ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
Light was still wandering, and happened to see Viola. Ever curious, he craned his head to catch a glimpse of the book she'd picked up. Ah, the Stardroids... The mess that had been. He made a soft tutting noise before beginning to float further through the library. Wouldn't hurt to take advantage of this, as Cane and Wily likely were.
(Dr. Light) Walking through the history section of a public library, Viola could've sworn she saw something from the corner of her vision. Her feathers ruffled in the same split second it took for her to turn around and try to figure out what she'd seen.
Light had... somehow managed to find a way to leave Shaska's apparent "force field" on himself and the other spirits. He figured he'd take the opportunity to find that museum she had mentioned, and wandered about to see what these people thought of the past.
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
(Dr. Light) Walking through the history section of a public library, Viola could've sworn she saw something from the corner of her vision. Her feathers ruffled in the same split second it took for her to turn around and try to figure out what she'd seen.
Light had... somehow managed to find a way to leave Shaska's apparent "force field" on himself and the other spirits. He figured he'd take the opportunity to find that museum she had mentioned, and wandered about to see what these people thought of the past.
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
He leaned in, still careful to not accidentally cause any shorts. He looked over the page and kept note of the URL, but did give a teasing grin at the mention of the museum learning about Robot Masters, "I don't suppose that has anything to do with you, does it?" He elbowed the air near her, "A friend of the museum who certainly knows her way about the Masters of old, eh?"
“I’m sure we can figure it out later, the internet of today is fascinating. It’s such high speed and advanced that I almost think it could be used to communicate with other planets!” He smiled, “Say, are there good history sites you’d suggest? Albert and I are curious to what’s happened in the… oh, 2 centuries or so since our passing? Maybe just a hair over 1…" 
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“That’s actually easy. One sec-”
At least he had changed the subject. Sure, they could probably manage communication across the moon and asteroids faster than a hundred years ago, when the Doctors were alive. But so much of that ability was lost after a hundred years… But a good history site here and now, that can be provided.
Her fingers flicked up and a Datapad formed into her palm. Taking a step closer towards the ghost of doctor Light, her armor clinking quietly against the steel flooring. “The museum my best friend goes too, and her mom works at, have a very active and reliable website actually.” Gloved fingers flew across the screen, rapidly shifting her windows around, and soon brought up a new browser. With the meuseum’s website on it. And it had a history section. “It functions much like Wikipedia in some aspects. I swear it’s like the history section is being monitored or run by soemone who was there years ago. Either way, it’s incredibly reliable. Here’s the URL.”
“It even has a little bit of history on Robot Masters and old Robotics. They have recently been getting that.”
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
"I'm sure we can figure it out later, the internet of today is fascinating. It's such high speed and advanced that I almost think it could be used to communicate with other planets!" He smiled, "Say, are there good history sites you'd suggest? Albert and I are curious to what's happened in the... oh, 2 centuries or so since our passing? Maybe just a hair over 1..."
"Shaska... what does being "goated with the sauce" mean? We've seen several videos with a... "quirked up white boy"?" Thomas' spirit floated in looking puzzled. Who let them have internet access again? (ghosts-long-gone)
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The woman had been working when the old Doctor's ghost floated through the door, causing her to pause in confusion. The spooking factor had faded out, at least for Light. "What are you even asking..."
She paused.
Let it sink in-
And then one hand flew up to slap her face, groaning muffled into her palm. Who the hell was letting them access too internet files now?! When Shaska had managed to get them computers and radios that didn't short out from their energy fields, this was not what she had in mind.
"Something that none of you need to worry about...!"
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
anon leans in closer to whisper conspiratorily "what else have you noticed cuz there is a lot of weird shit man"
Wily kept his voice low, "For starters, all the other 'bots drink those E Tanks to refuel. A far refined model from what I recall when I was alive. She never touches them! And I've never seen Shaska use any sort of charging port or pod or cable or anything like that! And she's down here or in that car of hers so often she can't collect solar power properly...
"So either she has some form of advanced power core that seemingly never runs down, or there's something more to be seen under the machine."
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
The change was not missed by either of them, slight concern crossing their transparent faces, "Forgive me, Shaska... I didn't think her... her passing would have affected you so," Light sighed, "I am more than sure she was a bright young girl to be around. You all must miss her..."
"And we should change. The. Subject?" Cain suggested, "Unless you would prefer to pause the conversation for now entirely?" The ghosts turned to Shaska for an answer, leaving it up to her.
The two looked at each other, confused, over her “useful for you” comment. But shrugged it off as her thinking out loud.
“Ah, a jack of all trades sort of bot. Fascinating,” Cain nodded, “Had I known you were around before my… well, demise, I might have asked politely to look at your schematics! The things I could have learned from that…”
“You mention being their first… Did you ever help with their daughter’s medicine? Oh, Shelly was such a sweet girl, I’m sure she would have benefitted from a companion like you!” Dr Light smiled, remembering the young Jonez girl he’d known, “She was so bright, too. Understood mine and Albert’s work at a young age.”
Shaska gave an almost nervous chuckle. “Oh that’d be bad if we had met. I have always been ‘Black Armored Cryptid’, so there would be some odd uh, disconnect.” Not to mention the sheer danger it would have created in general and the uproar. Thank god he can’t do anything now. “I’d have at least let you have some details, like my scanners capabilities. It would have been helpful in rescue systems.” That was at least a somewhat honest answer.
And then it all skidded into a stop, the conversation. Shaska’s core tightened and went cold, color paled from her face. Brown eyes moved towards Light while he spoke, her expression almost looking haunted. He… He knew of Shelly? Or rather, at this point, remembered? That was the better term here. It had come out of nowhere and completely shook the new robot Master, shaken entirely. “I…” How the fuck does she even answer that?! Only some of the Robot Master’s had even known who she was, barely. No one remembers Shelly.
A slow inhale was taken, gripping her emotions tightly and yanking them back, to collect herself. As much as can be done. but now, Shaska could not make eye contact. “I did yes. I made sure Shelly Jonez lived somewhat, but that duty was more tied tightly with her protector, Grim. Rather, Reaper now. and some of the others. I… Remember those years very well.” Her eyes glanced towards one fore arm, at the green glowing contents shown through just a small section, then away towards the wall.
“… She died, a long time ago.” That individual was buried in the sands of time. No longer the same person.
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
Hey Dr Cain, do you still worry for your creations? Do you wish you could visit them like this?
The ghost paused, thinking things over once again, trying to find the right words, "I... do miss them, yes. Some of them. I did rather enjoy making a few who chose their own purpose- There was one who became a candy maker. Another who trained to become a dancer, another who learned to cook the most exquisite meals... Some even went into the archaeology field, ha!
"... but no. I have brought them their lives, yes. But I have also brought them their suffering. Their fears and anxieties, worries that they will become the next Maverick, the next target... I do not have the words to properly apologize for that."
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
psst hey, wily senior, what if i told you that your suspicions are sort of right, that person you are haunting is not truly a robot master
Wily made sure this gray being wasn't near the others, "Believe me, I have my suspicions. A bot suddenly being in a new body doesn't tend to cause a full blown error meltdown that results in them laying on the floor trying to process readouts. Among other things I've noticed..."
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
{to the anons who've sent in asks that haven't been answered yet! I did see them, I will respond! I just don't have the spoons tonight ^^;}
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
Okay bet, BET! Watch them HUG SO GOOD!
"I believe he's ignoring you lot now," Cain is watching Wily intentionally float into the furthest corner he possibly can without floating through the wall, "I'm sure eventually he'll get over this, but Thomas knows him better than I do."
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
500 zenny Zero ends up kissing X in this drunken state.
Wily glared at the anon, and glared hard. If looks from a dead man could kill...
"FIRST of all... You insolent little being. I don't know what Zenny is," a second glare directed at Cain's ghost stopped the other from answering, "Secondly, and this is very important. I. AM. DEAD. WHAT USE DO I HAVE FOR ANYTHING INVOLVING GAMBLING WHEN I CANNOT SPEND ANY EARNINGS???"
He huffed, bringing his non-existent heart rate back down, "Thirdly. I can most definitely no longer control Zero. As much as knowing he and Light's creation are... close..." It was more the fact that his greatest creation, meant to destroy X, was instead cuddling the Blue Bombing sequel, "I can't do anything about it. So I'll have to accept it." He grit his teeth before floating off.
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
The two looked at each other, confused, over her "useful for you" comment. But shrugged it off as her thinking out loud.
"Ah, a jack of all trades sort of bot. Fascinating," Cain nodded, "Had I known you were around before my... well, demise, I might have asked politely to look at your schematics! The things I could have learned from that..."
"You mention being their first... Did you ever help with their daughter's medicine? Oh, Shelly was such a sweet girl, I'm sure she would have benefitted from a companion like you!" Dr Light smiled, remembering the young Jonez girl he'd known, "She was so bright, too. Understood mine and Albert's work at a young age."
“Yes, I would imagine our ways of programming tended to clash…” He slowly floated around her, watching and listening, “Oh, I’m certain your readouts could help with that. Some quick calculations, some minor tests… Cain, do you know how strong the old Jonez bots used to be?”
“Varied,” Cain had been thinking everything over quietly, and now joined the two in studying Shaska, “Depending on the tasks they were meant to perform. If I may be so bold, do you recall your original purpose?” He knew some of his ancestors had made rescue technology, things capable of finding signs of life in any disaster.
“Clashing was an understatement, but some of it still works together.” Eyes darted back and forth between these ghosts. Making sure to be careful with her words, or how she moved. Her systems were picking up sharply well the specific kinds of electromagnetic fields they were giving off. It was sure as hell strange, and uncontrolled. Hmm… That explained the glitches and shorting out things… Oh- Suddenly Shaska understood. the exact types of insulation needed, the energy level outputs, how to have things resistant too them around her, or even contain- Fake bodies were being designed within her third processor now. Rapidly sending every blue print idea back too her main computer wirelessly. “Hm… Interesting… That should be useful for you…”
Her focus returned onto Cain then. Course he would know, being their descendant. And a smirk began to cross her features. He was absolutely correct, some of them were meant for that. “Correct on that front, Doctor Cain. However, I am DJN-000, their first. And I was introduced with brand new technology for just that, rescuing. But as well as delving deep under water, with pressure, close to massive heat sources, survive frigid temperatures, manage diving deep into dangerous ruins much like Pharaoh man was. But I also have been equipped with defensiven capabilities, meant to protect my self and others, from mechanical traps, ancient weaponry, dangerous humans, and so on. I’m designed as a sort of swiss army knife of talents. Combined with my natural instinct to build, repair, help. Always-” Not raised, do NOT use the word raised, “-programmed for it.”
“In the end, I was not meant for any one specific thing. And was constantly augmented. The other Jonez Bots were meant to be masters of their craft, and often helped me.”
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
"Yes, I would imagine our ways of programming tended to clash..." He slowly floated around her, watching and listening, "Oh, I'm certain your readouts could help with that. Some quick calculations, some minor tests... Cain, do you know how strong the old Jonez bots used to be?"
"Varied," Cain had been thinking everything over quietly, and now joined the two in studying Shaska, "Depending on the tasks they were meant to perform. If I may be so bold, do you recall your original purpose?" He knew some of his ancestors had made rescue technology, things capable of finding signs of life in any disaster.
Wily squinted at her, “… fine.” He wanted to point out that she’d likely been using Jonez tech for repairing the Robot she’d already revived, that these gray beings wielded a ridiculous amount of power, that she sounded very… cautious with how she’d just worded her defense. But that caution told him there was something more to learn.
“Just don’t break yourself while you’re a Robot Master. None of us can easily fix you right now.” He’d keep a closer eye on her from now on.
“It is fascinating… Tell me, how do the technologies differ?” Light floated over now, looking her over with curiosity in his transparent eyes, “Are there less or more detailed code readouts? And how do the security protocols merge together? Oh- and your-” Well, at least he wasn’t accusing her of anything.
Hm. At least he wasn’t pressing further. That was a win for now. However that look in Albert Wily’s eye was something that spoke volumes. He wouldn’t let this go or drop, even after these shenanigans. At least she had time too work now, for the moment. Dedicating two of her processors too various tasks, full power for them entirely. Only one was really needed for vocal conversation at the moment. Simple. “I’ll be fine. If all else fails, I’ll work on my self, so long as I function.” Wouldn’t be the first time.’
Her head turned towards Light then, leaned back slightly in mild surprise. Well, shit, at least it was conversation… and so many questions at once. Now she understood by the other Jonez would have conversations for hours with this man. “Hm. Well, the two kinds from yourself and wily, conflict in some ways. Specifically, the coding styles conflict, but the Jonez codes bridge them both. But the physical similarities are near flawless in how they merge together. It’s frightening the power that brings, I’m not even sure of my own strength or capability right now.” Who knows what kind of shit could happen.
One arm held up, looking it over and the armor shimmering. “Hm… No buster installed still, odd. The readouts I am seeing come in three sets at once, but each one as rapid as the last one. she began to talk about the details of those while examining some of her self. Realizing just how dangerous she really is physically. Maybe it’s a good thing she hadn’t gone out.
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
Wily squinted at her, "... fine." He wanted to point out that she'd likely been using Jonez tech for repairing the Robot she'd already revived, that these gray beings wielded a ridiculous amount of power, that she sounded very... cautious with how she'd just worded her defense. But that caution told him there was something more to learn.
"Just don't break yourself while you're a Robot Master. None of us can easily fix you right now." He'd keep a closer eye on her from now on.
"It is fascinating... Tell me, how do the technologies differ?" Light floated over now, looking her over with curiosity in his transparent eyes, "Are there less or more detailed code readouts? And how do the security protocols merge together? Oh- and your-" Well, at least he wasn't accusing her of anything.
“Mmhmm, and that’s why you mentioned the readouts being too much? Too many new diagnostics, I suppose?” He crossed his arms, not buying it yet, “Or is it some melding of Jonez and… gray being technology? Given what they can do I’d expect their technology to meld with just about anything.”
“Jonez specific technology was said to be based on an ancient civilization…” Cain pointed out. And he would know, “Maybe something those odd beings haven’t come across before..?”
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Wily always did keep prying, even when he shouldn’t. At least the others were being more polite… But this was also partially why Shaska has been able to keep her secret for so god damn long. No prying too deeply. Shaska’s eyebrow twitched mildly, her expression unamused. Armor worn and being adjusted now, one arm slowly flexing, and hands wiggling. “You’d be surprised what kind of technology can’t meld so easily with others. Actually, you should be very damn well aware of that fact, seeing as you’ve worked with Stardroid technology before…” She knew real fucking well that fact.
Eyes flicked over towards Cain as he spoke up, giving a firm nod. “Exactly.” Good, she could work with this. And it was entirely possible. “The Jonez were obsessed with history, sciences of all kinds, and the ancient technology that they had been found was Atlantis in origin. That is incredibly different than other Robotics, and modern Reploids. So now… I’m a mix of Light’s and Wily’s Robot Master designs, and Jonez technology. I am not used too it, but rapidly adjusting.”
There was… so much room in her head now. Multiple processors, quintupled brainpower and capacity alone, the signals she could pick up on. All scans that were in her helmet, now in her naked eye, and so much more. She was seeing, feeling, hearing- everything at once. Her body calibrations finished now, feeling the weight adjustments. Yes… Yes, she could use this. The work she could do with this for a couple hours! And the way she could hack the security with just a thought wirelessly, seeing it all from here- oh she’d be tightening those fire walls. They were already ridiculous, but now it could be braced harder, better, from the inside out. What else could she get into…
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
"Mmhmm, and that's why you mentioned the readouts being too much? Too many new diagnostics, I suppose?" He crossed his arms, not buying it yet, "Or is it some melding of Jonez and... gray being technology? Given what they can do I'd expect their technology to meld with just about anything."
"Jonez specific technology was said to be based on an ancient civilization..." Cain pointed out. And he would know, "Maybe something those odd beings haven't come across before..?"
Wily is now looking over Shaska, curious, while Light and Cain seemed concerned and further back, "You know, for someone who's supposed to be a robot and used to this, you're suddenly very clumsy..." (ghosts-long-gone >:3c)
Oh. Fuck.
Oh fuck!
The ghosts, of those long gone, who have been for a few years now believing her to be some sort of machine. Their own fault for missing details, but that was something she wanted to keep from them. So, Shaska thought fast and scowled, pushing herself into a full stand and brushing herself off nonchalantly, legs wider and planted now to accommodate for balance and weight. Giving the ghost of Dr. Wily a look.
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"It's fine! I'm just scrambled into different parts than my normal calibration had been set too. I'm working on making adjustments internally now. My weight was always lighter, and materials different. At least most of the technology that got changed out is recognizable for me." That sounded reasonable, entirely possible really. Not the first time a Robot Master could be disoriented.
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
Given he didn't expect a serious answer, her internal debate moment gave him a bit of a pause. Then she gave her answer and the good doctor's phantom had to pause himself. Before promptly laughing with a hand over his forehead, "Ah! The kind of humor is expect from a bot made by the Jonez!" He almost moved to give her a slap on the shoulder but stopped himself. Didn't want to accidentally short anything out on her.
"Oh... I should really find a way to show Cain some of those old jokes and videos... Perhaps when we figure out a radio or some screen we can use without causing errors and malfunctions."
"So then," Dr Light's ghost is "very seriously" staring Shaska down, "When /were/ you built?" He's very much not expecting a serious answer. (ghosts-long-gone)
... There was a moment where one could cut the tension with a knife. Shaska locking up as her gaze flicked over towards the ghost floating not very far off. Doctor Light would be the one to ask. He was friends with Robert Jonez and Moira Jonez back in the day, and she had said her designation was 'DJN-000' which was not a lie, by technicality... Not the whole truth at the same time. He could assume anything at this point.
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So, she slowly took a deep inhale, arms crossing. Debating on a proper answer. Does she be honest? Serious? Or go for the meme he was clearly hoping for? ... May as well.
"I was built between the times of 'fucking around' and 'finding out'."
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ghosts-long-gone · 2 years
The ocean is a soup
Dr Cain's ghost just gives a puzzled look, "No... No, the ocean is... the ocean? It's not a soup, why would you call it a soup?"
Wily was nodding, however, "No, no... It has meat with fish, shellfish, aquatic mammals and reptiles... There's seasonings with the obvious salt and any herbs that naturally grow along certain coastlines..."
Dr Light gave Wily a horrified glare, "Thomas, you are not actually saying you consider the ocean to be a soup, are you?!"
"I'm merely stating this... unnamed program is technically correct! It has the qualifications to be a soup, therefore they're not wrong!"
"No one purposely drinks the ocean," Cain groaned, "It is not a soup."
Well, the anon has bought Shaska a bit of quiet while these three debate back and forth...
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