gimmegimmelove · 3 years
i. love. this. i laughed out loud reading this omg i love this sm
Hi! A prompt, if you don't mind. Since there's not many content with Todoroki siblings, maybe some family bonding with lee Shoto and lers Natsuo and Fuyumi. Like, Shoto finally feels comfortable and close to them enough for cuddles and affection, and they realise their baby brother is touch-starved (and unexpectedly ticklish)
I- I cannot even put into words how much I enjoyed this prompt! I absolutely loved every minute of writing this and I'm so glad you decided to send it to me! Poor Shouto is so touch starved and I love every opportunity I get to give him some much needed love! I really hope you guys like it!^^
Better Late than Never
Lers: Fuyumi and Natsuo Todoroki
Lee: Shouto Todoroki
"Hey. Can you guys tickle me?"
Fuyumi couldn't even blame Natsuo when he promptly started choking on the soda he'd been drinking in surprise. Of all the things that she would have expected her socially inept younger brother to say, it certainly wasn't that.
The three of them had been hanging out in the living room together, watching some animated movies that Shouto had borrowed from one of his classmates, Izuku Midoriya. That green haired kid that he'd fought during the UA Sports Festival. 
Apparently, their youngest sibling had been doing some 'research' as he put it, on sibling bonding techniques, and had been interviewing a few of his classmates to figure out what they liked to do with their siblings. Tonight he'd suggested the three of them have a family movie night while their father was away on a business trip and he had some time off from school, an idea he'd gotten from his classmate, Hanta Sero.
Ecstatic that their little brother finally seemed ready to open up to them, they immediately agreed, and the three of them were currently cuddled up together in the impromptu blanket fort that Shouto had insisted was a must when it came to a proper family movie night because, 'Sero said so.'
And so it was.
Admittedly, things had been going pretty well up until now, when their stoic peppermint of a little brother had turned to them, family bonding list in hand, and had asked, in the most blank tone possible, if they could tickle him of all things.
"Shouto, um, if you don't mind me asking, what brought on that question?" Fuyumi asked after a moment, patting Natsuo's back firmly while he still struggled to catch his breath after almost drowning himself in Fanta. Shouto didn't even bat an eye at his older brother's near death experience, and instead kept his expression carefully emotionless. However, he was fiddling with the hem of his shirt slightly, as if he might be nervous.
"Oh. Well, Kirishima said he likes to bond with his younger siblings by tickling them. I'm the youngest, so I just thought maybe that's how it was supposed to go and that maybe we could do that too." He explained calmly, though there was a tad bit of barely noticeable apprehension there as well. "Is that… Wrong?" He asked hesitantly, tilting his head and taking on a rare expression of clear confusion as he started flipping through his notes again. Fuyumi couldn't decide whether the sight was adorable or flat out hilarious. Heck. Maybe it was a little of both.
"Oh! No! No of course it's not wrong! Just.. a little unexpected? I guess it's just surprising! Not bad though. It's good actually! Really good!" She answered hurriedly, not wanting to ruin this rare moment of trust Shouto was showing. He'd never really gotten the chance to bond with them properly when they were little, and his social skills definitely left something to be desired, so for him to be purposefully seeking out the opportunity to do normal siblings things with them? Especially things like physical displays of affection? Well, that was a pretty big deal.
He looked up at her and blinked, relaxing after a moment and setting his notes aside, seemingly satisfied with her hasty explanation.
"Oh." He said after a pause. "So.. You'll.. You'll do it then?" He asked quietly, and if she didn't know any better, it looked like he might even be blushing. Fuyumi couldn't help allowing herself a fond smile. When had her little brother gotten so adorable dang it?! There was definitely no way she could say no to that! 
Rather than giving a verbal answer right away though, she instead let her expression morph into something a tad more mischievous and looked over at Natsuo, who had by some miracle managed to recover from his coughing fit. "Hey Natsu? Remember that thing Touya used to do to us when we were kids?" She asked with a smirk, suddenly scooping up their little brother from behind and pulling him into her lap when he wasn't looking, catching him off guard. She quickly wrapped her arms around his torso, trapping him effectively while simultaneously preventing him from being able to bring his arms all the way down, leaving him exposed.
Natsuo looked just as confused as Shouto did for a moment before realization suddenly seemed to hit him. Back when they were younger, sometimes Touya would scoop one of them up into his lap and trap them there, then he'd warningly tell them, "Don't laugh or flinch at all or else~" and wiggle his fingers just above their stomach, occasionally pretending to dip his hand down before bringing it back up again. This would go on until eventually they'd break and he'd finally start clawing into their sides or ribs or armpits. It was never the same spot, and so the inability to guess or prepare for it always made it so much worse. They loved it, and hopefully, so would Shouto now that he would actually have a chance to play. 
He smiled slightly at the memory before crawling over to sit in front of his two siblings, the younger of them looking more than a little confused. "Um. What are you two doing? What did Touya used to do?" He asked, voice deceptively calm even as an anxious smile was starting to pull at his lips. Just because he'd never been allowed to participate didn't mean he hadn't seen his siblings playing this game before, and he had to admit, it was kind of exciting to finally be a part of it, even if he was a bit nervous.
"What do you mean 'what are we doing'? You wanted us to tickle you right? So what better time than now to teach our dear little Shouto about our favorite tickle game hm?" Fuyumi teased, making him squirm a bit in anticipation as he watched Natsuo slowly move his hands toward his stomach, which he sucked in instinctively.
"The rules are simple." Fuyumi began, "Don't laugh,"
"Or flinch at all-" Natsuo joined.
"Or else~" They finished together, and with that, the game had begun.
Shouto held up pretty good for about seven minutes. After all, due to both his extensive training on self control as a child and the countless tickle fights he'd already gotten into with his classmates back at the dorms, he'd managed to build up a fair amount of resistance, and he remained stubbornly quiet and still no matter how many times Natsuo tried to catch him off guard. That is until Fuyumi decided to cheat by pinching his side right at the exact moment Natsuo decided to bring his hand down again, and he arched his back in surprise right into his older brother's waiting fingers.
"GYAH- Ahahahahaha! No! Nohoho wait!! Fuyuhuhumi you cheheheheater!!!" He laughed, collapsing into his sister's chest as Natsuo started digging into his sides. "Cheater? Me? Are you hearing this Natsu? Shouto's accusing me of being a cheater! The nerve!" Fuyumi exclaimed, feigning outrage as she joined in by scribbling her fingers over his ribs and into his armpits, making him squeal adorably. By now, he'd been squirming around so much that his head had ended up cradled in her lap, giving her a perfect view of his joyful smile. The sight of her little brother, so happy and carefree in this moment, it almost brought her to tears, and she couldn't resist the urge to discretely snap a few quick pictures of the scene with her phone, both as a keepsake and to send to their mom later along with the others she'd gotten throughout the night.
"NONONONO!! NOT THEHEHERE! NOT THE FEET NATSUHUHU!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Shouto honestly couldn't remember a time he'd felt this much joy. Tickle fights with his classmates were always fun, sure, but this? This level of closeness and affection being shared between him and his siblings right now? It was like having a hole filled that had been empty for far to long. He never wanted it to stop. 
"What? Not here? Why not? Is someone a little sensitive riiight here~?" 
Okay he didn't want it to stop, but maybe, um, maybe he did need to breathe though. His siblings seem to recognize this as well and quickly let up. He shot them both a grateful smile as he curled into a ball on his side, still giggling. This time, Natsuo was the one who couldn't resist the urge to record it.
"I.. I love you... Guys.." Shouto mumbled between giggles, and they both froze. Did- Did he really just?...
Shouto barely had time to process what was happening before he was literally being crushed in a bear hug between his two siblings, and despite his sudden inability to breathe again, he returned the embrace happily because maybe.. Maybe this is what he'd been missing all along.
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
“i am not tickling my pickle”
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
am i allowed to request bakugou blasting someone but instead it tickles them?
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I sure hope that second ask meant lee todoroki with any ler lmao
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
omg this is so adorable!!
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First drawing on here wee hoo
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
i’m sad :( some people on here are spoiling a part of the new season of MHA, please tag your posts :)
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
he has my heart
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Sorry, I’m really not the best at anatomy yet, but I’ve been practicing all my life, and I don’t plan on stopping! 😂
Anyway, here’s some Lee!Todoroki I drew the other day! Hope you enjoy! 🤍❤️
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
stumbled across this a couple years back, figured i’d share for anyone who hasn’t seen it and likes this crew (don’t mind the messages from toss boy LMAO)
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
this<3 there used to be a compilation because of how much it happened, but they deleted it because unus annus ended :(
me: :(
clips of ethan nestor being ticklish in various unus annus episodes: exist
me: :)
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
Tousling and Tickling
Inspired by this ask here
(Also this fic is a little over 5k words I may have gone a little overboard with this one haha)
Enjoy my first fic with Purpled! :D
Purpled was a competitive person. Yes he was able to admit that. And when it came to bedwars on hypixel? That competitiveness was doubled tenfold. So when he was playing against the Dream Team, and continued to win like an absolute champion, he may have let his cockiness get the better of him...
“YES!” Purpled cried triumphantly as he shot Sapnap off of the bridge leading to the Dream Team’s base. “Take that Snapmap!”
Sapnap screamed profanities on his way down to the void, cursing Purpled and yelling at his team to ‘get their shit together’. Purpled leapt onto the floating island, quickly cutting down George who tried to take him on alone. He grinned at the loud, frustrated scream that was emitted from the colour blind man as he disappeared from the world.
“Bye bye Gogy!” Purpled called after him then turned to face Dream who was standing on top of the bed defense, clutching his sword tightly.
“‘Ello Dreamy boy” Purpled grinned, twirling his sword in his hands. “Think you can take me on without your band?”
“Easily” Dream growled. He didn’t want to get genuinely angry with the teenager, but he’d really been pressing their buttons for the last five rounds of bedwars.
“Hmmm,” Purpled glanced over Dream to see Sapnap and George respawning. “Wouldn’t be so sure about that blob man.”
Faster than Dream could comprehend, Purpled swapped his sword out for fireballs. He launched one straight at Dream, throwing him over the edge of the island with one shot. Dream screaming the word “WHAT?!” at the top of his lungs brought a wide grin to Purpled’s face. He threw the rest at the defensive blocks around the bed, blowing it up and destroying the contents within. He jumped up onto the bridge, tossing the last of the fireballs at Sapnap and George who had raced to kill him before he could escape. The deafening screams of the pair being yeeted over the edge was what made Purpled burst into loud, maniacal laughter.
The words ‘Victory” stood bold against the sky, and Purpled whooped loudly, lifting his sword above his head. Winning never felt so good.
“Well that was fun!” Purpled bounced on the balls of his feet as he was approached by the Dream Team in the lobby. “Wanna go again? Or just admit defeat now?”
The trio shared a look before Dream smiled at Purpled. It was the same smile the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland would give. Needless to say, Purpled didn’t trust it in the least.
“Nah, we were thinking of a different game, Purp” he said calmly.
Oh, he was calm too. That was an emotion Purpled definitely did not trust on Dream. The man was just as competitive as he was. The speedrunner hated losing. So why was he suddenly so relaxed?
“Yeah?” Purpled tried not to show his nerves, maintaining his aloof and cocky disposition quite well. “What’s the game? Build Battle?”
A command popped up on his communicator, the message was sent by Dream.
“Go on” Dream encouraged, George and Sapnap disappearing beside him as they joined the new world.
Purpled raised a brow at Dream but smirked regardless. “Alright” he agreed. “Prepare to lose whatever this is, Dream.”
He clicked on the text.
The familiar warping sensations flooded Purpled and the lobby around him blurred out. He was flying through the portal, jumping through server to server until the rushing feeling slowed. Purpled’s boots touched down on the ground and he opened his eyes.
Surrounding him was a world he had never seen before. It was beautiful, that was the first thing he registered. Tall spiralling trees with blue, fluffy-looking foliage towered over him, the trunks covered in a thin layer of white fur. Close by, a lagoon of purple liquid lapped gently at silver and gold pebbles. The grass was incredibly soft to the touch, the strands of pink a nice contrast to the cream coloured flowers dotting the land. There were a couple of light grey boulders around as well, a mop of mint green moss resting on top of each one.
“What do you think?”
The voice made Purpled start, looking round at the Dream Team who were watching him. He flushed a little. He’d been so caught up in looking at the new server he didn’t even remember who’d brought him here.
“It’s nice,” Purpled admitted. “But why are we here? To fight? Cause I don’t want to ruin the grass, red won’t mix very well with pink.”
Dream chuckled. “Cute threat Purpled, but we’re not here to fight, well, at least not in the sense you’re thinking of.”
“What other sense of fighting is there? I swear Dream, if you brought me here for us to fight with our words-”
“No no” Dream laughed properly this time. “I think I’ll leave the political talking and speeches to Wilbur, he’s better at them anyway.”
Purpled watched the trio cautiously. All their sheaths were empty, they were wearing no armor, and all seemed incredibly relaxed. Purpled did not trust that.
“So what are we doing then?” He asked.
“Simple” Dream shrugged. “Drop your weapons.”
Purpled stared at Dream like he’d grown a second head. “What?”
“Told you he wasn’t gonna take it well” George snorted.
“We already did” Sapnap pointed his thumb to where a chest sat in between a few smaller boulders close to him. “Check if you want.”
Purpled raised a brow again. Just a few minutes ago, they were in a very heated game of bedwars with all three of these guys screaming at him. Now they were just calmly hanging out in this weird world? Purpled really didn’t trust this.
He kept a hand on the hilt of his sword, approaching the chest that sat in the grass. He glanced at Sapnap who shrugged, raising his hands placatingly. Purpled turned back to the chest and lifted the lid. To his surprise, it really was filled with the Dream Team’s gear. Potions, weapons, armor, the lot. He was almost half tempted to nick some of the valuables and leave, but he wasn’t a complete asshole.
“Why am I doing this again?” He turned to Dream who was crouched in the grass petting some kind of creature. It looked like a lion cub, covered in violet fur with spots of dark purple dotting across its back. It had a pair of butterfly wings and a small antenna protruding from its forehead. It was kind of cute honestly.
“Because we’re playing a game, not fighting to the death” Dream replied, smiling down at the feline when it mewled, batting at his hand when he stopped petting it.
“What is that?” Purpled couldn’t help but ask, putting his things into the chest slowly.
“They’re called Klein Leeus, you can see them all around this server but this one turns up whenever I do so I’ve pretty much adopted her.”
“She got a name?” Purpled closed the lid of the chest.
“Patches,” Dream replied, ruffling the fur atop the cat’s head and standing back up. Patches bounded over to the rock George was sitting on and leapt up beside him, purring contently as George brushed a hand over her back.
“Alright” Dream approached Purpled calmly.
Despite the nonchalant air, Purpled’s hand still ghosted his hip for his sword, wincing when he only grasped at an empty scabbard. The action didn’t go unnoticed by Dream who frowned a little but changed his expression to smile at Purpled.
“Relax, Purpled, we’re not going to hurt you” he promised.
“You still haven’t told me what we’re doing” Purpled’s eyes narrowed at Dream.
“It’s a game.”
“I’m gonna need more information to trust your intentions here.”
“Think of it as a manhunt-”
Okay, Purpled really wished he had his sword now.
“-Except there are no weapons, and the point is to try and evade us for fifteen minutes. If we catch you, we win, and if you don't get caught in that time frame, you win.”
“So it’s just a game of tag?”
“Pretty much,” Dream nodded. “It’s a game we play occasionally ourselves, and since you beat us at bedwars, why not see if you can beat us at this?”
Purpled considered that. It did seem like a good test of survival and endurance. All three of these people were pretty formidable, and Purpled always enjoyed a challenge.
“Alright, I’m game,” he agreed. “Do I get some time to run first?”
“Nope!” Sapnap leapt off his rock, crouching slightly in preparation. “So you’d better get moving now Purp.”
Purpled noticed how all three of them had gotten into positions ready to chase. Nervous anticipation flooded Purpled, something he hadn’t felt since he was younger. His feet were carrying him before he realized it, taking off in a random direction.
The shouts behind him only spurred Purpled to run faster. He was going to win this, he was. He’d beaten them all in bedwars, how hard could a game of tag be?
Really hard it turns out.
Purpled hadn’t felt this exhilarated or nerve wracked in a long time. The Dream Team were relentless, tracking him easily despite his best moves. Now he knew how Dream felt with the Minecraft Manhunts, he didn’t know how the man managed to do it so calmly half the time. Purpled was amped up on adrenaline and instinct alone. It had been nine minutes, over halfway and yet he wasn’t sure he was going to win.
He was close to the area he’d spawned into, doubling back on himself and buying himself some time. He wasn’t sure where his pursuers had gone, but they weren’t anywhere in sight. Patches was lying down on top of the chest, sleeping peacefully so he couldn’t grab anything from it. He wasn’t a monster, he wasn’t about to wake the cat from a nap, that would just be heartless.
He glanced at the purple lagoon, noticing his parched throat for the first time. He had been running flat out for a while after all. He approached the water carefully, crouching beside the pool of liquid. It was probably safe to drink...right? He hadn’t seen a single river, pond or pool of water that hadn’t been purple, so it must be.
Purple cupped his hands together and scooped out some of the purple water. He brought it up to his mouth, watching it slip through the gaps of his fingers then drank what remained hesitantly. The flavour was slightly fruity with a sweet edge to it. It was almost bubbly on his tongue and it quelled the thirst in his throat with a single sip. Purpled stared at the lagoon and scooped up another handful, drinking it slowly to savour the new, but welcomed taste. Gods, he wished water always tasted like this.
He was on his fourth mouthful when he paused. There was an odd buzzing sensation in his stomach, it wasn’t irritating but it was definitely noticeable. Weird. Purpled glanced at the water in his hands, considering it, before shrugging and drinking the cool liquid. To his slight alarm, the buzzing increased to a tingly feeling spreading across his whole abdomen. It almost...tickled? He shuffled away from the lagoon quickly, rubbing at his belly to try and relieve the sensation. The movement only made the feeling stronger, claiming his sides and ribs now. Purpled felt giggles building in his chest and stubbornly pushed them down. Laughing would give away his position, he’d lose.
He pressed a hand to his mouth, wrapping an arm around his stomach and rubbing quickly at the area's tingling. Now, if Purpled had realized the pattern so far, he wouldn’t have done that. Unfortunately, he hadn’t, so he fell victim to the effects of the water again. The tingling only spiked, the feeling of fizzing fluttering over his torso so quickly it was almost unbearable. With an arm still clamped around his middle and a hand pressed to his mouth, Purpled broke into fits of badly muffled giggles.
What was happening?!
The tickly sensation swirled and swarmed across the body, starting to crawl down his legs and making him fall onto his back and kick out, rolling into a ball in a desperate attempt to stop the tingling from spreading further. He was unsuccessful.
He tore his hand from his mouth and wrapped the arm around his middle to try and ignore the feeling, but in doing so, his laughter burst free unbridled.
“Stohohohop!” Purpled didn’t know who he was pleading to, but he didn’t care. The constant buzzing across his skin was driving him mad, and rubbing at the phantom touch would only make it twice as bad. “Plehehehease I cahahan’t!”
He squealed when the tingly sensations danced all over his thighs, not a single spot being left unchecked, so when it swirled around his inner thighs, he may have let loose a shriek. The feeling hadn’t stopped though, travelling further down and then it hit Purpled’s feet. He beat the ground with his fist, feeling tears prick his eyes as his whole body was now being tickled with the tingling energy sparking across his nervous system.
“Plehehehehehehease!” He howled, kicking desperately as though that would throw off the tickles plaguing his sensitive soles and toes. “Plehehehease stohohohohop!”
Thankfully, the feelings only lasted for another few seconds before fading into a gentle buzz. Residue giggles slipped from Purpled’s lips, arms still wrapped protectively around his middle as he melted into the grass. The soft strands flicked against his neck and ears, keeping him giggling quietly. He wasn’t sure how long he lay there, laughing softly to himself as he relaxed into the gentle tickling, but it was long enough for...
“Well that was adorable~”
Purpled shot up from where he was lying, staring in horror at Dream and George who were perched on the boulders watching him fondly.
“W-What are-? How did you-? When did-?” Purpled tripped over his words as a blush spread over his cheeks.
“Long enough,” George replied with a smile. “You have a really cute laugh, Purpled.”
The compliment made Purpled curl in on himself slightly, shyness causing him to stutter out a muttered protest and burn his ears.
“Awwww” Dream cooed, genuinely treasuring the new look on Purpled. He’d seen the boy angry, happy, cocky and frustrated today, but definitely not flustered. He took in the sight for a little bit longer before looking over Purpled’s shoulder. “Okay Sap, you can tag him now.”
Purpled swung his head round in time to see Sapnap lunging for him before he was pressed to the grass with Sapnap pinning him down with his weight.
“Fuck! NO! Sapnap, get off!” Purpled yelled, shoving at the man’s shoulders as he squirmed underneath him.
“Nope, no dice” Sapnap grinned, “you lost Purp! So that means you get the consequence!”
That made Purpled’s stomach roll nervously, he froze, looking up at the older with wide eyes. “C-Consequence?” He repeated worriedly.
Sapnap noticed the sudden shift in Purpled’s voice and quickly softened his facial features into something more friendly. “It isn’t anything bad Purp, we do it to each other whenever one of us loses, you’ll be okay.”
Purpled swallowed, glancing back at Dream and George who were approaching with concerned looks. ‘They wouldn’t hurt me,’ he told himself firmly.
“Okay?” He watched as the pair crouched beside him. “What’s the consequence?”
Sapnap grinned at Dream, who in turn smirked at George, who then smiled at Purpled.
“It’s harmless” George promised, “you trust us?”
Purpled hesitated.
They must have noticed because Sapnap got off of him, letting him sit up. Silence blanketed the world, the Dream Team watching Purpled with varying levels of concern.
“Purpled” Dream outstretched his hand, palm up. “Take my hand for a second?”
Confusion and bemusement made Purpled slowly take it. Dream’s fingers gently wrapped around his own, his thumb brushing over his knuckles.
“I know you don’t have many in your corner that you’re close to, which means you struggle with trusting people sometimes, but…”
George placed his hand over Dream’s and squeezed, Purpled able to feel the action as well. “But you can trust us” he finished for his friend. “We look out for everyone on the server, including the people who don’t show themselves off to the world.”
Sapnap gently gripped his shoulder, shaking it a little so Purpled would meet his eyes. “We’re here whenever you need us” he finished off. “Trust is important to us, and we want everyone to have at least some faith in us so they can come to us about anything, this means you too.”
Purpled looked at them individually for a moment, the promise of him being able to trust them blatantly clear. “Oh” he murmured, he squeezed Dream’s hand gently. “Okay then.”
“Okay then” Dream repeated then let go. Purpled would not admit how the loss of contact made him feel cold.
“So...the consequence?” He probed curiously, although still a little nervously. “What is it?”
Dream gave him a small smile. “Permission to touch you?”
“Permission to make you laugh?” George asked.
Confusion bubbled within Purpled. “Um...I suppose?”
“And finally,” Sapnap’s hand hadn’t left his shoulder Purpled realised. “Permission to tickle you?”
Purpled froze, a smile lifting his lips as anticipation burst through him. “U-Uh- I- um...what?”
“That’s the consequence Purpled” Dream smiled. “That's why we come here, practically everything living here is a form of tickle tool, you’ve already experienced the water.”
Purpled rubbed at his stomach subconsciously, the tickly experience was unbearable, but still kind of fun. ���Y-Yeah?”
“It doubles your ticklishness with every drink, and I’m sure you noticed that with touch it grows worse?”
Purpled giggled a little, the memory of it making phantom tickles tingle across his lower belly. “Yeheah.”
The three older boys awed at the small giggle, only making Purpled flush again and look at the ground shyly.
“Well Purpled” Dream said with a teasing lilt to his voice. “You gave us permission to touch you and make you laugh, do we have permission to tickle you?”
Purpled kept his gaze at the grass but nodded a little.
“Gonna need your words Purp” George hummed.
“Y-You can…” his voice trailed off the word getting stuck in his throat.
“We can what?” Sapnap squeezed his shoulder again, tapping his fingers lightly into the bone.
Purpled squirmed in place, pressing a hand over his face to hide his warm cheeks. “You can- ti-” he shook his head, gripping his blonde hair as he whined. “Ughhh I can’t say it.”
“What’s that Purpled?” Sapnap asked coyly then leant in closer, “can’t say the word...tickle?”
Purpled locked up at Sapnap’s voice so close to him, squirming away with a high giggle. “Dohon’t!”
“Awww, he’s giggling already Dream, isn’t he precious?” George cooed, reaching over to briefly wiggle his nails against the top of Purpled’s hand.
Despite it not being a remotely ticklish area, Purpled still snatched it back with a squeak. “Hehehey!”
“Absolutely adorable” Dream agreed, “I can’t wait to use the Fluff Fronds on him~”
Fluff Fronds?? Purpled’s mind snapped to the blue foliage in the trees he’d seen and his stomach somersaulted. Those looked like they’re be incredibly soft to the touch, and Purpled crumbled under light sensations-
“Nohoho Fluhuhuff Frohohonds!” Purpled squeaked, his whole face burning.
“Aw, how come? They’re soft and fluffy and I’d love to twirl them all over you’re cute lil belly~ Maybe even dip one into your belly button~”
Purpled shook his head, giggles starting to tumble from his lips rapidly. “Dreheheheam!”
“What’s wrong Plum?”
The nickname only made Purpled grow more flustered, pressing in on himself to try and quell the tingles fizzing in his belly. “Stohohop teheheasing!”
“Why? You haven’t given us permission to tickle you yet, so I’m afraid this will be the consequence for now.”
Oh gods no. Purpled wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take. The warmth in his cheeks, the anticipation swirling in his belly accompanied by the giggles that kept building in his throat, Purpled needed the outlet of his energy. And that outlet was only achievable if he asked for it. How could they be so cruel?
“Plehehehease” Purpled whined, peaking between his fingers at Dream.
“Aw Plum, you’ve gone pink! Look at those adorable rosey cheeks” Dream cooed, shaping his hands into claws and wiggling them at Purpled.
The boy squealed, burying his face into his hands again and breaking into a fit of high pitched giggles.
Sapnap made a sound of adoration behind him, wiggling his fingers very briefly into Purpled’s shoulder and lowering his voice to a teasy whisper. “We can tickle you the second you ask us to Purplee, until then, we’ll jump keep teasing you~ especially about your endearing giggles, your sweet blush, and your absolutely adorable smile~”
Purpled shook his head, scuffing his feet into the ground as he tried to block out Sapnap’s voice. “Shuhuhuhush!” he whined.
“Sapnap’s right” George hummed, “you’re very cute, I had no idea you could laugh like this~”
“Ihihihim nohohot cuhuhute!”
“Hmm, disagree” Dream shook his head. “All it takes is a few words Plum and then we can tickle you till your heart's content~”
He squeaked when he felt arms wrap around his chest, drawing him back into someone. Sapnap’s chin resting over his shoulder told him exactly who was holding him captive in a hug.
“Only a few words” Sapnap repeated in sing-song, tapping his fingers against Purpled’s ribs so lightly it made the boy squirm back into him.
“And then we’ll tickle tickle tickle you~” George chimed in, plucking a strand of grass and dragging the tip of it just over Purpled’s wrists and hands.
The silky softness of the grass caused Purpled to fold in on himself, burrowing closer to Sapnap who only shifted his light finger tapping to his belly as well. The teasing tickles were practically unbearable at this point, Purpled desperately wanted the three of them to just get on with it, but he knew they wouldn’t until he asked. It was their way of showing him that they weren’t going to do anything unless he was comfortable. It was sweet of them, but it was also not helping his flustered state in the slightest.
“Plehehease guhuhuys!” He whined, arching a little. “Ihihi cahahan’t-”
Sapnap then chose that moment to spider his fingers over his bare belly, the skin exposed by Purpled’s squirming. The boy squealed, kicking out and almost catching Dream in the face.
“Jeez!” The speed runner snatched Purpled’s ankle in mid-air before it could land. “If you wanted me to tickle your little footsies Purpled you could’ve just said, no need to take my teeth out!”
The feeling of his boots being undone melted Purpled into a giggling mess. The spot was so damn flustering, not to mention really bad. “Nohot my feheheheet Dreheheheam!”
“Why not? Are they too ticklish Plum?”
Dream smiled. “Well then, the bedwars pro has ticklish feet? Well that’s kind of a disadvantage don’t you think? Imagine if a player found this out, you’d be taken down in seconds wouldn’t you?”
Dream undid the last buckle and slipped off his shoe, the exposure to the air making Purpled's toes curl. “Dreheheheam” he tugged at the man’s hold on his ankle.
Purpled didn’t have a response, pressing both hands to his face as he giggled hysterically. Hopefully they’d just take pity on him...they’d do that right?
“Alright Purpled, I’ll make it easy for you~”
Purpled’s stomach flipped at George’s teasy tone.
“If you really want us to stop now, say stop, if you want us to tickle you, just say the word ‘tickle’ and we’ll do it, okay?”
What? How was that making it easy?! He still had to say it!
But when Dream flicked something fluffy underneath his toes, Sapnap poked his side and George spun his strand of grass along his wrists, he decided to swallow his pride. Purpled kept his hands firmly pressed to his face as he quietly murmured “T-Tickle-”
Immediately, he felt hands skittering over his sides and belly, the fluffy thing on his feet sped up and his neck was being attacked by grass stems. Purpled squealed loudly, crumbling against Sapnap in laughter. He squirmed left and right in reflex to the sensations but was relieved they were finally wrecking him.
“Gohohohod!” He yelped, kicking out when his foot tingled with ticklish sparks. “Dreheheam whahahat ihihis thahahat?!”
“A Fluff Frond!” Dream replied cheerfully, ruffling the blue, feathery leaf against Purpled’s toes.
Purpled squealed, yanking his ankle free from Dream’s grasp, curling into a ball but only trapping Sapnap’s hand on his stomach.
“Oh? You really want your belly tickled? I’d be happy to oblige Purplee!” Sapnap scribbled his hand underneath Purpled’s hoodie making the boy shriek and kick his legs out again.
Almost instantly, his bootless foot was snatched up again by a waiting Dream. “Oh so you changed your mind about wanting your toesies tickled? Very well!” The fluff frond was dragged underneath his sole again, the feeling tickled like hell.
“Dreheheam! Sahahahap! Dohohohon’t!” He howled, yanking his foot back and batting at Sapnap’s hand still scribbling into his stomach.
“Did you forget about me Purpled? So rude!” George made an affronted sound then blew a fat raspberry into Purpled’s neck.
The teenager squeaked, jolting back against Sapnap at the buzzing vibrations. It reminded him of the water he’d drank. “Geohohohorge!”
“Oh, so you notice me when I tickle you hmm? I see how it is Purpled” George growled playfully.
“N-Nohoho Ihi didn’t mehehean to- Geohohohohohorge!” Purpled burst into loud laughter, tears pricking his blue eyes
The man had blown another raspberry into his neck, vibrating his fingers into the opposite side of it. Purpled’s hands left his face to try and push George away, squeaky giggles making his shoulders bounce.
“Awww look at that adorable smile!” Dream cooed, and oh gods, he’d taken off his other boot- “Such a cutie patootie!”
The feeling of the fluff fronds brushing over both his feet, the mini raspberries being pressed into his neck and Sapnap’s hand swirling around his belly button was overwhelming. The teases and compliments being thrown his way without warning were melting him to his core, flustering him beyond belief. These three were the ultimate tickle monsters.
“GUHUHUYS!” Purpled shrieked, shaking his head as he laughed.
Seeing him struggling to breathe, the Dream Team slowed in their tickling, allowing Purpled to take in air. He slumped into Sapnap, residue giggles slipping through his lips as he regained his breath.
“You alright Purpled?” Dream asked, setting his feet down on the grass.
Purpled’s giggles grew again, the grass gently fluttering against his feet with the light breeze indirectly tickling him.
“Yeheheah” he said through his soft laughter, missing the adoring gazes he was receiving. “Ihis thahat ihit?”
“Yeah, we usually only do it until the person’s tired out,” Sapnap replied, tousling Purpled’s hair gently.
“Ihihim nohot tihired” Purpled giggled, leaning into Sapnap’s hand.
The trio shared a look.
“You want us to keep going?” George asked, smiling gently at the teen.
Purpled ducked his head to avoid looking at them but shyly nodded.
“Alright then” Sapnap leaned back against the boulder behind him, taking Purpled with him so that the boy was practically lying down on him. “Dream? You mentioned you wanted to use those fronds on a certain someone's belly?”
Purpled’s giggling jumped up, at both the reminder of the previous tease and the feeling of grass still tracing his feet.
“Oh yes, Purpled? May I?” Dream twirled the frond in his hand with an excited look.
Purpled nodded, covering his face again as the sight of the fluffy foliage sent butterflies fluttering through his stomach.
“Nuh uh” George took Purpled’s hands and held them gently. “No covering that adorable face of yours, we wanna see your smile.”
Purpled shoved his face into Sapnap’s chest but it didn’t do much to hide his wide grin and flushed cheeks. Sapnap awed in his ear, butting his head with his chin fondly. “Feeling a little shy Purplee?”
Purpled nodded into Sapnap’s chest with a small squeak. His breathing hitched when he felt the hem of his purple hoodie being lifted up.
“Gentle or rough Plum?” Dream asked softly.
“Gehehentle plehehease” Purpled giggled, cracking an eye open to look at Dream.
Dream nodded with a fond look. “Gentle it is.”
The Fluff Frond was dragged over his lower belly, up his sides, to his ribs then twirled back down again in a slow motion. Purpled squirmed into the grass, the strands lapping at his exposed lower back and making his high pitched giggles stronger. “Dreheheheam!”
“Yes Plum?”
Purpled shook his head, pushing his feet into the grass and squeaking when the silky flora tickled his toes. “Ihihihit tihihickles!”
“That’s the point sweetheart” George cooed, wiggling his nails softly over Purpled’s palms.
Sapnap blew on his ears gently, murmuring reassurances and teases to him. The combination of light tickling made Purpled melt into the grass, eyes slipping closed in bliss. He wasn’t sure how long he lay there, being gently tickled by his three friends, but it was long enough to let him slip into a sleepy state, practically half conscious. He barely registered the tickling stopping, a hand being carded through his blonde hair.
“We should get him home” he heard George murmur close by, his hands warm in the older man’s gentle hold.
“I’ve got him” Dream replied and Purpled felt arms go under his legs and back, then he was lifted off the ground. He made a soft sound of surprise but rested his head against Dream’s shoulder, eyes remaining closed.
“Awww Dream! He’s like a baby! He’s so cute!” Sapnap’s hushed whisper at his side made him snuggle closer to Dream with a mumble of “not cute fuck off” but it came out as sleepy gibberish.
“Easy there Sugar Plum” Dream murmured, “we’re gonna get you home.”
Sugar Plum? Purpled told himself it was a grossly cute nickname but it didn’t stop him smiling a little. “M’kay” he mumbled into Dream’s hoodie. “Thanks for...for this...was s’nice.”
“Of course Purpled, like I said, you can trust us” Dream said softly, squeezing the teenager to him gently.
“Can...can I have the IP address for this world?”
Dream smiled. “Of course Sugar Plum.”
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
this one.
bird took request and wrote it. bird hope’s its oke. It’s late here I will die thanks
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
rb to give a flower to the person you rb this from
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
hello friends, i am home from a week+ of vacation, any tickle news for mcyt i need to be filled in on? ty
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
Did I post this before?…Birb can’t remember.
Purpled plays a game of bedwars with Techno, but gets a little over his head with it. (ah shit, here we go again)
He swung his legs back and forth on one of Hypixel’s waiting benches, watching players fight and quarrel on the islands in the distance. The feeling of the splintering wood underneath him made him wince as he shifted a bit.  Purpled sighed, leaning his head on his hands. Notch, I’m so bored. Why does everyone suck today? He felt a tug of temptation to join them, to slaughter them with the edge of his sword and the silver spark of his witty remarks. He waved it off, shaking his head a little. I can’t do that, not today. I’m waiting for him. Him...His eyes unfocused, thinking about the man he was to spar with today. Technoblade. He’s well-lauded and all that, but is he really that good? I mean, I know he was good back in the day, but things are different. So different. He focused back to see one of the people on the island getting yelled at. He leaned in, looking at the player closely. Noticing an illegal weapon on him, he shook his head, tutting quietly. “Jeez, you’d think that they would know to not cheat in such a public place.” A rough, ragged voice spoke up behind him. “You’d think so. They ain’t that smart, though.”
He yelped, turning to look at the offender. Purple eyes met crimson. Purpled jumped off the bench, stumbling a little bit. “W-wha? How did you get here so fast? I didn’t-” “Hear me? Of course you wouldn’t hear me. I prefer not to be heard, Purpled. That’s the warrior’s way.” After his brief startle, he collected himself almost immediately, looking at the hulking piglin hybrid up and down. The two of them were very close to one another- he could hear the heavy breathing of the warrior and the small snuffling noises he was making in between breaths. He glanced at his face for a moment, a sudden wave of shyness overcoming his usually witty and snarky personality. He stuttered a little as he spoke. “S-so! How did you get all this gold? I thought you couldn’t bring in things you didn’t find from Hypixel.”
The bigger of the two grinned a little, tusks shining an off-white in the sunlight. “I found it here too. Got them from unlucky people who got in my way. They were annoying anyways. Shouldn’t have waved gold in the piglin’s face.” He pointed towards the bedwars pedestal. “Are we going to do this or what?” The younger bedwars player’s mind swirled in confusion. What was he saying? Was he being sarcastic? Mocking? Completely neutral? Dear Notch, I have no clue what he’s thinking. He took an uncertain step towards the statue. More important question. Do I like him? Should- “We can back out if you want. It just means I have a little less blood for me later.” He snapped out of his little trance, looking at the piglin in a mix of annoyance and challenge. The pink-haired warrior dug out something from underneath his nails, leaning on the statue in a pose of pure apathy. He looked at the younger with a look of bored expectancy, a look that he had seen on himself in the mirror on particularly dreary days. He bristled a little, but he knew that it probably wasn’t on purpose. The guy is supposedly not the best at social cues. I’ll just have to bear with it. Bear with it, bear with it…
He gritted his teeth a little. “Yeah, we’ll do this. Let’s go.” He stalked up to the statue, ready to tap it, before a ring-encrusted hand grabbed his wrist. “Before we do.” He held up a small modded enchant book. “Asked the mods if we could do a private, modded match. Makes it more fun.” Purpled snorted, a bit of his normal snarkiness showing through again. “Need a little boost? No probs. Seems fine to me.” Techno grinned again, showing the bottom rows of his teeth in a minorly intimidating gesture. “Whatever you say, kid. Just telling you, this may be one of the more dangerous bonding activities we can do.”
The younger ignored his statement, tapping the statue and setting up a new private match. “Dangerous for you,” he muttered, purple irises flicking back and forth as he read how to add in the mod. Snorting, Techno kneeled down, chains swinging back and forth as he moved. A specific one that hung from his tusk and connected to a clip on his ear caught the boy’s eye. Their eyes met, purple gazing at crimson with the intensity of a man who had seen the furies of war. Techo looked back at the boy with no such idea in mind. He gestured towards the statue. “Ready?” Purpled nodded, eager to begin. His mind whirred to life again, immediately planning out his modes of attack against the piglin. I know this will be hard, but I really, really want to win against him! I heard from Tommy that he was good, but how good? Man, I sure hope that he does something really different than the others!
Techno looked in amusement at the boy. I’m guessing he’s already planning. What did I expect? He is a bedwars player, after all. The thing is, he doesn’t know what the mod that I installed does. He herded the boy, who was certainly still very lost in thought, towards the statue, tapping it on its cap-covered head. As the two warped, Purpled yelped in surprise at the noise. “What?” He looked up at the piglin in astonishment, landing on both feet and stumbling a little as he touched the ground. Techno simply shrugged from across the map, hoping the boy could see him. They both stepped into their respective pickup areas, items making small noises as they picked up the valuables from the ground. Purpled, humming with excitement, was chomping at the bit to get to Techno. I’m not sure if he remembers, but speed is key here. I’ve got to get to mid fast!
He scooped up the gold and iron frantically, running over to the shopkeeper and exchanging items with him quickly. As he ran, he dropped iron bars here and there, making the man snort a little at the bedwars player. He whispered to the other shopkeepers through the corner of his mouth. “That one’s always in a rush, ain’t he? Eccentric one, mi lads. If ya haven’t seen ‘im around, ya missing out. Always got the most fascinatin’ stories to tell in the lounge, ya know.” As the boy ran, placing blocks quickly, he looked out to the piglin’s island, expecting some movement. Nothing. As he reached middle, he gathered the emeralds carefully, glancing out to the island again and again. Nothing. He walked back to his island, whistling a tune. He armored himself and gathered materials. When he peeked out at the island, once again, he saw no activity. No defense, no nothing.
“What is he doing?” He wondered aloud. “What kind of strategy is that?” He walked out fully, looking around in confusion. The second he stepped near to his bed defense, the sound of fabric rustling reached his ears. A pink and red blur pounced on him, pinning him to the slanted fabric. “Gotcha.” A low voice purred beside his ear. The sound of his voice made him shiver. “W-what? How did-” Techno shushed him, continuing to pin the boy to his defense.
Realizing his lack of movement, the astonished boy began to struggle in his hold, pushing against him as much as he could from his pinned position. The piglin growled lowly, pushing him further onto the fabric, his chains hanging over the boy’s neck and ears as he did so. One of the chains, specifically the one that he had his eyes on earlier, scraped ever so slightly over Purpled’s neck, dragging gently over his collarbone. He yelped, struggling a little more to avoid the sensation. Technoblade raised an eyebrow at his reaction. “Oh? Are you ticklish? Didn’t hear Phil tell me ‘bout that.” He stared at the pinned boy beneath him, making him turn away and blush a soft pink. “I-I’m not.” Techno grinned, shifting a little so the chain moved over his neck again. Purpled scrunched up his neck a little, giggling lightly, before looking straight at Techno with wide eyes. “Ihihit’s nohot what it looks like! There was- ack!” The piglin scooped him up with both arms, cradling him lightly, before moving towards the middle of the islands.
With every step he took, Purpled could feel the power and speed in his movements. At one point, he stopped at a large gap, looking down at the void below. The void sparkled lightly, beckoning the two of them into its cold embrace. The piglin stared as if he was entranced, looking at the sparkles for a few minutes too long. Purpled began to wriggle, hoping that the hybrid wouldn’t notice his movements. Techno seemed to pay him no heed, staring at the (decidedly gold-looking) sparkles down below. As he moved, he noticed a small little movement, catching his eye in an instant. Freezing in place, he looked for the movement again, heart in his throat. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he sees Techno’s ear, a little floppy triangle nestled deep in the man’s ponytail, twitch ever so slightly. Purpled sighed lightly in relief, moving to hop out of the piglin’s arms. I thought that was a larger part of him. If it was, I’d be-
One of the hands that held him shifted slightly, making his breath hitch slightly. He looked to his side to see one of his hands shift to keep him pinned in his grasp. “No escaping. Not on my watch.” A large hand grabbed at his side, making him squeak a little. “Oh? Did my little captive just squeak? I thought you weren’t ticklish.” He grabbed at his side again, listening for the telltale squeak. He grinned at the high-pitched giggle he got in response, finally snapping himself out of his daze fully and looking straight at the flustered boy in his arms. “C-captive? I’m a captive?” Ignoring his stuttering protests, the piglin gently squeezed at the boy’s sides, making him squirm and giggle. “Hehehey! Stohop!” “A person who isn’t ticklish wouldn’t say that, would they? I think you might be a little bit of a liar. And you know how liars get punished in our household?” Purpled pushed himself away from his hand as much as he could. “Hohohow?” His hand grabbed firmly at his side, vibrating lightly. “TehehehECHNO!” He leaned down a little bit more, whispering as well as he could into the younger’s ear. “We tickle them.”
The bedwars player would have paled, if his blood would cooperate. Instead, warmth flushed into his face and cheeks as he giggled and pushed at the hand half-heartedly. He knew better than to attempt to escape the piglin, especially since he had seen the man follow that beanie-wearing bird hybrid across the SMP. He had seen just how fast Techno could go. There’s no way out of this, is there? I should have known that he was up to no good. The warrior in question began to move to his own base, hopping from place to place with ease. As the gentle winds buffered at his face, he unconsciously buried his face deeper into Techno’s chest, making the man smile. Why is he so cute? The voices, for once (or twice) in his life, agreed with him readily. E. Technosoft? Technoprotect. Purpled is so cute, aww… He placed blocks as he went, bridging with ease and jumping from area to area as if he was practicing parkour. Maybe this kid wouldn’t be that bad of an addition to the family.. No. I have enough people as it is. As he thought, the boy shifted in his arms, looking up at him with wide eyes. “M-Mr. Techno? Uh..are we there yet?” He looked down to meet his eyes, melting a little at the sight of the kid. “We’re almost there, Purpled.” He ignored the voices’ plea to call him by a nickname or something equally embarrassing.
Come on, Techno. Don’t be a party pooper.
Blood god is soft aww-
Nope. He shook his head, trying to ignore the voices as best he could. Not soft at all. Once he felt the smooth stone of his base below his hooves, he placed the boy on the bed, trusting him not to break it. (Not that he would care, anyways. Technoblade never dies, and that’s a fact.)
He loomed over him, staring down at him. Purpled shrunk away from his stoic gaze, flushing a little more. “Why dihid you bring me here?” Techno smirked from his vantage point, gold-encrusted tusks twinkling like stars among an ebony sky. He leaned down, putting both of his arms on the two sides of the bed, ruffling the sheets gently. “I was told to do a bonding activity with you. And the one that seems to work the best with everyone is tickling them.” Purpled giggled a bit at the word, squirming a bit in excitement fear. “B-but, you said-” “We’d play a game of bedwars? We’re currently on a map, with the same things and circumstances as a bedwars game. Same difference.” He punctuated his words with a quick jab to the boy’s sides, grinning at the resulting squeak. “St-stop! Dohon’t do that!”
Techno ignored him, placing one of his hands over the other’s stomach. He let it rest there, hand and wrist heavy on his tum. Purpled, looking down at the hand from his position, whimpered a little, secretly wanting him to start already. He wasn’t used to this sort of waiting game with virtually anything. But a small part of him was enjoying the slow-paced teasing. After all, it’s not like he gets a lot of time to slow down and relax, after all. He just didn’t expect this hulking piglin to be the one to make him take a chill pill. He tried to slow his breathing, shoulders shuddering lightly as he did so. Techno noticed, corners of his mouth quirking up a bit at the cute sight of the purple-clad boy trying his best to relax his shoulders. “Is something the matter?” he teased, shifting his hand ever-so-slightly from its position on his quivering belly. He squeaked quietly, ears turning a slight shade of red. “I-Its nothing!” He refrained from telling the piglin that he was resting his hand on one of his most sensitive spots. The less he knows, the better.
Techno was unimpressed by his reaction, quirking one wine-colored eyebrow shifting upwards. “Nothing, you say? And what if I do this?” He rubbed lightly over the boy’s stomach, moving in a slow, almost lazy circle. Instantaneously, his ears were blessed by Purpled’s small, bubbly giggles. “Nohoho! Dohohon’t!” Instead of speeding up and ruthlessly wrecking him, the piglin continued to rubs languidly over his tum, wondering how much of the light teasing the usually fast-moving player would be able to handle. The voices agreed with his methods, but stayed unusually quiet.
Tease slow.
Hah, Technoslow.
Technoslow? He ignored the slight ribbing, choosing to whisper quiet teases and rub at him some more. Purpled continued to giggle away, flushing lightly under his scrutinizing gaze. What is he thinking? He’s so serious. Also, is he going to speed up or what? He was beginning to get more and more flustered as he continued to rub the same spot at the exact same speed. He squirmed lightly, trying to push his stomach into his hand, but he pulled away just as much, snorting quietly in mirth. “Getting impatient are we?” “I’m not impatient, you’re just going so slow-” “Want me to go faster? With pleasure.” Techno’s gold-encrusted fingers dug lightly into his ticklish tummy, making the boy yelp and giggle louder. “Ehehehe, Tehehehechno…”
He turned his head away from him, trying to avoid eye contact in his embarrassment. “Is your tum a little bit ticklish, hm? That’s so cute.” Purpled curled up a little bit at that, shaking his head. “Nohohot cuhuhute!” The piglin quickly darted his hand underneath his hoodie, scratching lightly at the sensitive skin on his belly. His laughter went up an octave, bubbly giggles morphing to full blow laughter. “Tehehehechno! Yohohohou- dohohohON’T-”
“Don’t what? Do this?” He traced the outside of the boy’s navel, watching as the boy squirmed and flushed a brighter shade of red. “Yeheheheah! Thahahat!” Techno grinned and sped up his circling, making the boy squeal. “Do that? Alright, Purpled. Whatever you say, kiddo.”
“NoHO, IHIHI SAHAHAID DOHOHON’T!” The piglin pulled his hoodie up fully, exposing his quivering tummy, and nuzzled his face and snout onto the boy’s exposed skin, fluffy cheeks and face making the nuzzles almost torturous to the flustered lee. Purpled all but shrieked, hands flying to Techno’s face and pushing at him as best he could. “NOHOHOHO! PLEHEHEASE!” The boy, flustered as he was, felt a smattering of butterflies in his stomach, ready to take flight. “You like that, kid?” Purpled couldn’t bring himself to say no, nodding through his boisterous laughter. The warrior smiled, nuzzling deeper into the hysterical boy’s tum. “Hey Purpled, what’s your favorite fruit?” Purpled cocked his head a little, confused. “Whahahahat dohoho yohohohou mehehean?” Techno grinned. “Because my favorite fruits are raspberries.” As Techno lifted his head from his tum, he inhaled sharply, before blowing a large raspberry on the prostrate boy’s stomach.
Purpled shrieked, wiggling and pushing at the piglin’s head in hysteria. “EEE! TEHEHECHNOHOHO!” “Yes, Purpled?” “S-SWIHIHITCH SPOHOHOTS!” He quickly shifted to his sides, squeezing and tasering lightly. Almost immediately, his laughter calmed down a little. “Better, kiddo?” “Yehehehes...Th-thahahanks…” The boy flushed from beneath him, looking away from him bashfully. Techno smiled softly at the purity of the kid. He’s so soft and small, isn’t he? Always one to rely on tactics more than brute strength. It’s kind of cute, actually. As he poked and prodded the squirming boy’s sides, he heard a noise akin to a small chirp come out of the boy's mouth. Purpled slapped his hands to his mouth, eyes widening in shock.
Techno slowed down a bit more, prodding at the same spots in an attempt to elicit the same reaction. When he poked a specific spot right beside his ribs, he chirped again, a soft sound that certainly didn’t match with his laughter and stood out like a sore thumb to Techno’s sensitive ears. “Are you a bird hybrid?” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Purpled’s facial expression freeze. “No, no I’m not.” “You’re not? Are-” “No. I’m not.” The voice that came out of his mouth seemed robotic, cold, completely different from his normal voice. No teasing or sass tinted his voice. Why is he lying about this? Did someone teach him to do this?
He shifted his hands to his back, feeling for the joints of his wings carefully. He sucked in a breath when he felt wing-binding bandages instead of feathers. “Who did this to you? Who-” “I did.” He looked at his face in shock. “Why would you do this to yourself?” He felt his heart sink into his boots. Purpled’s stony face revealed nothing about his inner emotional state, simply repeating what he had said before in a eerily monotone voice. “I did.” Internalized trauma? I knew there was a reason Phil wanted me to ‘bond’ with him. Jeez, he really needs to tell me what I’m looking for. This is getting ridiculous. Techno gently groped for the end of the binds, loosening them with small, deft movements. Purpled made no move to stop him, blankly staring at him as if he saw nothing. As if he saw nothing and everything at the same time. As if he was stuck in time, he made no noise, not moving from his stock-still position. The warrior’s concern rose as he continued to unwind the binds, weak, dilapidated wings flopping out from their restraints.
Do they even have muscles anymore? That’s going to take quite a while to strengthen. Damn, how long has Purpled bound his wings like this? He poked at one gently, stopping immediately when the boy inhaled sharply at his touch. He knew better than to attempt to help on his own. “I need to get you to Phil. Are you okay with that?” Purpled made no effort to answer him, continuing to stare into space. The voices supplied him with info to fill the gaps.
He’s disassociating.
No kill.
His wings are done for.
He shook his head. No, I’m not going to let him lose his wings. Phil and I can still help him, as long as he cooperates. Even though his voices continued to tell him that there was a low chance of giving him back the ability to fly, he scooped the boy up, running over to the exit portal as quickly as he could. He darted through the crowds of people, ignoring the looks that he got in return. He typed in the coordinates he needed to warp to, heart in his throat. This is serious. His wings look as if he hasn’t unbound them for weeks. Did someone force him to do it? Was he on an abusive SMP? So many questions, too little time.
The second the portal let him into the SMP, he pushed through the snow with the urgency of a husky returning home, snow crunching merrily in stark contrast with the flurry of emotions in Techno’s chest. He slammed the door open, hoping that he didn’t break the doorframe in the back of his mind, before calling for Phil. “Phil! Purpled!” Philza climbed down the ladder, smile freezing at the sight of the boy’s emaciated wings. “Oh shit.”
He slid down the rest of the ladder, hopping off with practiced ease. Rushing over to the two of them, he hurriedly scooped up the limp boy, hurrying him to the medical area of the house. He placed the boy down on a medical table, belly down, and took a proper look at the state of the boy’s weakened wings. He pulled one out to its full extension, wincing at the way it moved. He halfheartedly tried to preen the remaining feathers on the wings, gasping quietly as a few feathers came out with the slightest touch. Techno stood to the side, fiddling with his armguards and chains. After a few minutes of horrified silence from the duo, Philza’s strained voice, usually calm and cool under pressure, rang out, echoing slightly in the sterilized area.
“His wings are really weakened. I’m not sure if we can help him.” Techno grunted at that. “No.” Phil turned to look at him fully, surprised. “What do you mean, ‘no’? I can’t-” “I didn’t decide to bond with this small child, try to learn everything about his likes and dislikes, and run with him in my arms across the whole of hypixel for him to lose his wings.” Techno gently pulled out the boy’s wing, tracing a single finger on the areas where muscle should be. He heard a little giggle come from the boy, making him smile a little.
“We can make this work. First things first, I think we need to teach the boy how to be okay with the way he looks. He’s been the one binding, after all.” Philza, still shocked at the idea that Techno made an actual bond with the small, hoodie-wearing bedwars player, nodded slowly, charm string on his bucket hat bouncing slightly. “H-he’s been binding? He was the one binding it?” Techno made no move to answer that. He flipped the boy over onto his back, being very careful of his wings. He began to shake the kid softly, trying to make him snap out of his daze...was it still a daze? He looked at him closer, confused. Could he be asleep? Poking gently at his cheek, he tried to rouse him again, only getting a soft snore in response. Oh yeah, he’s asleep. The voices spoke up again, drowning out all reasonable thought for a moment.
Kill him.
No, don’t do that.
Blood for the blood god.
Kill, kill, kill-
“Stop.” He shook his head, trying to clear his head. “I’m not killing him. No.” “Voices acting up again?” He nodded, not attempting to look at his friend in the eyes, lest he loses focus on his train of thought. Boots click softly on the floor, and suddenly, he feels a warm, comforting blanket of pressure wrap around him. He struggled to control his breathing, shoulders shuddering. The wing wrapped around him curled around him, squeezing him comfortingly. The noise of the voices continued to whisper, making him shiver. I need to control them. I’m not killing him. Phil moved closer to him, trilling at the larger one of the two. “Hey, hey. Listen to me, okay? Techno. You’re fine.” He continued to speak to the man, hoping desperately that he would snap out of it soon.
At this rather inopportune moment, Purpled began to stir, shifting around a little. Rubbing his eyes, he sat up with one arm, yawning a little. “W-wha?” He looked around blearily, confused by the unknown area. His eyes widened a little when he saw Techno, grinning sleepily. Unknowing of the dilemma going on in his head, he moved into the piglin’s line of sight. “Hey, Techno. Thanks for helping me.” He smiled at him, giving him the most charming smile he could .Didn’t want him to be mad at him, no? I mean, this is probably his house. As he looked, he realized that the person beside him had wings too. He looked at the other man, tilting his head slightly in puzzlement. “W-who are you?” He recognized him from the parties and hangouts the SMP would do, but knew nothing else about the man. He’d never seen his wings, either. Did he bind, too?
Techno snapped out of his daze, looking down at the young avian. He grinned back at the kid. “Hey. Good to see you’re awake.” Purpled stared at the older avian’s wings in wonder. He blurted out, “Your wings are so big and pretty, mister...uh…” “Philza.” Phil was already charmed by the little one of the trio. He’s so small! I kind of want to keep him...nope. Not doing that. I already have enough adopted children. Even as he thought that, he continued to internally coo at that younger one, tilting his head at the same angle as the boy. “We need to take care of your wings, mate. You think you can let us do that?” Purpled flinched lightly at the word, but tried his best to stay still. They are trying to help me...right?
Against his better judgement, he queried, “B-but..why do I need my wings, Mr. Philza, Mr.Techno? Why can’t I just...do without? They’re not very useful anyways.” He pulled out one of them with his hands, wincing at the feeling of limp flesh shifting as he did so. “It’s not like I can fly with them.” Philza gently grabbed at the other wing, tracing over the wing structure. Purpled giggled slightly, trying to stay still for the elder. He poked at a certain mass at the very edge of the crook, pointing at it. “Can you feel this? This is one of the last muscles to erode. As long as you have that muscle, you should be able to fly again, with some work.”
Purple eyes widened in shock. “But- I thought- I thought I couldn’t fly? Ever?” “Nah, kid.” He poked at the mass again, smiling at him. “You can.” He felt liquid burn underneath his eyes. He blinked, trying to keep the tears back. Through his tear-blurred vision, he saw Philza smile at him. “We can make it happen kid.” Techno piped up for the first time in quite a while, snorting angrily. “And whoever told you you can’t fly is going to get a personal visit from me and my axe of peace.” He pulled out a shining netherite axe, tapping it lightly on the side of the table.
Purpled laughed, a watery sound that made both of the elders stir to life, ready to hug him. But he waved it off, swiping off the tears with practiced (almost too practiced) ease. He stuttered slightly, warmth and gratefulness seeping into his voice like heat from a hot chocolate into a pair of cold hands in the wintertime. “T-thank you.” He moved to hug Philza, grabbing at the man and sobbing into his shirt. Phil pat his back, rubbing soothing circles into them. “Of course, kid.” Techno moved closer, dropping the axe on the floor with a clatter and wrapping his arms around the two of them. “Group hug,” he deadpanned, snuggling into the two and effectively squashing the smallest in between the two of them. Purpled made no move to escape the duo, chirping happily.
The house was silent. The three of them basked in the soft, warm feeling of being loved. Unfortunately, no such peace ever stays intact. With a loud bang, Tommy slammed the door open. “What’s up, motherfuckers!” He sauntered into the room, grin freezing on his face at the look of surprise on Purpled’s face. “Oh...hello.” Purpled smiled at him, too happy to be disturbed by the rambunctious kid. Tommy speed-walked past them, not trying to disturb them anymore. Muffled by the layers of fabric and feathers, Phil quipped lightly, “Any more things to disturb the hug?” Techno huffed. “I mean, if you wanted to know...I did find out that Purpled’s ticklish.”
Purpled’s heart stopped. Oh crap. “No, hehe...let’s not talk about that…” “Nah, I think we should talk about it. It’s real interestin’...” The youngest scrambled to escape the duo’s grasp, only to be grabbed by the hood of his hoodie. Philza pulled him back, grinning. “Oh no, you don’t.” He turned to look at Techno, smiling as the two of them untangled themselves. He scooped up the younger, poking at his ribs as he did so. “Ready for round two, kiddo? I want to find out all of your spots myself.” “NohoHO!” Techno stood back, crossing his arms with a slight smile. I guess some things do end up turning out right after all. He leaned back, watching the other two have their fun. And all was calm outside the house of the syndicate...except, you know...literally everything. But that’s a story for later.
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
What Is Ticklish?
George discovers DreamXD doesn't really understand what ticklish means. And try as he might to explain it, XD decides he wants a better, physical demonstration to really understand it.
Based on the prompt I was given of XD discovering that mortals are ticklish through George. I was actually half way through another fic (i work on one at a time not to get overwhelmed) but was suddenly hit with inspiration for this so I had to write it now or never. As you can probably tell this was all written in a day.
I did have another headcanon for how XD discovers tickling but the more I thought about this idea the more I realise how cute and perfect it was so the headcanon has been changed to this one now.
Yes. There will be a part two.
George wasn’t exactly sure how his ‘friendship’ with DreamXD had started. One day the God was just there, appearing before George at random times through the week. They’d follow him around, or pester George to give them attention and somehow a bond between them grew. George was fond of XD’s company, and as far as he could tell, XD seemed to be fond of him as well.
The one thing George couldn’t get used to was the random times XD would appear. The God seemed to have no concept of time or planning. Sometimes it could just be in the afternoon, just as George was hunting lunch and XD would appear and scare off the animals. Sometimes it was when George was asleep and he was awoken by a loud ‘pop’ to see XD standing beside his bed. And other times, like today, it was early in the morning, just after George had left his home to gather materials for a build he was planning.
“Hey George!”
George jumped a mile to the sudden, cheery greeting. The blocks of wood he was holding fell all around him and George probably would have followed had XD’s arms not caught around his waist.
“Are you okay?! Did you trip?! What happened?!” XD worried like a hen mother. His lower set of arms wrapped around George’s waist while his top set were worrying over George, checking over his face and body for any injury.
“I-I’m fine! I’m okay!” George calmed the God. “Really… Just jumped a little.” He didn’t have the heart to tell them it was XD who made him jump. Not when the protector was worrying so much already.
“Oh…” XD’s shoulders slumped with a sigh of relief. There was a smile in his echoed voice as he spoke. “Good.”
XD spoke with a strange double voice. It freaked George out the first time he heard it, but after a while it became more natural to hear. Especially when XD spoke so soft and fondly, it wasn’t so scary. It was strangely comforting.
“Uh…” George looked at the arms still wrapped around him. He was held slightly off the ground, with XD being a fair bit taller than him. “C-Could you put me down now?”
XD tilted his head. Without eyes, or any expressions over his mask, it was hard to tell his mood but George thought he could fairly pick up on some of his tells. Like right now, he was worried.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You didn’t hurt yourself falling did you?”
XD’s arms worried around George again, cupping his face, checking for any marks and running down his sides. George felt flustered at the attention.
“I didn’t fall. You caught me. Seriously I’m fi-EHEHEN!”
George flinched to XD’s touch over his side. They had rested their hand just above George’s hip and squeezed. George arched himself further into XD who worked up a panic.
“WHAT HAPPENED?! Did I hurt you?! I’m so sorry! Where does it hurt?!”
“I’m f-fine XD.” His cheeks turned a tinge of pink as he swallowed back the giggles. He grabbed XD’s wrists to keep them still. “I’m not hurt. I-I’m just t-ticklish there. You got me by surprise.”
XD’s head tilted again, over to the right. Confused.
“Tick-lish…” XD repeated slowly.
“Yeah, you just tickled me, it’s no big deal.” George expected that to be the end of it. He waited for XD to let him go, or agree with understanding but when nothing happened he looked back up to XD staring at him, head still tilted.
“What is ticklish?”
George’s blush deepened. “U-Uh… It’s like…” His mind worked itself into overtime, trying to think of the right words and also keep his blush from getting any worse. He felt butterflies flutter in the pit of his stomach, not yet erupting but just waiting. “When you touch someone gently or really softly and th-they laugh, then it means they’re t-ticklish.”
George had no idea if the words made sense, or if XD was following along. For this moment he had no clue what the God could be thinking. XD raised one of their hands and brought the back of his fingers over George’s cheek, softly rubbing under his eye and down to his jaw.
“Ticklish?” XD asked.
George just held back his giggle. It did tickle a little but he was laughing more at the innocence of XD’s question. It was the first time George remembered seeing them so unsure of something. “No. Not like that. Well I mean…yes but, ugh…”
George never thought he’d have to explain something like tickling to a God.
“It’s not…the action that’s called ticklish. That’s called tickling. If you tickle someone and they laugh, then they’re ticklish. But it’s usually only on certain spots.”
XD’s head straightened again and George guessed something in his words must have made sense. He pulled back his hand from George’s check. “Are you ticklish?” He asked. A question George knew would be coming sooner or later.
“A-A bit.” George lied. George wouldn’t say he was the most ticklish person alive, but he was fairly sensitive.
XD paused for a long time as though deciding something. When George opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, XD suddenly stood up straight, bringing George up with him with an adorable squeak.
“Can I try?”
“W-What?” George was so focused on not falling he never took in the question properly.
“Tickle you? Can I try to tickle you?”
George’s face burned. “W-Why?!”
“I’m curious. I want to learn more about it.”
The words to refuse were right on George’s tongue, but he stopped himself from saying them. Something in XD’s voice seemed so innocent and excited; learning about something new and wanting to try it. George had helped him learn and understand things in the past so XD probably didn’t think this was any different. They couldn’t feel the butterflies in George’s stomach, or the squirmy feeling worming into his chest.
George looked down to XD’s hands. His nails were so long they couldn’t really be classed as nails, more like claws. How would they feel tickling over his skin?
“A-As long as you promise to be careful.” George mumbled. He couldn’t meet XD’s face but he felt the God perk up.
“Yes! I will be! I promise!” XD practically bounced on the balls of his feet, holding back his excitement.
George held back his fond smile as he realised he was still being held up. “Can you put me down now?”
XD looked down and decided to make a compromise. He lowered George down but he didn’t release him. XD sat down on the grassy path and settled George over his lap, facing towards him. George gave a small whine to the position but he didn’t protest.
“This good?” XD asked.
George slowly nodded. “I guess…”
XD beamed again, sitting up straight. Their lower set of hands kept on George’s side to steady him. The other set were poised, ready to move on with the plan. “Where are people ticklish?”
George wanted to hide his face in his hands. He only powered through by keeping his eyes off XD’s face, looking over to the blocks of wood he had dropped earlier. “U-Usual spots are armpits, sides and ribs. It’s different for different pe-EHEH!”
George jolted as XD suddenly put their hands into George’s pits. His arms clamped down on instinct and XD’s fingers stilled.
“Y-Yehesssss…” George giggled already and XD hadn’t even moved. “P-Plehehease…”
“Please what?”
George’s whole body screamed for it to stop before it even began, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop XD’s fun when he sounded so curious and soft. “J-Just behe carefuhul…”
XD gave a firm nod and they started softly scratching their fingers down George’s armpits.
George laughed immediately. XD’s claws weren’t just scary looking they were absolutely perfect for tickling. They scribbled up and down in the hollows of George’s pits, lighting up George’s skin with ticklish electricity.
“G-Gohohohod! N-Nohohoho!” George shook and tired to pull himself back but XD’s hands on his sides now curled around his waist, holding him in and close. His hand gripped onto XD’s shoulders for dear life. “Ehehehex D-Dehehehe! Pl-eheheheheahahahse!”
“Does it tickle?”
XD moved their hands so their thumbs were drilling into George’s hollow. His laughter kicked up into hysterics and XD stopped, slipping their hands down as George crumbled in their arms, leaning his head on XD’s chest and curling up into themselves.
“Are you okay?” XD asked, rubbing their hand over George’s back.
“Y-Yehes…” George giggled and flinched to the hands back on him. Even though they were comforting his skin could only remember the tickling. “I’m just…ugh…”
“Very ticklish?”
“Out of breath!” George snapped. He felt his voice wobble as he flustered, not at all helped by the chuckle from XD above him.
“Can I try somewhere else?”
George took in another breath and nodded. He straightened up as XD’s hands trailed down to his ribs. The giggles were already bubbling up in his chest before XD’s fingers even moved.
XD slowly trailed his thumbs up and down over three of George’s ribs. He pressed in so lightly to each of the bones, and traced the spaces between them. George couldn’t stop himself shaking from the giggling.
“Your laughter is different here.” XD pointed out. They spoke so softly, but seemed intent, like they were studying the reactions. “It’s all bubbly. Lighter.”
“I-It tickles d-dihifferently.” George shivered.
“How so?”
“Y-You’re tihihickling sof-fter. I-It’s m-mahahaking me gihihiggle.”
“Different methods make you laugh differently.��� XD thought aloud. Their shoulders shook with their own chuckle as they began softly prodding into George’s ribs. “Your giggles are so cute.”
George brought up his arms to cover his face. “N-Nohoho...”
“But they are! They’re like little bubbles of squeaks.” XD cooed. “And your face is so cute, why are you hiding it?” Their hands came to George’s wrists, pulling them away from his red face as their other set carried on tickling softly over the ribs.
“N-Noho-OHO! E-EHEHEHEX D-DEHEHEHE! D-Dohohon’t dohoho th-thahahat!” George squirmed, his giggling kicking up into laughter as XD put their hands around George’s ribs, scribbling up and down the bones now. It wasn’t helped by the fact he couldn’t move his arms to defend himself at all, making him helpless and sensitive.
“Why? I want to see your cute face. It’s getting so red.”
XD’s scribbled from George’s ribs down to his sides and then squeezed back up. George threw his head back in laughter, pulling at his arms but XD wasn’t letting go, and the tickling was sapping out any strength he had. XD had abandoned any of the soft tickling, instead they seemed to be trying to make George laugh as hard as possible. They went back up to tickling his armpits, and then prodding his sides and squeezing his ribs. They kept switching spots, never letting George getting used to it for long and making him jump every time they switched.
George was trapped in a ticklish hell. His arms were held tight, no use to him at all and every time he squirmed away from one side of the tickling XD would just tickle him back over. If George arched his back or tried to pull his body away XD would go right back up to his armpits. Every move, struggle or squirm XD had an answer for. It tickled so badly and yet it felt so wonderfully torturous. George couldn’t remember the last time he had laughed so much, or felt his body so alight with sensitive energy. It felt good and terrible at the same time. His words babbled out ‘please’ over and over again but even he couldn’t be sure if he wanted it to stop or keep going.
Eventually George’s stamina chose for him. His laughter started to get softer and his struggling lessened with no strength left. He melted into XD’s arms, accepting the ticklings with light squirming and XD took the hint to stop. He let George flop forward onto his chest, giggling and cuddling into his arms as XD held him up, cradling his mortal friend close into his chest.
“I think I like tickling.” XD chuckled. He brushed his fingers through George’s hair, his other hands either patting George’s back or massaging his shoulder.
“I-It was a mihihistake teahaching you…” George giggled. The gentle, soft touches were making the ghostly tickles fade quicker. He leaned his head over XD’s bicep, sighing softly as his skin stopped tingling.
“Your so cute when your tickled. And after tickling! You’re so cuddly.” XD cooed, cuddling George into himself like he was pampering a pet
“I’m just too weak to move!” George whined but laughed as XD’s face nuzzled into his own. He pushed himself to sit up straighter. XD’s arms were still around him, comforting and warm. It was hard to believe those arms were holding him to ticklish hostage just a few moments ago.
“Is everyone ticklish?” XD wondered out loud.
George felt a pang of jealousy at the thought of XD trying this with anyone else, but he pushed that feeling aside before it could ruin the moment. “Well…no. Not everyone. And some people are more ticklish than others.”
XD nodded along to the words and George was suddenly struck with a wonderful idea. “Do you know if you’re ticklish?”
XD’s head head made a slight jolt motion, as though the question was a shock to them. They tilted their head and were silent in thought. Confused again. “I don’t know…”
George felt a a flutter of butterflies in his stomach again, but rather than nervousness they filled him with excitement. “Do you want to find out?”
XD tilted their head again, and George could hear the smile in their echoed voice. “Yes…”
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
HAA try me.
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
underrated duo. i love Syndicate fics sm this was so cute
Hello, bird is getting to everyone’s requests. Please hang on, your items will be delivered asap.
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gimmegimmelove · 3 years
😃 i’m gonna cry this is so cute
Learn a Lesson
a/n: Titles(derogatory) Hope this isn’t too ooc for them this is my first mcyt fic ive written please be nice/lh
word count: 3155
tw: anxiety? 
“Oh, Ranbooooo!”
Said half enderman squeaked at the sound of Wilbur’s voice echoing throughout the house. He was so screwed, he was so screwed, he was so-
“Found ya!” the brunet popped up behind Ranboo, seemingly out of nowhere. The taller of the two shrieked and jumped away. 
“Uh- sorry I didn’t mean t-” before the half enderman could finish his apology Wilbur cut him off with a poke to his side. At the sudden contact he jumped away again and gently slapped his hand away. 
“Ah-! Sorry, I didn’t mean to do thAT-” 
At the start of another unnecessary apology, Wilbur once again poked his side. “What have I said about apologizing when you don’t need to, Ranboo?”
“…Not to-” he looked down at the ground, worried he actually made Wilbur upset.
WIlbur spoke in a very playful and teasy tone. He wanted to make it obvious he was joking, knowing that the other struggles a bit with discerning between serious and teasy at times. “Exactly, not to. So now I gotta teach you a lesson, Ranboo!”
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