giidxon-blog · 7 years
He almost had suspected as much, and yet he had managed to convince himself for at least a split second that it wasn’t Gideon. But why else would Fabian be in his bed in the middle of the night? Garrett didn’t hate Gideon, but he certainly wouldn’t choose to hang out with the boy voluntarily. Fabian was one of his best friends, but sometimes it was hard that he had a twin he would always be second to. “Can you get out of my bed?” Garrett asked crossly, rolling on his side so that he was facing the wall. It’s not like he had actually been sleeping, but Gideon certainly wasn’t giving him a chance to even try. 
“If you two want to switch places, fine by me. But don’t bother me as a result. I haven’t been getting much sleep lately and you’re not exactly helping.” He couldn’t help but notice how his chest tensed up, like he could barely breathe. He wanted to get up and go into the common room, so he’d at least feel like he had some space, but he didn’t want to be any nosier than they undoubtedly already were. He closed his eyes and breathed through his nose, but that ache—-undoubtedly from annoyance because he always felt it when Gideon was around—-hadn’t left. “Good night.”
THERE’S UNDOUBTEDLY SOMETHING  about annoying the utter  shit  out of garrett that leaves gideon feeling rather  pleased  with himself after the fact  ;   he enjoys seeing him  riled  up,  although if pressed for a reason it’s unlikely gideon would know how to reply.   he’ll reckon it’s just garrett paying the  price  for being his twin’s best friend,  and no less.
still,  he hears garrett’s admittance of the fact that he hasn’t been getting a fair night’s  rest  in a while and gideon changes gears  ;   he doesn’t get off the bed,  as anyone else might,  and rather he leans forward a bit more,  eyebrow raised,  and he tries to  mask  concern with some sort of humor.   “  what,  not sleeping well  ?   you good there,  mate  ?  ”   not that he  expects  an honest answer from one who finds him particularly  OBNOXIOUS,  but he’ll try,  nevertheless.   “  fabe’s a  snorer,  but i assure you i’m not,  for whatever that’s worth.   are classes a  pain,  this term  ?  ”
Whatever It Is
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
Garrett almost told Gideon no. He was exhausted and hadn’t been home all day. His clothes were so sweaty they were practically sticking to him, and he missed his sister. But it was getting harder and harder to find free time during a war and his schedule was already jam packed. So when Gideon looked at him like that and told him he wanted to take him out, Garrett couldn’t say no.
Apparating home first wasn’t the smartest idea, but he really needed to get cleaned up before going on a date. Merlin, he hadn’t been on a date in ages. It made it even worse that it was with a man and with a certain man in particular. Garrett stood in front of his wardrobe in only a towel and surveyed his closet all the while fielding questions from Gwen on the other side of the door. Where are you going? Out. With who? For drinks with coworkers. Oh, how he ached to tell her. How he ached to let her know how he couldn’t stop smiling as he selected dress pants and a light purple shirt. He wasn’t going to be too fancy, but he wanted to look nice as well. Can’t you just stay home for one night? Your coworkers can wait. 
He got dressed and went out the door, mainly as a courtesy. He could have disapparated and ignored her completely, but that would only make her more ornery when he got home. “I’ll be back soon,” he promised, kissing her on the top of her head. 
“If I didn’t know you any better, I’d think you had some sort of hot date,” she teased.
He shook his head and smiled, before disapparating back to Gideon’s. He almost thought about stopping for a moment to buy flowers–is it weird for men to buy men flowers?–but he decided it was too much. He smoothed his hair down and rocked back and forth on his feet before raising his hand and knocking. 
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POST DUEL WITH A DEATH EATER,  gideon figures that a  shower  is most certainly in order  ;   for there still remains a layer of dirt and leftover debris and ashes from the fire atop his skin and he wants to inspect every inch of himself to ensure he’s not missing any serious wounds now that he’s finally calmed down enough to give more attention to them.   
post shower,  his body still  aches,  but that won’t change the  SPRING  in gideon’s step as he dolls himself up for the big night.   a deep purple button down shirt hides splotches of black and blue across his lower back due to a particularly nasty hit from one of the blasted death eater’s spells and he’s managed to heal the lacerations on his arms from the fire.   if garrett’s to come home with him later that night,  gideon doesn’t want to give him any reason for concern.
he’s readied himself too quickly,  however  ------------  for he’s left for a time pacing across the living room in he and his twin’s place.   even given as  confident  as he is about the entire thing,  there’s still typical nerves causing his chest to tighten and his stomach to tie itself into knots,  for he wants so  badly  for this night to go well and he’s overthinking things as he tends to do on essentially  any  occasion. 
but then he hears a strong   KNOCK  !   on his front door and he very nearly considers  apparating  toward it if it means arriving to open it any sooner than he possibly can  ;   but he settles for long strides,  straightens his already finely pressed shirt as much as he possibly can and he unknowingly mimics his new boyfriend’s act of smoothing his hair down before finally opening the door.   a deep breath  ------------  and he  exudes  confidence once again.
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“  look  who it is,  ”   he remarks,  and he makes no effort to hide how plainly he’s admiring the view.   “  you clean up rather nicely,  don’t you  ?  ”   and he  grins,  takes one of garrett’s hands in his own and presses his lips ‘gainst his knuckles.   “  i  do  hope you’ve brought your  appetite  along,  darling.  ”
You’re Pretty Like the Moon
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
Garrett was no stranger to sleepless nights. He got homesick sometimes and could only look up at the ceiling and think about his mother’s cooking and his father’s smile and the pitter patter of Gwen’s feet as she ran down the hall to wake him up on the weekends. He had gotten used to tuning into the little sounds: the soft snores of Oliver, the restless turn of Fabian, the frequent trips to the bathroom that Ted always denied were him.
He heard the fall of feet on the ground and he was about to curse Ted out for having to pee again when he felt the weight shift on his bed. He jumped, partially because he didn’t expect to have someone in his bed and partially because his hand was down his pants–not that he was doing anything, it was just comfortable. He needed all the comfort he could possibly get.
He was met face to face with Fabian and he took his hand out of his pants–hopefully without notice–and left it as his side. “Merlin, Fabian. What are you doing in my bed?” He rolled over on his side. “Scared me half to death, you git.”
he sits upright,  the grin on his face is  wicked  and he’s reminding himself to  thank  fabian later for agreeing to such a marvelous scheme.   this is child’s play,  at the heart of it  ;   tricks that he and his twin used to pull when they were five.   but gideon finds that sometimes it doesn’t hurt to be immature and have a little fun,  from time to time,  so long as it does nobody harm.
he and garrett don’t exactly have the best track record together  ------------  that is to say,  they don’t get along much at all.   gideon finds it a shame  ;   he figures that an important step in any of fabian’s friendships involves the approval of the snarky younger brother   (  even if he’s only younger by a handful of minutes  )   and he doesn’t particularly have much of an  issue  with garrett,  save for the fact that the boy can’t seem to handle his  humor  ------------  or that’ll be how gideon sees it.
“  well,  ‘m  not  fabian,  for starters,  ”   he finally reveals,  the mischievous grin growing upon his lips,  and perhaps becoming a little more smug.   “  we  swapped  places  !   didn’t think it’d work as well as it did,  but there you are.   nobody’s suspected a  thing.  ”
Whatever It Is
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
Garrett of course knew that Fabian really wouldn’t be a problem. Garrett had been there for him when he had gotten together for Emma and even though this situation was quite different, he figured Fabian would eventually get used to it. Gideon was right of course; their biggest problem would come from the insufferable amount of jokes. Fabian certainly wouldn’t let something as easy to pick on as a relationship between his twin and his best friend slide. There were more people he had to worry about. 
He was still quite on edge, but Gideon certainly made him more calm. Garrett quite expected that if he closed his eyes he could fall asleep to the man’s words. He could listen to the way his low voice rumbled along, especially now as he lay with his head on his shoulder; the vibrations from his voice were quite relaxing to him. It’s amazing how calm the other man is being when Garrett is anything but and he mentally thanks him for being so grounded in this moment. Garrett will calm down eventually, he’s just been so high strung because of the events of the day and he was still trying to unwind. 
Garrett practically giggled at the comment and he looked up at Gideon and cupped his cheek in his hand. He snuck a quick kiss as a blush rose to his cheeks and then leaned forward to rest his forehead on the other man’s. “Trust me, none are as impeccable as you,” he said as another bubbly laugh escaped from his lips. He was becoming exactly the couples he always rolled his eyes at, performing the exact behavior that would always cause him to lightheartedly throw a pillow at Oliver and Miriam while the three of them were watching movies together.
He moved a little farther away and snuck his hand up Gideon’s shirt, just resting his hand against of the warmth of the man’s abdomen. He knew he was being quite like a hormonal teenager, but he just couldn’t keep his hands off the other man. He was actually being quite restrained considering the places his mind was wandering off to. “Couple?” Garrett scoffed, trying to hide how giddy the word actually made him. This was happening; Gideon felt it too. “At least take me on a proper date first yeah?” he joked with a laugh. He pressed another kiss to the man’s cheek and stopped himself from kissing down the man’s face, neck, and chest. Once he started he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop and they were trying to have a serious conversation. “I’m a slut,” he said, “It really doesn’t take much to get me in the sack,” he joked. That much was true, especially judging by his previous track record with men. “Dinner would be nice though–a drink at least.”
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                 gideon’s face  hurts  from how much he’s grinning  ------------  and it’s really hitting him what this all means,  and how  happy  he is that this is happening.   he’s head over heels for this man in front of him  ;   his heart flutters at the sound of his laughter and at his compliment,  and when garrett sneaks in another kiss gideon happily returns it,  even leans back in for another  (  and another  ) .  
                 a  shudder  rushes through him at the feeling of garrett’s palm pressed against his bare abdomen beneath fabric,  and it’s not the only place he wants to feel his hands but while they’re trying to have a  serious  conversation it’s going to have to do.   “  couple,  ”   he repeats,  as if trying the word out,  himself  ;   and he decides that he likes the way it sounds.   “  don’t worry  ------------  i intend on taking you on  multiple  proper dates,  ”   he assures the man,  and he presses a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
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                 “  speaking of  ------------  don’t suppose you’ve got a chance to squeeze me into your schedule tonight  ?   ‘ve got a nice place in mind.   dinner  and  drinks.  ”   he offers,  and there’s a hint of a hopeful look in his eyes as his thumb gently caresses along garrett’s cheek and jaw,  and even brushes over his lips.   beyond hopeful his gaze is also of admiration,  of adoration,  he can’t help but look at garrett the way he sometimes finds himself looking at the  moon,  entranced by its beautiful glow.   but,  as he continues,  he lifts an eyebrow  ;   teasing,  playful,  suggestive.   “  and maybe we’ll wind back up at my place after.   reckon fabe’ll stick around with emma for the night,  you think  ?  ”
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
Garrett becomes a little more relaxed, but he also feels like all of this is too formal. He feels like he’s at a job interview, not talking to the man he loves about what their future could look like. He leans against Gideon and puts his arm around him, reaching up to press his lips gently to the man’s cheek before resting his head on his shoulder. “Bisexual,” he mumbled, testing out the word for the first time. It felt strange, but Merlin, did it make sense. 
“Fabian’s my best friend,” Garrett said, suddenly becoming terrified, as if he didn’t really truly think of the repercussions this could have on the man. “I mean, but you’re his twin so I guess you know more about him than I do,” he rambled. “But I don’t even know how most people feel about two guys dating and then to be like ‘hey, Fabian, I’m dating your twin?’ I mean, that’s just wild.” His rambling came to an abrupt halt when he became conscious of the one word he said–dating. He hadn’t mean to say it, but he didn’t exactly hate that he did. Garrett had never been about commitment, but everything about Gideon felt different. He couldn’t even begin to describe what he felt for this one man and it energized him but also scared him. 
Garrett can barely breathe as Gideon speaks again and he wants so badly to kiss him right then and there, but he figures that would be quite rude considering the serious conversation they were currently having. He squeezes Gideon’s hand. “I was stupid, okay? I took everything out on you because it was so easy to ignore all of this before and then you came waltzing into my life and I realized I couldn’t hide it and–” He paused and swallowed. He felt like he couldn’t breathe. “I’m scared, Gideon. I’m scared about telling people and I’m scared about how completely I feel for you–I’ve never felt like this towards anyone before.” He detached his hand and looked down. 
“And I did kiss Marlene but it was before you kissed me. I had no idea you felt the same way. I was so convinced that you were straight. That you were never going to feel the same way about me. So I tried to do what I always did before and sleep with as many girls as I could and just forget about it.” He realized how stupid it sounded when he said it out loud, but that’s exactly how his thought process had went. “But then you kissed me, and well to put it simply, I kind of freaked out.” He laughed. “I got piss drunk on a Tuesday afternoon and went to go shag Kingsley Shacklebolt but just ended up yelling about how I hated emotions and got shitty advice and then puked on his carpet.” He smiled and felt a lot more relaxed. “I’m not the smartest person, to be honest.”
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                  almost immediately,  gideon gives the man’s hand another firm squeeze  ;   he can feel anxiety and nervous tension  oozing  off him,  and he wants to try to ease it,  even if only a little.   so he listens to him ramble,  of course  ------------  nods in understanding,  offers his hand a gentler squeeze,  another means of grounding the man,  keeping him  afloat,  because lord knows gideon’s been there  ;   been in need of something to keep him from  drowning.   
                  “  i can guarantee you that there’ll be no need to worry about fabian,  ”   he assures garrett right away,  the moment his rambling has ceased.   “  surprise,  i anticipate.   might take a moment for him to let the news settle.   might be a pain in the arse about it,  but you know him.   the bastard’s more easy-going than i am.   he’ll be accepting,  above all else.  ”   and  acceptance,  gideon knew,  was something that they may either be in large or short supply of  ------------  it’s daunting,  how easily it can go either way.
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                  the rambling picks up again  ------------  garrett’s let go of his hand,  and gideon places his own hand then on his knee,  almost as though he still feels in need of something to hold onto.   perhaps it just as much for his own benefit as it is for garrett’s.   but,  once again,  he doesn’t interrupt him  ;   he waits for garrett to put everything back out on the table before he speaks,  but before he’s able to formulate a response he cannot help but chuckle.   “  your taste in men,  at least,  seems to be impeccable.   to be fair,  i  could have also benefited from having  spoken up  after that night, too,  ”   he concedes,  and he gives the man’s knee a gentle squeeze,  and his thumb is rubbing idly,  gentle circles against fabric.   “  suppose i’m just  relieved  that we’ve gotten to this point,  at last.   we’re  both  a couple of hot messes,  aren’t we  ?   what an interesting couple we’ll make.  ”
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
Garrett can barely breathe because he can’t even believe this is happening. Years ago when he was in Hogwarts and first thought he could be attracted to men, he had just shrugged it off. It wasn’t something that was ever talked about in the wizarding world, and in the muggle world he had never heard good things about it: kids calling each other slurs as jokes, his dad making jokes that he’s glad he didn’t raise a queer. And here he was kissing his best friend’s brother. 
He sat down on the couch and nodded letting his eyes roam up and down the other man’s body. He didn’t particularly want to talk; there was so much he would rather do, but he was acting more like a hormonal fourteen year than a grown adult. He looked at Gideon for a moment before finally blurting out, “No one knows I’m gay.” He stopped for a moment. “Well, not gay. Um…” He glanced down nervously and realized just how terrified he was of this conversation. “No one knows I’m into guys too.” He didn’t know Gideon was into guys either, but then again, it wasn’t exactly anything anyone really spoke about. It was merely a drug and adrenaline fueled meet up that had lead to his night with that boy at Hogwarts. 
“I-I don’t know if I’m ready to tell anyone about this.” He looked up and met Gideon’s eyes. “Whatever this is,” he said uncertainly. “I understand if you don’t want to date me or whatever. You could do so much better I know,” he said, suddenly feeling so nervous and cynical for whatever reason. He had never felt like this; felt so tongue tied over someone. He usually just slept around; his life was so busy that he kind of preferred hooking up with no strings attached. Sure, sometimes it made him feel left out when he saw all his friends in happy relationships, but it was certainly easier than this awkward talking that he was doing. “You probably just wanted to keep it casual. I-I’m okay with that.” But he knew he really wasn’t. He just still wasn’t sure how Gideon Prewett, this handsome, talented, sweet wizard could want anything to do with him. “I mean that’s why you kissed me and then didn’t say anything about it yeah?”
                  gideon raises an eyebrow the moment garrett cuts right to the chase  ;   he’s not sure whether he’s surprised or amused.   perhaps neither.   certainly not surprised  ------------  he had suggested they start talking about it now rather than later,  after all.   “  guess it’s never really a conversation-starter of choice,  is it  ?  ”   he remarks,  somewhat dryly.   “  only fabian knows about me,  the bisexual.   well, aside from you,  now.   not because i want to keep it that way  ------------  it just never comes up,  you know  ?  ”
                  and he pauses,  gives garrett’s words thoughtful contemplation,  before speaking up again.   “  we don’t have to tell anyone.   i won’t even tell fabian about us.   not until you’re comfortable.  ”   gideon truly doesn’t mind one way or another who knows and who doesn’t.   he reckons fabian will tease him relentlessly at first  ;   has already prepared himself for the inevitable event,  but he’s more than willing to prolong it if garrett needs more time.
                  but he hears the way garrett seems to put himself down  ------------  you could do so much better,  i know  ------------  and gideon frowns, reaches out for garrett’s hand and grasps it as firmly as the gaze he’s settled upon the other man.   “  garrett,  ”   he says,  trying to ground him again.   “  i��m not looking just for some casual thing between you and i.   i care a  lot  about you,  and even now i’m  ------------  well,  massively understating  the extent to which i care.  ”   he loves him, if they’re to get right to the point,  but there’s a part of gideon still afraid that perhaps he’ll be jumping the gun.   he doesn’t want to rush the two of them into anything they’re not ready for  ;   it seems like this is still rather new for the both of them.
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                  “  trust me  ------------  if i’d been looking for something casual,  you’d have known that night.  ”   he’s far past the point of anger or even some sort of feeling of bitterness over the events of the other night.   knowing fully the way they felt for one another,  equally  ------------  everything that had gone on that night,  their kiss and garrett’s kiss with marlene and the way he’d been acting, it all made sense.   gideon could be mad  ;   would argue he still has a right to be mad.   but he’s not.   and that makes this so much easier for him.   “  i hadn’t said anything because  ...  well.   i heard about you and marlene and jumped to my own conclusions,  i suppose.   to be fair,  you  never said anything,  either.  ”
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
She nodded, the implications of what had happened weren’t lost on her– she spent more time at the stadium than she had her own home.  It was hard to know she’d never be there again.  They’d rebuild, she was sure of it, but it wouldn’t be the same.  Nothing would be the same ever again.  “Chaotic is a good word for it.”
She closed her eyes, remembering the conversation she had had with Garrett this morning.  It was some innocuous writing assignment.  She had been stressed about practice and not paying the closest attention to him. “Something for work,” she recalled softly.  “he was with Kingsley Shacklebolt and some Auror in a Muggleborn village.  I don’t remember where though.”
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                  for a moment all he can do is nod.  gideon’s not all that great at consoling others ;  never knows if he’s going to say the thing that needs to be said, never knows if what he wants to say is what is going to want to be heard.  sometimes, he won’t even have the faintest idea of what to even say.  so he doesn’t quite know what to say to gwen about the stadium ;  doesn’t know what she might even want to hear.  oh, we’ll rebuild seems all well and good but gideon knows that won’t fix anything.  not now.  there’s history that’s gone down in flames, there’s no getting that part of it back.  chaotic still feels like quite the understatement.
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                  he frowns, then, as gwen attempts to recall the last thing she knows of garrett’s potential whereabouts.  he can’t get mad at her for being a little too vague ;  they didn’t know what would happen.  they couldn’t have predicted that the afternoon would play out the way it did.  “ perhaps he’ll turn up soon, ”  he says, although at this point it’s more for his own self than for gwen, because at the core of it all, he wants to drop everything to find garrett.  he needs to know he’s okay, but on the other hand he doesn’t want to create more of a panic, because lord knows that the muggleborn village couldn’t be terribly safe of a place if there’s a possibility that the death eaters are aware of it.  it’ll be just another target.  “ if he’s with kingsley and another auror ------ he’ll be safe with them backing him up. ”  he hopes.  “ you up to scouting the area ?  if not ------ i can keep looking for him on my own.  i need to be sure this place is completely secure, anyway. ”  for his own benefit also ;  at the moment, he doesn’t feel safe anywhere.
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
Garrett tried to think of where they could go, but he could barely think straight. He knew they had to get out of there, but he was so overwhelmed. He was so overwhelmed that this man was here in front of him, kissing him back. He was so overwhelmed that they were in the middle of a war and he also had to finally face a part of himself he had been trying to hide for years.  
He pulled him closer, trying not to overload his mind with all these conflicting thoughts. He’d think about it later. Right now, he just needed to live in this moment with this man he felt so intensely for. He wrapped his arms around him and disapparated both of them to the place he thought of first. He certainly couldn’t bring them to his loft, Gwen would definitely be there and he wouldn’t be able to act natural around his sister; all in due time, but not yet.
“Emma’s still at St. Mungo’s,” he mumbled into his shoulder. “So Fabian will be with her–so your place is as good as ever.” He smiled up at him, running his hands through Gideon’s locks, realizing he probably should have checked if Fabian was home first. He very well could have been there getting food or a change of clothes and it would certainly be a shock to see his best friend and his twin in the middle of his living room with their arms around each other. 
“Fabian?” he called for good measure. No answer–she suspected as much. “We can go somewhere else,” he said, beginning to ramble. “But I mean we can’t go to mine because Gwen doesn’t know and I really couldn’t think of anywhere private and I just–” He stopped himself, snaking his hands around the other’s neck before he made a fool of himself. Luckily, Gideon just looked amused. It felt so strange, really. That this was real. That he was in the arms of his best friend’s twin–a bloke at that–and he felt the same. “We’ve got a lot to talk about, don’t we?” But he really didn’t want to talk. In fact, everything he wanted to do practically discouraged talking. But the two tended to rush into things and they really should stop and think for a while, before they got too ahead of themselves.
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                  they disapparated before gideon even had a moment to suggest an alternate location, and there’s mild surprise that follows as they appear inside his own home.  he doesn’t expect fabian to be home at any rate ;  and he suppresses a soft laugh as garrett double checks to make sure.  
                  when it comes to fabian, gideon finds himself indifferent to whether or not his twin finds out.  he’s already comfortably out about his bisexuality to his twin ------ the only thing there is to get past is the fact that he’s in the arms of his twin’s best friend ;  but if fabian was to walk in on the two of them in that moment, gideon wasn’t at all concerned over the aftermath.  
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                   he settles his hands upon garrett’s shoulders as he rambles, biting back a wide grin before reassuring him with a quick and chaste kiss to his lips.  “ here’s perfect, ”  he replies ------ and his hands slide up to bring the other man’s own from his neck, grasping his hands tightly.  he starts to pull garrett toward the living room couch.  “ and we’ll have plenty of time to talk, while we’re at it.  perhaps we’ve had enough excitement for a bit, yeah ? ”  to be able to sit down and talk this through will allow them to let everything settle.  he grins wider, teeth dragging over his lower lip to try to rein it in ;  and he sits them both down.  “ but maybe we’ll have time to do a little more than talking after. ”  as if that was going to make settling down any easier.
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
She closed her eyes, her shoulders sagging in relief when she recognized Gideon– at least, she thought that it was Gideon.  It made more sense for her to run across Gideon at the Ministry than Fabian– but either way, she didn’t have anything to worry about with the Prewetts.  She lowered her wand and stepped closer, wrapping her arms around him in a hug.
Ever since she had helped him with Rodolphus, she had considered Gideon a friend, and she was so glad to see him alright.  She pulled away, looking him over; he had been upright, but that didn’t necessarily mean he was without injury.  When she was satisfied she stepped back and looked at him, trying to calm herself down enough to tell him what he needed to know.
“Vo–” she caught herself, not sure if the taboo was still active.  “You-Know-Who was here,” she whispered, her voice wavering.  “Lily and I fought him, and we just got away.  W-we’re just trying to c-clear this floor before we…” she trailed off.  What was she going to do next?  Reconnect with Lily? Find Mary and Frank?  Cry?  “Are you okay?”
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                  he’s glad to return her hug ;  he knows from the get-go that she’s been through an ordeal, herself.  he’s glad to provide all the support she requires, to ground her, if it helps.  he hopes, at least, that it helps.  and that even includes letting her give him a once-over ------ give her the benefit of knowing he’s at least without serious injury, even if he is a little banged up.  but with what he’s had to deal with, he reckons that’s a given.
                  but she tells him at last what she’s been through and his eyes widen.  “ fuckin’ hell, ”  he manages out ------ croaks out, throat feeling dry all over again.  and people wonder why he’s become so paranoid and uneasy all of the time.  the dark lord’s made another appearance and people are injured and dying and there’s chaos everywhere and he cannot find his brother and he cannot find garrett ------ it’s overwhelming, it’s the only way he can possibly describe this.  
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                  “ i’m ------ well, fine, really.  roughed up by a death eater, but i reckon that’s got nothing on you-know-fucking-who, eh ? ”  he’s not too sure if the humor, however morbid, is appreciated, but it certainly is good enough for him to cope with, at any rate.  “ jesus christ, alice ------ ”  he can’t even blame her for being shaken up, of course he can’t, but he doesn’t want to dwell on the encounter any longer than she wants to.  “ are you sure you’re alright?  do you need anything from me ? ” 
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
She closed her eyes briefly as he voiced his hope that Garrett was with her– that meant that Gideon didn’t know where he was either; she knew he was on assignment with Kingsley Shacklebolt again, but who knew where they actually were?  Who knew if it was something dangerous?  What if he was hurt?  Or worse.
When he asked if she had been at the stadium she nodded hesitantly.  “We were just finishing up practice.  I forgot my– something– and I had to head back inside for a moment.  When I came back out there were Death Eaters all around and Amelia Bones, who was there for some reason, pulled me into the shadows and hid with me.”
“And no– that’s why I’m here.  I need to find my brother.  You haven’t seen him then?”
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                  “ hell, ”  he breathes ;  the thought of anyone else having to bear witness to what had transpired at the stadium was GUT-WRENCHING.  and for someone who felt more of a connection to the location than others ------ anyone who had any sort of love for the game, really ------ he reckoned it was akin to seeing their own home go down in flames.  he shakes his head to himself.  “ i’m glad to see you’re safe, at any rate.  things were certainly... ”  a pause ;  he’s not quite sure if any word really would suffice to describe what had happened.  “ CHAOTIC, back there.  in a word. ”  
                  he can’t help the sinking feeling in his stomach upon the confirmation that garrett still hadn’t turned up yet.  he’s supposed to be angry with the bastard, and yet here he is absolutely fretting over the man.  and that, in itself, is telling enough.  he swallows down something heavy in his throat, his mouth has gone dry and it’s almost like he’s back at the stadium again.  this time, however, there’s no ensuing adrenaline rush.  nothing of that nature follows this feeling of dread and anxiety.  all that follows is more fear.
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                  “ i haven’t, ”  he finally answers, and his voice sounds a little strained but it’s something he can easily pass off as exhaustion from the duel.  “ i only just came straight from the stadium, myself.  the fires were ------ difficult to tame, at first. ”  a beat.  “ d’you ------ d’you know where he’s supposed to be, at least ? ”
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
The Ministry looked exactly the same as it had yesterday. The fountain still glistened in it’s glorious golden hues, and the light bounced off it, creating shadows that were more like kaleidoscopes than dark holes. Miriam watched as the light danced on the floor by her shoes, as she awaited the return of the secretary, who she assumed as only doing her job as quickly as possible. Yet, the time for patience was gone. It had disappeared as soon as Emma was hurt, and Miriam had to make sure that the Ministry was taking the proper precautions to ensure that an attack like this never happened again.
While Miriam was not committed to either side, what the Death Eaters had created today was beyond wrong. As a Healer, though, she didn’t feel like it was a responsible choice to take sides. Someone could get hurt, or worse, someone could get targeted. Miriam knew she already was targeted purely because of her blood. But no one could deny that she ran a clean hospital. It was more efficiently run now than it had ever been, she was almost positive, and if the purebloods who were wrecking havoc couldn’t see that, well, they would have to go through her first.
Looking up as she heard footsteps, Miriam’s mouth almost dropped when she saw Gideon Prewett standing before her. “Gideon!” she exclaimed, standing up and wrapping her arms around him. “Oh, blimey, I’m so glad to see you. Are you okay? Have you seen Garrett? Or Gwenog? Or your brother, perhaps, so I can tell Emma… Or so… Well… Fabian really needs to make sure that he finds me. But either way, it’s so, so good to see a familiar face.”
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                  TO SEE ANYONE who isn’t a death eater is honestly a relief in itself for gideon, to be sure ;  but to see a friend, a welcome face among a sea of otherwise unfamiliar and quite frankly fear-filled faces given the most recent events ------ it means being able to lower a barrier gideon hadn’t realized he’s had up all this time.  and so he’s more than relieved to see miriam approach.  it means that for the time being he’s safe.  his wand’s away and it’s as though a weight is being lifted off his shoulders as he returns miriam’s relieved embrace.
                  “ glad to see you too, ”  he replies, honestly, after he finally pulls himself away.  now that his fight-or-flight instinct has gone away, he’s starting to feel exhaustion, but he tries not to let that fact show.  he can rest once he’s sure everyone else is safe.  “ in one piece, might i add.  i’m fine ------ only got roughed up a tad. ”  and he grins at that ;  recalls his duel with a sense of pride.  but the grin fades near immediately as miriam asks about the others.  worry returns.  he’s not seen anyone else yet.
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                  “ no, ”  he admits, although he is loathe to do so.  “ i haven’t.  suppose that means you haven’t, either. ”  he tries not to let his worry become more evident.  “ but emma ------ you’ve seen her, i take it ?  is she alright ? ”  the urgency with which miriam hopes to find his twin is disconcerting to him.  he’s heard of no reason that would suggest emma being anything other than alright, but he’s heard of very little other than the mess at the stadium.  now that the fires are out, he’s got quite a bit of catching up to do on most other fronts.  “ what else has been going on around here, miriam ?  what have you heard ? ”
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
Garrett nearly felt like he was dreaming. It wasn’t possible that this was happening. It wasn’t possible that this could be real. But Gideon’s eyes were too bright to be a dream and he was running his hands through Garrett’s hair and he wanted to stay there forever.
But what now?
They couldn’t just stay there in the Ministry. But they also couldn’t possibly go to Garrett’s home. Gwen was there and he didn’t think he’d be able to be even a little bit subtle–not right now. He was sure he’d tell Gwen eventually; this was the longest he’d ever gone without telling Gwen something and he was absolutely bursting to tell her. Maybe he could break it gently. Tell her he’s dating someone first? Then say who? Or come out first? 
Garrett closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He smelled like fire but also of soap and sweat. He knotted his hands in Gideon’s robe. He barely wanted to speak but he knew they had to eventually. He looked up and rested his forehead against Gideon’s so their faces were just centimeters away from each other. He was just so lovely; so warm and beautiful. “What now?” he whispered, pressing a light kiss to his lips. He felt like a young school child. All he wanted to do was smile; his stomach was doing flips and suddenly all of the agony he had gone through the past few weeks – the arguing and the worry and the intense realization about things he had been trying to bury for so many years –was worth. “I don’t think we can just stay here all day,” he said with a smile. He brought his hand to Gideon’s cheek. “Someone’s bound to go looking for us,” he continued. He laughed–more of a giggle really. “And look what they’d find.”
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                  HE’S GETTING DRUNK off the other man’s delight ;  from his smiles to his giggles to the drastic change in energy in the hall.  he finds himself addicted to it, is so eager for more of him, wishes they weren’t in such a public place so that he can have more.  he’ll have to settle for this, for now ------ perhaps less so.  it’s as garrett said, someone’s bound to come ‘round the corner.
                  but he smiles anyway, his hand’s still cupping his cheek and his thumb carefully brushes over the other man’s lips, wanting to commit the outline of his face to memory.  it nearly is painful to realize just how long he’s wanted this, without even realizing it’s what he’s wanted.  now that they’re together it feels like a weight on his shoulders that’s been building ------ years in the making ------ is finally being lifted.  he’s almost forgotten that he just came out of a duel that could have very nearly cost him his life.  garrett’s one of the many, and one of the important, reasons why he even fights.
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                  “ suppose we’ll have to find someplace quieter, ”  he muses, words punctuated by a soft chuckle.  “ more secluded, even.  you realize we’ve got quite a lot of time we’ll have to make up for. ” 
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
death eater???;;
Severus’ wand was raised towards the newly-ignited blaze, his mask firmly in place as he turned away from the other Death Eaters who had contributed to the flames. He didn’t know who they were and they didn’t know him; all he knew was that he’d been ordered to come here, to cause chaos. Somewhere in his subconscious he recognized that they were destroying the wizarding world: physically, literally tearing it to pieces. But what good was magic if it couldn’t destroy, then repair? It needed to be torn down to be rebuilt better, and stronger, and more powerful. And he was doing his part in making it so, he thought fiercely.
Their rivals had already begun to arrive on the fringes of the action, defensive spells starting to fly as they attempted to retake the stadium. Severus moved through the shadows and the flames and the rubble, knowing that he had to help fend off the opposition‘s pursuit to turn disorder into order once more. Nearby, he heard a voice call out forcefully; he spun around to see a familiar face, one he’d seen in photos and in the news. Gideon Prewett, strong and lethal. Severus felt a sense of dismayed foreboding slip down his spine. He didn’t want to fight Prewett, but it was either fight or run, and running would mean failure, and failure was not acceptable. 
Half a moment later and a disarming spell was flying at him. There was no time to throw up a shield charm, or even to think; Severus’ only option was to duck out of the way, diving towards the concrete beneath him, keeping a firm grasp of his wand. He turned over his shoulder, shooting a blasting curse his enemy’s way. “Confringo.”
                  " ------------ protego. ”  he counters almost immediately with a shield charm ;  but it’s only just in time.  he wards off the blast but its impact against his surroundings causes him to briefly lose his balance ------ he catches himself though, considers firing back with an equally explosive spell but he doesn’t want there to be more damage than what’s already being done.  he certainly doesn’t want to add to it, at any rate, and if an explosion hits while they’re close enough to the walls of the stadium ------ the place can crumble and gideon will be caught in the aftermath.
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                  “ bet you lot are bleeding PROUD of yourselves today, eh ? ”  he spits out, and he wets his lips, the heat making his throat feel dry, and he tries to swallow a growing lump down his throat.  he still is going to need to breathe properly if he wants his spells to be effective.  and he doesn’t want to give his adversary the opportunity to regain his own footing, either ------ he throws a quick impediment jinx his way, doesn’t wait to see whether or not it connects before he launches a strong jet of water his way as well.  “ agua eructo ! ” 
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
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Freedom Fighters || Order of the Phoenix
“If you fight,
you might lose.
If you don’t fight, 
you’ve already lost.” 
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
                  THE STADIUM WAS ALREADY UP IN FLAMES when gideon arrived and the flames only continued to alight his own anger.  wand’s already drawn, he’s come ready, e x p e c t i n g a fight, whether it be with the fire or with a death eater ;  god, he hopes he’s given an opportunity to square up with one of them.  his teeth are bared and he’s come ready to tear something apart.  
                   the opportunity comes knocking on his door when he sees him ------ a death eater, of course masked, but at this point gideon can’t find it in him to care who may be under the mask.  he’s begun putting out the fire when he sees the bastard and he knows he’s there to cause more havoc and so for the time being he stops trying to douse the flame and his wand is pointed threateningly at his adversary because he’s ready to dive into danger headfirst ;  he always has been.
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                  “ ------------ you ! ”  he figures he must have been noticed at this point ------ there’s no way he hasn’t been, so he skips pleasantries, not that there’s any reason for them to be had anyway ------ and instantly he fires off a disarming spell at his opponent.  he can’t waste time here ;  the stadium continues to CRUMBLE beside them.  ------------ @severedprince
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
Garrett realized as he felt the other man tense up that crashing into him when tensions were as high as they were right now definitely wasn’t his smartest plan. He wasn’t thinking though, his emotions were just so high that all he wanted to do was hold the other man. He couldn’t help but notice that he hadn’t even been this relieved to see Gwen, probably because he wasn’t afraid that Gwen would die thinking he hated her. Garrett had been absolutely terrified that the last things they said to each other would have been an argument and even that he would never know how Garrett truly felt about him.
He had planned to talk to Gideon, sure, but he hadn’t exactly planned to profess his undying love for him. But standing her in the Ministry of Magic, after the day he had had, holding the man he was pretty sure he actually loved, he realized that nothing was going to go according to plan. 
Garrett pulled away and just looked into Gideon’s eyes in by the dim light of the Ministry corridor. He put his hands on his shoulders, realizing that they were practically the same height; that Garrett could stand at his normal height and just look into the other man’s eyes. “I messed up,” he said softly, feeling close to tears. He wanted to close the space between them and never let go. He was about to explain. To explain that he remembered the kiss. To explain why he had been so angry and hurt lately. To explain why he had covered everything up. But he couldn’t speak at all and he just put his hand behind Gideon’s head and tilted him closer, connecting their lips again. This time, they would remember. This time they would talk about it. 
He was so afraid and overcome with happiness at the same time, but he was kissing this boy he felt so deeply about and that’s what really mattered. He pulled apart and gazed at him with a small smile before resting his head on his shoulder. “I can’t lose you.”
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                  gideon is almost too painfully aware of how cliched it must sound, but if there’s ever a feeling of time almost stopping, this is it.  this is how it feels.  because he knows he’s reading what’s going on between them right this time and garrett’s got his hands on his shoulders and that’s ALL THAT MATTERS ;  the hands, the man in front of him.  just the two of them, and they’re not even in the ministry anymore.  that’s what it feels like.  the two of them are all that matter in that one moment.
                  garrett makes that admission and gideon knows how LOADED that one simple phrase is.  he looks into his eyes and he knows.  and he knows they’ll have to talk about it properly, he wants to, but for the moment this is enough ( for he can never stay mad at garrett jones for too long anyway ).  and so when he feels garrett’s lips on his own and when he’s able to enjoy this moment whilst sober gideon is all too happy to return the favor.  fingers cup his jawline and his thumb brushes against his cheek and he hopes he is able to get his meaning across in the way that he kisses him back.
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                  “ you won’t, ”  he says once they finally pull apart ;  a subtle declaration.  fingertips card gently through the other man’s hair, and he presses his lips to the top of his head.  “ i’ve got too much to live for, you know. ”
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giidxon-blog · 7 years
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Green is an emotionally positive color, giving us the ability to love and nurture ourselves and others unconditionally. A natural peacemaker, it must avoid the tendency to become a martyr.
Purple or violet assists those who seek the meaning of life and spiritual fulfillment - it expands our awareness, connecting us to a higher consciousness. For this reason it is associated with transformation of the soul and the philosophers of the world are often attracted to it.
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