gimmeplaylist · 2 years
Chicken pop pop is confused
Omong-omong, di mana aku bisa lihat batang hidungmu? Mau tetap lewat laporan cuaca rahasia?
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gimmeplaylist · 2 years
Untuk Perempuan Yang Larinya Lebih Cepat Dari Cahaya
Aku baru tahu kamu lamar pekerjaan. Waktu itu aku cuma baca dari yang sebelumnya.  Kamu selalu kasih kabar baru yang bikin aku mikir lajumu sungguh cepat ketimbang kereta api di Indonesia. Kamu berkembang pesat, hal-hal baru gemar sekali kamu pijak. Aku belum nemu orang sekuat dan seteguh ini... baru kamu, baru kamu! 
Selamat atas pekerjaan barunya! Aku harap kamu betah, pekerjaanmu lancar, dan dimudahkan segala urusannya. Semoga gak ketemu orang nyebelin di tempat kerja. Ditabahkan selalu hatimu serta teguh tegar tetap bersyukur. Hebat, anak hebat. Kamu keren. You're clever and good at everything. Aku percaya sama kekuatan yang kamu punya bisa terus bantu langkahmu ke jalan yang kamu tuju. Aku takjub atas semua pencapaianmu di tahun ini. You're always enough! Kamu keren, Laut. Sebentar lagi cahaya minder lihat kecepatanmu yang terus berjuang tanpa henti.
Jangan sampai sakit.
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gimmeplaylist · 2 years
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Udah cukup maafnya, aku takut kamu bosan. Sekarang aku bahas hal-hal baik yang selalu kamu kasih ke semua orang, salah satunya aku.
Aku suka sama birthday giftnya! Makasih banyak ya, Laut. 7 bulan berlalu di tahun 2022, kayaknya hal baik banget yang aku rasain itu pas ulang tahunku. Padahal sebelumnya, aku gak terlalu peduli sama ulang tahun bahkan aku anggap itu hal biasa. Tapi yang ini... makasih, aku seneng banget. I’m beyond happy and grateful I got the best present ever.
Aku baca proposalnya di tempat makan ayam oyeng. Yep! Itu kesukaanmu. Udah makan ayam berapa kali minggu ini?
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gimmeplaylist · 2 years
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Keep going, lovely soul! You did great!
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gimmeplaylist · 2 years
Hello there, lovely soul! I'll introduce you. My name is chicken pop pop! :0
I'm about to ask you how your day went, but I realize it's a straightforward question. Please have a fantastic day and don't have any clouds in your thoughts. Or perhaps you want me to chase them (the clouds) away!? With my pleasure! I have tons of chicken pop pop for you. Eat me, eat me, eat me! *chicken pop pop screams*
Since you're here... I want you to know how priceless you are and how much I treasure you. You did well if somebody hasn't already said so. And you have my sincere admiration for always giving your best effort, regardless of the result. Miraculously, you've made it this far. You possess abilities that you may not yet be aware of or haven't fully explored. Always keep in mind that I have your back and that I'm here for you.
You're more courageous, bold, magnificent, and kind than you imagined. You should be aware that you are outstanding and have positively influenced my life in every way. It's okay, even though I long for you to be here and miss the upbeat old you. You were only going through a phase, and after you get over it, you'll be back to your old self with new spirits (of course, in a good way)! When that day arrives, I can't wait, and I'll always be there for you! You have me, happy chicken pop pop! :0
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gimmeplaylist · 3 years
weekday nih guys
hari ini aku lagi lemes banget jadi gak online dulu guys... exhausting, gatau kenapa ya padahal aku cuma nonton anime aja seharian
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gimmeplaylist · 3 years
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atng archie x atng yoldy
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gimmeplaylist · 3 years
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atng archie oneshot au yang kagak lucu-lucu amat tapi lucu
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gimmeplaylist · 3 years
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sleep call tapi yg ngomong gajelas (sy)
ps. archie dah antuk dia bobo duluan
pss. yoldie begadang lagi
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gimmeplaylist · 3 years
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sunshine and sunshine protectors katanya tp ini lebih kayak rp homo lucu dipepet ava domhetnsa
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gimmeplaylist · 3 years
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masterpiece-nya yoldie pas lagi ee
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gimmeplaylist · 3 years
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ini spotsess sama archie dan yoldie
ps. pake foto dari archie saolnya aku post ini di pc bukan hp
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gimmeplaylist · 3 years
halo ini makenya gimana ya
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