ginasplan · 3 years
“Yaz you are amazing!” she felt as though she didn't tell the woman enough. Yasmin once again pulled some strings, and came through for her when her own assistant failed to get certain tasks completed. Gina couldn’t be more grateful for Yasmin’s support. WIth her talents, efficiency and loyalty, Gina didn’t dare imagine what they would do without her. “Sometimes I feel like poaching you from my sister,” she joked, “if I could clone you, I would,” a notification from her phone momentarily distracted Gina. “It’s a pity that I have to find another replacement at a time like this,” she commented while checking on updates.
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ginasplan · 3 years
Once notified of Jay’s arrival, Gina left her terrace and headed to the foyer so she could let her guest in. “Come on in, darling,” she greeted Jay with a smile. Gina stepped to the side thereby allowing Jay entry, and once they were inside, she closed the door behind them. Ever since the meeting with The Council, Jay and Gina haven’t been able to talk properly. They had much to discuss, and over the phone wasn’t going to cut it. Gina had previously thought about enlisting Jay for her expertise with the spirit realm, and now it’s become a necessity. “How was your day?” she asked while leading the way into her penthouse. “Can I get you anything to eat or drink?”
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ginasplan · 3 years
Ever since she reconnected with Cecilia, the vampire has been trying her best to make time for her Sire. Gina really wanted to get to know her better, and with their shared love for the arts and culture, touring several galleries and museums was a no brainer. Gina came to pause in front of another piece, she tilted her head slightly as she studied the sculpture. With a thoughtful hum she spoke; “I don’t know what to make of this one. It seems like they’re trying too hard to be the next Auguste Rodin.” Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness, but Gina wished they could connect with their own talents to produce something that speaks to their creativity. “What do you think?”
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ginasplan · 3 years
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ginasplan · 3 years
a song that you could SLAY at karaoke?
"It's a shame that you won't ever see me engage in such frivolity, but Gin Wigmore's Kill Of The Night would be my go-to."
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ginasplan · 3 years
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MELISA ASLI PAMUK └ Asu Alacahan Kozcuoğlu / Kara Sevda (2.13)
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ginasplan · 3 years
Cecilia stared for a moment, trying to comprehend the words she was hearing. She was glad that everyone had left the gallery by this point, because she could feel the warm tears building in her eyes. “It was you?” she said quietly, her voice breaking a bit. She remembered the night vividly, feeling like she had been saved by a guardian angel, and now after all this time, she finally could see her face to face. “Thank you,” she managed to say as a couple of tears made their way down her cheeks. “Oh god, thank you so much, you saved my life. And you…you came back for me?” She remembered being so terrified that her husband had people coming to help dispose of her that she had taken what she could and run off immediately. She eventually came back for her fortunes, but not for a couple of weeks to be sure she was safe. And not once had she held any negative feelings for not being taken in after her transformation, she was far too grateful to be breathing at all. Cecilia wasn’t one for vulnerable physical contact, but she was so overwhelmed with emotions that she stepped forward to hug her saviour. “I’ve wanted to thank you for so long.”
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As a wave of emotions got the best of her Gina could only nod in response to her questions. That tell-tale sting of tears in her eyes couldn’t be ignored either, especially seeing that Cecilia was grateful and thankful for her intervention regardless of being left alone to figure out her new life as a vampire. Welcoming the embrace, Gina wrapped her arms around Cecilia. “I’m so glad that I’ve found you.” For those that know her, this display is certainly a rare sight to behold, and quite frankly Gina didn’t care. With everything else going on in her life right now, she needed this ‘win’ more than she cared to admit. “No one deserves what you were suffering through,” she soothingly rubbed the other’s back a moment. “I’m so relieved to know that you have thrived,” Gina pulled back then to gaze upon her. No matter how much she willed them away, a few stubborn tears slid down her cheeks. Everyone she's sired means something to her and has a purpose. “I regret not being there to guide you,” the Vampire pauses to swipe at the tears on her cheeks, “but you have certainly done exceptionally well,” based on the profile Cecilia filled out. 
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Gina takes the transformation process seriously, and is always there every step of the way with new vampires, including the ones that she’s not even responsible for turning. Whether it’s out of guilt for Aalina being at the helm of all this or simply her nature of being a nurturer at heart, she gets the job done. Vampires that she has Sired come and go, but never has any of them manage to slip out of her grasp like Cecilia did. Perhaps if she wasn’t dealing with some fallout of Aalina’s back then, she wouldn’t have been called away from Cecilia’s side that night. “I feel like a proud mom or something,” she chuckled, trying to chase away the heavier emotions with the light of laughter.
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ginasplan · 3 years
who: @ginasplan​
where: serena & max’s apartment
“Hey,” Serena greeted when she saw her sister walk into her apartment. She knew that Gina had been avoiding coming some because there was rarely an update, she’d been working over time to prove her innocences. Despite how much Serena actually believed she was responsible. “So is it finally judgment day?” She wondered. She was beyond weak and tired at this point, all she wanted to do was either finish being put to death or live, this in between was truly hell. “This was I can say the goodbyes I need.” 
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"Au contraire, it’s your I’m free to go day!” Gina’s here in a dual capacity. On one hands she’s delivering the news on behalf of The Council, and on the other she’s here for her sister. “I know I haven’t been visiting with you a lot,” admittedly it was hard on her to see Serena like this, so to compensate she worked overtime on figuring out a way out of this without having to share the truth. Gina ensured that people on the approved visitors list would give Serena the support she needed in her absence. “I didn’t want to face you without being able to give you back your life.” Unfortunately, the truth turned out to be the only thing in her arsenal that could save Serena. “The spell has been removed, the guards are gone. Max is gonna stock everything up in a few, so you’ll have all the blood your can drink.” 
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ginasplan · 3 years
Yaz couldn’t help but smile fondly and shakes her head to her comment. “He embraces the position of Pops more than the nickname and that is worth him making a face at the name occasionally.” Chuckling softly at her words she nodded in agreement. “I think in some ways she was trying to lighten the mood but we both know she was likely serious.” As Gina continues she cant help but feel thankful at her words. She knew the position that Gina was in, so many people calling for her sister’s death. Unless they unequivocally proved her innocence it was likely this wasn’t going to go well. “There are some things that just don’t add up and I know Serena may be prone to going ripper but that’s not what this feels like. Too many coincidences. You know if there is anything you need, any help in figuring this all out, I will be glad to. I want to help in any way that I can” 
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“Indeed,” Gina agreed, which is unfortunate for Max, because even if it might have seemed like it was said in jest, she knew better. Who could imagine spending an immortal life never being able to love again? As if being a Vampire with a penchant for ripper binges wasn’t suffering enough, she didn’t envy Max or Serena one bit. In a somewhat poetic way they really belonged together, no matter how long or short of a time that may be. For Gina's sake she hoped that they would never have to entertain thoughts of the latter. Trusting Yasmin is never a question in her mind. “I have figured it out,” and everyone is going to know soon enough, but Yasmin isn’t just anyone. “Well, partially,” she added. “You’re right Yaz, Serena isn’t the one responsible, but her mirror image is.” Getting everyone to believe it despite what they have seen in the video on the other hand is going to be a challenge. Regardless of how transparent they are with everyone, unless Aalina resurfaces the identical twin story is going to be a tough sell, especially to people who wanted swift justice for their fallen leaders.
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ginasplan · 3 years
Matthias listened in silence. Stoicism had always come easily to him. He hardly remembered his human life, but he knew that much to be true. It was why soldiering had come easily for him. Through the year it had been the one constant in his life. “I…” Matthias reached across the bar and poured himself a drink. It was unnecessary, but gave him something to do with his hands. Something else to focus on. “I don’t know,” he finally answered, voice quiet but strong. When he thought about his human life, all that came to mind was guilt. Guilt over his wife and child’s death, about the attack that had left Yasmin a creature of the night, as he was. Guilt that he hadn’t been there to stop it, to protect them as he’d promised. Guilt that it had all been perpetrated by the man he’d loved. 
But his vampiric life had hardly been different. His hands were covered in blood. Even now, there was blood on his hands. The discordant notes playing in the background was proof of that as the newest set of blood on his hands belonged to none other than his former pianist. “I can’t remember what it meant to be human. All I remember is fragility and fear. I hardly worry about those things now.” He flashed an empty smile, though he was sure Gina would see through it, gaze drifting away from her. “How are you holding up?”
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In a way she appreciates their different views regarding their eternal lives. Matthias’ thoughts were also something he kept locked away much like his expressions; it gave nothing away to the average person, but Gina knew him like the back of her hand. Being a vampire brought along with it some perks among the parts that she disdained. Fragility and fear were things of their past lives now. “I’m very close to just faking our deaths and getting this over with,” Gina would rather have Aalina come to her than be a pawn any longer. Usually very patient, the Vampire leader knows that going forward there is no way out of this than revealing the truth. “I’m going to have to tell the other leaders the truth about Aalina,” she sighed. “It’s a good thing that none of them were even a thought back when The Accords were formed.” Well look at, she mused, being immortal has a use after all. The history is well locked away in Gina’s mind, thankfully things weren’t well documented Council-wise, and for good reason. Should tomes of that nature ever fall into the wrong hands, like humans for example, the supernatural world would have a lot of damage control to deal with. 
“So, mister I can’t remember what it meant to be human, shall I pretend to believe you, or Freud you?” Ready to put her therapist cap on Gina brushes her hair over one shoulder and sat up a bit straighter. “We can step into our office,” she smirked, obviously meaning his office of course where there's privacy should Matthias be inclined to share. “Or we can stay out here,” she suggested, considering the slow night and lack of the usual crowd. “Has it been like this since the Retreat?” Gina smoothly spun around on her stool. With the back to the bar now, she propped her elbows up on the counter while letting her gaze scan those in attendance. 
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ginasplan · 3 years
Yasmin couldn’t deny that she wasn’t wrong. With all the stress lately they could use some time off, granted that stress wasn’t likely to fade any time soon no matter what the verdict turned out to be. Taking a drink from her glass she let out a soothing breath willing a sort of calm to wash over her, atleast the best it could. Chuckling at Gina’s response she nodded, “Oh I wouldn’t be surprised. Especially to get out of me calling Pops all night just to annoy him” She knew on some level why, but it would always be her name for him. She really couldn’t see calling him anything else. Her head tilted back to the woman at her question and nodded softly. “I have, she’s resigned and not looking well. She made me promise to look after you and Max and make sure he never loves again. I know things are bleak but I hate to see her give up…especially when this all seems too..for lack of a better word, easy. Like she was wrapped up in neat little bow for the council”
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“It’s entertaining,” Gina paused to sip on the champagne. It’s not satisfying like blood, but it tastes delightful. “You would think that as the years go by he’d embrace it,” but nope, that’s certainly not the case. Gina is definitely not complaining about it because Matthias’ reaction never fails to disappoint her, even after all these years. As Yasmin begins to share about Serena, she polishes off the rest of champagne and gently sets the flute onto the highboy cocktail table. “What? Keeping Max from not falling in love again.” Gina picked out the most trivial part of what Yasmin said to tackle first. “That’s certainly a hefty task, but it does sound like something Serena would request though,” giving Yasmin a near impossible task. “Thankfully, as long as I have anything to say, it’s not going to come to that,” she spoke confidently. “Knowing that you believe in her innocence is comforting.” Although she wished that she could share more with those closest to her, now wasn’t the time, yet. “To us it seems easy, but finding out the truth has been very challenging,” she sighed. “It’s also not helping that the riot energy has followed us home,” Gina rolled her eyes. “There’s pressure from all wronged for The Council to come to a swift judgement.” There’s no way that she’s going to let anything happen to her sister.   
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ginasplan · 3 years
The day was nearly over, and Cecilia certainly felt it. The opening weekend had been a success and she was so pleased with that. She was thinking of the bottle of wine she would open when she got home when she suddenly heard her name. Turning towards the voice, she smiled politely but couldn’t place the woman who seemed to know her. “Yes, that would be me,” she answered as anyone left in the gallery was headed out. She looked the woman over, a feeling of familiarity clawing at the very depths of her memory. Had she met this woman long ago? She couldn’t place her for sure. “I’m sorry, have we met before?” she wondered, although looking into the woman’s eyes, and hearing her voice, she knew she had to have known the other at some time. “I’m afraid my memory isn’t all that great,” she laughed to try and prevent herself from seeming rude. 
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Gina was still wrapping her mind around the fact that this is the woman she rescued centuries ago. She’s so relieved that their paths have crossed after all this time, and clearly she has been thriving. It’s the best news she’s had since the disastrous Summer Retreat. "Sort of…we didn’t get a chance to meet officially,” she admitted with a sad smile. It broke her heart upon returning and finding the woman gone without a trace. Gina tried to search, but her time in that town was short lived for numerous reasons. “I saved your life,” if being damned to this existence could be considered life saving. In Cecilia’s case, Gina hoped this was a good thing, because she didn't believe that the woman deserves to have her life cut short like that, and especially by controlling and greedy men. Their titles as father and husband didn’t matter. “You were shot by your husband that night, but you left by the time I returned to help you through your transformation.”
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ginasplan · 3 years
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ginasplan · 3 years
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Melisa Aslı Pamuk as Asu on Kara Sevda 1.11
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ginasplan · 3 years
who: @ginasplan where: the sinner
The night was slow, slower than Matthias had seen in a while. Usually The Sinner was thrumming with activity. There was probably something to be said about the lull in activity, Matthias thought, given the events that had followed the Hunter Games, but that line of thinking required more energy than Matthias was ready to exert. If the lull remained in a few weeks time, he’d re-examine it. With little else to do, Matthias ran a finger along the edge of the glass he held. Quiet nights left more time for introspective thoughts. There was a slight pause before he spoke quietly. “We’ve lived hundreds of lives and taken hundreds more. Have you ever wished that you’d died as a human instead?” 
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“Yes,” she responded without a second thought. “Being a Witch was so important to me, I lived for the connection to nature, learning spells, testing the limits of my abilities,” then it all got ripped away from her. “I never thought I would love anything more than being a Witch, but then we found out I was pregnant, and then becoming a mother took the spotlight.” Even centuries later these memories always felt as fresh as the day they happened. “I was so excited,” she smiled softly before casually crossing her arms over her chest. “In the midst of the chaos going on with Aalina, there was finally this bright spot for Marco and I, a silver lining or whatever you want to call it.” Unfortunately that blessing never came Gina’s way. “I would have rather lived a charmed life with Marco and have lots of kids,” she mused, letting her mind wander. In a way she has a family larger than she could have ever wished for with the Clan. Gina considered herself very motherly towards her members, as if they were her flesh and blood. Their pain was her pain, their stress, hers as well and she would do whatever it takes to keep them all safe. 
“I hated what she turned me into.” A younger Gina despised the creatures that her sister created, and when she became one, the self-loathing was overwhelming. Vampires are damned creatures; cursed to an immortal life which most times felt as though they were living in their own personal hell. “It took a long time before I even embraced eternal life.” A cure was something she looked into, and even a way to reverse Aalina’s initial spell, but with the loss of her magic there was no use. “What about you?” Now that she finally managed to stop talking his ear off, Gina wanted to hear his thoughts.  
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ginasplan · 3 years
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ginasplan · 3 years
Logan just wanted this all to be put to rest so they could adjust to all the changes once more, but given the chaos around them it didn’t seem like that would be an option any time soon. Especially with Gina’s younger sister being in review for both Nadia and Ophelia’s deaths. They’d reviewed the footage per Gina’s request so many times that the actual footage was burned into her mind, she watched over and over Ophelia and Nadia’s deaths. They were haunting images that served as a reminder to all of them. 
“I understand Gina, but this isn’t exactly some small case here and there’s video evidence, which is a lot more than we get some times.” She countered. At Gina’s words Logan shrugged, she didn’t know what she’d do if it was Lorelai who had went on a ripper binge; her loyalties would always fall to her siblings above all else. “It’s tough when it’s a sibling. I can’t even imagine what it’s like for you right now, but Gina we’ve all seen the video. Can you honestly say that isn’t Serena? I mean she’s even said she doesn’t remember and she was covered in blood. I guess I just don’t understand at this point how if all signs are leading to her, that it’s not her.” 
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“Can we not do this here,” she challenged. Gina refused to answer anymore of her questions, especially at a funeral where all eyes were on them. “I indulged you when you first approached me, but this is neither the time nor the place for a discussion of this nature.” The only reason she needed to shut this down was that none of the answers she could give Logan would make any sense unless she revealed the truth about Aalina. “All I’m asking for is time to provide another angle to the situation, okay. Everything is not as it seems.” That’s all she was going to say on the matter. “Now, is there anything else you need from me that’s not Serena related, or can I be on my way?”
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