ggukau · 3 years
ive become obsessed with a new form media! u know what that means: time to rebrand all of my social media and my entire personality
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ggukau · 3 years
The writer's blessing:
May you write 1,500 words with ease. May your characters be lively and not cardboard. May you need little editing. May your muse visit you as soon as you sit. May the Internet not distract you much. May your phone lie dormant while you write.
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ggukau · 3 years
maknae line + yoongi makeout hcs
oof i wrote these when i was feeling The Feels with my friend so have fun lol
he’d put his fav rnb or jazz tracks on
this boi is classy
he could be one of these two things or both at the same time: super sweet and slow or fucking hot and passionate and rough
he’d be into lip biting
likes to suck on and bite random parts of your body i.e. your fingers, earlobe, neck, etc.
he’d hold the back of your head with one hand and drape the other around your waist
he could do it at any time in any position: laying down, sitting down, standing up, laying on your side, you name it (this goes for sex too 😉)
he’s the type to occasionally break away not for air, but to say i love you 
if he’s really into it hed kiss your shoulders or pull your hair
he’s soooo into shoulder kisses
70% of the time making out with tae would be sweet
he’d call you princess or darling
lots of tongue
there would be a lot to suck and bite on bc of his thick lips and beautiful, beautiful tongue
he loves hair pulling or just touching his scalp in any way
his hands roaming EVERYWHERE
he likes to make little high pitched moans
making 👏 out 👏 while 👏 jimin 👏 hovers 👏 over 👏 you 👏 on 👏 the 👏 couch 👏
let’s be real, he probs can’t help himself from grinding a little
pulling on your clothes bc he’s an impatient man
his s(ex)potify playlist on in the background
he’d ask for permission before doing anything like the cute gentleman he is
his hands on your waist while you straddle his hips
his kisses would be very, very lippy if you know what i mean
he’d blush so hard uGH
he might surprise you with a skilled tongue
really chaste cheek kisses between heated moments
as it gets more heated he grips your waist harder and gets more eager
making out with him doesn’t necessarily lead to sex
cute puppy likes to be kissed on the nose after
this boy has my heart in the palms of his hands i’m crying
soft, lippy kisses
he cups your cheeks while making out
his kisses are sloppy and they sometimes miss aww
if w/jimin is hot and passionate, then w/yoongi is soft and caring
you can practically feel his love passing between your lips
super slow and takes his time with it
if he’s really into it, he gets even sLOWER
mouth to mouth kisses alternate with cheek, nose, and forehead kisses
like with jungkook making out with yoongi doesn’t always lead to sex
the sweetest makeouts - i’m blushing and flowers are blooming in my heart as i write this
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ggukau · 3 years
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Source: https://twitter.com/44dogyo/status/1373995645564952582
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ggukau · 4 years
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top tier support
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ggukau · 4 years
i have one brain cell left and it’s jungkook shaped and made of love for him
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ggukau · 4 years
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ggukau · 5 years
kihyun's instict to bounce malsuk up and down when he holds her just fucking sky rocketed my baby fever this is not good im 19
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ggukau · 6 years
fuck summer i want it to be dark and misty and frigid and october
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ggukau · 6 years
y’all im crying
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ggukau · 6 years
oh my god me
me? not posting any fanfiction even though I’m on break? more likely than you think
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ggukau · 6 years
Can I request a headcanon where you’re a barista at a coffee shop and jungkook goes there frequently and ends up asking you on a date and the date is like an arcade or something and it’s so cute :')) please and thank you!!
you were unusual in the fact that you decided not to go to college after high school. instead you took a couple online classes about business and opened a coffee shop in a seaside town.
ever since you were little, you have loved baking and surprising people with the incredible quality teas, coffees, and pastries you made.
business was definitely a bit slow, especially in the beginning
because you only had a few customers daily, you knew the regular ones by heart
jungkook loved coming into your coffee shop everyday before his morning classes. the shop was so warm and you were so charismatic and inviting. a trip to your shop allowed him to wake up a bit and start his day off with a cheerful mood.
you two got to know each other pretty well because he was one of your first customers. jungkook became a good friend of yours who you felt like you could trust and rely on.
jungkook even helped you get more business. he always brought his friends with him after class, and whenever people were looking for a good coffee shop, he would always recommend yours to them.
yes, jungkook was an extremely good friend and loyal customer. what was peculiar though, was the fact that recently he has been coming into your shop with a blush on his cheeks.
you assumed he met an interesting person in one of his classes and had developed a crush on them. when you came to this conclusion, a part of you that you didn’t even know existed ached and caved in on itself.
because you were so sure that jungkook had fallen for someone else, you were completely frozen in shock when jungkook ran into your shop and asked you out on a date though pants of exhaustion.
he explained that he had to get to your shop quickly to ask you on a date before he lost his sudden spout of bravery and chickened out.
of course you accepted. i mean, who wouldn’t???
jungkook picked you up later that evening and took you to the town’s pier where there were restaurants and an arcade on the water.
he was nervous the entire night, but he paid for your dinner and won you prizes like a gentleman should. the arcade was so much fun with jungkook because, like you, he had a habit of getting quite competitive. you won him quite a lot of prizes too.
when jungkook brought you home, he walked you to the door and politely asked you for a kiss. you kissed him on the cheek and wished him a good night.
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ggukau · 6 years
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When ya girl bisexual
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ggukau · 6 years
vv bored and run out of requests so send some more in!
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ggukau · 6 years
heyy, can you do a love at first sight kinda thing with yoongi? thank you !!! ( love your blog so much keep goin')
bro i had so much fun writing this, so thank you for the request!!
although yoongi absolutely despises big corporations and capitalism, he desperately needed a job and a starbucks in a very busy business district was the only place that was hiring
so here he is: working at a starbucks in a very busy business district
yoongi was surprisingly good at his job. his one of a kind smile and charming looks really reeled in the female demographic
yoongi was given the very prestigious (not very prestigious) title of “store partner of the quarter”
it was basically just an award saying, “you’ve done a great job at feeding our evil corporation tons of money, so here’s a piece of paper saying good job”
why they had to dress it up to make it sound like he was some marketing hero, yoongi had no idea
the store framed his certificate and put it on the register’s counter for the entire quarter
and yoongi worked the register most of the week so he had to sit there and smile while people recognize him as the “store partner of the quarter”
you also landed a new job in the area, a job that has you waking up early and working until evening. after your first day you realized you’d definitely need a cup of coffee to get you through the day.
a starbucks just happened to be conveniently on the way to your workplace
you decided to stop by the next morning for an ice coffee. you entered the shop and waited in the moderately-sized line. you busied yourself by looking around the shop, noticing a “store partner of the quarter” certificate made out to a “min yoongi,” until it was your turn to order.
yoongi was at the register that day (lucky him). you approached the register’s counter and recited your order.
yoongi honestly could have fainted right then and there. he has never seen someone so, dare he say it, angelic. and the way you spoke??? so calm and confident; like you knew what you wanted from life, and you were ready to take it if the world wasn’t willing to give it to you.
truth is, you were just tired and needed to be on your way to work as soon as possible.
as you waited for the flustered barista to tell you the total, you noticed his name tag: yoongi.
“ooh so you’re the famous store partner of the quarter. must be a very prestigious title.”
yoongi put aside his sudden bashful attitude (honestly, what is wrong with him today?) so that he could form a coherent reply. “it isn’t really. it’s just a thank you from the big man because i earn them a lot of money.”
after yoongi gives you your total and your change, you say, “keep up the good work yoongi. dismantle that corporation from the inside.” and yoongi has never felt more in love
over a couple weeks of you coming in daily (even on your days off) yoongi gets to know you and falls deeper in love every time
he finally gets the courage to write his number on your cup of coffee
after an entire day of texting back and forth non-stop, y’all decide to go on a date
and the rest is history
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ggukau · 6 years
Have you ever started writing something and you have it all planned out and you think you know where it’s going and then you start to write and it turns out you don’t have a fucking clue what’s about to happen
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ggukau · 6 years
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I saw an angel dressed like sin
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