gillianflails · 1 year
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Nancy Drew + text posts (22/?)
4.01 || The Dilemma of the Lover's Curse + text posts (2/2)
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gillianflails · 2 years
I’m angry and apparently wrong
I work in a school primarily with a child who very visibly has a disability. Today, waiting for the elevator with him, another child who has THE SAME DISABILITY but in a less severe and therefore less visible way, was also waiting. An adult member of facilities asked the child with the invisible disability WHY he was using the elevator. The child answered “I have an elevator pass.” WHICH SHOULD HAVE ENDED THE CONVERSATION. Instead, the adult says “YOU have an elevator pass?” like he didn’t believe him. His supervisor was standing beside him, and she didn’t say anything. I ended up explaining to them that he has health reasons for using the elevator (after the child had already gone upstairs) because they clearly still didn’t believe him.  Somehow, I’m in the wrong thinking that a child with a disability, NO MATTER HOW VISIBLE IT IS, has a right to use the accommodations that have been given to him without being questioned. “Too many other kids use it when they don’t have to” THEN PUT A LOCK ON IT. I don’t understand why it doesn’t have one when every other school I’ve ever been in does. “It’s too much of a hassle.” So the eleven year old has to explain every time he meets an adult in the elevator that HE HAS A RIGHT TO BE THERE BECAUSE HE IS DISABLED?  It’s bullshit. But no one else is listening, so I’m just going to rant on here and try not to spend my entire weekend fuming.
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gillianflails · 7 years
My mom is in the hospital with COPD and pneumonia. My dad and I have been trading off sitting with her because my sister lives an hour away and my brother doesn’t handle crises involving his momma very well.
I typed most of this one handed, because my momma just told me that holding my hand helps her calm down.
It is the highest compliment she’s ever given me. 
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gillianflails · 7 years
I’m getting ready to move 15 hours from where I currently live. I spent most of Tuesday afternoon going through clothes to decide what to keep, what was trash, and what I am going to donate.
Then I go to walmart.
Wonder woman shirts.
Three dollars.
I have six more shirts.
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gillianflails · 7 years
What the hell?
Random really fast post:
My mother is watching “Botched,” a schadenfreude show about people who have had failed plastic surgeries. A woman on the show had a double mastectomy. The surgeon performed “nipple banking,” which is surgically attaching your nipples to your lower abdomen so they’ll still be alive once your implants are ready to go.
Every time they show this woman with her nipples still where they’re supposed to be, they’re blurred out. 
Every time they show her without her nipples on her breasts, there’s no blurring at all.
When they show the HORROR SHOW that is her nipples attached right above her panty line, there’s no blurring at all.
What the hell?
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gillianflails · 7 years
I have been in small fandoms before. I have shipped rarepairs. 
Never have I ever experienced a lack of fandom such as the one I have encountered with Good Witch from Hallmark channel.
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gillianflails · 7 years
Is it soul-crushing to anyone else that after everything Diana goes through in Wonder Woman, she decides that men are both good and evil, and must choose which they will be
and twenty years later has to see men choose evil again in World War II?
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gillianflails · 7 years
“It’s not about what the world deserves. It’s about what you believe.”
I have so many feelings about this quote, and I will discuss them when I have more time. LOL
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gillianflails · 7 years
“I Want Something Just Like This”
I heard this song on the radio about 900 times before I actually listened to it. We listen to a pop station at work, and they play “I Want Something Just Like This” by the Chainsmokers about two or three times an hour, and they have for WEEKS. I usually have my ipod on my shoulder, so I didn’t really acknowledge this song beyond “hey, it’s that same song again” until the like about Batman caught me.
Statement: Someone needs to reread the books of old. There is no gold in the Achilles myth. Also Hercules’ demi-godhood could be called a gift, but other than the Disney movie most Herc myths are about the twelve labors he did to repent for killing Megara and their children.
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gillianflails · 7 years
Today’s random fandom
So I found the Hillywood Suicide Squad parody yesterday. I have not only had the song stuck in my head all day (It’s Lady Gaga’s “Judas” but rewritten to be about the Joker), I’ve also been half-writing bits of fic. 
Today’s ficlet prompts: “Saving” Harley by keeping her away from Mr. J, my vague half-shipping of Harley and Will Smith’s Deadshot, and Waller using Harley as bait to lure out the Joker, with Batman interfering because Batman. 
My ideas never plot. Just ideas. Plot maybe? But no. Just moments. Sentences I really like. “The Joker was always his most dangerous when Harley was taken from him, and Harley her most when in his arms.” Problematic. Harley is an independent woman. Don’t need no man to save her from Joker. 
Also Ivy. Ivy should show up. 
(If you haven’t watched the Hillywood Show Parody of Suicide Squad and you like the movie, go do it. It is ridiculous how amazing it is.)
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gillianflails · 7 years
So my mom and I had to go check on my aunt this evening. Last thursday she had a varicose vein in her leg pop, and if you don’t know, let me explain you a thing:
/endPSA (also /end The Help quote)
Anyway, she thought her leg was bleeding again, so she called my mom. We ran over to check on her, and she’s fine. But while she and mom talked about work (they both work that wonderful retail-hell called Wal-Mart), I played with her cat George. 
Who rolled over and let me scratch his belly, even after I’d been gently poking, prodding and squeezing at his swollen elbow (he thinks he’s the biggest tomcat in the neighborhood, apparently, and it keeps getting his ass kicked).
He won’t let her scratch his belly.
My aunt is miffed at me because her cat likes me more. 
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gillianflails · 7 years
Pirates: Dead Men Tell No Tales
I had lots of amusing thoughts about this movie, but my two biggest nitpicks were:
1.) Not having Will show up to defend his son from Salazar makes me think one of two things:
1a.) Disney couldn’t figure out a way to make the two undead ships fight in a way that was interesting, so they just kept the Dutchman out or
1b.) They couldn’t get Orlando Bloom to agree to more than a couple days of filming, so they got the most important parts and let the rest go. Either way, someone should have thought “hey, maybe the captain of the Dutchman might care that his son is about to be murdered by evil ghosties. Maybe we might should call him up?”
2.) Why does every legend of the sea have a connection to Jack or Barbossa. Granted, I need to rewatch Pirates 4 because I don’t remember most of it, and Jack’s compass is a ridiculous Maguffin that can lead you to anything you ever want, but everything is tied to Jack or Barbossa.
These minor complaints in no way impeded my enjoyment of the movie, lol.
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gillianflails · 7 years
I am far too fond of commas, hyphens, and parentheses when it comes to sentences. I want to say things okay! Sometimes you have to know something else for the sentence to make sense okay! I have a fic that might still be up on FF.N that is essentially stream of consciousness because of all the parentheses, commas and hyphens. If Logan’s brain actually works the way I wrote it in that story, god he needs even more therapy than the show makes you think.
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gillianflails · 7 years
Tommy sits with the Rangers
(This has only the vaguest start and no end to it at all, but it’s the first snippet I’m going to post because it’s the only I’ve worked on most recently. See bottom for more notes.)
When he meets Kim at the circle of desks during his first detention with her, he thinks Rita has blown it before it even began. He can feel the other Rangers. He knows these five are the Power Rangers better than he knows his own name. He can't see any way they won't immediately know he's the new Green Ranger.
But then they don't. They show no sign they know he is who he is. Kim introduces him, pulls a chair up for him between her and Trini. Trini's doing the same chemistry homework he brought, looking like she's breezing through problems he'd given up on after ten minutes of staring at them. Billy, on her other side, has twenty four colored pencils precisely lined up, and he's using them to sketch out some sort of elaborate blueprint. Tommy doubts he would understand it if all five of them tried to explain it to him. Zach is on Kim's other side, mostly asleep in his chair, clearly not intending to work on anything but his beauty rest. Jason, beside Zach and across the table from him, is staring Tommy down. There's more curiosity than hostility, and he and Kim appear to be having a conversation entirely in expressions, though Tommy's damned if he knows what they're saying.
Trini reaches over Billy's pencils, careful not to bump the desk and disturb them, to point at something on his schematic. It gets Jason's attention, and he leans into Billy's space to comment on what she sees. When Jason leans back again, Billy picks up the green colored pencil and starts adding lines.
Trying to act like he isn't hyperventilating because they have to know, Tommy pulls out his chemistry homework and goes back to his staring contest with it. Kim nudges him, her own homework-math, he thinks- laying on the table in front of her. When he looks up at her, she jerks her head in Trini's direction. 
(This is the first snippet of my Trans!Tommy verse I’m going to post. It isn’t necessarily the earliest bit of it, though it is the earliest one I’ve written. Probably most of what I post is going to be just moments, little blips in time based on a thought I had and wanted to explore. This one was the idea that Tommy can feel that the others are the Power Rangers. He should be evil in this, because in the original he was working with Rita at the equivalent of this point, but that doesn’t particularly come through too much.)
Also, while I really doubt it will happen, I am DYING for Tommy to be trans in the Power Rangers sequel. 
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gillianflails · 7 years
So I decided I’m going to start posting some of my writing snippets on tumblr. I write a lot less than I used to, but maybe this will give me some encouragement or prompting to write more. I write in about twelve million different fandoms, depending on the day, so I’ll try to be much better about tagging on this blog than I am on my other one. 
I’m also on AO3 as GillianGrissom (http://archiveofourown.org/users/GillianGrissom/pseuds/GillianGrissom).
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