giggymantis · 1 day
I abbreviate "Beetlejuice" to "BJ" with my one friend whose special interest is Beetlejuice and it's fine, it's protocol, it's a Tuesday afternoon, but I just did it with another friend via the sentence, "I don't even like BJ that much. I just wanna see that worm," and it was a little less than fine, I think.
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giggymantis · 1 day
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lil vent piece
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giggymantis · 1 day
the system experience
>type did system into youtube search bar
>first option is "did system cringe"
>go onto reddit and type did system
>first option is fake disorder cringe
>feel fucking awful
>do a did presentation in medical class
>someone raises their hand and asks how to know if someones faking
>feel fucking awful
>tell someone you have did
>they ask if you're faking because you have a fictive
>feel fucking awful
>feel fucking awful
>feel fucking awful
>tell a close friend you have did
>they get disgusted when you say we instead of I
>look at tiktok compilations
>did cringe compilation
>follow a funny youtuber
>video on people faking did
>feel fucking awful
>try and look for resources
>psychiatrist making a presentation on how did systems looking for community is a sign of faking, uses system content without their consent
>psychiatrist making a presentation on how did systems being open is a sign of faking
>go onto tumblr
>type plural
>find post about how "the future is plural" is traumatizing children and should never ever ever happen because fuck plurals we don't need acceptance that bad right?
oh my god when does it fucking end
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giggymantis · 1 day
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new patchhh on my patch pants
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giggymantis · 3 days
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Daily reminder that the U.S. has been supporting these kinds of genocidal wars of aggression for 100+ years. This is nothing new and not a recent phenomenon-this has been going on for a long time.
It's important during times like this that we make sure people don't fall down the trap of blaming everything on the so called "ZOG" or "Zionist Occupied Government" which basically leads to the brain dead and fucking utterly stupid neo-Nazi route of blaming everything on "da Joos”
The U.S. has had horrific foreign policy long before there was even a strong and influential Israel lobby.
The Korean War occurred before AIPAC existed, and during the early 20th century before Israel existed the U.S. brutally colonized and occupied the Philippines, invaded Russia right after the Bolshevik revolution to crush the communist movement there, and plenty of other examples of this kind of foreign policy. And of course during the 1800s in the era of Manifest Destiny you had the genocide of native Americans, the Mexican-American war, and so on.
The idea that this is all the fault of Zionists is an absolutely brain dead analysis. The problem is mainly just capitalism (as well as racism and other factors of course, especially during the 1800s) which is a system that always leads to the most insane people ruling over us, regardless of ethnicity.
Zionism just happens to be compatible with the interests of imperialists in the Middle East region.
Blaming everything purely on Zionism and "ZOG" is completely insane and shows a profound ignorance of the history of American foreign policy.
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giggymantis · 4 days
remembering the time i drunkenly told a stranger i was a trans man and he started going off about alpha sigma and beta males and how each one was equally important no matter what anyone says and that i shouldn't feel pressured to be a strong alpha male because emotionally intelligent beta males were just as important
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giggymantis · 4 days
I cannot stand the parodies of modern major general, they're overdone and simply not as good as the original. They've done them about everything, whatever topic, big or small.
And when i notice one of them my eyes will always start to roll.
The diction's always slurry when they rush the complicated words, and adding many fricatives will turn it so cacophonous. The slanted rhymes are silly and they keep just making more and more, please someone stop the parodies of modern major general.
The scanning of the lyrics in the meter is unbearable, they emphazise the syllables in ways that are untenable, in short in matters musical, prosodic and ephemeral, i cannot stand the parodies of modern major general!
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giggymantis · 4 days
there have been 774664 studies on basic income and the results of every single one have been “wow! we gave people money and literally everything improved! crime rates are down! the actual sky is bluer! my (the researcher’s) wife decided not to leave me after all!” but these have all been short studies, just a couple years. i think what’s really missing from the field is a proper long form study, with a broader, bolder demographic, to really get us those numbers we need. a truly diverse study pool like, say, everyone. forever
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giggymantis · 4 days
happy pride month to people who are in in-system relationships! internal dating, queerplatonic relationships, familial bonds, friends with benefits, platonic relationships, undetermined/unlabeled relationships, relationships that change labels, and everything else! monogamous relationships, polyamorous relationships, ever-shifting relationships, relationships that are solely in-sys, relationships that involve external people too, etc. having that kind of connection between system members is so special and i hope u have a wonderful month <3
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giggymantis · 4 days
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giggymantis · 4 days
i need you to remember that choosing kindness in a society that expects and demands violence is rebellion
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giggymantis · 4 days
Even hotter take: even if they don’t have a reason, being unhoused is still traumatic and you should be given a home even if you consciously decided to be lazy and not work
sorry for the "bad" take but i fully believe even homeless people who "aren't trying" to find housing still deserve housing. maybe things were too hard for too long for them and they gave up. maybe they just genuinely don't know where to go. maybe they're chronically ill, mentally ill and/or neurodivergent. maybe they're experiencing severe psychosis and can't "try". maybe they're having a pain flare up. maybe they're going through withdrawals, or are heavily intoxicated to cope with not knowing if they'll have a place to sleep and food to eat. you don't know. you have no clue what they're going through. they deserve to go through it in a home.
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giggymantis · 4 days
“Bi women bringing their cishet boyfriends to pride are sooo annoying!”
Quick question do you know for a fact that the bi women’s partner is a cishet man? Or are you just assuming things based on looks to have a reason to hate on bi women.
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giggymantis · 5 days
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giggymantis · 5 days
It's only imperialism if it comes from the imperialist region of Western Europe. Otherwise, it's just sparkling subjugation.
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giggymantis · 6 days
talking to people recently out of prison: a do-and-don't guide
Don't ask, "How was prison?" (Answer: traumatic!)
Do ask, "What are you most looking forward to doing again now that you're out?"
Don't ask, "How long were you in for?" (Answer: too long!)
Do ask, "Is there any technology or pop culture I can help catch you up on?"
Don't ask, "How are you going to avoid getting back into bad behaviors?" (Leave the paternalistic bullshit to their PO.)
Do ask, "How's your support network? Do you have people helping you adjust?"
Don't ask, "Do you have a job yet?" (Their PO is asking them ALL the time, don't worry.)
Do ask, "Are there any opportunities I should keep an ear out for and let you know about?"
Don't ask, "Do you have an ankle monitor?" (And definitely don't ask to see it - no one likes to be gawked at.)
Do ask, "Do you have parole restrictions we need to accommodate when making plans?"
Don't say, "Hey, you shouldn't be doing that - it's against your parole!" (A lot of parole restrictions are bullshit, and they are an adult who deserves agency, even the agency to take risks.)
Do ask, "Are there any bullshit parole restrictions you need help working around?"
Don't ask, "Are you an addict?" (Not everyone in prison is, and they'll tell you if they want you to know.)
Do say, "If there's stuff you might get in trouble for, like empty alcohol containers, I can throw them away at my place."
Don't say, "It's probably best if you put your whole prison life behind you and start fresh." (Just because it was traumatic doesn't mean important experiences and relationships didn't happen there.)
Do say, "If you have letters from friends on the inside that you don't want your PO to find, you can keep them at my place."
Don't say, "You paid your debt to society." (Regardless of what they may have done, harm cannot be repaid through senseless suffering.)
Do say, "You are more than the worst thing you've ever done."
Do not ever ask "What were you arrested for?"/"What did you do?"/"Were you guilty?"
People are more than the worst thing they've ever done.
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giggymantis · 6 days
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