gh0st-b00ty · 5 months
Line of Action
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Pose Archives
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Bodies in Motion
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gh0st-b00ty · 11 months
people when trauma victims act traumatized especially in a way that is unpalatable to them because it involves lashing out and unpredictable moods and having boundary issues rather than just being demure, sad, and consumable
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gh0st-b00ty · 4 years
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gh0st-b00ty · 4 years
witchblrs i adore
@heatherwitch - so so so kind when responding to asks and posts many helpful tips for chronically ill witches such as myself
@mysticmondays - i don’t think they post anymore but go check them out and admire the beautiful deck
@the-wiccans-glossary - amazing navigation and has everything
@mywildattic - beautiful posts and lots of info
@gay-witchcraftt - also has memes
@enysguerrero - not necessarily a witchblr, but the wonderful art is very witchy to me
@faithums - cute theme, political posts and free readings
@divinationtools - minimalistic and easy to understand
@lostinaloveletter - beautiful blog
@quickspells - easy to do spells from @lostinaloveletter
@witchofwoes - lovely setup and political posts as well
@pseolebin -free readings and beautiful with words
@goldduststevie - again, not necessarily a witchblr, but it’s stevie fuckin nicks
@witchcraft101 - master post queen and helpful info for beginners
@kendallscraft - gives insanely detailed and kind answers to asks
@lunaesteria - the theme is literally out of this world and easy to use the navigation
@kvinnfolk - very relatable
@whites6ge - shameless self promo here, haha. i do free readings.
part 1/?
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gh0st-b00ty · 4 years
I have never been more thankful for my modest collection of ambient records as I have during isolation and would highly recommend giving the genre a try if you need help relaxing and/or focusing. This list from Pitchfork is a pretty good place to start (and includes a Spotify link at the bottom). 
Of these Apollo is unsurprisingly my favorite, with honorable mentions to On Land and Evening Star. Happy listening!
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gh0st-b00ty · 4 years
Educate yourself
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gh0st-b00ty · 4 years
before the events of the last two weeks, i genuinely believed myself to be a fucking strong ally to the bipoc community. i was convinced i was well educated in these topics and armed with the tools to give the right kind of comfort and help to bipoc friends.
what i’ve learned in the last two weeks is i am nowhere near as good an ally as i thought i was. i am way way further back on the ‘learning scale’ than i thought i was. being an ally and activist is a lifelong commitment to learning and being better, but it turns out i’m not as far along as i already thought i was.
and that’s ok. i’m sure there’s plenty of other people in the same boat as me with this, who have fucked up in the last two weeks, who have discovered gaping gaping holes in their knowledge and, once again, have fucked up.
the important thing is acknowledging this and being committed to doing better and being better. none of us are perfect and there’s no shame in admitting this. if you pretend you’re better than you are then you’re no use to anyone - because you’ve failed at the first hurdle of committing to learning and educating and growing. our own sense of shame is something we have to put aside because it helps absolutely fucking nobody and prevents us from actually being supportive and useful.
this document:
and this document:
are two resources i’ve found incredibly useful so far in finding books, podcasts, documentaries, articles, films, and tv shows to watch - and also for finding petitions to sign. i hope other allies will find them as useful as i’ve been finding them.
and to my bipoc followers and friends - i can’t promise to never fuck up. i am white. i will never fully be able to understand your pain. and i understand that i won’t. but what i can and will promise is to raise your voices and do the fucking best i can to educate myself and learn and try and be a better ally for you, every fucking day <3
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gh0st-b00ty · 4 years
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This is a collection of Resources/Information that I’ve reblogged since the protests have started.
Louisville Community Bail Fund
Police Arresting Journalists and Reporters in Minneapolis
A Guide to White Privilege
Bail Funds for Protestors
How to Identify an Undercover Cop
Slavery Never Ended
Media Using White Woman as George Floyd’s “Fiance” instead of the Real Woman
Peaceful Protesting and MLK Assassination
General Rules of a Protest
Cops in Toronto Murdering Regis Korchinski-Paquet
How to Safely and Ethically Film Police Misconduct
Funds that Need Donations
Anonymous’s Involvement in the Protests
Resources in Regard to White Privilege
Black Lives Matter Resources Document + Black Lives Matter Resources Document 2
What Rubber Bullets Actually Are + What Rubber Bullets Look Like
How to Use Your White Privilege
Why Protests Become Violent
Quit Acting Like America is the Only Racist Country
White Man Attacks Black Protestors
How to Request a Lawyer
Videos/Pics of the Police Being Kind to Protestors is Police Propaganda
Justice for Breonna Taylor
Some of the Principle Actors in Stonewall
What to do if the Police Come to Your Door
CNN Calling Out the President
The President Calling on Governors to Deploy the National Guard
David McAtee’s Murder During Louisville Protests
Mutual Aid Funds
Remember Their Names
Miss Major Still Out Protesting
How to Amplify Black Voices
What it Means to Say ACAB
Nickelodeon Going off the Air for 8 Minutes and 46 Seconds
YouTube Videos to Watch to Passively Donate + YouTube Marking These as Spam and How to Avoid That
Sundown Towns
White People are Racist by Default
White Supremacists Kill James Scurlock
Trump’s Legacy
Books to Educate Yourself about Racism
Solomon’s Shield App
Cops Have No Legal Obligation to “Serve and Protect”
Boycott Amerikkka
Free Books by Black Authors and Revolutionaries
GoFundMe for Darnella Frazier
Stop Bragging About Going to Protests/Posting Pictures with Protestors Faces in Them
Petition to Reopen Sandra Bland’s Case
Breonna’s Law
Comprehensive Link to Petitions, Donations, Resources, and Information
Hands Up Act
The Facts about Cops Allegedly Killing More White People than Black People
ACLU Outlining Protestor Rights
Why a Curfew is Damaging
Resources to Get Justice for Breonna Taylor
Don’t Trust People Asking You About Protesting + Don’t Trust People Asking You About Protesting 2
To People Who Protested in Columbus, OH (June 5)
Ben and Jerry’s Statement
Be Wary of News Coverage that Doesn’t Come from a Direct Source
To Those Who Say They “Don’t See Color”
Using White Privilege for the Better
Carrd with Pre-Written Emails to Ask for Justice for Victims of Police Brutality
Run if You See a Police Car with a Big Speaker on It
Why the “Some Good Cops” Argument Doesn’t Matter
Resources if You are Hurt/Injured during Protests in LA
What to Say When People Deny the Reality of What’s Happening Right Now
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gh0st-b00ty · 4 years
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gh0st-b00ty · 4 years
4E with Vance boi pls
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you sure know how to make me happy anon
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gh0st-b00ty · 4 years
Hi~! Could I please request your fav bully character + 1e for that thing?❤️ Your art is gorgeous!
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youre so sweet but im laughing over your choice of expression have a jimjam
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gh0st-b00ty · 4 years
So y'all already know that I love and ship smopkins right? The problem I have is that people keep telling me, "Wouldn't that be a toxic relationship? Wouldn't that be a bad or abusive relationship?" My ass wants to ask so many questions back to them.
- When do Gary and Jimmy's relationship begin? Sure, if it begins right after Happy Volts then it very well could be, but what if you wrote Jimmy and Gary remeeting as adults? When they have time to fully grow and develop into their own people. Many of the behaviors you have as a teenager don't carry on into adulthood because you become more reasonable and see "Ohhh this doesn't work."
- What are you basing your assumptions of Gary's behavior on? Rockstar made Gary a two dimensional hot take on the mentally ill friendless white boy. We don't know much of anything about who he really is aside from that narrative Rockstar tried to sell. We only saw how Gary responded in one situation, a situation written back in 2006 by people who did not grasp how mental illness worked or how to make a fully fleshed antagonist.
We don't know how Gary could respond to a romantic situation. We only see how he responds to people he views as " lesser backstabbers lying in wait." What if something or someone came around and challenged Gary's assumptions? Many anti-smopkins folks think they can predict Gary's behavior, but Rockstar threw that out the window when they made a kid who had only ADD,(as far as Rockstar tells us) and treated him him like a megalomaniac sociopath.
- Did you guys forget this is all happening in the realm of fanfiction and fanart or something? Rockstar may have been too preoccupied with making a whole game to fully develop Gary, but that doesn't mean the wonderful fanfic authors are. In the realm of fanfiction, we have A/B/O fic, Wingfic, demons and angels fics, and so many more that I can't even fathom them all. This is the realm where anything can happen so long as it's written well. So sure, you could have a fanfic author who explores just how toxic Smopkins can get (hint: Gary is rainbows and unicorns compared to some of my friends exes.) And there are other fanfic authors that describe the situations where Gary and Jimmy's relationship flourishes and does well. And all the many grey areas in-between exist within these fics.
- Oh and you never shipped something questionable? If you ship Trevor and Michael from GTA V, how are you any different than a smopkins shipper? (This isn't the only example but I wanted to keep it within Rockstar) Trevor has literally killed people, Micheal enjoys committing large robberies for fun. By the logic of anti-smopkins folks, these two are destined to have a toxic as fuck relationship. Hell, Rockstar explicitly makes it clear even their friendship is toxic, but does that stop the ship? Nope.
Gary and Jimmy look like a much better relationship in comparison. But, I'm not here to have a, "who's ship is more toxic", competition. I'm just saying that shipfics and fanart don't care about canon, circumstances, and any other information that would stop them. They all get either written out, circumvented, better developed, and just flat out ignored in the world of fandom. Authorial intent doesn't really mean shit anymore and that means that if people see romantic tension where the author didn't intend, then too bad there's romantic tension now.
- What real harm are they doing? By writing fanfiction and creating fanart about a game that is mostly forgotten and niche to begin with what harm does shipping smopkins really pose? This is just a hobby y'all, a harmless interest. Like the people who follow true crime, play violent video games, and watch horror films, sure these hobbies get judged by "more normal respectable people with respectable hobbies" but none of these hobbies harm anyone. So why don't y'all relax and let people like things without trying to shoot their enthusiasm down.
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gh0st-b00ty · 4 years
can we stop woobifying pete kowalski
So I’ve been watching the Bully fandom for a while and there’s something I seriously need to get off my chest. The way the fandom sees Pete is incredibly skewed - he’s not some perfect angel; he’s not some innocent, pure soul who’s just too good for Bullworth. He is, in his own right, an asshole - just perhaps not as transparently as every other character in the game.
First off, Pete’s an opportunist. He doesn’t have any friends because he can’t find them, and if you evaluate his behavior, it’s really not hard to see why. He tries to suck up to everyone, and that means being awkwardly nice to them to their face while not being afraid to shittalk them behind their back if need be to earn brownie points with someone else he’s trying to buddy up with - or have we already forgotten the cutscene where it’s outright stated he said Jimmy must have been pretty stupid to get kicked out from so many schools? Sure, Gary might have goaded him into saying it; it doesn’t change the fact that he still said it. He even makes it clear later on that he doesn’t think highly of either Gary or Jimmy. To him, Gary is a snake, and Jimmy is a psychopath, but he doesn’t care if it means having two people around who will somewhat tolerate him.
Hence Pete not having any friends. He has no filter, no true loyalties (at the start), and he’ll latch onto anyone so long as they give him the slightest attention. If you don’t see how that could be off-putting to the student body of Bullworth and keep them from coming close to him, you’ve probably never had to meet someone like Pete before in your life. As Algie puts it, he’s weird - and that’s saying something coming from Algie. The incident with Jimmy undoubtedly isn’t the first time where he’s come off as an opportunistic snake, talking shit about someone he’s outwardly friendly to in front of someone else he wants to impress. No one trusts someone like that. No one respects someone like that. Pete’s own actions - his own behaviors - rendered him an outcast at Bullworth; let’s stop pretending otherwise.
His lines in the game even imply as much, anyway. They’re nasty. They’re, at points, even worse than some of Gary’s worst lines. Let me just list a few examples.
“Why are we playing the special needs class?”
“Do we have to play with the girls’ team?”
“Even if you win, you’ll still be dumb.”
“Keep taking the medication!” (gee, I wonder why Gary bullies him)
“Your mom looks nice since she shaved off her beard.”
“Hey, I heard about your mom. She escaped from the zoo.”
“Do you understand sign language, dumbo?”
“You need plastic surgery.”
“At least I know who my dad is!”
“At least I’ve got opposable thumbs.”
“Whatever. You’re inbred!”
“Your parents are brother and sister!”
“You’ve got a genetic disorder.”
“Everyone says your mom walks the streets.”
“Here’s hoping someone gets badly hurt.”
And guess what? I’m not even a fifth of the way through his voice clips yet. So can we stop acting like Petey is some perfect angel whom everyone just mistreats for no reason already? It’s vastly simplifying his character, it’s turning him into a flat 2D cardboard from an actual well-rounded three-dimensional character, and frankly, it’s just irritating to see. He’s a dick. Practically everyone at Bullworth is. Let’s stop pretending otherwise, or that he wouldn’t have just as easily latched onto someone other than Jimmy if he thought he could worm his way into their good graces.
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gh0st-b00ty · 4 years
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Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020)
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gh0st-b00ty · 4 years
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Some low angle back studies because I was struggling with this view.
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gh0st-b00ty · 4 years
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gh0st-b00ty · 4 years
I just think it’s really interesting that once I became more visibly Jewish- wearing a tichel or kippah on a daily basis, wearing my hamsa, learning Yiddish- I was immediately faced with (misdirected) transmisogyny- being called transmisogynistic specific slurs, being followed and harrassed off buses, being followed and watched in women’s bathrooms, etc.
It goes to show that transmisogynists and terfs base their ideas on what womanhood is on a white, European, racist, antisemetic, patriarchal caricature of womanhood, and not actual womanhood, which is intrisic to each women, normal or cis.
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