ghosttprincess · 6 years
addendum: don’t tear other characters down to boost your ship. tlj already took a collective shit on finn, poe, AND rose. do better, guys. down with love triangles.
yes, poe and rey will spark a relationship in episode IX
but here is how it ultimately relates and motivates reylo:
poe is a lovable dude but he is not meant for rey. he will fall for rey (i mean seriously. the look of awe on his face when she lifted those rocks was more than just holy fuck she is a jedi and when he meets her for the first time, the look on his face exposes his immediate desire.) and i think rey will gain admiration for him in return, but nothing, not even close, to the burning all consuming love she has for ben solo
this little fling thing she will create with poe will piss ben off to no end. they are still connected, regardless of what snoke did or claimed to do, and im betting his reaction to her being with poe might be (will be) grounds for war. we already saw how pissed ben got when finn got his back sliced in the forrest for showing just friendly affection towards rey, let alone romantic
this thing with poe will show rey what she wants. yes, poe is a great guy, but he isn’t what she needs. he doesn’t challenge her. he doesn’t have the connection with her that she has with ben solo. he is just not enough.
this thing with poe, it will show kylo that he doesn’t just want rey, but that he needs her. he needs her more than he needs his power. he needs her more than he needs his dark desires. he needs her more than anything, and i’ll bet my foot he’ll do anything to get her.
rey and ben have history. they have a fucking bond. poe won’t shake that but he will be the spark that will light the fire that will bring ben and Rey together, for good this time.
disney is not dumb. they know that a love triangle sells and that people will eat that shit right up. 
rough draft first thoughts after seeing the last jedi
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ghosttprincess · 6 years
tacking onto this: this is going to show up in the damerey tag. at least misspell it, dude. don’t be like that. respect other shippers, my dude. be decent. do better.
yes, poe and rey will spark a relationship in episode IX
but here is how it ultimately relates and motivates reylo:
poe is a lovable dude but he is not meant for rey. he will fall for rey (i mean seriously. the look of awe on his face when she lifted those rocks was more than just holy fuck she is a jedi and when he meets her for the first time, the look on his face exposes his immediate desire.) and i think rey will gain admiration for him in return, but nothing, not even close, to the burning all consuming love she has for ben solo
this little fling thing she will create with poe will piss ben off to no end. they are still connected, regardless of what snoke did or claimed to do, and im betting his reaction to her being with poe might be (will be) grounds for war. we already saw how pissed ben got when finn got his back sliced in the forrest for showing just friendly affection towards rey, let alone romantic
this thing with poe will show rey what she wants. yes, poe is a great guy, but he isn’t what she needs. he doesn’t challenge her. he doesn’t have the connection with her that she has with ben solo. he is just not enough.
this thing with poe, it will show kylo that he doesn’t just want rey, but that he needs her. he needs her more than he needs his power. he needs her more than he needs his dark desires. he needs her more than anything, and i’ll bet my foot he’ll do anything to get her.
rey and ben have history. they have a fucking bond. poe won’t shake that but he will be the spark that will light the fire that will bring ben and Rey together, for good this time.
disney is not dumb. they know that a love triangle sells and that people will eat that shit right up. 
rough draft first thoughts after seeing the last jedi
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ghosttprincess · 7 years
a moment of silence, reylo tumblr, for all of the reylos named anne.
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ghosttprincess · 7 years
FDSAEKJDGBHGFTSKFGHJFKJFDS IM SCREAMING!!!!! i log in after 500000 years and losing my password to see this!!!!!! im Sob!!! yes, i am continuing it!!! i’m stuck on this One Chapter but!!!! klfshgkjfgljkldfh have no fear i am, in fact, doing the Thing.
DOES ANYONE IN THE REYLO COMMUNITY (is it fam? do i call you guys reylo fam???) KNOW IF @ghosttprincess IS CONTINUING HER REYLO/FALLEN ANGELS FIC? The one with the angel nests??!
Because, I loved that fic, but don’t know if I should be bothering her directly! ^-^
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ghosttprincess · 7 years
Today I’m here to talk about something you’re probably not aware of. You’ve probably seen my Reylo drawings , some star wars and TMNT drawings and maybe also some of my cosplay stuff but what you don’t know is that the person behind these drawings is ill. Like really ill.
Indeed I have had health issues since I was a little girl and recently ( like 6 years ago) everything got worse. I got hospitalized multiple times , took a lot a pills and went trought many therapies, and I got a bit better. Then, 8 month ago my life stopped all of a sudden. My body just crumbled down. I’m now stuck at home all day, mostly in bed , I haven’t been able to draw anything for a month now . My body is a prison of pain, fever, fatigue and diziness.
8 month ago I have been diagnosed with Lyme disease stage 3. I cried a lot because I finally know what has been making my life a living hell for so long.
I was so full of life and smiles before. I’m now a zombie. I see life going on outside , and I’m stuck with all these envies in my head, these art projects, costumes, travels…. but my body doesn’t want to obey me and days are all the sames. In my country, in France , Lyme disease stage 3 is not recognized, the disease doesn’t exists they say, so we don’t have official protocol for it. The french care system doesn’t cover any pill, therapy, consultation, that is linked to lyme disease. I have to pay for everything and I can’t even work. I’m not going any better.
To say the truth, it looks like I’m losing the fight. I have yet a hope.
There is a clinic in Germany where they take Lyme people in charge and actually cure them . The problem is that the cost of the stay over there is way beyond my meager possessions. That is why today I come to you to ask for your help A dear friend of mine launched a go fund me action, for me. To give me the chance to go in Germany and maybe, get my life back. If you can’t or don’t want to help me with money, maybe could you share the link ? I would be so grateful you do.
I hope my english was okay enough to be understood. I wish I could be able to draw some more star wars related stuff , I miss sharing things with the communauty but I can’t anymore.
Please , you, who read me, people of Tumblr, you are my only hope.
Thank you so much.
the fundraising link. https://www.leetchi.com/c/solidarite-de-laurence-clef-atelier-la-petite-feuille
my Facebook page :https://www.facebook.com/clefcosplay/
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ghosttprincess · 7 years
“it costs you 0 credits to not be a RAGING DICK”
same, buddy. same.
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hey so i stopped being lazy and scanned my stuff! enjoy this collection of kylo faces and a bonus matt!
reblog, don’t repost! <3
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ghosttprincess · 7 years
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hey so i stopped being lazy and scanned my stuff! enjoy this collection of kylo faces and a bonus matt!
reblog, don’t repost! <3
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ghosttprincess · 7 years
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anyways have some face practice ft. problematic trash son kylo ren ( and a bonus matt ! )
please reblog, don’t repost!
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ghosttprincess · 7 years
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⭐️✨⭐️✨A big thanks for all the 2016 followers! ✨⭐️✨⭐️
For this occasion i will be holding a simple giveaway were the winner gets to well ask to draw a color illustration per their request! The request can range to almost anything (both sfw/nsfw) as long its a topic i am not uncomfortable with!
The winner will be selected via the list randomizer on random.org. I will contact the winner via chat first!
Giveaway ends on 10th May @ 23:00 CET+1 !
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ghosttprincess · 7 years
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⭐️✨⭐️✨A big thanks for all the 2016 followers! ✨⭐️✨⭐️
For this occasion i will be holding a simple giveaway were the winner gets to well ask to draw a color illustration per their request! The request can range to almost anything (both sfw/nsfw) as long its a topic i am not uncomfortable with!
The winner will be selected via the list randomizer on random.org. I will contact the winner via chat first!
Giveaway ends on 10th May @ 23:00 CET+1 !
444 notes · View notes
ghosttprincess · 7 years
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⭐️✨⭐️✨A big thanks for all the 2016 followers! ✨⭐️✨⭐️
For this occasion i will be holding a simple giveaway were the winner gets to well ask to draw a color illustration per their request! The request can range to almost anything (both sfw/nsfw) as long its a topic i am not uncomfortable with!
The winner will be selected via the list randomizer on random.org. I will contact the winner via chat first!
Giveaway ends on 10th May @ 23:00 CET+1 !
444 notes · View notes
ghosttprincess · 7 years
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⭐️✨⭐️✨A big thanks for all the 2016 followers! ✨⭐️✨⭐️
For this occasion i will be holding a simple giveaway were the winner gets to well ask to draw a color illustration per their request! The request can range to almost anything (both sfw/nsfw) as long its a topic i am not uncomfortable with!
The winner will be selected via the list randomizer on random.org. I will contact the winner via chat first!
Giveaway ends on 10th May @ 23:00 CET+1 !
444 notes · View notes
ghosttprincess · 7 years
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⭐️✨⭐️✨A big thanks for all the 2016 followers! ✨⭐️✨⭐️
For this occasion i will be holding a simple giveaway were the winner gets to well ask to draw a color illustration per their request! The request can range to almost anything (both sfw/nsfw) as long its a topic i am not uncomfortable with!
The winner will be selected via the list randomizer on random.org. I will contact the winner via chat first!
Giveaway ends on 10th May @ 23:00 CET+1 !
444 notes · View notes
ghosttprincess · 7 years
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⭐️✨⭐️✨A big thanks for all the 2016 followers! ✨⭐️✨⭐️
For this occasion i will be holding a simple giveaway were the winner gets to well ask to draw a color illustration per their request! The request can range to almost anything (both sfw/nsfw) as long its a topic i am not uncomfortable with!
The winner will be selected via the list randomizer on random.org. I will contact the winner via chat first!
Giveaway ends on 10th May @ 23:00 CET+1 !
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ghosttprincess · 7 years
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⭐️✨⭐️✨A big thanks for all the 2016 followers! ✨⭐️✨⭐️
For this occasion i will be holding a simple giveaway were the winner gets to well ask to draw a color illustration per their request! The request can range to almost anything (both sfw/nsfw) as long its a topic i am not uncomfortable with!
The winner will be selected via the list randomizer on random.org. I will contact the winner via chat first!
Giveaway ends on 10th May @ 23:00 CET+1 !
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ghosttprincess · 7 years
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⭐️✨⭐️✨A big thanks for all the 2016 followers! ✨⭐️✨⭐️
For this occasion i will be holding a simple giveaway were the winner gets to well ask to draw a color illustration per their request! The request can range to almost anything (both sfw/nsfw) as long its a topic i am not uncomfortable with!
The winner will be selected via the list randomizer on random.org. I will contact the winner via chat first!
Giveaway ends on 10th May @ 23:00 CET+1 !
444 notes · View notes
ghosttprincess · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
⭐️✨⭐️✨A big thanks for all the 2016 followers! ✨⭐️✨⭐️
For this occasion i will be holding a simple giveaway were the winner gets to well ask to draw a color illustration per their request! The request can range to almost anything (both sfw/nsfw) as long its a topic i am not uncomfortable with!
The winner will be selected via the list randomizer on random.org. I will contact the winner via chat first!
Giveaway ends on 10th May @ 23:00 CET+1 !
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