for his blasphemous actions. Honestly. Let the growing boy rest!
Such a bad big brother figure.
Bugsy instantly regretted that fib he told when Falkner started to mention that he'd made pancakes. The feeling only persisted when he was scooped up and off of his warm, cozy bed and swiftly removed from his bedroom. An aggravated sigh escaped the boy and he pinched the shell of the blue-haired male's ear, tugging it firmly.
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"Put me down! I don't wanna be help like a little kid!" Wriggling about in the other male's grasp, Bugsy let out a couple of annoyed grunts before growing still and pouting. He'd wait to be set down, but he was going to glare at his friend until he was released.
After a moment's thought, however, Bugsy pursed his lips and glanced away. "Are we really going to the pet store today?" There was a hopefulness in his voice. "I need to get more crickets for my tarantula."
Johto Bros. // Falkner + Bugsy
He listened to the little one whine, of course he would, he expected it. Silently he tapped delicate finger tips to the side of Bugsy’s face and quirked an eyebrow. Falkner had always made the attempt to remain a loving big brother figure, but sometimes the kid pushed his buttons like hell. “I know it’s Saturday, but I honestly do need help with some errands today.” He smiles, attempting to convince Bugsy to follow along without much struggle and protest.
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"I made panca—-"
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Oh dear Arceus no- did he just say spider? He was trying to remain calm, horrifically and perfectly calm. He was about ready to flip out and bolt out the door, but that would be just what Bugsy wanted right? Bugs creeped him out, especially if they weren’t contained. What’s worse is that Whitney is around and he wouldn’t want to be startled with the sound of her shrieking.
"I-I’ll be careful… B-But perhaps when we stop by the pet store today we should get a tank for that thing… How big is it anyway? Where is your net? Let’s eat then we can catch it." He seemed a little rushed, gathering the sleepy mess that was Bugsy into his arms. He lifted the boy up and rushed out of the room, quickly closing the door, hoping that the spider that was lost some where in there would STAY in there.
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getbugged · 11 years
"Ohh, really?"
Bugsy wore a bit of a disappointed look. It wasn't that he was super hyped to meet a celebrity. He only recalled seeing Tenma on the TV a couple of times, maybe absolutely paid attention to him program once. Just enough to recognize his face. It was a little confusing that this guy looked like Tenma, but wasn't.
Unfortunately for the blond male.
"You really do look like him! It's pretty amazing, actually." Bugsy beamed at the older male, trying to look reassuring. By the look on the blond's face, he was embarrassed, and Bugsy was beginning to feel bad. Scratching his cheek, Bugsy chuckled nervously.
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"I'm sorry for mistaking you! If it makes you feel better, I get mistaken for a girl a lot." For a brief moment, the purple-haired teen fumed. "It can be pretty annoying sometimes, can't it?"
Looks Familiar... // Tetsu & Bugsy
Tetsu was busily playing Tetris on his cellphone, about to flick it closed and walk away to look for the bus stop, until someone decides to ask him a question that he’d thought he never hear in this fair city. He blinked several times to look towards the person who asked, who was shorter than him by some few inches and so.
He was honestly really surprised and almost swore under his breathe. The boy stares at the younger one for a bit and his cheeks turns a bit red as he turns away.
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"Un, …. no." That was a half lie, as he was Tenma but wasn’t quite Tenma. "I-I’m not of this Tenma you speak of… Although people do mistake me for him…quite a lot…"
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getbugged · 11 years
Tasukete... // Whitney & Bugsy
Thank based Arceus that Whitney moved in with him and Falkner.
When Bugsy had heard the news in the morning, he'd been excited all day to come home. School had gone by dreadfully slowly, as it always did when one was expecting something in the evening. The young teen had trouble containing his excitement and made an odd first impression with his classmates. Shame.
After he'd been released from classes, Bugsy had run off for a grocery store and managed to pick up some things to celebrate with the small budget that he had. His parents sent him spending money every month and being responsible for his age, he was trusted with it. This was a treat though. It was special!
Whitney was here!
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"Whitney, Whitney!" he exclaimed upon entering the apartment. He dropped his backpack and set the cookies on the counter before running around the apartment to find the pink-haired girl. "You're here! I got cookies at the store on my way home from school today. They're ginger and lemon flavored. Do you wanna try some with me?"
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getbugged · 11 years
Looks Familiar... // Tetsu & Bugsy
Bugsy already had a bad habit of letting his bug-watching skills come into play when he was around people.
He would swear on his late luna moth's stone grave back in Azalea Town that he knew this person from somewhere, though... The blond male looked pretty average aside from his nice dressing habits - not to say he was fancy, just that he had cool clothes by Bugsy's standards - and that mole below his lip. The familiarity of this guy was really bugging the shorter boy and he hummed lowly as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
Finally, it came to him and he smiled brightly. Confidently, Bugsy approached the blond, bug net propped up against his shoulder casually.
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"'Scuse me, but are you Mr. Tenma?"
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getbugged · 11 years
Mornings were stupid. Bugsy was confident that he would never outgrow that childish dislike for waking up early. (He was still young, he didn't know what he was talking about.) No, nope, he hated the morning.
The only time it was worthwhile was when the crickets were still awake and chirping. It was getting to be too chilly for them to come out and sing in the early morning, so Bugsy had very little reason to wake up so early. Plus, the mourning doves were awfully annoying at sunrise, their haunted cooing making Bugsy loathe his walk to school.
Birds were so stupid... Too bad Hayato was the one living with him...
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A quiet groan escaped the young enthusiast and he protested with a whine when his blinds were drawn back to reveal the morning sunlight. The milky whiteness seared his eyes even behind their lids and he turned his squinting face into his pillow. Bugsy had very little incentive to get up, despite the warm scent of dough and syrup wafting in from the kitchen.
"Falkneeeer," the young boy whined, voice muffled by his pillow. "It's Saturdaaaay..." Despite knowing that such fussing wouldn't get him anywhere with Hayato, Bugsy persisted, tensing up resistantly when his shoulder was shook. However, the younger male finally gave in and huffed irritably as he sat up, rubbing his face and eyes before peering sleepily at the blue-haired intruder.
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"I lost one of my spiders last night, you know," the boy said casually, voice still mellow with tiredness. "He should be in my room somewhere... Just be careful walking around, okay? I brought him from Azalea Town with me..."
Johto Bros. // Falkner + Bugsy
Mornings were one of the fine points of Hayato’s day. He whistled songs, cooked breakfast, and listened to the morning calls and coos of the feathered friends he has aquired. Even if it was a Saturday morning, Hayato was never able to sleep in- and if he did, he would have been in pain, or he was ill. But for now, he was up and about as usual.
After all, The early bird catches the worm, and in this case it was some phrase that opened up the huge gap between both Hayato- and his bug-loving counterpart: Bugsy.
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Breakfast had been made, and as the blue-haired male made his was down the hallway, he turned to his right. Silently, he opened the door to observe his sleeping roommate for a moment. He stepped into the room, careful with his footsteps.
"Bugsy, it’s morning- time to get up…" Hayato’s voice was hushed, quiet as he made his way to open the curtains. In the back of his mind, he had to remind himself that the phase he loved would offend the little one. "Your room is a mess-…" Another comment slipped before he leaned over the bed. Placing a gentle hand over the boy’s shoulder and shaking lightly to awaken him from his slumber.
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Normally, Bugsy would have been allowed to sleep in; however, Hayato needed help with the errands he had to run. Hopefully, the chocolate chip pancakes would distract the other from his sleepy grumpiness. Perhaps he would throw in the offer to go out to lunch later as well. 
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getbugged · 11 years
This girl... She was pretty ridiculous and Bugsy wouldn't lie that he tensed up when she patted his back. Was she some kinda high school weirdo or something...?
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"Yeah, thirteen... I turn fourteen next month..." There was a little bit of pride in that fact, but Bugsy could only muster an awkward smile. "Um, no, I didn't do anything to it. It's just a sandwich. Unless you're allergic to peanut or something..."
Wises words coming from a toddler. Oops she meant ‘teen’.
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"Thirteen?! Wow!! Coulda’ fooled me there kiddo!" patting him on the back and continuing her laughter, wow she was sounding like she was in her middle-ages. "Aaaah, don’t worry i’m thankful, i’m thankful! You’re pretty generous there ‘ey, sure you ain’t spiked the sandwich with some drugs or somethin’?" 
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getbugged · 11 years
The comment sort of struck a nerve... Five? Don't hate the PBJ, woman. You take what you can get in life.
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"No... I'm not five, I'm thirteen." With that clarification out of the way, the teen offered the neatly-wrapped sandwich over. "You should be more thankful, you know. I could've ignored you."
Was this a..guy or a ..girl. Whatever, the point was they were offering free food!
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"It’d be much appreciated kid but..peanut butter and jelly? What are you 5?" cue loud laughter.
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getbugged · 11 years
Well... He was going to save the sandwich he didn't eat for lunch for dinner, but...
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"If you're hungry, you can have this. It's peanut butter and jelly! Grape jelly!"
Stomach rumbling can be heard within a 5 mile radius.
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getbugged · 11 years
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getbugged · 11 years
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Oh... Who's this guy? He looks like he's about to crack.
"Habitat? This is the city, though. Rocks are everywhere. There's so many of them that, even in a place like this, some can be spared!" Some... Bugsy sat a lovely little pearly-white stone with a quartz-like texture on the cement. The hammer, he twirled in his hand, spinning it in his palm with his thumb and index finger.
"Rocks hurt bugs, too. They're too dangerous and dumb."
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Why you little brat….
He won’t stand for this, he absolutely won’t. Excuse him for a moment, he’s standing there shaking violently as this kid has absolutely no consideration for the beauty of rocks. He may not care about rocks, but he might care about animals right?
"Hey…. You know you’re destroying a very important part of a habitat right? You shouldn’t think about doing that."
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getbugged · 11 years
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Your birds are goin' down, punk... Down... Way down... I'll bury them for u...
"Oh, gross, it's Falkner... The big, gross birdbrain... What are you doing in my apartment?"
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Oh that little fucking bugger is here…
He better not give his bird’s ticks. Or try to save any of the insects at the bird sanctuary, or else the birds would starve. This is quite the problem.
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getbugged · 11 years
Blinking owlishly, Bugsy spared a bright smile when the other didn't freak out at the news he gave him. He felt a little bad about giving the older teen a scare though, releasing his sleeve. With a chuckle, he shook his head.
"Oh, no! I'm sorry for scaring you!" Bugsy apologized quickly, nodded his head now. When the other moved so that he could remove the pretty little beetle, Bugsy brightened up further. The orange-haired male seemed to be a pretty calm person; honestly, Bugsy had been afraid for nothing!
With gentle hands, Bugsy collected the beetle from the stranger's shoulder, letting it rest on his index finger. In a silly manner, the purple-haired boy puffed his cheeks out at it before smiling back up at the other teen.
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"Sort of! Only the ones that live longer than you'd think. I used to have a pet one of these! They're really piggish." Bugsy chuckled to himself, lifting his head slightly to show the stranger his harmless hitchhiker. "It must be tired if it's not trying to fly away! That happens when it gets colder out."
Really Bugged Up // Taiyou & Bugsy
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getbugged · 11 years
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getbugged · 11 years
Really Bugged Up // open
Bugsy had been nervously tailing this person for fifteen minutes now.
The afternoon was chilly, but that didn't stop Bugsy. He loved going out and about, every which-way. The absence of bugs in the wintertime sure was disheartening, but he would rather romp around in the snow than sit inside and watch television all day. He was notorious for getting colds constantly in the winter months.
Anyway, the city was new to him. Bugsy wanted to get to know the lay of the land, and just so happened to come across some poor citizen with...
Now, no cause for alarm...
A Popillia japonica... A Japanese beetle was perched right at the back of their shoulder...
Bugsy couldn't take it any longer. The beetle hadn't flown off yet and it looked like this person was going to go into a store any second now. If the bug went in with them - oh, who knew what could happen! The poor thing would be lost for eternity!
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Reaching out, Bugsy grabbed the sleeve of the host's jacket, tugging softly to catch their attention. When they looked back and down at the boy, he slowly strained up on his toes to keep the insect he intended to save in sight. After a pause, he met their gaze.
"Um... There's a bug on you, may I get it off?"
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