giftedsharingan · 7 years
    Sooo I probably should have said this earlier but? I had a few issues to iron out first, so now that those are (mostly) out of the way, guess I might as well announce that this blog isn’t gonna be used anymore.
    It’s no secret I’m...utter trash at running more than one blog? So the muses here have been kinda shuffled over to the main blog, @kusunokihime​, because it’s just...easier for me to keep track of.
    (And because honestly 99.9% of the reason I wanted to bring these boys to RP is because of the ALAS verse and its narrative, so honestly it just makes more sense. That and my own AUs. Call it selfish but hey that’s what they’re here for =P)
    SO just a heads up, there won’t be posts here. Any RPs that haven’t already are gonna be moved to being replied to on the other blog. I’m not getting rid of this blog just yet cuz there’s still info I’ve gotta move (once...I figure out where to put it, lmao), so for now it’s gonna just sit idle.
    Sorry for all the inconsistency, I’m just...trying to figure out how to make this all work. Thank you for your patience!
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
Masterlist of Memes
☹ My muse is visiting your muse on their death bed
♫ A drabble about our muses inspired by the next song that comes on shuffle
☻ A drabble of our muses on their wedding day
☺ my muse trying to piss yours off
ت our muses running into each other after not seeing each other for several years
ヅ for a situation that got both our muses arrested
シ my muse walks in on your naked
Ü your muse walks in on my muse naked
ϡ a goodbye letter from my muse to yours
♥ you muse suprises my muse with a kiss
۵ my muse kisses yours to shut them up
ღ a forehead kiss from my muse
웃 my muse torturing yours for information
유 my muse trying to seduce information from your muse
♈ a holiday drabble featuring our muses
♉ our muses are together when they get ambushed
≑ my muse wakes up in your muse’s body
?  my muse will ask your muse a question they always wanted to ask
+ my muse has died and your muse is included in their will
◈ my muse’s reaction to finding your muse beaten and bruised 
♊ my muse will do something stupid to impress your muse
✃ your muse visiting mine in the psych ward
♋ my muse visiting yours in the psych ward
❅ my muse rescues yours
✪ my muse seeing the ghost of your muse
● my muse’s turn offs
○ my muse’s turn ons
△ our muse’s get in a playful wrestling match
⍢ my muse gives yours a hickey
✧ our muses having dinner together
☎ my muse drunk dials your muse
✈ our muses on a flight together
☼ my muse giving yours a massage
♡ my muse flirts with your mue
☣ your muse visiting my muse in prison
♌ your muse visiting mine in prison
X my muse doesn’t remember anything from the night before. They have blood on their hands, and your muse is beaten at their feet.
☁ our muses are trapped in a fire together
〰 our muses are at the beach together
❢ my muse has lost their memory, and at the sight of your muse starts to remember things
✑ my muses daily routine
❂ a new years eve memory from my muse
✬ our muses share a new years eve kiss
✆ your muses name, ringtone, and icon in the muse’s phone
◙ a christmas gift from my muse
♍ a sexual story from my muse
₩ our muses are caught in a thunder storm together
❊  a regret my muse has about your muse
♎ your muse tracing one of my muse’s scars
♏ my muse tracing a scar of your muse’s
♐ my muse hearing your muse scream
♑ our muses go out for coffee together
♒ my muse visit’s your muse’s grave
♓ my muse injures your muse
✄ your muse injures my muse
☩ a dream my muse has about your muse
☨ my muse searching for your muse
☦ my muse trying to cheer up your muse
✞ my muse taking care of a your muse while their sick
✛ my muse trying to calm your muse down
✜ my muse trying to get your muse to recover from amnesia
✝ a confession from my muse to yours
✙ our muses shopping together
✠ our muses watching the stars together
« a past memory with our muses
» a daydream my muse has about yours
✐ a mistletoe kiss
✎ our muses going to a costume ball together
✏ our muses are evil and out reaking havoc together
♔ a kiss on the cheek
♕ a kiss on the palms
♖ a kiss on the back of the hand
♗ a kiss on the nose
♘ a kiss on the eyelids
♙ a kiss on a bruise
Sentence Memes
“You belong to me”
“I found you”
“I’m in jail”
“You make me so hot”
“I have to leave”
“Please don’t leave”
“And what about our parents?”
“Who did this to you?”
“You shouldn’t have done that”
“What happened last night”
“We never tell anyone about this”
“So, you want to play games?”
“Does that require pants?”
“Lets just have a lazy day”
“Then go kill the bitch”
“I’m pregnant”
“You broke me”
“Don’t touch me”
“You can’t fix this”
“There’s nowhere we can hide”
“I’m not listening”
“Who do you think you are?”
“I don’t need you here.”
“Did I fall asleep?”
“A little evil goes a long, long way.”
“I will not die.”
“I don’t care.”
“I have no regrets.”
“I feel numb.”
“All monsters are human.”
“You look beautiful, but you don’t look fine.”
“You look beautiful, but you don’t look fine.“”
“How many time have I told you to be more careful?”
“Let’s get you to bed.”
“I can’t even look at you, you promised not to get into any more fights!”
“Are you crazy?”
“Do you trust me?”
“How did you escape?”
“Is that blood behind your ear?”
“Take. This. Off. ”
“What’s in it for me?”
“What’s in it for you?”
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
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Red-Tailed Hawk | Marcus Melendez
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
Send me “Date?” and i'll answer...
Who asks for it:
[ ] Your muse asks mine
[ ] My muse asks yours
Type of date:
[ ] Platonic Date
[ ] Romantic Date
[ ] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
Location for the date:
[ ] Movies   • [ ] Romantic Comedy   • [ ] Adventure Movie   • [ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)   • [ ] Horror   • [ ] Drama   • [ ] Buddy Movie   • [ ] ___ (other options)
[ ] Restaurant   • [ ] Expensive/High Class   • [ ] Small and familiar   • [ ] Fast Food
[ ] Nature  • [ ] Beach  • [ ] Park  • [ ] Forest      • [ ] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[ ] Visiting an amusement park
[ ] Visiting a haunted location
[ ] Staying at home  • [ ] Watching movies  • [ ] Playing Video Games  • [ ] Reading
[ ] ___ (other options)
The date might hopefully end with…
[ ] …holding hands
[ ] …a kiss
[ ] …in bed
[ ] …knowing each other better 
[ ] …sleepover between friends 
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[ ] ___ (other options)
Should you reblog this?:
[ ] Yes. I want to send you one.
[ ] Yes.
[ ] No.
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ =  asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
How would your muse describe mine? Don't sugarcoat it. I am genuinely intrigued.
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
Send a ✮ & I’ll generate a number ( platonic edition )
or send a number for a hug/kiss 
cheek kiss
shy kiss
first kiss
forehead kiss
gentle kiss
scar kiss
hand kiss
friendly kiss
chaste kiss
spin the bottle kiss
an eskimo kiss
butterfly kisses ( eyelash kiss )
a kiss pressed to each fingertip
a kiss on the hairline
a kiss to the temples
a kiss to the corner of the mouth
a kiss to bruised skin
a kiss on the knuckles
Nose Kiss
Gentle Peck
Eyelid Kiss
Bear Hug
Sleepy hug
Cuddle hug
Unreciprocated hug
“Far too long since we’ve seen each other” hug
From behind hug
“Something scared me” hug
The Lift hug
One armed hug
Friendly hug
The emotional hug
Failed hug
Run and Jump hug
Side hug
Comforting hug
Family hug
Hug around waist
Clinging hug
‘’Don’t let go’’ hug
‘’I thought I’d never see you again” hug
Warm hug
Awkward hug
Cold hug
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
My character is having a flashback and they feel they can’t breathe. Send your character’s response to seeing mine clutch their throat and gasping for air.
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
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The Queen… by avzon
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
My muse is feeling touch-starved.
Send one of the following touches for my muse’s reaction. Bonus points for a description/context of some kind to make it easier for your partner to respond!
❤ - gentle or loving touch (romantic or platonic!), such as face caressing, holding your muse, rubbing their back, petting their hair, hugging them tightly, etc
ღ - kisses of any kind (romantic or platonic) such as cheek kisses, hair kisses, mouth kisses, kiss to the hand/fingertips or eyelids, etc. feel free to specify a body part!
☕ - reassuring touch, such as holding their hand, gripping their shoulder, guiding them by the arm or by a hand on the small of their back, etc
❥ - rough, violent, or dominant touch, such as gripping the back of their neck, holding them down, shoving them into a wall, digging their nails into them, grabbing their jaw, etc
❣ - add this to any of the above to make it sexual. 
¿ - write your own touches!
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
There was the first small chuckle of the day. “Of course.”
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“Some black tea with rice cereal isn’t too much is it?” She was so used to cooking heavy meals often, but she had no trouble for this situation to give him something small. 
     “No, that should work fine.” She could offer him a crust of bread and a glass of water and he’d be sated. As long as there’s something in his stomach, he’ll be fine. Anything else can wait until he rests his eyes...just for a while.
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     For the moment, Sasuke takes to hovering near her as she moves, lips quirking a hair at her laugh. He’s a bit too tired to be fully affectionate, but hopefully it conveys enough. “Anything I can do?” Aware she’ll reject the offer, manners insist he makes it anyway.
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
I’ll Make a Man Out of You -- noharin, your choice of muse :3c
[ Disney AU Meme ][ @noharin ][ Accepting ][I’ll Make a Man Out of You - Your muse is a straight-laced military captain. My muse is the new recruit with no idea of what they’re doing. Will they bumble their way to a good relationship and a better army, saving the world in the process? Or will my muse be sent home in shame? ]
     He really had no idea what he was getting into. Apparently his sister gave him all the wrong impressions about what it means to become a medic.
     This woman is terrifying.
     He’s got almost a foot of height on her, and gods know how many kilograms, but tiny stature or not, it’s clear she takes her job very, very seriously. Maybe he should have drafted up a will before he signed up for basic medical classes...why did his mother talk him into this? Sure, the knowledge might be useful, but he’ll need good luck using it when he’s dead.
     Caught in his thoughts, his spine straightens as Nohara Rin rounds on him, barking a question about what the hell he’s doing. “S-sorry, ma’am! Won’t, uh...won’t happen again.” He flashes a smile that’s clearly forced, relaxing with a heavy sigh only once eagle-eyed ambers find another target.
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     He might not come back tomorrow...but then again, she might hunt him down if he doesn’t.
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
Once Upon a Dream - My muse was hidden away to protect them as a child, your muse is their childhood friend who never forgot them. When they meet in the woods as adults, they instantly know one another from somewhere…
Tale as Old as Time - My muse has been cursed to become a monstrous beast. Your muse finds their hidden castle. Will love/friendship blossom before the last petal falls?
Part of That World - My muse is a mer-person, who rescues your muse, a sailor, from a shipwreck.
Someday my Prince Will Come - My muse has bitten off more than they can chew– or rather, has munched on a poisoned apple and fallen into a deep sleep. Only true love’s kiss can save them. Your muse is their dashing rescuer.
So This is Love - My muse is impoverished and mistreated by their family. Your muse is a wealthy, charming Royal. When my muse sneaks into a masquerade ball, they meet for the first time. Sparks fly, but my muse has to leave at midnight…
I Can Show You the World - My muse is a street-rat thief pretending to be a Royal, your muse just longs to escape the confines of their castle. When my muse turns up on your muse’s doorstep with a magic carpet, will this be a night to remember?
Zero to Hero -  My muse is a godlike hero. Your muse has a deal with Hades to bring my muse down in return for their freedom. There’s just one problem: they like each other too much (and a lot more than they want to admit).
I’ll Make a Man Out of You - Your muse is a straight-laced military captain. My muse is the new recruit with no idea of what they’re doing. Will they bumble their way to a good relationship and a better army, saving the world in the process? Or will my muse be sent home in shame?
Can You Feel the Love Tonight - Your muse and my muse were childhood sweethearts, and my muse is a Royal with a tragic past who doesn’t want to face their responsibilities. Your muse can’t help but care about them when they meet them again after many years apart, but are they too different now to share the same space?
Strangers Like Me - My muse has been raised by animals in the depths of the Jungle. Your muse is the explorer who meets them while travelling and teaches them about the human world.
I See the Light - My muse has been locked up in a tower all of their life. Your muse is a thief who’s never known anything other than lies and crime. When your muse got roped reluctantly into taking mine to see these strange glowing lights that appear on their birthday every year, they find they aren’t so different after all.
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giftedsharingan · 7 years
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Such was the Uchiha way of pushing beyond what was physically capable of them. Old habits die hard indeed, but she was accustom to it by now. There was no doubt he was exhausted. “I suppose, but in the mean time I can get the kettle going for tea. Perhaps a light meal as well?” She ask as she got closer to him
     If a person didn’t know any better, they might guess the Uchiha was pouting. Yet again, she sees right through him. But it can’t be held long before a sigh breaks it into a smile.
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     “...that would probably be best.” There’s no retreat as she gets closer, head tilting to best keep her face in view. “Nothing heavy.” If all the blood goes to his stomach to digest, he just might fall asleep in his plate.
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