gibsonxtrevino · 3 months
"I'm sure he will be making his rounds somewhere." There was always the type of man who thought they were the future playboy and whose idol was Hugh Hefner. But clearly, the guy in question certainly didn't have the balls to stand up for himself so who in the hell would agree to give someone like their number. It was rather pathetic. Surely the male in question would go home alone with his tail in between his legs. All bark and no bite basically. "Well, with an offer like that I suppose I will have to act a little more welcoming." He nodded which was a yes in Gibson's own mind. "So, color me curious - what kind of pick up line did he use?"
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Golden Hour Beach Bar had been one of Thea's favorite places back in the day; she used to attend here every Saturday night when she'd lived here before - sometimes even before she was of age - enjoying a cold glass of beer or a greasy bar snack. It was one of the many things about Briar Ridge that she considered home. She'd stepped into the bar nearly ten minutes prior at this point, and with the glass bottle placed to her lips, she took a drink, only laughing when the male announced that he 'didn't speak English'; Thea had heard him order something in English when she'd arrived. The chuckle only made the man that quickly left scowl more, and she took a few steps forward as she motioned towards the now available seat. "That guy was hitting on me less than five minutes ago, and while I don't owe you a thank you, I feel like it's justified. Mind if I sit? Next one is on me." she added, nodding towards his beer.
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gibsonxtrevino · 3 months
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Allef Vinicius on Unsplash
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gibsonxtrevino · 3 months
Gibson was more then content to enjoy his free drink but was taken out of the win by another voice. "Do you always listen in on someone else's conversation?" The man quipped. Though, it never hurt to observe. Sometimes someone's else trashy business was something one needed to uplift their own life. As to say, one's life was more of a shit show then your own. "I mean are you wanting like some other names for that cause I can drag that out - he's a chump, fool, idiot. The list can go on." But he stopped himself with a shrug. "But you, you're lucky that you weren't him." His lack of faith in the world was quite obvious. Everyone seemed way more gullible then not. And if that made Gibson the bad guy for taking advantage, then fine by him.
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Madeline decided that night she wanted to get out after working from home all day. Something about being stuffed up in the house all day just didn't feel right. That and she really missed the hustle and bustle of New York City. There was always something to do there or something going on. Madeline loved that about New York after growing up in a small town like Briar Ridge. She was sitting at the bar alone sipping on a lemon drop when she overheard the conversation beside her but she didn't pay to much attention to it. Sure, she could be nosy at times who wasn't but that wasn't anything she had been to interested in. She was more trying to feel out the vibe of the place. It wasn't until she heard the voice beside her that caught her attention giving a small laugh. " Yea, how so? " The brunette asked as she hadn't heard what he had said to make them leave.
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gibsonxtrevino · 3 months
"Don't tell me you're going to start preaching that Whiskey is liquid sunshine. I would rather be sour then full of rainbows and butterflies. But I suppose this bar doesn't have enough room for that." He mused back. Gibson was sure the other was boasting on his own heritage. Any alcohol was fine by him, but hey if this was some sort of game of back and forth wits - who was Gibson to hold back? But it wasn't difficult for his mind to construe that into some sort of entertainment. Gibson didn't like boring. "Twenty bucks says you wouldn't be able to keep up with Tequila. If we are going to be dealing with cliches here - prove to me what it seems like most say about the Irish. You're some kind of drinking God's. I call bullshit but hey be my guest in proving me wrong."
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The other's reaction to a light poke was surprising to Callum. He felt like snapping back. If it was not that deep then why was he so bothered by it? Callum simply paused and let the other man rant trying his best to suppress the smirk that threatened. All this over some booze. Whilst the man was mid-flow, Callum threw back his shot of whiskey, then laced it with a swig of his beer. A tilt of the head followed the man's questionable joke about the Irish, Callum letting it slide because whoever this man was, he was protesting WAY too much. He appeared to reach his conclusion with the order of his own whiskey, a funny irony after his borderline xenophobic rant. "You know, we Irish sometimes like to think whiskey is the gold at the end of a rainbow. It can put a smile on the sourest of faces," Callum said with a wink, wondering if the man was smart enough to read between the lines. "Anyway, like you said --" he gulped more of the beer and sighed, "It's not that deep, right?"
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gibsonxtrevino · 3 months
"I don't think they get paid enough to kick anyone out - or they're way more gullible then they let on." Less strict as one could imagine them shushing people like it was some kind of merit. Though the chance of a library having security was just comical by all stretches of the imagination. "Well, I have some self control - I am not exactly egging them off if that's what you're thinking." Or trying to diffuse the situation either. It wasn't his business after all. But sometimes he needed the amusement. "Least I am not the root of whatever issues they have going on. Though I do think it would be a better shit show if somehow someone signed that guy up for like a blind date or something through some dating app. You know, to test her jealousy." That idea tempted him like a moth drawn to a flame. Gibson was all about getting his kicks in somehow. Of course always at another's expense. "Well, hey maybe you could play into that - " An immediate smirk coming on at the idea but he knew it would be waved off. Most didn't sport the same sense of humor as he had.
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Val's features twisted into a friendly smirk as Gibson Trevino of all people settled into the seat beside her. Most would assume that the library was the last place the man would be caught dead in. But as Val had been spending more and more time in here recently, trying to research as much as she could about starting a business, she'd bumped into him several times. She was beginning to suspect that Gibson had spent quite a bit of time in here growing up. Turning wide eyes towards him, Val turned her body to face the man beside her. "You're serious?" she asked, glancing back at the shouting couple as if they were her new entertainment. "And the librarians still let them in?" Shaking her head, she considered Gibson for a moment. "And let me guess, you just happen to be here, an innocent bystander every single time they get into it?" The brunette was giving him a hard time, she knew he couldn't have anything to do with this couple's marital problems. "Los problemas parecen seguirte, amigo."
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gibsonxtrevino · 3 months
"I don't know - let me think about that." Gibson trailed off, already knowing he could always make an exception for her. He disliked a lot of people and they always tested his lack of patience most definitely but he didn't mind her presence. "I suppose you can sit." However, offering her the most subtle smile he could manage. "That was just a fluke." Gibson added but now more with an increased level of slyness. But he wouldn't steal her take a drink away from her. "What are you having? I'll buy. Just don't get used to it." He rose a brow and then started to wave down the bartender again.
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On a rare night off from parenting, Genesis often tried to convince herself to go out on the town. Even when she was exhausted from a busy workweek and the responsibilities of raising her daughter, the woman always tried to make time for herself in order to keep some semblance of sanity.
Tonight in particular, she had found herself at Golden Hour Beach Bar, sipping on a margarita beneath the twinkling string lights that lined its overhang. However, it wasn't until she heard the sound of a familiar voice that she noticed she was in good company, turning to watch from a few seats down as her friend narrowly escaped what could have been complete chaos. Hopping down from her stool, Genesis made her way over to Gibson, chuckling as she took yet another sip of her drink. "God, some things never change. Mind if I sit here, or am I going to lose my drink too?"
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gibsonxtrevino · 4 months
Today was his off day and he made it a point to grocery shop when others should be working. Less of a chance for him to get agitated. He almost gave into and partook in those delivery services, but paying that much from what they charged? That was a certified scam and he sure as hell wasn't paying a tip on top of everything. So here he was getting the necessities for the week. Gibson groaned, he couldn't catch a break. There was always something. People really needed to mind their business, like Gibson did not have a welcoming fact at all. "You know, they do have signs for that kind of thing posted on the ends of each aisle. I don't get paid to assist - perhaps you will have better luck asking the cashier. Maybe you will even get a discount. Pretty boys seem to be her type. Hope you like clingy."
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CLOSED starter for ( @gibsonxtrevino ), outside of CHAPMAN'S GROCER, just after NOON.
These days, it was rare for Alex to get a moment alone; a one-year-old was no joke. So, when his aunt volunteered to hang out with Emmy while he went to the store, the man heaved a sigh of relief — even if the little girl's shouted 'bye bye' and blown kiss from the window had his heart clenching.
Now, however, Alex decided he'd much rather be at home with Emmy, than wandering around this grocery store like an idiot. He was about to walk in yet another circle, when he came across another person. (It seemed this was not the hot place to be during the middle of the day, and other shoppers were hard to come by.)
"Hi, excuse me, I'm sorry, but I've been wandering in circles for 15 minutes, looking for cheerios," he admitted to the other, exasperation plain as day on his face. "My kid won't eat anything else right now."
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gibsonxtrevino · 4 months
"Don't tell me you're the hero playing type? It's not that deep." He remarked. Life doesn't offers charity, it offers chance. Gibson just took advantage of the gullible tourist. All his life he had learned the concept of survival of the fittest. If the other in question, that tourist- wasn't willing to fight for a drink, then it was like taking candy from a baby. "This damn nation was built on immigrants. You should be more worried if I am a cliche and ask where your pot of gold is." The male faked a smile but shook his head upon hearing his words that were spoken into open air. "I would like to think I have more originality then that. But lucky for you - I won't." In case the other needed that reassurance. Gibson doubted but offered such anyways. Then motioning for the bartender for another round of Whiskey for himself.
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Callum observed the interaction with a blend of amusement and curiosity. It seemed that the dark-haired man was not interested in company and had made that very clear to everyone around him. If someone had touched Callum's drink, he wasn't certain he would have reacted as kindly. After all, it is widely known that you don't fuck with an Irishman and his drink. As the last words escaped the other man's lips, Callum's nose wrinkled with annoyance. He hated bullies, and this individual was giving wannabe tough-guy energy. Not that he lacked toughness or appeared weak, but stealing a drink hardly constituted toughness in Callum's eyes; it was actually a little pathetic. Still, Callum wasn't one to start anything, but he would remember what had just happened. He stepped up to the vacant spot next to this tough guy and called out his order - a large beer and a shot of whiskey. "You might have fooled that sucker," the last word emphasised with air quotations, "but you needn't think about touching my hard-earned pint." Blue hues met dark and Callum quirked a brow upwards with a hint of a grin on his lips. "I may sound like a tourist but lived here long enough, lad."
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gibsonxtrevino · 4 months
“You’re trouble.“ She said, "Every time I’m with you, I just want to be reckless. I want to go against the things my mother has warned me about. You make me want to dive 50ft into the ocean and touch fire. You’re dangerous.” “Who said danger was bad? He said, "It’s suppose to make you feel something.”
— from a book I might write by jwfeelings
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gibsonxtrevino · 4 months
"No es mi culpa son crédulos." (Not my fault they are gullible.)An instant shrug following suit. The male didn't have much sympathy to begin with in regards to out of town people. Well, for most honestly. However he did respect Tomas and his place of business. He paid for his own drinks most of the time, unless there was some kind of discount due to him making the other a deal on a tattoo session. "Come on, that clown was wearing a straw hat for Christ sake. He needs to take his clown looking self back to whatever hole he came out from." To Gibson, he was actually watering down his level of usual asshole tendencies to these kinds. "I don't think you really believe that, your bar's the best in town. Plus at least I always keep you entertained." A smug smile being presented.
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It wasn't the first time - nor would Tomas ever believe it would be the last - Gibson told a tourist to 'fuck off' in his own, unique way. Truly, it was amusing to watch how each tourist reacted to Gibson's blunt abrasiveness - later squirming away to avoid confrontation. The few who would challenge the man would be told to settle down by Tomas as he desperately tried to hide a smirk. In this case, Tomas happily filled another glass for the tourist, sliding it to him before he sulked off.
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"Muchacho, porque tienes que ser asi?" His question was completely rhetorical as he placed his palms on the counter. "You're gonna be chasin' my customers away if you keep doing that. And if that happens, how will I afford you?"
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gibsonxtrevino · 4 months
Location: Golden Hour Beach Bar
Open: everyone
The thing about local spots, a native could spot a tourist a mile away. That was such the case with what was going on right now. Gibson lacked the patience from most. And when some drunken idiot tried to sit by him, taking advantage seemed the better option then getting into some bar fight. He wanted to enjoy his beer. Or rather two, since Gibson cleverly had taken the other's and downed it as it was slid in the other male's direction. Obviously, that caused a disturbance because the biggest party foul of them all was stealing one's drink. Gibson played the part of being ignorant. "no hablo ingles, lo siento." Was mused. The translation from Gibson was he was sorry, he didn't speak English. Then motioning with his hands to get the point across. Luckily, the out of townee just groaned and made his departure giving up on trying to get his beer back. Or in the very least a free refill from the bartender. Hues watched as the other walked out of sight. A grin beginning to soon form almost immediately. "What a sucker." Gibson mused to himself.
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gibsonxtrevino · 4 months
Given Gibson's appearance (body covered with tattoos) and mannerisms that probably should have him realistically be banned with such an establishment as a library, this place he was no novice to. He was usually never quiet and more times then not fiercely outspoken but old habits die hard. Gibson's old man never bought him anything, so in order to pass the time he would come here in his younger days - getting lost in comics and looking at graphic novels while drawing to mimic some of the illustrations. Perhaps that is where the artistic side of him began to peak it's way through. He usually found himself coming here a few times a month. "It's definitely not the first time that's for sure." There was a reason he sought shelter at her table. Previously, he had been closer to the fighting couple. It reminded him of some Telenovela or a past episode of Jerry Springer. They were consistent - Gibson had heard and seen their antics a few times before. "Least we are further away enough. She has a tendency to usually launch a book at his head. I have to give her some credit, she doesn't miss."
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starter for: anyone (capping at 4) location: septima poinsette clark library
Valentina had been spending a lot of time at the library lately, looking up rules and regulations around opening a business, town records, business best practices, and more. Making herself comfortable in one of the large chairs, she quickly became so engrossed in her current read, she hadn’t noticed when someone took the chair beside hers.
She did notice, however, when suddenly a couple somewhere behind her, started screaming at each other over the spoiled milk the woman had found in the fridge that morning. Cringing, Val instantly shrunk back into her seat, in an attempt to simply disappear. Her eyes moved up to the person she now realized occupied the seat beside her, checking if they were hearing what she was too. “How many times do you think Harv over there has put spoiled milk back in the fridge before?” she asked in a whisper.
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gibsonxtrevino · 4 months
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Age: 35
Gender & Pronouns: Cis male & He/him
Neighborhood: Downtown
Occupation: Tattoo Artist at Upper Hand Tattoo Studio
Length of time in Briar Ridge: His whole life
Faceclaim: Carlos Miranda
TW: Bullying
Expectations are like fine pottery. The harder you hold them, the more likely they are to crack. Gibson Trevino was primarily raised by his Father upon his Mother taking off and leaving Mr. Trevino for some older and more wiser man. At least through her own words. See, Mr. Trevino was honestly what one could consider trailer trash. If the shoe fits–which it did. The elder was an epitome of a loud mouth, dirt under the finger nails man who had that pungent smell that lacked taking a shower at weeks at a time. His hair was like an oiled machine and not the good kind either. Even the family car was on cinder blocks out in the front yawn of their double wide. Growing up, the extent of his appearance and the way his Father carried himself in public set some conceived notion towards his son. In middle school he was often picked on since his Father who was supposed to be the provider couldn’t even buy the younger any clothes. So, in turn Gibson would have to jimmy rig old jeans or shorts from his Father’s own collection. Which was quite most a difficult task at hand since Gibson had been pretty scrawny from the get-go. There were some days he would come home in hysterics from all the nasty comments other children made. One never realizes how cruel kids can be. Adults might think it’s just something that happens. That bullying builds character but in reality, it’s like nuclear waste creates superheroes. It’s a rare occurrence and often does much more damage than endowment. The simple concept was lost on Mr. Trevino. It was all apart of his whole logic on tough love. It was tough alright and something that unfortunately the young male had to conquer by himself alone.
That cruelty made the boy cold. He had to substitute anger as a way to escape his many days of sorrow. Channeling that into his own reasoning for fighting. His logic would soon to be that nobody could hurt him without his permission. Quickly enough his hysterics from the emotional abuse he endured turned into strength. That and lot’s of black eyes but not everyone could win every single fight they were put in. The road to hell was paved with the bones of men who did not know when to quit fighting. Those life lessons turned to far more complex ones then Gibson would have originally imagined. His fights put him in an entirely different stereotype now. And even though, it was a more embracing notoriety there were some aspects that could be the man’s downfall. He certainly developed some nasty habits from it.
Rebellious by nature, that road led him to running in the midst of the wrong crowds. The troubled youth, the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. This was the stereotype he could be categorized now into. Some saw the bad but he didn’t. It meant he had a social life away from his Father who was a different breed of trash then one might place him in. That needed acceptance from his childhood was granted by becoming troublesome. Through high school, he skipped more classes then actually attending. He stole, lied, cheated his way through his teen years. Even now at thirty-five he still feels the need to push the envelope for the sake of other’s. This is the sad part of acceptance : that you’re willing to risk your own self-destruction for the sake of others. That isn’t selfless by any means. In reality, he’s a moth becoming burned by his own flame and those flames keep getting hotter and hotter.  
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gibsonxtrevino · 4 months
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VIDA Episode 2
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gibsonxtrevino · 4 months
“I am selfish, private and easily bored. Will this be a problem?”
— Neil Gaiman, A Study in Emerald (via onto-my-trembling-lips)
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