gildengard · 3 months
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gildengard · 3 months
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yall better be just as outraged about this as you were about notre dame
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gildengard · 4 months
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gildengard · 4 months
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another reminder to stop buying/watching/reading anything JK Rowling associated
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gildengard · 4 months
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gildengard · 5 months
it's fucking me up how tv shows, movies, and even video games can't be "niche" content anymore
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gildengard · 8 months
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gildengard · 8 months
The Ron is eager to use "Fat Boys" against the Gunners, "easy solution to this whole thing!" Based on audio from "Super Chats for Charity with The Ron and Jake" (link in YT description)
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gildengard · 8 months
so I started playing fallout 4 for the first time and...
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anyway I'm having a blast with Sim Settlements 2
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gildengard · 8 months
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Good morning Baldur's Gate 3 and Sim Settlements 2 nation
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gildengard · 8 months
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I think about Danse every time this audio crosses my path
Source: wwdits
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gildengard · 9 months
So Nick went through the fuckin ringer in Death Shroud. I mean, my man signed up for a simple case to just help a woman find her missing husband. But instead he:
Got thrown against a wall
Found both the Memory Den and the Third Rail basically destroyed (with key figures in both places - Kent and Whitechapel Charlie dead)
Found out one of his close friends (Magnolia) had been kidnapped
Had his house invaded by his ex(?) and her son
Had his friend get stabbed by said ex
Watched as half of his fucking city died to lethal radiation
Got teleported away from said lethal radiation and lost six hours of memory
Found out one of his close friends had betrayed him and then watched that friend get shot and killed
Found out a man who he'd thought dead had actually been living in his head the entire time and was now back with a vengeance
Used a fucking cab(????)
Found the Silver Shroud, cryogenically frozen, and had to deal with him
Was very clearly affected by reality warping
Found another ally dead, having left a holotape that mentioned that said friend had managed to cure his son and was planning to return
Watched as his allies and then himself got turned to fucking stone
Was returned to normal and then watched as everyone else he knew bar two people were wiped from existence
Found out that the person responsible for all of this bullshit was a fucking Grognack villain or whatever the fuck that was
met Glados, The Joker, Claptrap, TF2 Sniper, fucking Duke Nukem and others.
Somehow basically became a wizard with a staff that gave him fucking omnipotence
Woke up two years in the past
At the very least, Nick gets to spend two weeks cooped up in Vault 114 and just figure out what the fuck he's going to do next
Cause unless I'm interpreting it wrong and Nick didn't actually fully remember what happened, I feel he would definitely take a far more active role in helping Nora (not saying he didn't in the original timeline, though I imagine he didn't have as much influence as he may have liked as I doubt he would've pushed Nora to side with the Brotherhood) in an attempt to stop what happened originally from ever happening again
Not to mention, considering both Magnolia and Nick remembered, I assume Danse would too (what with him being a synth and iirc they reference him having also been affected by the reality bending - he mentions being 'dizzy' after warp when they find Maccready) and the thought of Nick and Danse (who would have the full knowledge of his being synth prior to Blind Betrayal) desperately trying to stop Nora from majorly fucking up like she did in the first timeline (cause I love my girl, but from the sounds of it she didn't make good choices - what with the Brotherhood obliterating the Railroad, and I assume she also ignored the Minutemen and other such side quests (I didn't quite catch it as my wifi was being weird, but I swear it was referenced that she majorly messed up with the Cabbots too).
Just something something Nick and Danse having to work together to try and stop the clusterfuck that was the original timeline (not to mention iirc Danse got his ass wiped from existence before it started getting really weird - i.e: from the reveal of the Mechanist's true identity through to Glados flirting with Nick - so Nick having to explain what in the fuck happened has so much potential for chaos) despite the fact that Danse should still be a prick and see Nick as a monstrosity (something something someone interprets this as them being in cahoots with the institute following Blind Betrayal) and Nick should never have met the man in his life
TLDR: Death Shroud has given me Fallout 4 brainrot and I can't get the image of Nick and Danse being forced to work together to stop an absolute clusterfuck while also trying to figure out what the fuck is going on
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gildengard · 9 months
Missed opportunity that they didn’t call Desdemona “The Conductor” or something
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gildengard · 9 months
I've said before that the synth thing would work better with a McCarthyism allegory, but for Danse specifically, its so similar to autism that it has to be intentional??
Like. The thing that really solidified that Danse in particular is just straight up about autism is Piper's line in Blind Betrayal. Paraphrased, it goes something like, "I mean...yeah, of course he's a synth. It was kind of obvious, wasn't it? I mean, have you heard him talk?"
The autism accent is a concept that seems to be popping up more recently, but its a real thing, and in my own experience, everyone in my life has been able to clock that there was something different about me from my speech. People thought it was weird that I used "adult" words as a kid, and was very technical and exact when speaking. I was often mistaken as being from places like Brooklyn because I had a weird affectation to my voice.
And there's just. This fucking line. "Have you heard him talk?". Piper is also the person who clicked McDonough as a synth. It's worth noting that McDonough and Danse both use words like "rabble".
But seriously.
Danse goes through his life being respected for his work ethic, intelligence, and strong sense of duty and morals, but he never really bonds with anyone, he doesn't make friends. He's respected, not liked. People want to work with him, but the best they have to say about him is about his work. He makes one single friend in his entire life, and never tries again after that guy dies. And no one tries to befriend him. He's their brother. He's not their friend. And he takes his job too seriously as a commanding officer to attempt emotional connection. He apologizes for overstepping on the few occasions he does.
He talks like a thesaurus, and no one is sure if its to sound smarter, or if that's just genuinely how he thinks. It's strongly implied to be the latter. He's incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about various topics. He sounds like a kid on Christmas when you risk life and limb cracking open a vault that's supposed to have riches, but instead, just has some historical items. He throws his Brotherhood prejudice away the moment he finds a farm run by ghouls that uses pre-war structures in a creative way, and scolds you if you do the Brotherhood thing and insult them. He also seemingly forgets that he's in the Brotherhood when meeting a child ghoul, that kid's parents, a shy, insecure ghoul who clings to children's media (despite Danse finding children's entertainment stupid and a waste of time), and Daisy.
And then there's the synth thing.
Danse has always been Danse, but one little word gets attached to him and his life turns upside down. His work ethic is no longer a work ethic, it's viewed as a perversion. His intelligence and manner of speech are no longer of his own merit and education he had to have given himself, they become inevitable, things he had no say in. His existence is both erased and explained by one word, and anything else is irrelevant or in question. People who once respected him want nothing to do with him, because this one word puts him in a context they find unnatural, corrupted, inhuman. There's even something there with the Institute. Autism is (incorrectly) associated with vaccines, the government, science gone wrong. It's a man-made horror.
And then you have the people he gets lumped in with, after being thrown out for this one word. They take schadenfreude in it. This is comeuppance, this is deserved. This one word, something they take pride in or have sympathy for and want to protect, suddenly becomes weaponized. It's a source of pride for others, but for this one person, we're going to use it as punishment. You weren't with us from the start, so now you really are on your own. It's not that there isn't a right way to be this one word, it's just that there's a wrong way, and even if you change accordingly, you will never belong with the rest of us.
Its. Autism is about exclusion, from everyone and everything. Always being an outsider, often too polite or nervous or jaded to even bother looking in. And at every point in Danse's life he didn't belong. He was a rogue synth, so he didn't belong in the Institute. He naturally thrives as a soldier, so he didn't belong as a junk seller in Rivet City. He was a synth and considerably more kind and compassionate than the rest of the BOS, so he didn't belong there. And because he was a BOS soldier and is still working out some bad traits after his exile, he isn't welcomed by the people who he was thrown to. Everywhere he goes, there's a big neon sign over his head that changes to whatever word will ward off everyone around him and he's so used to it, the thing that makes him angriest about being a synth is that he doesn't even have parents. He doesn't even have that connection to the world, of being born into it. There is nothing he can connect himself to beyond the Institute (which he hates) and the Brotherhood (which, if he continues to connect himself to, will drive him to suicide out of sense of duty, and he already agreed to not do that)
Its just. His entire story is one of absolute isolation and the final dickpunch of "You've always hated yourself, right? Good news, here's a reason to kill yourself that's professional and won't illicit pity from your peers, so no one will judge you for doing it or grieve you."
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gildengard · 9 months
fnv + fo4 as onion articles
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gildengard · 9 months
*Mama Murphy voice*
it's the depression, kid.
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gildengard · 9 months
Nora: You remember the Cabots and that affair with Emogene we helped out with?
Danse: Uhm, no. You took Nick and left me at home staring into the middle distance. After what we've been through you didn't have to sideline me like that.
Nora: Okay we are NOT going to dig into this ancient history right now, Danse.
Danse: Was it a social anxiety thing? Did... did I smell? I mean you only took one of us at a time.
Hancock: Some sad violin music coming from somewhere...
Nora: Can we not do this right now?
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