giantboxofcomics · 3 years
I’m entered in this competition, and I’d love your support. Tom Miller - Don’t Walk On The Grass
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giantboxofcomics · 3 years
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giantboxofcomics · 3 years
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giantboxofcomics · 3 years
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giantboxofcomics · 3 years
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giantboxofcomics · 3 years
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giantboxofcomics · 3 years
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giantboxofcomics · 3 years
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giantboxofcomics · 3 years
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giantboxofcomics · 6 years
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The 40 Years of Comics Project, Day 1365.
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giantboxofcomics · 6 years
Recently pulled out my old box set and am planning on running a Star Frontiers game soon. It was every bit as fun as you’re imagining.
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Oh man, TSR made a space D&D game?! I would 100% play this…
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giantboxofcomics · 6 years
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giantboxofcomics · 6 years
It is so cool to see things like this. The what ifs and could have beens. How many great stories are sitting, stalled, but still have something to add to the conversation?
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Welcome to another installment of Failed-Project Friday, now on tumblr! Circa 1997, I was in the midst of my first work for Wildstorm, writing and drawing the three-issue “Grunge! The Movie” arc on the kinda-sorta anthology series Gen13: Bootleg. (Yes, folks, at one time Gen13 was so popular that it boasted a separate title for other creators to write and draw stories of Fairchild and friends.) At the same time, I was flailing desperately about to line up a crossover—any crossover—between my version of the Dirty Pair and some other, more popular book, in an attempt to boost the DP’s profile and earn some sweet mainstream page rates in the process. As I was working on both books at the time, a Gen13/ Dirty Pair crossover seemed like an obvious idea to pitch…  So I dusted off the antagonists and premise from yet another defunct project, a 1993-ish Marvel miniseries proposal titled “X-Force: Junk Mail.” This old concept involved nanotech salesman from the far future traveling back in time to conduct a wildly bizarre and incredibly violent infomercial/ sales pitch on X-Force’s hapless mutants. (If I ever dig up the art from that proposal, I’ll post that here.) Suffice it to say that, in this variation on the idea, Kei and Yuri also go back in time and team up with three of Gen13’s members to battle an ultra-tech enemy whose “infomercial” soon spirals completely out of control. (Once again, poor Sarah and Bobby got shafted out of an appearance, as I didn’t want a seven-member set of protagonists; the DP’s rarely appearing feline companion Mughi was likewise omitted.) Well, not surprisingly, the pitch received no interest from Wildstorm, and that was the end of that crossover proposal. Turned out this would be one of many, many failed attempts on my part to get a Dirty Pair crossover off the ground… Dirty Pair/ Superman, Dirty Pair/ Predator, Dirty Pair/ Aliens (just kidding, that would’ve been too much like the DP Project Eden movie), even Dirty Pair/ Buffy the Vampire Slayer (okay, I never even formally proposed that one). Oh, well.
And now, onward to new failures! Have a good one, folks.
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giantboxofcomics · 6 years
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Miss Incredible
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giantboxofcomics · 6 years
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they’re neighbors okay!! 
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giantboxofcomics · 6 years
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The 40 Years of Comics Project, Day 1364.
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giantboxofcomics · 6 years
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The 40 Years of Comics Project, Day 1363.
A weird mix of snarky romance stories and cute erotic fantasies.
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