gh0stlykiller · 5 months
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Security for Jeffrey Dahmer’s trial was different to any trial previously held in Milwaukee history. Efforts were made to assure that Dahmer was safe from any possible courtroom threats. A dog was used to sniff out any explosives while everyone was thoroughly searched before entering the court room, facing a metal detector and human inspection. Once in the court room, Dahmer was separated from the audience by a bullet proof glass/steel barrier that was eight feet high.
Of the 100 seats that were available, 23 were for reporters, 34 for the families of Dahmer’s victims and the remaining 43 for public spectators.
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
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Bridget Geiger (pictured above with Jeffrey Dahmer) was Jeffrey’s 16 year old prom date in 1978. Geiger attended a party at Dahmer’s house during the summer where she recalls only about seven people showed. She referred to it as a “nerd party” because of how dull the set up was. Later on, Jeffrey supposedly situated everyone to sit down and turned off the lights, wanting to perform a seance to call upon the spirit of the man who lived there prior to him just before one of the other party goers said “Let’s call Lucifer.” Geiger recalls that right as that was said, a candle snapped and she pleaded to turn the lights back on. It was then that she concluded she was leaving. Dahmer showed no concern for her, quoting that “he showed no reaction to her fear”.
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
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After Jeffrey Dahmer’s arrest in the summer of 1991 detectives showed him pictures of missing people to help identify who had died at at his hands. For Dahmer this had become a frantic personal quest, he would not rest and could not sleep until the last person had their name restored, he said it was to ‘relieve the minds of the parents’.
“I mean its a small, very small thing. But I don’t know what else I could do at least I can do that”
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
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Richard Ramirez’s siblings were frequent drug users, and he would soon follow in their footsteps, smoking pot steadily from the time he was ten. At the age of 13, after witnessing Mike shoot his wife, he began experimenting with hallucinogens such as LSD, magic mushrooms, and peyote. High, he’d go out to the desert at night and hunt, imagining that he was in touch with Satan. The first year he moved to L.A., Richard became addicted to cocaine, or as he liked to call it, ‘’the devil’s dandruff’’. When author Philip Carlo asked Richard what he would compare the sense of pleasure cocaine gave him to, he replied, ‘’There is nothing…to me, anyway, that comes near it.’’ Richard described the powdered drug as an intense euphoric heat, a rush, a light tingling that goes to the brain. 
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
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Between 1979 and 1981, in the city of Atlanta, over twenty African American children had mysteriously disappeared and their bodies would later pop up in various areas of the city. It appeared that most of these boys had been strangled to death. Police initially were in denial that a serial killer was on the loose, but as more bodies were showing up, they had no choice but to investigate it. The case became known as the Atlanta Child Murders. In 1981, the murders continued, but then the killer did something that is rare for a serial killer–he changed his MO and stopped killing kids, now moving on to African American adults. Police started surveillance on a bridge over the Chattahoochee River where many of the victims’ bodies were pulled from. After hearing a splash, police intercepted an African American named Wayne Williams in his car and took him in for questioning. Since they had no evidence that tied him to the murders, though, they set him free. However, he remained a suspect, and upon further investigation, carpet fibers and dog hairs from William’s home and car were found on victims. Police also found blood stains in his car. Wayne Williams was arrested, convicted of murder, and sentenced to two consecutive life terms. To this day, he maintains his innocence, insisting that the Ku Klux Klan had framed him. 
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
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guards would check in on richard every 15 minutes when he first arrived. everyone wanted a look at the infamous night stalker, guards would go out of their way to come and see him. he said he felt like a zoo animal just there for people’s amusement
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
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“If I am to be honest with myself, I would have to admit that if I again was set up in another apartment and had the opportunity, I probably would not be able to stop. I feel that it is almost a driving compulsion to commit these acts and I probably would have started up again, after some time… Obviously, a power higher than myself had been fed up with my deeds and decided it was time for me to be stopped.”
- Jeffrey Dahmer
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
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Seven Unsettling Jeffrey Dahmer Facts
Before he was a serial murderer, Dahmer was a serial rapist, going to bathhouses and giving men drinks laced with sleeping pills and then having sex with them once they fell unconscious.  Eventually, he was banned when men began to complain and a few of his victims became seriously ill.  Dahmer later explained his actions to officers as attempts to satisfy his urges to dominate other men “without hurting anyone.”
Ate Thanksgiving dinner with his family at his grandmother’s house as the corpse of his second victim Steven Toumi lay stuffed in a suitcase in the basement.  As soon as his family left the next day, Dahmer dismembered and disposed of the remains.
Told would-be last victim Tracy Edwards that he was going to cut his heart out and eat it.  Dahmer did consume the heart of one victim and described it as “kind of spongy,” and unappetizing.  Nevertheless, he found the experience erotic, getting an erection as he consumed the fried organ.
When officers entered Dahmer’s apartment to investigate what they assumed was a domestic incident after victim Konerak Sinthasomphone escaped into the streets, they noticed a strange odor.  It was the corpse of previous victim Tony Hughes decomposing in the bedroom, which one of the officers just barely glanced into before leaving.
On the night Dahmer was captured, officers found boxes of Soilex in his apartment.  Dahmer confessed that since he was being evicted, he’d been planning on dissolving all of the “mementos” he kept from his victims in the Soilex, effectively eradicating any physical trace of his crimes.  This means that if he hadn’t been arrested and managed to go on with his life without committing another murder, the rest of the world would have had no idea about the men who’d perished at his hands.
Was aroused by the sight of his victims’ viscera and would cut open their chests to ejaculate into their abdominal cavity.  In addition, he used the severed heads of his victims as masturbatory devices and sucked on their detached penises, one of which he painted white with foundation makeup.
In their last conversation before Dahmer left the army for alcoholism, acquaintance David Goss told him that the only thing he was proving with his discharge was that he was a loser.  The usually soft-spoken Dahmer immediately flew into a rage, advancing towards Goss and declaring in a raised voice, “That’s one thing I’ll tell you, Goss, is that I’m not a loser.  Someday you’ll hear from me.  You’ll see me again or you’ll read about me, but someday you will hear about me and you’ll know that I’m not a loser.”   It is unclear if Dahmer meant that he was going to actually make something of himself or if he was referring to the later murders he perhaps already envisioned himself committing.
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
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“He told me, ‘I know it sounds weird, Pat, but by eating them, I got them to become part of me and they never left me.’ He told me he only ate the ones he found the most beautiful. He only killed and kept parts of the ones he thought were the perfect specimen of a man.”
—Detective Patrick Kennedy talking about Jeffrey Dahmer’s cannibalism
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
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Richard "el greñas" Ramirez
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
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Most Disturbing Serial Killer Quotes
‘’I killed those men, robbed them as cold as ice. And I’d do it again, too. There’s no chance in keeping me alive or anything, because I’d kill again. I have hate crawling through my system.’’ –Aileen Wuornos
“I remember there was actually a sexual thrill … you hear that little pop and pull their heads of and hold their heads up by the hair. Whipping their heads off, their body sitting there. That’d get me off.” –Edmund Kemper
‘’I love to kill people. I love to watch them die. I would shoot them in the head and they would wiggle and squirm all over the place, and then just stop. Or cut them with a knife and watch their faces turn real white.’’ –Richard Ramirez
“The only thing they can get me for is running a funeral parlor without a license.” –John Wayne Gacy
“After my head has been chopped off, will I still be able to hear, at least for a moment , the sound of my own blood gushing from my neck? That would be the best pleasure to end all pleasure.’’ –Peter Kurten 
“You feel the last bit of breath leaving their body. You’re looking into their eyes. A person in that situation is God!” –Ted Bundy
‘’In my lifetime I have murdered twenty-one human beings. I have committed thousands of burglaries, robberies, larcenies, arsons, and, last but not least, I have committed sodomy on one thousand male human beings. For all these things I am not the least bit sorry.’’ –Carl Panzram
‘’I love the sweet, husky, close smell of indoor homicide, the only way I have of reminding myself that I’m still alive.’’ –Dr Michael Swango
‘’I took her bra and panties off and had sex with her. That’s one of those things I guess that got to be part of my life…having sexual intercourse with the dead.’’ –Henry Lee Lucas
‘’I like children, they are tasty.’’ –Albert Fish
“She was giving me oral sex, and she got carried away…so I choked her.” –Arthur Shawcross
“I actually think I may be possessed with demons, I was dropped on my head as a kid.” –Dennis Rader
“You know, if I wanted to kill somebody, I’d take this book and beat you to death with it. And I wouldn’t feel a thing. It’d be just like walking to the drug store.” –Charles Manson
‘’It’s a process, it doesn’t happen overnight, when you depersonalize another person and view them as just an object. An object for pleasure and not a living breathing human being. It seems to make it easier to do things you shouldn’t do.’’ –Jeffrey Dahmer
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
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“… He (Dahmer) was sitting at a bar called Carol’s in Chicago. He met a light-skinned Black male. During the conversation, he learned that he was Jewish and Puerto Rican. He was personable and very good-looking so Dahmer convinced him to take the bus back to Milwaukee. ‘We spent the whole weekend together, almost like a real relationship, Pat. We made love and went to the mall, shopped for food to make dinner and everything. For a while, I thought maybe this one would stay.’ Dahmer lowered his head and he sighed as he continued. ‘But then Sunday night came, he said he had a job in Chicago and would have to catch the bus in the morning. I knew it couldn’t last, so I made him the Halcyon drink that night before we went to bed. After he passed out, I had oral and anal sex with him and killed him just like the others.’” — Det. Pat Kennedy, Dahmer Detective
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
full clip of Richard Ramirez saying:
“ha, you ain’t no reporter.”
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
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According to Jeffrey’s father, Lionel Dahmer, Jeffrey rarely smiled. This can be easily identified in many of Jeffrey’s photos from his teen years on up. Some think that Jeffrey’s double hernia surgery at the age of four confused him to a point of adopting a sullen demeanor. Just as well, the relationship between his parents affected his general mood and outlook upon life as he approached adulthood. Smiles were infrequent and rarely evident in photos.
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
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names given to unidentified murder victims
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
Eso explica el raspón en la frente y en la nariz jajajajaja
It was said in “The Night Stalker: The Disturbing Life and Chilling Crimes of Richard Ramirez” That this mugshot was taken after Richard Ramirez was chased by 5+ LAPD Cop Cars off the freeway. Richard was being chased in a stolen car and crashed into the Greyhound bus terminal.
This mugshot was taken in late December of 1984.
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gh0stlykiller · 5 months
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Richard Ramirez writing a letter to his brother in Spanish. I’ve never seen a letter from him in Spanish.
Thank you @yourfriendramirez couldn’t have found it without you !!
Ese Robert, How are you ? Hopefully good”
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