ghoulishmusings-blog · 3 years
Rules/general info: please read before following/interacting:
I’m 29 years old and go by ivy
I’ve been writing for over 10 years and been writing on tumblr for 11 years
Dash/discord roleplayer
Multimuse, multiverse, multiplot
I don’t have a muse page, muses will be created per plot
I’m without a computer right now so I’m stuck using my iPad, hence no theme
Discord is available upon request
You must be 21+ to follow/write with me, any younger makes me uncomfortable
No godmodding or stealing of characters or ideas
Smut, gore and taboo plots are welcome and will be present
Don’t be afraid to message me plot ideas or just to say hi!
I love writing and it’s a hobby, not a full time job-I already have one of those. I’m also married to the love of my life and will take time away to be with him. Writing is fun but my real life and family come first
I work an odd shift so my hours might be weird and activity spotty, don’t hound me for replies please
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