ghostlyreading · 8 months
Part Four of What Happened to Us l Derek Morgan
Pairings: Derek Morgan x Reader
Warnings: a little sad with angst
Summary: Your relationship with Derek isn't as good as it used to be and you don't know why.
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You're so focused on making cupcakes you don't realize someone's behind you. But you finally realize your music was shut off. For a second you fear your boyfriends behind you. You turn around to find your employees. “Spill,” they say together. “There's nothing to spill,” you say, getting back to work.
All they do is stare at you waiting. “Fine, I've just been thinking about my life and what I want,” you say, continuing to work. “What do you mean?” your employee Ella asks. “I think it's time for a new chapter,” you tell her. “Who's making you think that?” Jade asks. You sigh and tell them that you're having problems with your boyfriend. “What did he do?” Lily pipes up. You just look at them with tears forming in your eyes.
“Well, as you all know we have been dating for two years but there's nothing good happening. He doesn't talk to me. He never tells me what he's doing. I never know if he's out of town on a case. He doesn't answer my calls or texts. I just think he doesn't want me anymore. I'm not his priority. Last night was the first time in months he invited me to go out with him. And he just ignored me most of the night. He goes to the office all of the time. We do nothing. I can't remember the last time he told me he loved me. I can't remember the last time we spent time together alone. And to top it off this girl he works with gets every cute nickname. He calls her baby girl and more cute names while I'm stuck with babe or my name. How is that fair? How am I supposed to feel? What am I supposed to do? Do I talk to him or break up with him l?” You said putting your head in your hands.
Your employees then wrap you in a grip hug. “You need to talk to him, girl,” Jade says. “It's not far to you,” Lily says. “Girl, listen to us, you're amazing,” Ella says. You laugh and continue to hug them back. After a while of talking about their lives as well, the shop is ready to open. So the girls leave to get everything ready while you go start on some paperwork. You check your phone for the time and see a lot of missed calls from Derek. You stare at them and choose not to reply to him. His team had the pleasure of getting a hold of you saying that he's been upset ever since he came into the office and doesn't understand as to why. You roll your eyes set your phone on your desk and do paperwork.
After a few hours, you hear someone clear their throat. You look up and see Emily standing in front of your desk. You then go right back to your paperwork. “What's going on between you and Morgan?” She questions taking your pen from you.” Nothing you need to worry about” you tell her taking your pen back. “He is upset and won't talk to us. So something really must have happened because you're closing yourself off” she says looking at you. “Just leave me alone and go please,” you say, grabbing the people back from her.
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ghostlyreading · 8 months
Part Three of What Happened to Us l Derek Morgan
Pairings: Derek Morgan x Reader
Warnings: a little sad with angst
Summary: Your relationship with Derek isn't as good as it used to be and you don't know why.
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After you are greeted by the team you tell them you need to use the restroom. When you come back you see Derek standing between Reid and Garcia now. You don't say anything and stand next to JJ. They started to talk about a case so you stay quiet along with JJ's husband Will. So you and he started talking about random things. Then the team started to talk about Garcia.
They started talking about how amazing she is. But all you could focus on was her and Derek. “Yeah babygirl always does the best,” Derek says, nudging Garcia. Once he says that all you can do is space out. You said nothing and stared at your drink.
The party started to come to an end so you and Derek decided to head out. “Well, me and y/n are going to leave so see you all tomorrow,” Derek tells his team. Once you got into the car he started talking about how much fun he had. You just smiled and agreed with him.
You arrive home and he heads upstairs to bed while you stay downstairs. You clean up a little bit and decide to read before going upstairs. You hope that by now he is asleep but when you get upstairs he isn't. He was watching a movie.
You don't say anything and grab clothes to change and take another shower. Once you're done you still don't talk and get into bed. “Babe, are you alright?” He questions you. “Yeah I'm fine” you reply quietly. “Babe, I'm not stupid what's wrong,” he says laying behind you trying to look at your face.
“I'm just tired so can we just go to bed” you say, turning from him. “Y/n,” he says sternly. You don't answer him and just code your eyes. He gives up and turns the lights and movie off. Before you realize you have tears running down your face. “We can talk in the morning,” he says. You don't reply and go to sleep.
The next morning you wake up before him. You look at the plane and it's 8. You quietly get out of bed and get dressed. You eat breakfast and decide what you should do for the day. You decide to go to the bakery. You get your stuff together and leave. You arrive at the bakery get in and lock back up. You decide to silence your phone and get to work on orders.
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ghostlyreading · 8 months
Part Two of What Happened to Us l Derek Morgan Pairings: Derek Morgan x reader
Other parts here
Warnings: a little sad with angst
Summary: Your relationship with Derek isn't as good as it used to be and you don't know why.
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The next day you take a shower after you eat breakfast. And once again your boyfriend was gone. He didn't leave a note or anything to let you know. Just when you thought you guys were going to be a happy couple. You get ready for the day and make your way to your bakery.
Your employees are already there. They have done the basic chores to get ready for the day. They cleaned, cooked, and set up the register for the day. So you decided to go to your office to start the paperwork. After you got a couple things done you tried to get ahold of Derek but couldn't. You thought he was ignoring you once again.
You give up trying to get a hold of him and leave your office. You go and join your employees to help them. “Morning boss, how are you?” Jade asks after helping a customer. “I'm good Jade, how are you?” You reply back getting distracted with helping get orders ready. “Hey, I have the front for now, you go help out with orders,” you tell Jade. “Alright,” she says walking away.
You get to work taking customers' orders. You don't pay attention to the time and realize you need to get home to get ready for the party. You check your phone for messages and see he still hasn't answered you. So you leave the bakery and make your way home. When you arrive home you find your boyfriend getting ready.
“Hey, why didn't you leave a note this morning, or message me back?” You question picking out your outfit. “Sorry, I went out with Hotch and Reid for breakfast and didn't think about that,” he says, getting dressed. “Well, why couldn't you just message me back?” You ask, looking at him. “Well we got busy babe, we had a lot of paperwork.” He says laughing and sitting on your shared bed.
You don't reply back and head to the bathroom to get ready. Once you are, you both head to his car to drive to the party. When you reach the place JJ spots you both and takes you to the others. But little did you both know what was going to happen.
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ghostlyreading · 11 months
Part one of What Happened to Us l Derek Morgan
Pairings: Derek Morgan x reader
Other parts here
Warnings: a little sad with angst
Summary: Your relationship with Derek isn't as good as it used to be and you don't know why.
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You would say that you and Derek had a good relationship. But recently you’ve started to feel like he doesn’t really care for your relationship. He doesn’t seem to answer your texts and calls like he used to. He also doesn’t seem to come home at normal hours, he comes home at odd hours in the night and is gone before you get to see and talk to him. You start to worry that he doesn't want you anymore and that he has fallen out of love. So you do what any normal person would do, you confront him. You stay up until he gets home to talk to him.
"We need to talk," you tell your boyfriend when he comes into the room. You are lying in your shared bed reading a book. "That doesn't sound good," he jokes with you and getting ready for bed. "Derek I'm serious," you tell the man getting dressed. "What's wrong?" he asks climbing into bed with you. "It's just been a while since I've seen you and talked to you," you tell him. "I know, babe, I've been super busy at work." "No seriously, what's going on?" you ask more sternly this time. "Nothing's wrong," he says looking at you.
“I’m not stupid, you come home late and leave before I get to see you.” you tell him putting your book on your side table. “Babe theres nothing going on” he tells you laying down on the bed. “Hmm okay,” you tell him shutting the lights off and turning away from him. “Babe why are you laying all the way over there?” he questions you laughing. “It is super hot tonight so I don’t want to cuddle.” you tell him facing away from him. “Alright babe goodnight” he tells you confused but going to bed anyway.
The next day you wake up and he is gone again. You aren’t surprised though so you get up and take a shower and get ready for the day. You decide to call you mom and ask if she wants to go get breakfast. “Hey mom” you say when she answers the phone. “Hello my dear, how are you doing.” your mom asks you. “I’m good, do you want to go get breakfast with me?” you ask your mother. “Sure my dear just let me know where.” your mother answers before you both say bye and hang up. You message her the details and start your laundry before you leave.
“So my dear what have you and your boyfriend been up to lately” your mom asks after you both order food. “Nothing much, hes been working a lot lately” you tell your mother not letting her know the truth. “That’s a shame, hopefully soon you’ll get to spend more time together.” your mother answers you patting your hand. “I do too mom” you reply. After you both eat you part ways and you go home.
When you get home you finish laundry and sit down and start to think about what you should do. You couldn’t keep doing this with him. You couldn’t continue to pretend that your relationship is alright. It’s not he isn’t there for you, and he doens’t seem to care for you. So you sit and wait for him to get home while watching a movie.
He gets home about two hours later. You were about to bring up to him that you guys need to talk again but he asks you a question. “Hey babe, the teams having a party at the office tomorrow night and I wanted to know if you wanted to go with me” he asks you. You think about how you haven’t spent much time together so you say “yes” to him. He smiles at you and goes upstairs to get ready for bed. “Hey do you want to order pizza for dinner?” he asks you when he comes back downstairs. “Sure.” you reply.
After you both eat you get ready for bed as well. You both watch a movie and go to sleep. You once again turn away from him but this time he doesn’t say anything. You start to think about why he would ask when you haven’t done anything together in the last couple of weeks. You decide to go to bed and see how tomorrow night goes.
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ghostlyreading · 11 months
I missed you l Aaron Hotchner
You missed your boyfriend
Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x reader
Warnings: None
“These are the best brownies ever,” you tell Aaron who's working on the couch. While you're curled up on the armchair in the corner watching a movie. You pause the movie to admire your boyfriend while he works. His hair is still wet from taking a shower when he got home a couple of hours ago. “Can I help you?” he questions, putting his files down and patting the spot next to him. You get up lay your head on his chest and look up at his face. You start to touch his face softly humming. “I missed you,” you say pouting. You grab his hand to hold it “I wish we had more time off”. “I know sweetheart,” he says rubbing your back up and down. “What did you do while I was gone” he says getting your mind off of not having more time off. You look at him and tell him about your trip to the bookstore. “ I went to get some more books, the best part was they had cats that roamed the store. I also got new bookmarks that are sparkly. He listens and kisses your head through the story. “Another,” you say smiling at him. “Your wish is my command,” he says grinning down at you but still giving you another kiss on your head.
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ghostlyreading · 11 months
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
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I missed you - Fluff, short blurb
Derek Morgan
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What happened to us - sad, angst
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Spencer Reid
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