ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
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Dan Feng, like all the other incarnations, has always had a serious and calm demeanor, someone who is rarely seen smiling, someone who is able to throw a cold look and can be intimidating. It's all due to how he was raised in each incarnation as Imbibitor Lunae. No friends, no love, his only dedication was study and work. Did he have a choice anyway?
Unlike his other incarnations, as Dan Feng he had the opportunity to meet people who would make him understand that lack of emotions that he has not had for centuries. Company, warmth, happiness… Even sadness, anger, pain.
He tends to be protective when it comes to his species but, although he might not want to admit it, his friends from the High-Cloud Quintet were even more important than anything. For them he was capable of doing anything.
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
What type of villain are you?
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No Moral Compass
You are cold, analytical, and you strive to be as objective as a person of flesh and blood can be. Either don't understand the concepts of good and evil, or you understand it perfectly and think it's a load of bull. Some may call you selfish, some may call you unfeeling, but you're just doing what you believe will yield the best results, plain and simple. Why bother with petty ideals of right or wrong when you can do what will actively help those you give a f*ck about? Your goals may be selfish or noble or anything in between, but you will not let anyone make you feel like garbage for going after them. You couldn't care less about what people brand you as. You just care about getting shit done by any means necessary.
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
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⸻ ❝ Only one ?— I mean... ❞ Slooooowly looks away.
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
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⸻ ❝ So many type of villains I'm seeing. I wonder my category of villainy. ❞
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
a yawn left yingxing, and soon enough he began nodding off while dan feng was speaking to him. when his head was about to hit the desk, he abruptly opened his eyes. ❝ ah, forgive me. i haven't gotten much sleep as of late. you were saying something about ... weapons. ❞
unprompted asks ! / @vancreux
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The Vidyadhara pouted when he saw that Yingxing was not listening to what he was telling him. To be true, talking about rebuilding weapons from the past could be a bit boring. Well, that was not the case. Yinxing had neglected himself again!
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⸻ ❝ Forget about the weapons. What do you mean you did not sleep enough these days ? ❞ Obviously, despite being a great fighter, he was also an expert healer. Whenever he saw one of his friends in bad shape, he felt the need to do something for them. ❝ Alright you must stop working and go to sleep ! And no buts ! ❞
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
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Ughh sorry. These days between work and other shit I preferred to play things and sleep instead of writing. I'm going to check everything and see if I can write DF around ♥
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
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⸻ God Of The Depths
An Old God originated from the Green Hue. you find yourself affiliated with them.
you seem to hide yourself. scant few friends, loved ones and others alike. you believe that you will protect yourself this way. you believe the gaping hole of your heart can be closed that your intestines can be stitched back up again. you may stick up for the underdog in a perturbed and unholy way. a secret desire that someone would do that for you. a double edged sword that two people hang onto. the crows feast on the worm but the worm infects the crow. still you hang back in the shadows. beneath the earth. still you think the worm has a place. these things are neither good nor evil. they just Are.
tagged by: @vancreux ( thank you !!! ) tagging: you ! ( tag me if you do, I'd love to see it )
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
this time, jing yuan's brought with him some renshen jitang --- one bowl for each of them. perhaps it's a commentary on his concern for his dear friend's well-being; perhaps it's meant to be a conversation starter ( he can cook, after all ! ) either way ... there's a bit of an expectant look in his eyes.
if you humor him, dan feng, he will be back.
unprompted asks ! / @astrcls
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The High Elder watched his friend approach with a bowl for him. Wow, it did not ring a bell that Ying Yuan could cook, or at least that he had done it for him before. He was certainly curious to try that renshen jitang.
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⸻ ❝ You didn't have to. Are you worried about me ? ❞ he asked, as he accepted the bowl. ❝ You can stay if you feel like chatting. I'd appreciate some company. ❞
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
Dan Feng stood listening to the Healer Lady speak. His eyes narrowed, he felt completely calm as he listened to her. It seemed like a dream every time he looked at her. She reminded him so much of his old friend, someone he lost so long ago. He hoped that one day he himself would fade away too … but it did not seem to be the time yet.
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⸻ ❝ So all in all, the two of you have decided to go your own way and be yourselves outside of…. ❞ He was going to say jail, or even chains, but he did not want to be so blunt in front of her either. ❝ Of the possible danger. Seems appropriate to me, I never liked the way they had us all. ❞ He explained with a slight sigh. ❝ One chain after another, not being able to choose who we are…. You guys being away from there…. I must say it makes me feel relieved. ❞
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"You can hide your tail?!" Does this mean Dan Heng has been hiding his tail the whole time? Can she hide her tail, too? Are all High Elders able to hide their tails? Bailu'stail began to wag at this prospect; if she could hide her tail and horns, it would make avoiding the preceptors- and potential assassins- unexacting.
"Can you teach me how to do that?" She asks. "It sounds super handy!"
But at his request, Bailu paused. "My dreams?" She repeated.
The little Vidyadhara frowned a little and began tapping her chin in contemplation. Did she have dreams?
"…Well, I can't speak for Dan Heng, and I'm not sure if I even have any dreams right now, but I can tell you what we've been up to." She flashed the former High Elder a bright smile before continuing.
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"After Dan Heng left the Luofu, he joined the Astral Express," she explained, "he's their archivist and guard currently."
"As for me, I just recently joined the Express too-" Bailu grinned as she showed off her Express badge. "I'm their on-board doctor for the time being; I'm taking a sabbatical from my duties at the Alchemy Commission."
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
The Vidyadhara began to walk beside the other as he listened to him speak. In fact, he blinked as he saw that Sora seemed to be taking care of Yingxing. That no doubt relaxed him. He was conscious in how hardworking he was and sometimes it was impossible to stop him. Knowing that he had someone nearby to feed him when he forgot was something he was grateful for.
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⸻ ❝ Tian Xing hm ? Yes, I know how Yingxing is when it comes to work. Many of the times I've met him I've seen him with dark circles under his eyes. He should get more rest. ❞ The dragon explained with a sigh, but then he showed a small, grateful smile. ❝ But, thank you for taking care of him. You put my mind at ease. ❞
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SORA TILTED HIS HEAD TO THE SIDE AT DAN FENG'S SURPRISED REACTION. Did he say something strange? Well , whatever , no use worrying about it when he had ingredients to buy & dinner to make for a certain starving weapon's forger.
❛ Great! Then off we go! Sorry about that , really. I feel stupid for not remembering someone so important , but it's nice to meet you Dan Feng , oh great & powerful High Elder. I'm Tian Xing! Yingxing's bestest buddy ever! I was actually on my way to buy the ingredients to make him dinner. I'm telling ya , he gets so invested in his work that sometimes he doesn't eat for days! ❜
He laughed softly at that & happily skipped down the road to where the shops were located. Although , it would probably be best if he didn't meet the other members of the so called High-Cloud Quintet. Yinxing had mentioned that it would be safer for him that way & that it would be less likely for his secret to be discovered.
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
Dan Feng looked curiously at the short young man. No doubt after the thinking he did he guessed everything. What a clever young man. The problem is that unlike Dan Heng…. He did not know the station at all.
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⸻ ❝ I must admit it wasn't to my own liking, I woke up somehow around here, maybe Dan Heng was doing something earlier. Then I started to walk around the place and…. Here I am. ❞ He explained as he shrugged, but after hearing her follow him, he nodded. ❝ Sure, I'll follow you. ❞
This....was too much for Arlan. He wasn't getting paid enough for this. But, in the end, this was his friend's body after all - but... "Hold on, what?" He rubs at one of his temples as he tries to put the pieces together. He wasn't the smartest aboard the space station, but he was one of the few close enough with the Express Crew to be somewhat used to their crazy antics. Somewhat.
"So you're Dan Feng, currently in control of Dan Heng's body - who is your reincarnation." Arlan repeats to himself. "Your...spirit, I guess we can call it, is inside Dan Heng's body and you're currently possessing him...." He wasn't used to this more spiritual talk, or the concept of reincarnation. Though, that's what he thought was normal, all things considered. Being friends with someone like Asta, and being aboard a space station full of scientists, he was getting used to thinking at things more logically while this seemed....rather mystical in comparison.
"Did you even ask for permission? Can you communicate at all like this? Dan Heng would know he's not allowed in here."
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Wait, that's probably not the most important thing right now. He sighs and shakes his head. "Just-- follow me back to the public area, we can talk more there."
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
Possibly the Preceptors or any other of his kind would have told his High Elder not to interact with the first person he met as it was very easy for someone to try to attack or kill him after being an important figure in Xianzhou. But Dan Feng was not one to let his guard down and would even be kind until that person was proven to be evil.
His morality was quite gray anyway, and doing the opposite of what he was asked to do for him was a challenge.
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⸻ ❝ Worry not, Sora. I can let you stay in a room from the palace. It shouldn't be a problem for one or two nights. Meanwhile and after a rest, I recommend you to visit around the Loufu. ❞
A couple days? Sora could manage that, she was pretty sure. Things would be a bit difficult, but she could last. It may not have been exactly what she wanted to hear, but it was still better news than she could have hoped for.
She'd been fully ready to find somewhere to rest on her own, and was surprised when he suddenly offered his help. Something about the way he carried himself made her think he was a person of importance here, and taking time out of his day to aid a stranger like this was incredibly kind.
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"I... I would really appreciate that, thank you." If anything, a place to curl up and rest was all she needed. The past few days had been exhausting, to say the least.
"Oh! I, uhm, and my name is Sora. It's nice to meet you, Dan Feng." She paused, taking a moment to check her surroundings. "Uh, do you-- do you know of a place I could rest, maybe?"
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
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The Vidyadhara brought his hand close on his chin, as he listened to her. He could not help but be concerned about her even though she wasn't even from his family. But feeling out of two different worlds because she was half must have been a scary thing.
Dan Feng seemed to know well what it was like to feel out of place.
⸻ ❝ Human and adepti. What little I read about adepti made it clear to me that they were species that lived a very long time and were depicted as mystical animals. Seen in this light my species might fit in with them. ❞ He commented, though he knew that was not what they were talking about. ❝ In my opinion, I don't think you are any less adepti than the others. Moreover, I think what you are is even more special than someone being solely of one species. It's really a pity they don't see you as one of them. ❞
Continued from Here: X
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​She asked for advice on a situation and he sympathized, meeting her gaze. She looked sad and he asked if she could still do what she had planned."I attempted to pretend to be someone In the past, I was not aware. of, but I eventually realized that people didn't seem to like me very much. Although I am only half-adept and half-human, the adepti do not consider me as one of them. While this may not necessarily be a negative thing, it is a challenge for me."
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
send me questions you have about my character!
anything and everything. favorites. thoughts on people, on events. what they would do in a certain situation. how things would be different if something had/hadn’t happened. simple questions, complex questions. have at it!
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
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the kids are fighting
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ghcstmemoirs · 1 year
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if danfeng and danheng meet (in the consciousness), based on funny tweet on twitter hhhhh
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