ghosttides · 1 year
i don't remember if i ever officially put something here but someone just reminded me- so hi, i changed blogs several months ago! if we used to be mutuals here feel free to dm
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ghosttides · 2 years
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bugs are simply tiny beasts who also deserve hugs so I made this drawing to honor them
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ghosttides · 2 years
Sometimes people need their space. They’re not cutting you off, they just need time to breathe and take care of themselves. They need some space to work on themselves. That has nothing to do with you.
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ghosttides · 2 years
it’s an unspoken thing between all of us- the grief of all the friends you never got to say goodbye to. like, the friends youd make in science class because the teacher sat you next to one another, the friends from your childhood who you mightve only spoken to in school, but whose existence sunk its teeth into you and left a permanent mark. even the ones you were closest to, the ones you called best friend for a time, somewhere along the way you parted without even noticing it. somewhere along the way, you played outside for the last time, shared food for the last time, stayed up talking for the last time, said i love you for the last time. when was the last time? we didnt decide to stop being friends. we didnt even say goodbye. but ‘see you next week’ turned into ‘it’s been a long time’, and now, if you saw each other in the street, you might pretend that you didnt. you might not even recognise them. they might not even recognise you. you can’t remember the shape of their nose. and what about the connections you made online when you were a child, playing games that meant so little with nameless friends that meant so much? or when you were a bit older, talking to strangers but loving them like family? here, raise a glass to the friends who disappeared one day, who deactivated, who stopped messaging you back, because online friends can bring you just as much joy as real life ones, too. when the adults told you dont talk to strangers, they didnt consider the good morning! :) texts, the have you eaten today? texts, the trying to hold in your laughter at 3am texts, the i wish timezones and continents and countries didnt exist so i could hug you texts, the little pieces of a persons heart texts, blue light flooding across the world just to say i love you. sleep well. i love you. i love you. the grief comes in waves. it’s slow, and soft, and steady- you dont notice it pooling around your ankles at first, you dont want to- but it comes. childhood is where the grief begins. it’s reared like a well-loved pet, a hungry mouth under the tablecloth. a passing thought from time to time, when you remember the girl you befriended a long long time ago, and when you wonder where she went. it doesn’t feel like much at first. it doesn’t break you yet. it’s not like real grief, not like anyone died, but you had something in your hand and now it’s empty and you can’t remember where you put it. it’s like that, except the thing in your hand was a person who loved you, once. a person whose face you couldn’t draw if the world got on its knees and begged you. when you dont get to say goodbye to someone, your memory becomes a funeral, every conversation you ever shared with them a eulogy. because this is how the story goes. i had a friend. this is not a poem. i had a friend.
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ghosttides · 2 years
I like how from the perspective of a follower someone getting their life together to the point that they no longer post is exactly indistinguishable from them getting killed by a gas explosion
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ghosttides · 2 years
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ghosttides · 2 years
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You can grab this print at my store ♡ (There are more colors!) Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook
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ghosttides · 2 years
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Wake up babe new fish dropped
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ghosttides · 2 years
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ghosttides · 2 years
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A Rainbow of Coral 🪸
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ghosttides · 2 years
ghost hunting team that keep a nonbeliever named steve around as an emergency supernatural suppressant
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ghosttides · 2 years
Why don’t I hear more about undead beings coming back to warn people? It’s always zombies wanting to drag people down to join them in the grave, ghosts seeking vengeance, spirits trying to chase people out of their domains - but if you died horribly and were left rattling around some spooky mansion for eternity, wouldn’t you want to stop people from blundering into the same death you had?
You feel a cold breath on your neck as you get in the car. It won’t leave until you fasten your seatbelt. An unseen force catches your foot as you pass the fourth step every time you walk up the stairs. During a renovation, you find out the wood is rotten. You can never find a pack of cigarettes - even ones guests bring disappear from their pockets and are found weeks later on the lawn, empty. Your daughter is giggling and laughing at something unseen, chasing after it away from the cliffside on your family hike. You don’t know why, but you feel compelled to leave a spare hairband and some stickers on a picnic table as you leave the park. Tribute? A thank you? The items are gone by next time you visit, and you swear a happy child’s hum follows you home on the breeze.
…More preventative hauntings. It just makes sense.
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ghosttides · 2 years
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Just remembering the time @confusinglyamusingly took me to a disused former nuclear bunker in Essex for my birthday and we saw the most ominous fucking sign I’ve ever seen in my life
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ghosttides · 2 years
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Reposting these three together because three is a good number. And i like how they look in a set :)
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ghosttides · 2 years
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ghosttides · 2 years
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ghosttides · 2 years
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