getting-me-fit · 4 years
So bc tumblr hates links this will be hard to pass around but theres a White House petition to save the USPS
This is significantly more important than a change.org petition bc it HAS to be acknowledged if it gets enough signatures
Please sign it and reblog!
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getting-me-fit · 4 years
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getting-me-fit · 5 years
in 2020, say no to the things you don’t want. speak up and advocate for yourself. make time to take care of yourself. treat yourself with respect and kindness and patience, because you deserve it.
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getting-me-fit · 5 years
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Hey!!! It’s been a while y’all. This semester has been insane, and it’s not over yet. I probably won’t be around a whole lot until winter break, but I’m gonna try my best. Pictured is the amazing vegetable soup I made for dinner 😋
Also I signed up for a Thanksgiving 5k so wish me luck and nice weather 🤞🏻
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getting-me-fit · 5 years
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getting-me-fit · 5 years
FMLS Week 1, Day 2
I shared most of my goals last week but to recap I want to:
• run a 5k by the end of the year
• do 10 pushups without stopping
• get at least a 3.5 GPA this semester
• secure an internship for the summer
• try not to eat out more than once a week
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getting-me-fit · 5 years
FMLS90 Week 1, Day 1
I haven’t really used any specific goal-setting method before, but when looking at the post on the FMLS90 blog my own method is kind of similar to SMART goal-setting. Usually I set a goal for a specific time and then I try to remind myself of it by printing it out and putting it somewhere I’ll see it. I also tell my close friends about it because people knowing helps me stick to it.
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getting-me-fit · 5 years
This blog is PRO CANDY CORN
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getting-me-fit · 5 years
FMLS90 Week 0, Day 7
What are you looking forward to over the next 90 days?
I am looking forward to many things. First, learning how to run and seeing my progress on this. Second, interacting with people on here I haven’t before through this challenge. And third, this challenge giving me the ability to focus on my fitness and blog in a way I haven’t done before.
Thanks so much for this opportunity John!
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getting-me-fit · 5 years
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Took a sunrise run this morning! Nice and chilly outside, it was amazing. Week 2 Day 3 of C25k
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getting-me-fit · 5 years
cooking………………thats real soul healing baybe 
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getting-me-fit · 5 years
Learn To Say
No, to people when you don’t feel like hanging out
No, to people who don’t deserve your time
No, to people that make you feel uncomfortable
No, to people that threaten your happiness
No, to people that don’t let you be yourself
No, to people that make you ashamed for what you like
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getting-me-fit · 5 years
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getting-me-fit · 5 years
compliment people you want to compliment!!! raise your hand in class!!! live live live!!! don’t be afraid to speak up!!!
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getting-me-fit · 5 years
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getting-me-fit · 5 years
Goals for the Rest of the Year
FMLS90 Week 0, Day 3
Fitness Goals:
•be able to run a 5k
•workout at least 4 times a week
•take the stairs to all my 3rd floor classes without getting out of breath
•cook at least 4x a week
•work on bettering my credit score
University related:
•get all A’s and B’s
•work on time management
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getting-me-fit · 5 years
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Got out and ran today even though I was feeling lazy! Still red faced and sweaty 🥵 C25k Week 2, Day 2
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