ghostlycomrade · 3 years
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The cave of Agia Sofia, Mylopotamos (c. 13th c.).
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ghostlycomrade · 3 years
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Ghosts of right now. Oil on paper, 9 x 12"
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ghostlycomrade · 3 years
Shozenji, A Japanese LGBTQ Safe Temple Run By A Transgender Nun
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Matcha reports on Soshuku Shibatani, the transgender head nun of the Shozenji Temple in Moriguchi City, Osaka. It  is Japan’s first temple built as a refuge for the LGBTQ community.
Soshuku Shibatani, a 65-year-old openly transgender Buddhist nun, was assigned male at birth: 
She began to identify as a female in elementary school but never dared to express her gender identity at the time. As a university student, she met people similar to her and briefly lived at ease among like-minded peers. However, upon entering the workforce, she had to hide her true self once more…
According to Ms. Shibatani, “Buddha saw beyond the differences of gender.”
There is no need to hide your true self. Ms. Shibatani gradually became interested in Buddhist teachings and enrolled in community courses at the Graduate School of Koyasan University. She later resigned from her company, joined the priesthood, and went on to study Esoteric Buddhism.
Ms. Shibatani stated, “Shozenji is not exclusively for the LGBTQ community, but rather a temple for everyone.”
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“The Kannon Bodhisattva has no gender identity,” Soshuku Shibatani says. A statue of Kannon, the Buddhist deity of mercy, is enshrined in the temple. Others see Kannon or Guan Yin  as a female incarnation of the Buddha.
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ghostlycomrade · 3 years
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Boss Dog
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ghostlycomrade · 3 years
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Apparition on Hill St.
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ghostlycomrade · 3 years
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snow angel
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ghostlycomrade · 3 years
spirit message log #3, 03/05/18
i wasnt aware these dated that far back! i guess i spent more time with that specific seance group than i realized. seeing as these are even older, theres bound to be some bumps to them. hopefully theres something to get out of it?
“If you observe your system you will find that you lack the discernment to what is harmful and what is superfluous. You can’t always think that everything is out of time, but it also isn’t necessary that we’ll get there without the needed actions.”
“Trying to see without knowing is what happens in the depths of your deep grave, it’s a difficult mission of renewal.”
“Even if you don’t remember you must assume responsibility so you may continue your journey.”
“Today we can walk to your disseminating function which puts you in a state of supposing that we stopped growing to do what is right when we stop to see the strangers in our path. You can grow even without a live feeling of creation as we do not need to believe so blindly in what is told so suddenly to us that we think it strange our pace that is given to come into our lives. If you enter in your understanding with a truth it does not mean you will leave with another totally different but instead resembling it, but better upgraded as nothing is definitive.”
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ghostlycomrade · 3 years
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Yasuhiro Onishi - Spirit
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ghostlycomrade · 3 years
spirit message log #2, from 14/02/2019
oh, i dont have much to say about this one. i believe when i did these i was still trying to get the hang of it, they got more coherent as time went on. hope you like it!
“Look to who is by your side plainly clear, illuminated at the side of who most needs them.”
“Well given who brings us to live a new adventure under our ungrateful master in which we put ourselves amidst his demand.”
“Stars and moon shine more possibly than anyone ever saw, in the infinite I see as the stars fall, the sky, everything that is put in front of us dispels in day and renews again another day.”
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ghostlycomrade · 3 years
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Part of the Grid
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ghostlycomrade · 3 years
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Jewish Amulet: ‘the sun will not harm you by day nor the moon by night’
This amulet draws on Jewish verse, traditional art and mysticism. The text ‘the sun will not harm you by day nor the moon by night’ is taken from Psalm 121 (Shir Lamaalot). Inside the amulet are three mythical characters some believe to have protective powers: Sanvai, Sansanvai & Semangelof… These angels first appeared in a Kabbalistic text and have been around for hundreds of years. 
Designed by Meryl Urdang.
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ghostlycomrade · 3 years
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ghostlycomrade · 3 years
spirit message log #1, from 08/05/2019
note: when i went to make this post i found out i acidentally wound up rebloggin a lot of stuff intended for my main here 0.0 anyway! i thought it would be boring and rather unfair to just keep this as a reblog blog, so a good way to add some content of my own is to transcribe and translate some of the messages i got during seances. are they real? well, id like to think they are. it would be a shame if these are somehow my mind playing tricks on me. but hoping that they are real is what keeps me going.
also, i will write the dates of the ones that i do find dated, but as i am recovering papers from piles i have brought home they may be out of order. so dont think it strange if the following logs are from earlier dates somehow.
i will try to keep these up almost daily if possible, so i have something to do with this blog, but also dont push myself to transcribe so much and all at once.
“We certainly have much to learn and to do, and that is why we have to be aware of what we do and what we want, in our universality and our free will.”
“When the shadow falls so strong over your heart we must remember where we started our journey, and where we will end.”
“Beautiful are the mountains as they sing, to the point they scare us with our sorrows, and without fear they enter my heart with this greatness, and for everything we fall.” (note: i have a feeling the intention MAY have been to write “scare AWAY our sorrows” instead of that, but either meaning feels both right and also not right so. lol)
“Feel with the strenght of the universe to bring you a communication beyond the ordinary and fortifying.”
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ghostlycomrade · 3 years
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Hallowed Ground
Digital collage (2020)
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ghostlycomrade · 3 years
ghosts are so funny. they're people who were just like "actually, fuck dying" and decided to cause problems on purpose for the rest of everyone else's lives. goals tbh.
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ghostlycomrade · 3 years
Muslims keep Arabic language alive in Brazil
Out of all Arabs and Arab descendants in Brazil, those professing the Muslim religion display the highest rate of command of the language: 82%, much higher than among Catholics and Evangelicals.
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Out of all Arabs and Arab descendants in Brazil, those who profess the Muslim religion boast the highest rate of mastery of the Arabic language, at 82%. Only 10% of Arab Catholics and 4% of Evangelical Arabs in Brazil speak Arabic.
The numbers are from a survey commissioned by the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) that showed that 6% of Brazil’s population – some 11,6 million people – are either Arab or of Arab descent. The survey was conducted by Ibope Inteligência and H2R Pesquisas Avançadas, and it was made public in July 2020.
University of São Paulo (USP) anthropologist and professor Francirosy Campos Barbosa believes mastery of Arabic among Muslims is due to religious reasons. A Muslim herself, Barbosa coordinates the Anthropology Group on Islamic and Arab Contexts at the USP campus in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo.
The anthropologist explains that the five daily prayers of Muslims are made in Arabic, and the language is spoken in celebrations at mosques. Even Brazilian converts – or reverts – are required to pray in Arabic, and most of them learn the language at their mosque.
Continue reading.
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