ghulehgurl · 4 years
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874 notes · View notes
ghulehgurl · 4 years
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an extra i forgot about! (pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6)
643 notes · View notes
ghulehgurl · 4 years
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Ghoul loving time! The Ultimate Tour Named Death
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ghulehgurl · 4 years
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What can I say except
962 notes · View notes
ghulehgurl · 4 years
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New York 2019 - Concert Crap
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ghulehgurl · 4 years
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Kyon Kyon 😍
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ghulehgurl · 4 years
do not tease mario
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ghulehgurl · 4 years
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fucking superb you funky little bisexual (x)
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ghulehgurl · 4 years
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He stumbled back to his quarters, the afterglow of the ritual rapidly fading. He was sweaty. Sore. He was always sweaty and sore—why did he think it would be any different this time around?
He brought the wash cloth up to his face, and paused. After a moment of hesitation, he started carefully wiping away the unfamiliar parts of the skull paint.
There he was, underneath it all, looking back at himself from the mirror. The same as he had always been.
“Not Papa,” he sighed to himself. “Cardinal.” 
An accidental companion series to my last Papa IV piece—look, that initial rush of Post-Coronation BDE Confidence can only last for so long.
This started out as that one painting at the end, and then just… kept going! I am WEAK and full of feelings.
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ghulehgurl · 4 years
The Ghost Project was high on adrenaline after one of the best rituals of their tour. For some of them, it had been the best ritual of their career. After two years of touring, Cardinal Copia, the leader of The Project, had been anointed to Papa Emeritus IV. The whole event had gone off without a hitch -  the band was on fire, the crowd was on fire, and the stage crew even felt it behind the scenes.
After the ritual, everyone ran to the bus to dump their belongings and change clothes. They all planned to go out on the town to celebrate their new Papa. The ghouls chatted as they used glamour spells to conceal their horns, tails, and other ghoulish attributes. When they were first summoned from Hell, the ghouls were given the chance to choose the human attributes they would display while under their glamour spell. While their heights and weights stayed the same as their demon forms, each Ghoul got to choose the hair, eyes, and face shape they would display in their human forms. They made sure the glamour they chose was very good looking by human standards.
The aroma of strong cologne and minty toothpaste filled the air on the bus as everyone rushed to get ready. After cleaning himself up, the new Papa emerged from his bedroom at the back of the bus and rejoined his band. He had washed the skull paint from his face, but kept his tight black suit on. They cheered and clapped for their leader and he took a bow, hamming it up. "Let's go, my ghouls!" he said with a grin.
While everyone was getting ready, the bus had moved to a location away from the fans. The group made their way off the bus and wandered down the street to find a bar. They came across a decent-looking place with live music, so the group made their way inside. Papa led them to a dark booth in the corner. Many of them winked at the curious women and men as they passed; it was no secret that they each were hoping to hook up with someone by the end of the night.
Dew played lead guitar in the band, so naturally, he was used to a lot of attention. Although he was the smallest of the ghouls, his size didn’t seem to deter anyone. It wasn’t long before he was receiving wet kisses and experiencing roaming hands from several of the bar-goers.
Rain’s usual spot was in the back of center stage, playing his black and white bass. Aether, the rhythm guitarist, and Dew stayed up front, situated on opposite sides of the stage. During the rituals, they all had their individual parts to play, but the trio would occasionally come together at center stage and play next to each other. Dew would often sidle up to the bassist and nuzzle his neck.
Rain was no stranger to Dew’s affections on stage, but as he sat in the bar, he couldn’t help but wonder if tonight had been different. Each time the guitarist had approached Rain on stage, he locked his menacing eyes on the bassist. The sultry looks caused heat to shoot straight to Rain’s cock.
The bassist was a very sweet ghoul and tended to be on the shy side. He normally stayed in the back and interacted with the crowd as little as possible. As far as personalities went, he was the complete opposite of Dew.
The guitarist had earned the nickname Gremlin due to his aggressive behavior. He was known to violently throw guitar picks at the crowd and at Aether. He would often seductively lick his hands, picks, and guitar just to get a rise out of the crowd. Dew stomped around the stage as if he owned it. He was pure sex appeal.
Tonight, Dew had been on a rampage. He wanted Rain - badly. The guitarist was especially friendly, following Rain around the stage, trying to touch and snuggle him as often as possible. Sometimes he just stood next to the slight ghoul, hoping Rain would catch on, but the evening was now almost over and Dew still hadn’t received any reciprocation from the bassist.
The noise coming from the group got louder and louder as the amount of alcohol they consumed increased. Several humans had joined them at the table, squeezing themselves between the ghouls. There were grabby hands and messy kisses all around.
Papa had a very lovely woman sitting in his lap. Dew could see him speaking seductively into her ear while running his knuckles across her cheek - the signature move of the lead singer. Dew knew that one by one, following Papa’s lead, everyone would eventually start leaving the bar to scurry off with their chosen playmate for the evening.
Dew hadn’t been able to take his eyes off the beautiful ghoul sitting across from him all night. Rain was slight in size, but still larger than the guitarist. During the ritual, Dew hadn’t been able to keep his distance from the bassist. It pained him to be so far apart from him now.
The small ghoul had been very obviously distracted most of the evening. By the end of the night, Dew’s adoring humans had given up vying for his attention and migrated to the other ghouls in hopes of going home with one of them instead.
Rain kept glancing across the table at Dew, absent-mindedly spinning his beer bottle. The guitarist's eyes were on him, never wavering. Rain tried to insert himself into the others’ conversations, but he couldn’t seem to distract himself from the gremlin's stare. By the end of the night, their gazes had locked on each other.
Dew stared at the cute blush on Rain’s cheeks and the way he nervously fiddled with whatever was in front of him. Fuck, that ghoul is endearing, Dew thought. He couldn’t wait to taste his mouth - if the bassist would let him. Dew hadn’t gotten that far yet.
Aether, who had been watching the exchange between the two ghouls, finally said, “Would you guys stop eye fucking and get a room already?!” The rest of the table burst into laughter at Rain and Dew’s expense. The guitarist noticed the bassist’s shoulders drop and thought to himself that this was his moment.
“Fuck you guys!” Dew spat, sliding out of the booth and holding his hand out to Rain. “C’mon Rainy, let’s leave these assholes here and find something else to do.” The bassist slowly took Dew’s calloused hand and stood up.
Swiss, the backup guitarist, started cat calling the smaller ghouls as they left the table. The others joined in the harassment, whistling and clapping their hands loudly. Dew rolled his eyes and gave his bandmates the finger as they walked out. He didn’t know why they were making such a big deal out of things; most everyone in the band hadn’t already fucked each other at some point.
Once outside, Dew looked over at Rain, who was staring down at his own feet. The guitarist stopped and pulled the bassist to the side, putting his finger under the slight ghoul’s chin and lifting it to meet his gaze. “Hey, don’t let them bother you,” he said. “They're just jealous that they aren’t getting attention from a beautiful ghoul like you.”
Rain looked shocked. “You think I’m beautiful? Fuck, Dew.” He stared at the guitarist for a moment, unsure of what else to say.
Dew reached up and rubbed his thumb across the bassist's pouty bottom lip. “I always have, Rain,” he said quietly. “I’ve just been too nervous to tell you about it.” A couple years worth of yearning for the ghoul had finally culminated in this moment. Dew suddenly realized how mushy he sounded, so he coughed and patted the other ghoul’s shoulder in an attempt to keep his focus.
The two started walking down the street without a specific destination in mind. Dew looked at his watch and realized how late it had become. At this hour, there probably wasn't much else they could go do. Hearing some commotion behind them, the duo look back to see the rest of their bandmates leaving with someone, headed off in several different directions.
The smaller ghoul nudged Rain. "Looks like they won't be making it back anytime soon. Do you wanna go watch a movie on the bus?" The bassist nodded in approval. The pair headed back toward the bus, making a quick stop at a gas station to get some snacks to share.
As soon as the ghouls reboard the bus, they drop their glamour spells. The ghouls stretch their tails and scratch their horns as they change into their pajamas. Rain watches as Dew lets down his long hair, thinking about running his hands through the blonde locks. The small ghoul gives the bassist a lopsided grin. Rain looks away quickly and focuses on putting his dirty clothes into his bag.
The bus’s common area isn't very big. It contains a small TV tucked under a kitchenette cupboard with a shitty DVD player that only works some of the time. A bench style couch sits beneath a window opposite from the television. The seat is a tight fit for two average-sized adults, so it's usually only occupied by one person at a time. Rain and Dew, being smaller than average, both fit comfortably in the small space.
Dew grabbed a random movie from the small collection they kept on the bus and put it in the DVD player. He gave the machine a smack to get it to register the disc before joining Rain on the couch. Rain pressed play on the remote and the introduction music started. The sound that came from the tiny speakers was terrible; even at full volume, you had to really concentrate to make out the dialogue. Dew looked at the other ghoul and asked, "Can you hear it okay, Rainy?"
The bassist grinned. "You know I can't." They both chuckled and dug into their snacks.
Dew tried to tear into a bag of Twizzlers, but the wrapper wasn't cooperating. "Fucking. Thing. Won't. Open!" Suddenly the bag ripped apart and red candies went flying. They watched as the licorice fell onto the floor and into their laps. The guitarist got an idea and reached for a candy in the other ghoul’s lap. He grazed his knuckles across the crotch in Rain's loose pajama bottoms, teasing his cock beneath. The small ghoul gave his friend a wicked grin. "Oopsie..."
The bassist felt his cock twitch just a little from the light touch. Rain looked wide-eyed at Dew and thought to himself, He IS a little gremlin. The slight ghoul couldn't say he was too surprised that the other was hitting on him. After all, they were pretty much eye-fucking back at the bar. Rain blushed at the thought. Fucking Dew, he has no shame.
Dew watched the blush creep across Rain's face, and before he could stop himself, he put his hand on the bassist's cheek. "You're so fucking cute," he whispered. The slight ghoul's face deepened in color as he leaned into Dew’s touch, mumbling, "...thanks."
The guitarist didn't miss the silent cues Rain was giving. The small ghoul leaned toward the bassist, staring at his lips. Dew stopped mid way, silently begging him to meet in the middle. He needed to be sure Rain was into him. Into this. The last thing he wanted to do was make assumptions and scare the other ghoul away.
The bassist hesitated for a moment. He knew what Dew wanted, but was this what he wanted? Rain felt an internal conflict in the pit of his stomach, but finally decided to throw his reservations out the window. The slight ghoul leaned forward and pressed his lips against Dew’s. The smaller ghoul let out a quiet moan as he deepened their kiss. They slowly explored each other’s mouths for a while, their tongues dancing as they got a feel for each other.
His excitement building, Dew took the lead, pulling Rain into his lap so the bassist could straddle his thighs. Rain wrapped his arms around the gremlin's neck and Dew grasped the slight ghoul's hips, holding him close.
Dew pulled back and removed Rain's shirt, tossing it into the darkness of the common area. The guitarist hummed in approval as he ran his hands up and down the bassist's naked sides. The small ghoul moved to Rain's chest to lightly pinch a nipple, causing the bassist to let out a not-so-quiet moan.
"Oohh, so we like our nipples played with, do we?" Dew growled into Rain's ear as he pinched the other side. The bassist made a beautiful sound that confirmed the gremlin's suspicion.
The guitarist pulled his own shirt off and tossed it aside with the other. Dew took that moment to admire the bassist's bare skin. He had a small patch of hair in the middle of his chest, but the rest of his torso was bare. The small ghoul wanted to taste every inch of skin in front of him.
Rain realized the other had let go of him. Suddenly becoming self conscious, he covered himself with his arms. Dew looked into the bassist's eyes and murmured, “None of that. I was just thinking how sexy you look in my lap. There are so many things I've dreamt of doing to you. Will you let me do them?”
The bassist crashed his lips into Dew's, giving him a hard kiss. He wanted his lips more than anything else at this moment. Rain sat back onto the small ghoul's knees to admire the rings Dew had through his nipples. In a flash of bravery, the slight ghoul bent down to pull a ring into his mouth, tugging and flicking with his tongue. As he did, the guitarist sucked air in through his teeth and let his head fall back. "Fuuuuck yesss," he hissed.
Dew's reaction boosted Rain’s confidence, so he splayed his hands over the guitarist's chest, pinching both nipples. He leaned in and placed gentle kisses along the small ghoul's collar bones up to his neck. The bassist stopped to nibble Dew's skin, leaving a trail of small pink marks as he made his way back to the ghoul’s red swollen lips.
Dew dragged his nails down the bassist’s back leaving red lines and goosebumps from his short claws. "Yesss, Rainy,” he moaned. “You're such a good boy.” Dew started rocking his hips up into the bassist's, causing their hard cocks to rub against each other. The friction felt good against the slight ghoul's dick, and a wet spot formed on his grey sweatpants.
Moans and the echoes of loud kisses began to fill the bus. They started to become more aggressive with each other, pulling hair, scratching skin, and grinding into each other violently. Soon Dew realized their position was restricting the contact he craved. “Switch places with me, baby,” he said, “but first get those pants off.”
Rain quickly complied, practically tearing his sweats off. "I like your eagerness, sweet boy," Dew cooed. The bassist moaned at his words as he sat down on the bench. The guitarist calling him a sweet boy had made him rock hard and he slowly thumbed over the drops of precum that had formed at the tip of his cock.
The guitarist removed his own pants, giving his cock a few tugs. The slight ghoul's attention was back on the gremlin as he fell to his knees and rubbed his hands up and down Rain's thighs. "You're my good boy,” Dew praised him. “I want to suck my good boy's cock. Can I do that, Rainy?" The bassist let out a breathy moan. "I need to hear you say it, sweetheart,” Dew continued. “Tell me what you want." Dew cooed as he nuzzled the bassist’s cock, rubbing his nose and cheek along the shaft.
Rain watched the gremlin for a moment as he moved before squeezing his eyes shut in pleasure. "Yes Dew, pleassee," he whined, softly thrusting his hips up to get more friction.
"Good boy." Dew moved Rain's hand away from the leaking, pulsing head and licked the precum that had gathered there.
"Oh fffuck, Dew. Please, more. I need more." Rain’s voice was filled with urgency. The bassist reached his hands to the back of Dew's head, claws pressing into his scalp. He wound the long locks into his fists, yanking lightly. Rain couldn't keep his eyes off the gremlin as he watched his cock disappear into his mouth.
The wet heat was both too much and not enough at the same time. It took almost everything he had not to thrust into the guitarist's mouth. Dew lifted off Rain’s dick with a pop, drool running down his chin "Sweet boy, if you want to fuck my face, just ask." he flashed a devilish smile at Rain, enjoying how flustered he was getting.
Rain whimpered, wanting to fuck Dew's throat so badly. He could imagine looking down at the gremlin's tear stained eyes and watching as he choked on his dick. "Fuck yes, please Daddy." Rain stilled at his own words, panic strewn across his face.
The gremlin grinned, thinking fuck, he's gonna make me cum right here and now. "Mmm, sweet boy,” he said, “come fuck daddy's face - and don't be gentle." Rain could barely get to his feet after hearing Dew's words, but he managed. He briefly worried that his dick was too thick to be rough. His fear vanished as he watched Dew take his whole cock into his mouth in one swift movement.
"Fuuuuck yessss!" Rain thrusted slowly at first, his patch of curls brushing against the other's nose. Dew looked straight up into the bassist’s eyes and pulled on Rain's hips to spur him on.
Dew's tongue was soft on the underside of Rain's shaft. He let his jaw go slack, preparing himself for the hammering he was about to receive. As soon as Rain increased the speed of his thrusts, the guitarist's cheeks hollowed, his sucks keeping in time with the other's movements.
The gremlin could feel his own cock slapping against his stomach, leaving a string of precum behind. He grabbed onto Rain's ass cheeks and dug his nails into the flesh, leaving tiny bruises. Rain didn't seem to care as he sputtered out obscenities and loud moans.
The bassist's cock was harder than it had ever been. He could feel it throbbing each time his dick hit Dew's throat. "Yesss daddy, please,” he begged. “Your mouth feels soooo good. Ohmyfuccckk..." Rain's shy demeanor had been completely erased in the ecstasy of it all.
Rain was amazed at the guitarist's lack of gag reflex. He watched as his cock disappeared repeatedly into the other ghoul's throat. Dew’s eyes watered and drool ran down his chin onto the bassist's balls, but he still managed to growl from the back of his throat each time he heard a 'yes, daddy' or 'please, daddy'.
Deciding he needed to be buried to the hilt in Rain's tight hole, Dew tapped the bassist’s thigh. Rain came back to earth and stopped thrusting. "Fuck, did I hurt you?" he asked.
Dew slowly removed the ghoul’s cock from his mouth. "No, sweet boy,” he said, “I just want you to cum while my dick's buried in your ass." He stared up at Rain, not breaking eye contact as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
The bassist moaned and helped the small ghoul to his feet. The guitarist pulled Rain into a ravenous kiss, wanting Rain to taste himself on his mouth. "See how sweet you taste? Daddy loves his good boy's cock in his mouth."
Dew grabbed Rain by the wrist and pulled him into the guitarist's bottom bunk. The bassist tilted his head, trying to find a comfortable position. "I don't think there's enough room in here," he said as he craned his neck. The small ghoul grinned and looked over his shoulder at Papa's private room at the back of the bus.
"I don't know, Dew. Papa would freak if we fucked in his room." It pained him to shoot the idea down; at this point, Rain's dick was so hard and throbbing he would probably let Dew fuck him on the roof of the bus if he asked.
"All the more reason to do it,” Dew cooed. “C'mon sweet boy - let’s live dangerously." He took Rain’s hand and dragged him to the back of the bus, shutting the privacy screen behind them.
Rain wasted no time and pushed Dew against the weak plywood wall, causing it to groan. The bassist covered the small ghoul's lips, face, and neck with hard, sloppy kisses. The guitarist pressed his hips against Rain's, waiting to feel the friction against his cock. Both ghouls breathed heavily and moaned loudly. The air reeked with the smell of sex. If anyone boarded the bus right then, they would be well aware of what was going on behind the closed door.
Rain pulled back for air and Dew took charge, shoving the bassist onto his back on Papa's bed. The gremlin crawled up Rain's body and straddled his chest. “Do you think you can take daddy's cock, sweet boy?” Dew asked. “Can you be a good boy and suck me off?" Dew stroked himself slowly, playing with the precum that had formed on the tip.
The bassist let out a deep, throaty moan. "Please, daddy,” he begged, “I want your cock in my mouth."
Dew reached down and gently stroked Rain's cheek "Such a good boy," he cooed. “Now open wide.” The gremlin scooted closer to the bassist's mouth and straddled his head. Using the wall in front of him as support, he nudged Rain's lips with his dripping cock. Rain parted his lips and happily accepted the guitarist into his mouth.
Unsure of what the other ghoul could handle, Dew started moving his hips in shallow thrusts. He used his free hand to run his fingers through Rain's hair. "You're such a good boy,” he praised, “taking my cock so well. Can you handle more, sweetheart?" Dew pulled his dick out so Rain could answer.
"Yes, daddy,” Rain moaned. “Please fuck my throat. I need your cock."
The gremlin almost came just from hearing the bassist’s words. "Mmmm, thank you sweet boy," he moaned, thrusting into Rain’s mouth hard and fast. "Fuuuuckkk, you're such a good boy.” he groaned as he moved his hips once again. “Oohh, fuck yes, baby…”
Dew nearly exploded as he felt Rain swallow, squeezing the head of his cock with his throat. The guitarist looked down and watched as his cock slammed into the bassist’s mouth. The slight ghoul's cheeks were sucked in and tears had started to form in the corners of his eyes. The small ghoul slowed his place slightly so he could wipe the tears from Rain’s face.
When the urge to cum became too intense, the gremlin pulled out of Rain's mouth with a pop. Dew slid back down the bassist's body so that they were eye to eye once again. The bassist's chin was covered in his own saliva and he was trying to catch his breath. "You did such a good job swallowing daddy's cock, my sweet boy," Dew praised him. Rain whimpered and pulled Dew close, planting a messy kiss on his face.
The guitarist pulled away to search Papa's bedside drawer for lube. "Bingo!" he said as he pulled out a bottle and flipped the cap open. "Rainy, are you ready?" Dew pushed the bassist's legs wide open and settled between them on his knees, sitting back on his heels. He began to stroke Rain's painfully hard and dripping cock.
"Please, daddy,” Rain whimpered. “I need to feel you inside me. Please..." Dew leaned forward, bracing himself with one arm while he kissed the bassist, attempting to distract him from the lubed finger pressing against his tight hole.
"Fuuuck, baby,” Dew moaned against Rain’s mouth as he pushed a finger inside him. “You're so tight. You're gonna feel so good wrapped around my dick." Dew sat back and slowly stroked Rain's cock. He pushed a second finger into the hole, scissoring to loosen the muscles. The bassist started whimpering and begging for more.
"You make the most beautiful sounds for daddy,” Dew purred. “You're almost ready for me to fill you up with my cock, sweet boy." Dew inserted a third finger, slowly thrusting it in and out. When Rain started bucking his hips to match the rhythm, the guitarist knew he was ready.
Dew slicked up his own cock with the lube. He held the bassist's leg in place with his left hand and guided his cock to Rain’s hole with his right. As soon as he pushed his head in, Rain let out a long moan. "Fuuucking hell, daddy! Please fill me up!"
The guitarist wanted nothing more than to thrust into the handsome ghoul laying before him, but instead he took his time, afraid of hurting his lover. "Soon, baby, I promise. I want this, too. I want to slam my cock into your ass until I fill it with my cum." The slight ghoul was babbling and begging for more.
As he felt the bassist’s muscles start to relax, Dew pushed himself in about halfway, stroking Rain's cock to ease him through the pain. "Baby, you're doing so good,” he praised. “Sweet Lucifer, you're so fucking tight!" The bassist relaxed more and the gremlin pushed his shaft all the way to the hilt.
They both let out a long moan, pausing for a moment to allow Rain to adjust to being filled.
Dew’s body may have been small, but his dick was not lacking in size. "Okay, sweet boy, are you ready?" he finally asked.
"Ohhh yes, daddy,” Rain breathed. “Please... I need you.."
Dew slowly pulled his cock almost all the way out, pausing for a moment before he pushed his full length back in. The guitarist threw his head back and moaned, repeating the action a few times until he found a comfortable rhythm. Rain babbled out a string of profanities, begging for Dew to pick up speed. The gremlin leaned over his lover and used Rain's shoulders as leverage to pound into him as hard as he could.
The slight ghoul let out a whimper, begging for his dick to be touched. "Okay, sweet boy,” Dew said. “I'll let you cum since you beg so pretty." With a flick of his hand, the guitarist started jerking the bassist’s cock in time with his own thrusts. "Cum, baby... Cum for daddy..."
Rain let out a strangled cry as he climaxed, releasing ropes of cum all over his chest and the small ghoul’s hand. Dew didn't stop, working his lover through his orgasm until the bassist went limp under him, panting hard.
Dew swiped a finger across one of the pools of cum and shoved it into Rain's mouth. "Fuck, Rainy,” he moaned. “Such a good boy. Taste daddy's fingers." The guitarist's thrusts began to falter as he approached his own orgasm. The bassist bit down on Dew's fingers and the pain pushed him over the edge.
I wrote my first fic!
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ghulehgurl · 4 years
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ghulehgurl · 4 years
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Richmond Ritual by Captain Chrismo
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ghulehgurl · 4 years
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971 notes · View notes
ghulehgurl · 4 years
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Why haven’t I seen this before
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ghulehgurl · 4 years
Is mountain soaked?
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Source: (x)
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ghulehgurl · 4 years
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94 notes · View notes
ghulehgurl · 4 years
Just imagine, a sister of sin during black mass, sitting and finding her attention wandering, looking over and seeing Dew from across the chapel, just staring right at her. Intently.
And of course she panics because it’s Dew.
… And then cut to Dew just thinking, ’I can’t see shit’ because he forgot his contacts and can’t wear glasses under or over his mask.
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