gigglegirl77 · 2 years
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
If you’re over 30 and write and/or read fan fiction, reblog!
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
Kiss FM full interview.
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
As It Was - Harry Styles
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
“I know I’ve told this story before, but my abusive ex refused to let me take birth control. I was on the pill until he found them in my purse. I went to the Student Health Center—they were completely unhelpful, choosing to lecture me about the importance of safe sex (recommending condoms) instead of actually listening to my problem. Then I went to Planned Parenthood. The Nurse Practitioner took one look at my fading bruises and stopped the exam. She called in the doctor. The doctor came in and simply asked me: “Are you ready to leave him?” When I denied that I was being abused, she didn’t argue with me. She just asked me what I needed. I said I need a birth control method that my boyfriend couldn’t detect. She recommended a few options and we decided on Depo. When I told her that my boyfriend read my emails and listened to my phone messages and was known to follow me, she suggested to do the Depo injections at off hours when the clinic was normally closed. She made a note in my chart and instructed the front desk never to leave messages for me—instead, she programmed her personal cell phone number into my phone under the name “Nora”. She told me she would call me to schedule my appointments; she wouldn’t leave a message, but I should call her back when I was able to. And that was it. No judgment. No lecture. She walked me to the door and told me to call her day or night if I needed anything. That she lived 5 blocks from campus and would come get me. That I wasn’t alone. That she just wanted me to be safe. I never called her to come to my rescue. But I have no doubt that she would have come if I had called. She kept me on Depo for a year, giving me those monthly injections in secret, helping me prevent a desperately unwanted pregnancy. I cannot thank Planned Parenthood enough for the work they do.”
Curious Georgiana (via grrrlstudies)
I know I’ve reblogged this before, but it bears re-reblogging (?).  This is how you respond to abuse, this is how you give people control over their bodies/uteruses, this is how you act as a generally non-judgmental and compassionate person.  I love this story so fucking much.
(via coffeewithants)
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
A huge FUCK YOU to the United State Supreme Court!
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
Masterlist: Perfectly Imperfect
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
Becca’s Sugary Sweet Dad Collection Announcement
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The other day, I made a post about an idea I had about writing fluffy, feel good drabbles for Father’s Day and I’ve gotten a few great prompts for it, so I officially decided, that I’m going to do it.
Note: I know that father’s day can be a hard day for some people, my intention is to use the tag “Becca’s Sugary Sweet Dad Collection” on every drabble I post for this collection. Please feel free to filter that tag (Account -> Settings -> Filter Tag).
As I mentioned in my original post, I’m wanting to write sweet, fluffy, feel good drabbles. I have some ideas that I’ve gotten from life with a niece and two nephews, but I’m also accepting prompts.
I write for:
Chris Evans
Andy Barber **
Frank Adler
Steve Rogers
Colin Shea
Jake Jensen
Ari Levinson **
Ransom Drysdale **
Nick Vaughan
** = I only write AU for this character
So if you’d like to send in a prompt, please do so! I’ll be accepting prompts through May 31, 2022. My plan is to post drabbles throughout June.
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
If you’re over 30 and write and/or read fan fiction, reblog!
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
Drabble: Sweetheart
Afternoon, y’all. Hope you guy shad a great day. I’m exhausted partially because I stayed up way too late reading last night (ok… so mostly for that reason), but also because I had dental work done this morning and my mouth hurts.
Here is today’s Spring Fling story for @the-ce-horniest-book-club​ today’s prompt is “Sweetheart”
I don’t even know how to describe this story, to be honest, all I know is when I found the prompt “You’re going to regret that, sweetheart.” on one of the writing prompt lists on @justwritinginspo​ it just sounded like Ransom… and I just let my mind do whatever the hell it wanted to.
Title: Sweetheart
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x female reader
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: suggestive, language, hints to spankings
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
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“Fuck you, Ransom Drysdale,” you shouted at your boyfriend before you stormed from the room, slamming the door behind yourself.
As you ran down the stairs, you heard the door open and the sound of him following you.
Going into the kitchen, you spotted the crappy cake he’d purchased in honor of your birthday. Not only was it a premade store bought one, it was your least favorite flavor.
Hearing him coming, you quickly took the cake of out the package and the picked it up.
The second Ransom walked into the kitchen, you threw the cake at his face.
The cake itself was too heavy to stick, but you’d hit your target and left half of Ransom’s face covered in frosting while the cake fell to the ground.
Neither of you made a sound for nearly a minute.
Then Ransom used his hand to wipe the frosting from his eye before shaking it onto the floor. “You’re going to regret that, sweetheart,” he said, his tone cold.
“No, I’m not,” you replied, trying to ignore how shaky your voice was. “You don’t know me, Ransom Drysdale. If you did, you never would have bought me that flavor of cake. Not to mention that if you’d actually cared, you would have gotten more than an after thought of a cake!”
“I did order a cake,” Ransom said, through gritted teeth. “But the fucking bakery messed up the order and put a giant penis on it!”
“What?” you gapped. “What do you mean?”
“I was trying to explain that to you when you stormed upstairs,” Ransom replied as he fished his phone out of his pocket. He thrust it in your direction a second later, proof of the messed up cake showing.
“Oh,” you said, biting back a laugh as you imagined what his reaction would have been in the shop.
“Now that we have that settled,” Ransom stated. “Here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to clean up your mess, because it’s your birthday. And after that… well, you’ve been a naughty girl.”
You swallowed as your eyes met his.
“Go upstairs and wait for me,” he told you. “And get undressed.”
“I can help down here,” you offered.
“No, I want you to go upstairs and think about what you’ve done and what is about to happen,” he said, shaking his head. “That way, when I get upstairs, you’ll be nice and ready for everything I have planned for you.”
You moved past him to leave the kitchen, but he stopped you, pulling one of your hands up to his mouth to kiss it.
“I really want to kiss you, but I know how much you hate the flavor of frosting all over my face,” he stated.
When he came upstairs a few minutes later, he’d removed the frosting from his face and gave you a long, slow kiss before he pulled you over his knee.
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
Imagine this.... Christening the new Marble Counter.
Warnings: there is SMUT kids. 18 + . No minors allowed.
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The kitchen was your newest remodel. It took years for you and Chris to plan it all out, and due to both of your busy schedule. When the counter arrived, you could be more happy. The sleek design, as you ran your fingertips against it.
You had many ideas to it. You imagined yourself baking a storm, making pies, cakes, and cookies.
Chris had other plans.
And so you found yourself topless, your nipples forming into diamond peaks, as the coolness from the marble hit the tips. Your hands gripped on, to the point of turning white. Your ass bounced ever few seconds, as Chris thrust into your dripping wet pussy.
"Like that baby? Fucking you on your new counter" Chris muttered, as his hands dug into your hot skin and pounded into you.
You let out a primal scream, and let out profanities.
"Fuck-" You barely said, feeling his thick head poking your uterus. You felt your body start to heat up and your walls tightend around his length.
"That's it, come around my cock sweetheart." Chris said, pistoning into you hard. You felt his large hand, snake around your hips and toward your hardening pearl.
Rubbing your clit, it drove your mind insane. Your eyes rolled back, and your let out a loud moan. Collapsing onto to the counter, Chris continued on.
Chris slowed his pace, and you felt his seed spill into your womb. Hot, thick, cum filled you up. Pulling out, Chris helped you up and turned you around. The pulling you towards him and held you.
"Are you okay sweetheart?" Chris asked you, as he kissed the top of your head. You smiled against his chest and then looked up towards your fiancée.
"Of course babe, but I think it's best not to tell Scott that we christen the counter." You said, laughing. Chris let out his famous laugh.
"Oh no, I think he would be scared for life."
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
I just finished Chapter Four. It’s being edited and will be posted sometime this week.  
Until then…
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
Reblog if you think a woman can be complete without children
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
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NO CHEATING: You’re starring in a movie with the last person saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title. Who/what is it?
thank you for the tag @https-stay 💕💕💕
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tagging: anyone who wants to play along!
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
18+ Drabble: A Reason to Stay in Bed
This is for @the-ce-horniest-book-club​ and is just a sexy Andy drabble. Enjoy!
I used the prompt “Let me give you a reason to stay in bed.” from the March 23rd Wicked Wednesday.
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Title: A Reason to Stay in Bed
Pairing: Andy Barber x female reader
Rating: R
Warnings: semi-graphic oral sex, female receiving only
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
18+ Disclaimer: This work contains sexual material that is for those over the age of 18. By clicking the keep reading link below, you are agreeing that you are over the age of 18 and are not offended by sexual content.
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“Let me give you a reason to stay in bed.”
Andy gave you a wicked, cocky grin before he pulled the blankets over his head and moved down your body.
His alarm has gone off ten minutes ago, but instead of getting up, he’d snuggled up against you. Not with the intention of falling back asleep, but to seduce you.
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gigglegirl77 · 2 years
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