getyourwhumphere · 1 year
Hey guys! I’m still alive, still writing quietly! But I’m struggling a bit and trying to push through it.
Treatment for my face has been ongoing but I’m finally being referred to an Ophthalmological Surgeon at the state university, basically the best person in the state to help, and a plastic surgeon.
We’ve identified where the Staph infection is, are keeping it at bay, but I’ve currently got a hole in my face that drains pretty much constantly, I’m high risk for secondary infections, and I’m struggling.
I’m going to be needing time off work and will be hospitalized a few hours away for the surgeries I’ve been told I need. So working on getting funds together is hard right now.
Basically I’m hoping for a little help.
My Fundraiser is here.
You can also help out with sending anything directly and I’ll adjust the fundraiser to reflect it!
Venmo: @simplygrimly
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getyourwhumphere · 1 year
i love him that’s why i need to see him tortured to within an inch of his life covered in his own blood and tears
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getyourwhumphere · 1 year
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welcome to the beginning of febuwhump! from december 9 - 16, this form will be open for all your prompt suggestions. these suggestions will be moved into a poll to be voted on the week after, and the top 28 prompts will make up the 2023 febuwhump prompt list! this is how you have your say in the next febuwhump - so get involved!
what to do:
click the link
fill out as many of the spaces as you’d like with prompts
only submit one prompt per space 
click submit
fill out the form as many times as you’d like
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getyourwhumphere · 2 years
30 scared whumpee dialogue prompts
1. “N-no, no, no! Please! Anything… but that!”
2. “You can’t do this… this… this isn’t fair!”
3. “Not again… please, not again…”
4. “I didn’t think that you could be like this.”
5. “Whumper, please, I don’t wanna fight.”
6. “Just put the knife down.”
7. “What are you doing?!”
8. “I–… I want Caretaker.”
9. “No more. Please… just for today.”
10. “Why? Why are you doing this to me!?”
11. “I didn’t do anything wrong!”
12. “But you said you loved me!”
13. “I said I was sorry!”
14. “I thought you were my friend!”
15. “I… I can’t move…”
16. “I did what you said! Why’re you hurting me?!”
17. “Help! Help! Hel–”
18. “I don’t wanna be here…”
19. “You’re– you’re really doing this…?”
20. “Nononono. This isn’t happening.”
21. “You’ve ruined me.”
22. “Wh…what’re you going to do to me?”
23. “Why do you enjoy this? How can you enjoy this?”
24. “Can you go easy on me? Just– just for today, at least?”
25. “You’re hurting me! Stop!”
26. “I’m… I’m not gonna make it through this, am I?”
27. “Why me? Why me?!”
28. “I swear, I won’t tell anyone!”
29. “You have a– a funny way of showing love…”
30. “Why do you hate me so much?!”
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getyourwhumphere · 2 years
Continued from this
“I’m not the worst person you’ve met, am I?”
It was an impossible question and they knew it.
“Please, I can’t- there’s not- I don’t know, sir, I’m sorry-“
He raised a hand, cutting them off. They silenced themself instantly, not even daring to breathe.
They had been a victim of this game before. Asked questions they couldn’t answer, punished for whatever they said. In a way, it shouldn’t matter. They should just stop trying to find the right answers and just brace themselves. But they couldn’t stop trying.
It was going to start all over again. The questions, the waiting, the pain. Pain, pain, always pain with nothing they could say or do to stop it.
Please, just cut out my tongue and be done with it. Or kill me, please, anything to make it stop…
“It’s a rhetorical question,” he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Just- Eat. Then go to sleep. I’ll figure out whatever the fuck is going on in the morning.”
“Yes sir, thank you, sir.”
They can breathe now, the painful tightness easing slightly. Not much. But a little.
He was gone without another word, letting the door swing shut with a slam that made their entire body jerk.
The lock clicked, and they were alone. For the first time in so, so long.
Closing their eyes, they took a deep breath, trying to let their heart slow down for a moment.
Then they smelled the food.
They practically ripped the paper bag to shreds, snatching up the apple as it rolled away with both hands.
Tears and apple juice dripped to the floor in tandem as they sunk their teeth in, relief and honest joy flooding their body in equal measure.
They hadn’t eaten in days, but the true luxury was the apple.
It was cold and sweet and real, they hadn’t had anything they could recognize as growing out of the ground in…how long had it been?
Years, they realized, their heart sinking somehow lower. But they weren’t going to linger on that now.
Scooting back to lean against the wall, they let their head fall back, closing their eyes once more as they chewed.
Horrors waited for them in the morning, they knew that. There was no way to escape, they didn’t even bother to look. There never was and there never would be.
But in this moment, there was peace.
They wrapped the blanket around their shoulders and ate the apple as slowly as they could manage, leaving only the stem and seeds.
There was a sandwich too, buried under a bag of chips and a granola bar. They tried to make every bite last, every sip of water count. Who knows when they would get this luxury again?
He let them have this.
As if it were nothing.
Now that they were full, better than they had been in months, they gathered up the wrappers and the apple seeds, tucking them carefully into the chip bag. They set the trash neatly in the corner out of the way, then shifted a bit to lay down.
Back to the wall, facing the door. Their arm under their head for a pillow, knees up to their chest for the tiny bit of protection it offered.
They pulled the blanket up with a soft sigh, then grabbed the nearly empty water bottle, hugging it like a teddy bear.
The pain would come far too soon, but it was gone for now. They weren’t hungry or thirsty or cold, and they were alone. They’d have a few hours of calm, and that was good enough.
Now, at least they knew the answer to his question. Maybe in the morning they would be proven wrong but it was night now, and they were tired.
Across the hall, in his over-cluttered office, he let his forehead hit the desk with a soft thump. “This is going to be a long night…”
@briars7 @thejinglingcourtjester @honey-is-mesi @ihaverottinglungz @emilykeys @nicolepascaline @whump-queen (all I ask is that you protect the frogs, they deserve their freedom) @whumpycries @haro-whumps (I could never handle a child, please keep your first-born for their own well-being)
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getyourwhumphere · 2 years
Whump prompt #57
"Oh dear... are you scared, my darling?"
Whumpee sat on their knees and kept their gaze on Whumper's feet, not daring to look up, not daring to move. They had to move. Had to respond. And so they barely managed a curt nod.
"And why is that?"
They took a deep breath. "Be-- Because..." Another. Come on. Should they be honest? Scramble for something? But they didn't have time to come up with something that resembled the truth, something he'd believe but that didn't leave them all open and bare. An answer. Now. "Because I don't know what you're going to do."
The smug smirk only grew wider.
"Shall I tell you, then?" He stepped closer. "Or..." A hand on their chin and they finally looked up. "Do you want me to show you?"
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getyourwhumphere · 2 years
A Whumper who, in the eyes of a traumatized Whumpee, is a Caretaker compared to the absolutely horrendous treatment they had been subjected to prior to being kidnapped by them
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getyourwhumphere · 2 years
A whumper making note of every single defiant thing whumpee does in the early, unbroken stages of their captivity, punishing them only for a few. And then later, when whumpee has broken completely and is a good and obedient, terrified of stepping out of line– whumper gets the list out. 'Time for punishment, Whumpee.'
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getyourwhumphere · 2 years
I know the love for defiant whumpees is widespread and common, but I for one absolutely love whumpees who are not defiant at all. Just skrunkly little peices of wet paper that crumple at the slightest amount of pressure. Chef's. Kiss.
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getyourwhumphere · 2 years
whumpee and caretaker get into a really bad argument that was mostly whumpee’s fault. maybe they said something mean on purpose or even on accident and caretaker got really offended by it. the two stop talking for a while, and after a few weeks caretaker receives a dvd in the mail. upon opening it and playing it, they see it’s a video of whumpee in whumper’s basement, their arms chained to the wall and their torso covered in blood and scars. the whumper grabs the camera and positions it in front of whumpee’s face, where they grab their chin and say: “they deserve it though, right? after what they did?” and caretaker’s whole body goes numb.
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getyourwhumphere · 2 years
I’m struggling with a severe osteomyelitis - a staph infection in the bone in my face from the inner corner of my eye, across my cheek, and to my ear. It turns out this staph is antibiotic resistant, I’ve been on so many medications and seen results from only one that has been very expensive.
I have dealt with 14 surgeries, more time in the hospital than I can count, the infection has even gotten so bad that it has ruptured my eardrum and caused hearing damage. All this in the last year and I’m hoping to put an end to this but I need a little help getting to the finish line.
I need a little help getting though this so please help if you can, share if you can’t? Everything helps here. I’ll share some photos under the cut…
I have a fundraiser going…
And my PayPal is @jtram91
Venmo is @simplygrimly
Seriously, everything helps. This is a really tough spot. My commissions and inbox are open, which can be discussed privately. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.
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getyourwhumphere · 2 years
Fun Little Ways to Remind Whumpee of Who They Belong to!
The good ol' branding! Never fails! Extra fun if you have to remove the previous whumper's brand first!
The Artistic Whumper™'s Tattooing! Is it somewhere easily visible or is it somewhere slightly hidden? Did whumper have to remove whumpee's previous tattoos?
Collars! Yes!! Can never get enough! Do they have bells in them so that whumpee can't sneak around? Of course we have the excellent shock collars! Do they have a tracking chip that whumper may or may not let whumpee know about? Is it so tight that it reminds whumpee of its existence with their every breath? Or is it loosely hung around their neck as a casual reminder?
Changing whumpee's name? How quickly does whumpee accept it? What does whumper have to do to make them accept it? By the end of their conditioning, does whumpee remember their original name or not? Does whumper give whumpee their surname? Do they get a human name Or do they simply get a set of numbers and/or letters?
Changing whumpee's appearance? Whumpee with dyed hair watching their hair grow so much in captivity that the dye is only on the ends now? Or does whumper dye their hair a different colour? Or does whumper simply cut most of it off? Alternatively, whumper having short haired whumpee grow long hair because they love pulling it around? Defiant short haired whumpee cutting their hair off to rebel? And that's just hair! Clothing? Whumpee who loves fashion being forced to wear bland clothes or clothes they don't like? Whumpee who loves simplicity being forced to be decorated by whumper or forced to decorate themself according to whumper's standards? So! Much! More!
Feel free to add more!
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getyourwhumphere · 2 years
“They won’t pay.”
“They won’t pay.” Whumper smiled. “You know what that means?”
Tears welled up in Whumpee’s eyes.
“You’re all mine.”
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getyourwhumphere · 2 years
Whumpee being forced to show “gratitude” to Whumper for everything they do, no matter how cruel, if only to avoid punishment for being rude
“Thank you for feeding me today”
“Thank you for letting me keep my other nine fingers”
“Thank you for not breaking my other ankle”
“Thank you for cauterizing my wound”
“Thank you for not forcing me into the dog crate again”
“Thank you for letting me see Caretaker one last time”
“Thank you for putting that person out of their misery”
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getyourwhumphere · 2 years
Okay guys. I’m alive and doing as best I can. I’m on the other side of this from the looks of it so I’m hopeful.
I have a few meds to handle so everything helps me here.
Venmo: @simplygrimly
Every bit helps! My inbox is open. Commissions are open too!
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getyourwhumphere · 2 years
the aesthetic of a whumpee in fine clothes
a nice suit, or waistcoat, or full-blown ballroom regalia that gets more torn and bloodied with every passing day
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getyourwhumphere · 2 years
I’m needing help ending this medical issue. Basically literally surviving this. Treatment is working but I need to finish it. So I have a fundraiser set up.
To send help with PayPal
I also have Venmo: @simplygrimly
Everything helps. I’m at the end of this health issue and seeing serious improvements so it’s just getting through the last bit!
Or Zelle me with the QR code under the cut!
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