gigaguessmtg · 5 years
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
“well i said i was sorry...” LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THIS RIGHT HERE.
“I’m Sorry” is not a magical panacea.  It does not just make it all disappear into the aether.  “I’m sorry” is not a solution, but a promise.  A promise to do better, to not allow the behaviour to continue, and most importantly, to try to make amends.
To not do that, is to break a promise, and to exacerbate the hurt you caused.  So...long story short, don’t say you’re sorry, unless you’re willing to follow it up.  Otherwise you’re just trying to use it as a magic “Stop being mad at me” button, and that makes you a jerk.
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This thread!
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
Reblog if you’d be okay if your friend came out as transgender
let’s see how many transphobics we can weed out
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
I need to find my cards and do this...
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ADVICE FROM A STAR (based on a rune spread I’ve been using from >>sunnyway)
The past.
The present.
The help you can expect to receive.
What you cannot change and have to accept.
The future.
For any general situation that you need insight on!
I offer paid readings with this spread and others, DM me if you’re interested!
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
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let the roomb-pocalypse begin 
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
Maybe the real Kingdom Hearts is the friends we made along the way.
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
I’d like to introduce everyone to my new theme song
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
Good grief.  Respect, dude.
So i’m just watching youtube, trying to chill out and whenever, when I get a Lego Movie 2 Ad for a video I was watching
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do you see that timestamp at the bottom? Yeah, this is apparently 5 hours long.
And at first I was wondering, well is it the entire movie? No…this entire ad is for their newest “everything is awesome” type song. It is called “this song is gonna get stuck inside your head” and I am pretty goddamn sure it is going to repeat that one line over and over until my brain melts
So I am going to see if they really are playing it for 5 hours
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
Erika in there stirring the FUCK out of that shit pot.
So, when trying to get Erika’s number in Soul Silver, I discovered that she can be delightfully bitchy.
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We also get this amazing setup:
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I knew there was a reason why Erika’s my favorite gym leader! I love how she just completely sets Jasmine up. You KNOW that she’s going to offhandedly mention to Clair later that Jasmine said her outfit was embarrassing, just like she told Jasmine what Whitney said about her. Erika’s like the Regina George of the gym leaders.
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
1.)  Theros.  I feel like a return is imminent, so this feels moot, but all the same, there’s a lot there I would like to see again, and more of.
2.)  Innistrad.  One of my favourite planes, and I want to get a feel for how it’s adjusting post(ish) Emrakul.
3.)  Zendikar.  Like the above, but a much grander scale.  I want to see what a truly Eldrazi-free Zendikar is like.
4.)  Lorwyn.  It’ll never happen.  I know.  but dammit, I gotta say it anyways.  Like the above, I want to see what a rebalanced Lorwyn is like, and how things are faring there.
5,)  Vryn.  Departing from the above, we know precious little of it, and I definitely want to know more.  A lot more.
Inquiring Minds Want To Know - Planes to Visit in the Future
In today’s information gathering, I’m interested to hear what planes you want to visit in an upcoming Standard-legal set. Here’s how I would like you to respond. Please list, in order, your favorites from one up to five. You can list less than five, but please restrict yourself to five answers. Number 1 should be the plane you most want to see us visit in the future. 
If you’re interested you may also tell me why you want to return to that plane. You can list any known plane including ones we’ve never visited before. I need names of existing planes though and not “wild west plane”. 
Here’s an example:
1. Innistrad - It’s my favorite plane
2. Fiora - I love Conspiracy and would like to see Fiora in a Standard-legal set.
3. Tarkir - Go back, but there better be clans.
4. Rath - I don’t know how you’d do it, but I’d love it.
5. Alara - More Esper please.
I would love to get a lot of data, so please pass this along to your Magic friends to answer as well.
Please number your answers as the data will be weighted. I will count them in the order listed if you don’t number them. Please don’t list the same plane more than once. 
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
A Movie I Desperately Want to See: Tempting Fate
Emma Thompson, Julie Andrews, and Dame Maggie Smith play the three Fates in this charming and witty comedy.
Realizing they are each becoming tired and grouchy, the Fates decide to take a summer holiday in a small rural village to enjoy some time away from their jobs and focus on their own hobbies for a change.
Though originally determined to keep to themselves, a package mistakenly delivered to their cottage forces the supernatural sisters to go into town, and interact with some of the village’s residents. Knowing the full past, present, and future of each mortal’s life makes them vow to not get attached, but each one secretly breaks that vow when they find someone whose life and story is worth trying to change their destiny.
Confusion and hilarity ensues as the Fates themselves try to tempt fate.
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
Re: Boros, I did not know you attended the same LGS as @maris-solstice.
Dimir: Where’s the agents of S.N.E.A.K? WHERE’S FBLTHP?
Selesnya: do you think there’s weed on Ravnica?
Boros: Our dear warlord Aurelia exemplar of justice wouldn’t treat me like this.
Gruul: *flips table* sorry I got excited.
Rakdos: it’s not fun and games until someone’s eyes are bleeding.
Izzet: I’m gonna do a stupid thing then possibly counter my own stupid thing.
Golgari: what are you doing in my swamp???
Azorius: JUDGE! He’s ruining my fun in playing Magic!
Orzhov: Kaya’s so cool. Maybe I should shave part of my eyebrow.
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
“That ability is on cooldown.  Please Wait.”
Friend: Wanna hang out tomorrow?
Me: I actually performed an Activity yesterday. Please wait the three day recovery period to submit another inquiry
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
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HRT Day 0/ HRT Day 365
1 year HRT today
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
Ah… the blending of metal and flesh…
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
Loathe as I am (not having read the article, admittedly) to give credit, one does have to remember...outside of a blatantly racist and hate-filled campaign, Trump did try to run with a campaign to appeal to the Everyman mentality.  Remember “Drain the Swamp”? My hope is that the person meant that he promised to root out corruption and waste, and instead just stomped his voter base underfoot.  Otherwise...yes, all the above is very, very true.
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Voting to ‘hurt’ people is sick.
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gigaguessmtg · 5 years
Tropes that need to die:
Buffoon husband/long suffering wife marriage.  The belief of a man child husband with a babysitter wife is not only a long overused trope, but toxic in the expectations it sets for relationships.  It also stifles creativity.  I don’t want to see the shrew wife harping on the husband’s zany plans, I wanna see her givng him advice.  I don’t want to see her trying to block his revenge scheme, I want her to be dealt in and helping him out.  Come on guys, it’s 2019, show the world that marriages really are about a team making it work!
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