some fools be like “i play games to escape my responsibilities” then pick tank or healer
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a girl must see her special little character at least once a day lest she get consumed by rage and start throwing rocks at people
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They say no one is living here — but lights come on, once every year.
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Penguin escapes killer whales by jumping onto a boat.
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Every writing advice thing ever: Don’t get bogged down in details on your first draft. Just write! ☺️
Me: How I begin this scene hinges on whether cheese sandwiches were served with mayo in the 50’s.
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I think that we as a society should get more comfortable with the idea that sometimes our friends will be attracted to us and sometimes we will be attracted to our friends and nothing needs to come of that.
You don't have to date. You don't have to stop being friends. You can just keep hanging out. Self control and respect exists.
And sometimes you will date your friend and figure out that your dynamic worked better when you were friends. And then you can go back to being friends. It's really quite simple. Mature and cool, even.
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does anyone have the “my wife is home” r/ambien post
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hey girl are you a worm because
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i am a sucker for the typical stoic fictional man who is actually so soft for his s/o. who buries his nose into the crook of your neck and wraps his arms around your waist whenever he can. maybe he’s not always good with his words, but for you? god. he literally hands you his heart on a silver platter
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mutuals i am handing u this rn
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it’s dangerous to go alone! take this. *kisses you straight on the lips*
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Hey everyone!
So... I know this is a slightly weird time to do this, but I just wanted to let everyone know you can now sign up to leave monthly donations on my ko-fi page.
I haven't added any tiers or anything like that because... well... I can't think of any rewards or anything to put in those tiers.
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So... yeah. That's it. That's the announcement.
Please don't worry if you don't have the money to donate. That's totally fine. I'm sharing the game so publicly because the thing I really need is feedback, not money. But, if you do have spare change and like what I do, I'd really appreciate it. I use the money I receive to buy carrots.
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Vampire and his human wife after years of marriage
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It’s been exactly 100 days since I first posted on this blog, I just hit a very cool follower milestone and I’m ready to fuckin party!
Working on Body Count has been a real whirlwind experience, and I’ve been having a really great time with it. The support that you lot have given me here has been so lovely, and I’m basically just absolutely jazzed that anyone is enjoying my little story. Basically, hi, thanks for being here 🖤
Anyway, I am a total dweeb so I’m feeling celebratory and decided to host a lil giveaway: 
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There will be four winners, with four prizes up for grabs: 
A full body portrait of your MC & a fave RO by the amazing @isabeladraws​! Check out examples of her previous artwork here. 
A ship edit of your MC & a fave RO by the brilliant @wywrds​! Check out examples of their previous edits here. 
The ability to select a new background option for MCs everywhere. Don’t want your MC to have studied one of the existing subjects? Pick a new one (within reason - I’ll be keeping veto power over anything outlandish or game-breaking), and I’ll write it in! 
A snippety drabble, customised for your MC and from a prompt of your choosing (within the ballpark of 500 - 1000 words). 
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To enter, just make sure you’re following @bodycountgame​ and that you reblog this post! You get one entry per person, but new followers are totally welcome.
Entries will close at 5pm BST on Monday 2nd August. 
I’ll be using a random number generator to draw winners. Whoever is drawn first will get their pick of 4 prizes, who ever is picked second will get a choice from 3, etc etc. 
Please make sure your DMs are on so that I can contact you! No contact, no prize (duh).
So help me god, if anyone under 18 enters this giveaway then I will give you the sternest talking to of your lives (and you also won’t win anything, because Body Count is an 18+ game).
This is just supposed to be a cute fun lil thing to say thanks for being here so please don’t make it weird or get all intense about it hahaha 
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Demo | Patreon |  Ko-Fi
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In light of recent events, I just wanted to make a post to make a few things crystal clear about myself, my characters, and my relationship to this community.
The first is that, as a white author, I want to make a public commitment to not only listen to readers of colour, but to decisively take action in addressing any issues that are raised.
I know that I have spoken before on this blog about my issues with ~hate mail~ etc, but I just want to make it absolutely clear that I do not consider valid criticism of my work to fall into this category, and I will always welcome and appreciate readers coming forward with any concerns about the way that I portray my characters or conduct myself on this blog. While I hope that I won’t get things wrong too often, please feel free to call me on it if/when I do, and I’ll do what I can to fix it!
I also want to say that I absolutely don’t vibe with discrimination or hate speech of any kind, and I won’t stand for it on my blog, in my mentions or in Discord. This should be something that goes without saying, but to avoid any ambiguity, I think it’s best that I spell it out!
It also seems timely to provide some more information about the Body Count cast. My lovely pal @whoreromancer​ has put together some skin tone references for me and I hope that they will be useful going forward to anyone who is interested in drawing or making edits for the cast!
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I am so appreciative and frankly still totally blown away that anyone would ever want to draw the little people that exist in my brain and I realise that I probably should have shared something like this sooner, but I didn’t really anticipate the need for it! If anyone who has drawn fanart of the characters and their skin tones are lighter than the ones referenced, then I would be beyond grateful if you get the time to update ❤
This also seems like a good time to restate the characters’ ethnicities, which I know I’ve answered before, but perhaps a little more vaguely than I should have. It’s worth noting that all characters except Charlie were born in the UK and would identify as British, but have a range of ethnic backgrounds.
Arthur, Atticus, Avery, Florrie, Griff, Imogen & Syd are all white. Florrie is Polish and Atticus is Irish-Spanish.
Ellis is mixed race; their mother was mixed Colombian, and their father was Welsh.
Rowan is mixed race; her father was Mongolian, and her mother is Scottish.
Adegoke is Yoruba.
Vinh is Vietnamese.
Nyra is Tamil Indian.
Charlie is mixed race; his father is Māori, and his mother was mixed race (white British and Zulu South African).
I hope that this will be a useful resource, but I’m happy to take any questions that anyone, particularly readers of colour, might have xoxoxo
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I have a request. There are some stressful things going on in life at the moment and it's looking like my family and I will be taking some major financial hits.
If you played Crème de la Crème or Blood Money and enjoyed them, please consider rating and reviewing on whatever platform you use! It boosts visibility on storefronts massively, and hopefully improves sales, which literally help pay the bills.
I feel weird about asking but if you do want to support with honest ratings or reviews that would be absolutely amazing.
Thank you!
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