ghost-the-innocent · 4 years
okay, so first post telling the story. y'all are going to need some background, so...
I was born when my dad was 21 years old. so basically, by the standards of most adults, still a kid. he still played video games and stuff, and one of his friends on WoW (we'll call him X throughout this, as I can't use his actual name) was 12 at the time. They were pretty good buddies.
When I was 7 years old, he came to visit for Thanksgiving. He didn't have anywhere to stay, and he didn't want to go back to his family in California, nor could he have afforded it had he wanted to. The market crash of 2008 had just happened, so my dad offered to let him stay with us. I was in first grade, and although I wasn't exactly boy crazy at that point in time, I ended up developing a massive crush on him. it was completely innocent, I just admired him n thought he was cute n stuff. I don't remember if my dad knew, but my step mom thought it was cute, and one of my earliest memories of him is of my step mom forcing me to give him a goodnight kiss.
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ghost-the-innocent · 4 years
Hey, Tumblr folx. Long time no see.
Starting today, I'm gonna try to be an active blogger again. It's been a couple years...
If anyone has any questions for me, feel free to ask in comments or asks. Otherwise, I'll be telling the story of what happened over multiple posts, little by little.
Fair warning, though: there are a lot of... traumatic things I'd like to talk about. If you're not okay with reading about that kind of stuff, then feel free to unfollow. But I feel like my story needs to be shared. I don't want anyone else to experience what I did.
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ghost-the-innocent · 5 years
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hi I want to be a viral internet meme for my 18th birthday u can edit these however u want I just want to be the meme queen I know I can be https://www.instagram.com/p/B7FM8THlDAB/?igshid=1fn72ebd6y32y
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ghost-the-innocent · 6 years
Surprise charity stream for Alaskan Blue Jay!
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ghost-the-innocent · 6 years
Stream today for Alaskan Blue Jay ;) let's get some money raised for him
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ghost-the-innocent · 6 years
even the gentlest of angels will fall, given time
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ghost-the-innocent · 6 years
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This loving husband spent two years planting thousands of flowers for his blind wife to smell.  After going blind, Mrs. Kuroki become depressed and withdrawn, secluding herself in their home.  Her husband decided to plant a flower garden where she could enjoy their smell, enticing her to go outside.
Photographs by Yoshiyuki Matsumoto
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ghost-the-innocent · 6 years
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ghost-the-innocent · 6 years
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ghost-the-innocent · 6 years
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ghost-the-innocent · 6 years
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ghost-the-innocent · 6 years
hi I'm not ded
@elizabethyoung1216 and I has a youtubes now
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ghost-the-innocent · 6 years
Body: *tries to perform routine functions* Brain: wHAT ARE YOU DOING
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ghost-the-innocent · 6 years
Me: laughs
Emma: can I see what's funny?
Me: no u can't read
Emma: cries
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ghost-the-innocent · 6 years
And now, for something entirely different:
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My face
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ghost-the-innocent · 6 years
Reasons for having a hickey #5:
It's always been my dream to have a big ugly purple love bruise on my neck... I paid good money for this thing.
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ghost-the-innocent · 6 years
Reasons for having a hickey #4:
It was a birthday present.
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